The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 764 Borrowing for 2 Years 2

Chapter 764 Borrowing for 2000 Years 2
Then, he sighed: "The time when the Creator God emerged was too early. We only know that when he emerged, the world had just stabilized. Before it stabilized, who would have nothing to do to record the things about the Creator God.

However, if you want to understand Chuangshishen, I do know that there is a person in this world who knows Chuangshishen very well. "Then, the God of Light added a sentence pretending to be mysterious.

However, Di Hao saw clearly the tricks of the God of Light, and gave the God of Light a blank look: "Boring."

Needless to say, I also know who the God of Light is talking about, and it must be the Lord Yuxi.

"Hey, I haven't said who it is yet, why are you so sure that the person you guessed is the one I mentioned?" After finishing speaking, the God of Light said to Di Hao with a look that had seen everything through: "You But don’t think that the Lord gave you such a gift, so you think that what I’m talking about must be the Lord.”

"Then who do you want to talk about?" Di Hao asked angrily.

"Demon Emperor." The God of Light said to Di Hao.

"Demon Emperor?" Di Hao thought for a while, and found that he didn't seem to know much about this Demon Emperor.

The Demon Emperor is the same as the Demon Realm. He does not have a strong sense of presence. In the past, the Demon Emperor was invited to many large-scale occasions. However, the Demon Emperor refused every time. On weekdays, there will be no major events in the Demon Realm.

Therefore, the presence of the Demon Emperor is really not high.

Perhaps, he was the agent of the Demon Emperor for 20 years. However, during those 20 years, the development of the Demon World can only be said to be quite satisfactory. Therefore, the Demon Emperor Hua Xu is really like a transparent person.

"Although the demon emperor doesn't do much jumping on weekdays, it's because he has seen through the world, and the people outside are all juniors, so he doesn't like jumping. However, he is an authentic ancient demon god. The Venerable Lord is not much younger than him, so if you want to learn about the God of Creation, you should go to the Demon Emperor."

While talking, Guangming God suddenly looked at Di Hao with a touch of scrutiny, and asked Di Hao: "No, that kid, why did you suddenly care about and be so curious about the God of Creation? Could it be that you detest this idea?" This piece of armor was worn by the Chuangshi God, and then, I want to know if there is anything wrong with the Chuangshi God?"

As soon as the God of Light finished speaking, Di Hao directly slapped the God of Light with his palm.

Di Hao's suddenness caused the God of Light to fail to react for a while. Although, after reacting, he did not make Di Hao fan out very far. He had just fanned to the door, but just as he was about to step in and scold Di Hao. Suddenly, the door in front of him was closed quickly, almost pinching the nose of the God of Light.

When the God of Light was still about to speak, the candlelight in the room suddenly went out, clearly telling the God of Light that he, Di Hao, had already gone to bed, so don't bother him any more.

This was so angry that the God of Light was itching his teeth, "Well, you brat, you'd better pray that you don't ask me for help in the future, otherwise? Hmph!"

After saying such a sentence, the God of Light left with a stomach full of anger.

The next morning, when Tianhou and Tiandi woke up, they saw a piece of paper on the table beside them. After Tiandi unfolded the paper, he looked at it. After reading it, his face was full of doubts.

The Heavenly Emperor's reaction made the Queen of Heaven very curious: "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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