Chapter 749 Naming 5
However, only he himself knew that his heart, which had been as indifferent as water for so many years, seemed to finally be beating today.In fact, it was not today. Since he knew that the Lord Yu Xi would come, he was a little more looking forward and eager, hoping that his birthday would come soon.

"His Royal Highness, it's time. Would you like to have breakfast first, or go to greet His Majesty or Auntie first?" A soft voice came from behind Crown Prince Di Hao.

It's Qiuwen.

Qiuwen is his cousin. 5 years ago, Qiuwen's father accidentally died when he was trying to recover the two beasts. Qiuwen's mother, who is Tianhou's younger sister, couldn't accept her lover's departure. , also followed a sacrifice of love, and before he died, he handed over his woman to the Queen of Heaven to be raised.

Because of the blood relationship, and because of Qiuwen's temperament, she is very fond of Tianhou. Tianhou likes Qiuwen very much, and has given birth to many times and wants to betroth Qiuwen to Dihao, as Dihao's concubine, but , but was unexpectedly rejected by Di Hao.

Seeing that Di Hao's attitude is so firm, Tian Hou can't force it, so she can only ask Qiu Wen to spend more time with Di Hao before discussing this matter.

"Greetings to Father, Queen Mother." Di Hao's voice turned cold, and then he said, "You don't need to follow."

He didn't really hate Qiuwen, but he just didn't like her approaching.

"Your Highness is filial and going to pay his respects to His Majesty and Auntie. Naturally, I am going too. This is not to follow His Highness." Qiu Wen said with a bright smile.

Di Hao frowned slightly at Qiu Wen's words, but in the end, he didn't say much, and it was impossible for him to throw Qiu Wen out of the Heavenly Palace.

Tian Hou looked at Qiu Wen and Di Hao who came together, and she was extremely happy in her heart.

What she has always been thinking about is that these two children can be made into a pair, and then give her a grandson as soon as possible, then her life will be perfect.

From the beginning to the end, Di Hao's expression was indifferent. Although Tianhou didn't like it very much, it has been like this for so many years, and Tianhou is used to it, but she couldn't help but say: "Hao'er, look at today. It's your [-]-year-old birthday, no matter what, you should smile more."

"My son knows." Di Hao replied calmly, but the indifferent expression on his face did not change much, it was still the same.

Tianhou looked at it and only sighed helplessly.

On the other hand, Qiu Wen said with a smile, "Auntie, the prince's cousin is actually not bad."

"Not bad?" Tianhou felt very novel about Qiu Wen's words, "Hao'er is so stern all the time, when will I be able to hold my grandson?"

Saying this, Tianhou's eyes deliberately wandered between Dihao and Qiuwen several times.

A faint blush appeared on Qiuwen's face, and with a bit of shyness, she said to the Queen of Heaven: "The prince's cousin is like this, once he meets the woman he loves, he will treat her wholeheartedly, just like your majesty. As good as an aunt."

This remark made Tianhou very happy to hear it.

Since 10 years ago, she risked her life to give birth to Prince Di Hao, the Emperor of Heaven has treated her really well, and she is the only one after all the six palaces are gone.

The Emperor of Heaven also looked at the Queen of Heaven with a smile on his face, and then deliberately put on a stern face: "Is there such a thing as Hao'er who keeps a straight face all day long?"

(End of this chapter)

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