The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 744 The primordial spirit wakes up 6

Chapter 744 The primordial spirit wakes up 6
Although Tianhou's child's primordial spirit has almost no energy, it still has a certain impact on the body. If you want Di Hao's primordial spirit to fully integrate with it, then you must first use the child's original primordial spirit. All the energy carried was cleared, and then Emperor Hao Yuanshen was asked to fuse with it.

This effort took three days.

When the event was accomplished, Yu Xi also collapsed on the ground for a while.

Seeing this, Hua Xu stepped forward to support Yuxi, and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"

Yu Xi shook his head with a pale face, and said to Hua Xu: "Don't worry, it's just too much consumption all at once, it's just that you can't slow down for a while, just take a rest and you'll be fine."

Hearing this, Hua Xu felt relieved and lost some spiritual power to Yu Xi. After Yu Xi's complexion improved a bit, Hua Xu slowly walked to Tianhou's side. With luck and spiritual power, he visited Tan Tianhou. The condition of the unborn child.

But Di Hao's primordial spirit was already soundly asleep in the spiritual sea of ​​Tianhou's child, looking very peaceful.

After sitting on the same spot for a while, it was considered a temporary change, Yuxi got up and said softly: "I'm going out."

"Well, okay, you go and rest first, I'll go back to the demon world first, and if the child is about to be born, you can call me again." Hua Xu also said.

"Okay." Yu Xi nodded in response.

As soon as the words fell, Hua Xu disappeared from Tianhou's bedroom.

After Yu Xi opened the door, he saw the Emperor of Heaven and other former gods of medicine and palace servants waiting outside the sleeping hall. Judging by the appearance of the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven must have not rested for three days and three nights, and had been standing in front of the Queen of Heaven. Yuxi was waiting outside the dormitory.

Seeing that the door that had been closed for three days was finally opened, the Heavenly Emperor immediately asked, "My lord, what about the Empress? What about the child?"

Yu Xi raised a smile and said, "Both mother and child are fine, but Tianhou will give birth in three months, so I still have to come over, otherwise, Tianhou may not be able to bear it."

"Okay, okay, I'll make arrangements right away." The Emperor of Heaven said happily, the Queen of Heaven's cultivation is not too big, but if even the Queen of Heaven can't bear the energy of this child, then how much energy must this child have? ?

When he was in the womb, the energy was already so great, so the child's future achievements...

Thinking of this, the Heavenly Emperor felt that he could wake up with a smile even if he fell asleep.

Then, noticing Yu Xi's pale face, he immediately said: "There are still three months left, why don't the Lord live in the Heavenly Palace and cultivate well?"

Yu Xi thought about it, but nodded in agreement.

This time, the consumption of her was indeed not small, three months is not a long time, instead of running back and forth, it is better to cultivate in Tiangong for three months, after three months, it will be a critical time.

"I'll send people to prepare immediately." The Emperor of Heaven said immediately, and then personally sent Yuxi to her palace.

The Emperor of Heaven did not dare to be ambiguous, the palace prepared for Yuxi was second only to the palace where the empress lived, and even more elegant than the palace where the empress lived.

Yuxi is still satisfied with this.

After the Emperor of Heaven left, on the one hand, he was enjoying the joy of having a powerful son in the future, and on the other hand, he was angry that the woman in the harem was so vicious that she wanted to kill the Queen of Heaven.

If it is not for the help of the Lord this time, I am afraid that he will regret it for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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