Chapter 746 Naming 2
"The Emperor of Heaven should take good care of him, this deity, and left." Yu Xi said calmly.

"My lord, how about hugging Hao'er?" After a moment of hesitation, the Heavenly Emperor said to Yuxi.

"It's disrespectful." Yu Xi said with a smile, and then took the little Di Hao from the hand of the Emperor of Heaven and hugged him in his arms.

Little Di Hao seemed to know that someone else was holding him, and opened his mouth to cry, but then, as if he felt Yu Xi's breath, not only did he not cry, but he opened his eyes wide and looked straight at him. Yuxi.

With such clear eyes and such familiar eyes, Yu Xi could hardly bear it all at once.

"Little Dihao, you need to grow up quickly." Yu Xi quickly calmed down and said to Xiao Dihao with a smile.Little Di Hao blinked at Yu Xi, as if responding to Yu Xi's words.

Not holding him for a long time, Yu Xi put Di Hao back into the arms of the Emperor of Heaven, and said with a light smile, "Please take care of him, the future of this child is immeasurable."

Hearing this, the Heavenly Emperor was naturally delighted, and thanked him again and again.

In the next tens of thousands of years, the lord Yu Xi never appeared in front of everyone in the God Realm, as if the rescue of Xiao Di Hao was just a matter of convenience, as she herself said, Just because of God of Creation.

This made the Heavenly Emperor and the Empress feel at ease.

Although they also knew that they had nothing worthy of the Lord's concern, but such a great kindness at the beginning cannot be offset by one or two words of thanks.

Even if it is a name, in the eyes of everyone, it is not a way of repaying a favor, and it can even be regarded as another kind of gift.

Little Di Hao kept using his own strength to prove Yu Xi's affirmation of Di Hao to everyone in the God Realm, and he also used his own strength to secure his position as the Prince of the God Realm.

Also because of the extraordinary performance of Crown Prince Di Hao, some courtiers asked the Emperor of Heaven to choose more concubines in the harem at the beginning, but after seeing the skills of Crown Prince Di Hao, they all fell silent and did not dare to say anything more.

Whether it's cultivation or government, Crown Prince Di Hao has never disappointed anyone.

In the year since the crown prince Di Hao was [-] years old, it was already difficult to find a match in the God Realm for his strength.

On the [-]-year-old birthday, under the instruction of the Emperor of Heaven, people from the six realms were invited to attend, and the birthday banquet of Prince Di Hao was very lively.

However, some people from Tiangong found that His Royal Highness didn't seem to have much interest in this grand birthday banquet, and didn't feel much joy. His expression was always indifferent, and he often stared at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

But the palace people didn't dare to say anything more, His Highness the Crown Prince's temperament has always been as indifferent as water, and it seems that there is never anything that can affect His Highness the Crown Prince's mood.

As far as Prince Dihao was concerned, he always felt that there was something missing in him, which made him feel empty in his heart, but he seemed unable to remember.

In the depths of his memory, there is a faint look, and that familiar yet unfamiliar aura. He has been looking for this look and this aura, but, for 10 years, no matter how many people he has seen, I can't find that look either.

According to what the father said, back then, it was the Lord who rescued him, so that he could be born in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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