Chapter 777 Matching 3
"Haven't you read the scriptures of the human world? Some women, the older they get, the more they need to find young men to accompany them, so that they will appear as if they haven't aged yet." The Queen of Heaven did not give up. Said.

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it is." The Heavenly Emperor said with a bit of anger, and after finishing speaking, the Heavenly Emperor simply got up.

Tian Hou looked at the sky outside and asked worriedly: "It's already so late, where is Your Majesty going?"

"I'm going back to the Book Hall." The Emperor of Heaven said coldly, he didn't know how many times he had explained to the Queen of Heaven, but the Queen of Heaven just thought that there was something wrong with Di Hao and the Lord.

Slandering the Lord will not only cause Di Hao to lose such a good opportunity, but if he is not careful, he will be punished by the heavens. Why doesn't this woman have any brains?

If he said it once or twice, he could still understand that as a mother, it was a very normal thing, but if he was talking about it all day long, even a saint would find it very annoying.

"Your Majesty!" The Queen of Heaven called out desolately, but she couldn't tell the Emperor of Heaven to turn around or stop.

After the Emperor of Heaven left, the Queen of Heaven who was so angry threw the pillow beside her to the ground.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, if you get angry, it will be bad." An Ye, the queen's personal maid, softly persuaded the queen.

"An Ye, do you think there is something going on between Hao'er and the Lord?" The Empress asked An Ye.

"Your Majesty, how could the slaves know about the matter between the Lord and His Highness the Crown Prince? If your Majesty is really worried, why not ask His Highness the Crown Prince directly?" An Ye suggested to the Empress.

In fact, she wanted to tell Tian Hou to relax, let go, and stop interfering so much with His Highness the Crown Prince's affairs. His Highness already has his own ideas, and he is a stubborn person. The people in the center, these two people bang together, can they still talk properly?
If Tianhou is willing to be a little softer and support Dihao's decision a little more, maybe Dihao can still listen to her words.

However, it is obvious that Tian Hou is impossible, and she is not willing to let her go like this.

"You're right, I should go directly to ask Hao'er." The Queen of Heaven agreed with An Ye's suggestion, but then her face changed: "No, if I go to Hao'er at this time, I must It will make Haoer unhappy."

Hearing Tianhou's words, An Ye breathed a sigh of relief, Tianhou Empress, you finally know that even if you go to find His Royal Highness in person, you will only make His Royal Highness unhappy, so let's just give up and be good Live your life.

However, what Tianhou said next shocked An Ye extremely.

"No, I can't go to Hao'er, I should ask the Lord directly, as long as the Lord doesn't have that kind of thought for Hao'er, then I can feel at ease." Tianhou said firmly.

Yes, you should ask the Lord. After all, the right to make the decision now is actually in the hands of the Lord. As long as the Lord directly makes it clear that it doesn't mean anything to Di Hao, then even if it is Di Hao who wants to stalk him , that is also useless.

"Your Majesty, are you going to see the Lord?" An Ye tried to ask, biting the bullet.

"How is it possible?" Tianhou immediately vetoed without even thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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