The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 758 The Birthday Gift 2

Chapter 758 The Birthday Gift 2
Yu Xi's expression was calm, and he didn't mean to blame, he said in a low voice: "It's okay, I came here in a hurry this time, although I have prepared a gift, but I just don't know if His Highness the Crown Prince will like it."

"For Di Hao, the Lord's coming is already the greatest gift, and I don't ask for anything else." As soon as Yu Xi finished speaking, Di Hao said immediately.

With a faint smile on Yu Xi's face, he said lightly, "This is a birthday gift I prepared for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

As Yuxi's voice fell, Yuxi flicked his sleeves lightly, and a set of armor was wrapped in a lavender light, floating in midair.

When Qiu Wen saw the armor for the first time, a look of disdain flashed across her eyes. Is this still a woman?To give such an armor as a gift, and this armor still looks so ugly.

However, when everyone saw the armor, their expressions were completely opposite to Qiu Wen's disdain. Not only did no one feel disdainful, but they all expressed great surprise. Immediately took the armor home and hid the treasure well.

The armor prepared by the Lord is indeed unique, and the materials used are extremely rare in this world.

That Zixuan fine wood, I am afraid that I can only find one Zixuan fine tree in the whole world. Although it is wood, it is the most spiritual wood, the hardest, but also the softest. Seeing the contradiction attributes, but really exist on the same kind of wood.

Zixuan Jingmu is most suitable as a defensive weapon. It is a thin layer. If a god of the level of the Emperor of Heaven slaps it with all his strength, it will not cause much damage to Zixuan Jingmu. At most, at most it will be cracked. So a small piece.

Looking at the Six Realms, I am afraid that only the Emperor of the Six Realms can have such a little bit of Zixuan Jingmu, and the largest one is only the size of your palm.

Just because of another precious thing about Zixuan Jingmu, it is that there is no Zixuan Jingshu anymore.

However, the entire piece of armor in front of him is made of Zixuan refined wood. It is afraid that such a large amount of Zixuan refined wood cannot be obtained even after searching all over the six worlds.

Naturally, Zixuan fine wood is only a small part of it, and there are other exquisite parts, and the rarity of all materials.

For example, there are only two sea sacrifice crystals in the world, and they have long since disappeared, or the horn bones of ancient fierce beasts, and...

Facing the armor in front of them, everyone could no longer express their excitement in words.

This piece of armor, taking off a small corner at random, is enough to make them excited and happy.

The value of this entire piece of armor is immeasurable!
As for Qiu Wen, who provoked this incident, her complexion was already darkened, but everyone's eyes were already attracted by the armor Yu Xi gave, but no one noticed Qiu Wen's complexion.

She wanted to satirize a country bumpkin who had never seen the world, her father was a general, and she had never seen many good armors, and there were many better armors than this broken one.

However, when he saw the expression of the Emperor of Heaven, he swallowed this thought abruptly back to his stomach.

Even the Heavenly Emperor, who has seen many things in the world, was shocked when he saw this piece of armor presented by Yuxi.

"My lord, this... this..." The emperor was so excited that he couldn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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