Chapter 756 Exactly the same 6
"Yehuang, but what happened?" Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the Heavenly Emperor asked bravely.

He suddenly regretted sending the invitation to the Demon Realm, and it was time to give it to Ye. However, the invitation was only sent symbolically. Normally, the Demon Emperor would also come to such a birthday banquet. Knowing what happened to the Demon Emperor, he suddenly agreed to participate.

"It's nothing, just expressing my gratitude for the extraordinary talent of His Highness the Crown Prince." Ye Dandan said.

"That's thanks to Ye Huang." The Heavenly Emperor said with a smile.

After the ceremony was over, Di Hao also took his seat.

Ye looked like nothing on the surface, but the wine glass in his hand had already turned into powder.

It turned out to be him, it turned out to be him!
The Yizhu has worked so hard for so many years, but it is for this man!

The anger almost burned up Ye's sanity!

For so many years in the past, he knew that Yuxi had been nurturing a primordial spirit. At that time, he had been jealous, but also because it was only a primordial spirit, whether this primordial spirit could wake up in the end was still a matter of a question. It's unknown, so even if there is jealousy in her heart, Ye can control herself well.

However, one day, the primordial spirit who had been nourished by the Yizhu suddenly became a big living person, standing in front of him, still so excellent, this made him have to pay attention and get angry.

When Ye's sanity was about to be burned by jealousy and anger, a communication sound outside the main hall temporarily extinguished Ye's anger by a little bit.

"Honorable Lord to—"

Those three short words caused the hall to fall into a moment of silence. After Yuxi walked in slowly, everyone greeted Yuxi one after another.

"See the lord." This is the most pious visit. In the whole hall, no one was left behind. Even the emperor and queen of heaven all paid respects to Yuxi.

With a faint smile on Yuxi's face, he said softly, "You don't need to be too polite."

Hearing Yuxi's soft words, everyone present couldn't help being very surprised.

They still know more or less about the deeds of the Lord. They all know a thing or two about how the Lord worked together with the Creator God to conquer the world and create this world.

Especially the lord, I heard that the lord represents darkness, and then created the demon world single-handedly.

Based on the simple and rude behavior of the people in the demon world, they once thought that the lord Yuxi was also advertising as a very rough woman, or whether he was a woman was yet to be determined.

However, they never expected that the lord Yuxi would have such a sweet voice. When they looked up and saw Yuxi's face, everyone felt that their worldview had been severely refreshed.

Now if it is still said that the Lord is the biggest female devil, they can't put these three characters on the Lord Yuxi no matter what.

If you ask them, Zunzhu Yuxi is more like a goddess than any other goddess.

Seeing that everyone was staring at Yuxi in such a dumbfounded manner, the two people present said at the same time in displeasure, "Should everyone take back their eyeballs?"

Indifferent words, containing the threat of killing.

And the two people who spoke, after they finished speaking, glanced at each other in unison.

Then, one after another, they saw chills in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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