Chapter 780 Matching 6
She doesn't want her son to marry a woman who can only be offered, and whose status is more noble than her, as her daughter-in-law. Will it offend the Lord, will it make the Lord unhappy, even if it is something, I dare not ask the Lord to do it.

She doesn't know whether the Lord is comfortable with this kind of relationship, but she knows that she must be the one who is aggrieved, and what she needs is a daughter-in-law who is easy to control.

"No, I strongly disagree with this matter." Tianhou said firmly.

"Mother, it's the son and minister who gets married, not the mother. If the mother has that kind of leisure, it's better to worry about the father." Di Hao said in a cold voice.

Then, ignoring Tianhou's expression and reaction, he left straight away, even though Tianhou kept calling him behind him, Di Hao didn't pay attention to Tianhou at all.

Qiu Wen soon found out about Tianhou's bedroom.

Hearing this, Qiuwen endured the anger and jealousy in her heart, and said coldly: "You did a good job this time, remember, if anything happens in the empress's palace, remember to tell me in time."

"Yes, thank you, Miss Qiu." The maid bowed her knees, and after receiving the reward, she quickly returned to the Queen's bedroom.

After the maid left, Qiuwen's close maid stepped forward and asked Qiuwen, "Miss, what should I do?"

Qiuwen was very depressed, and didn't know what to do for a while, "You tell me, what should I do?!"

At the same time, without any hassle, he threw the teacup next to him directly to the ground, and the precious teacup instantly broke into pieces.

The personal maid immediately lowered her head when she heard the words.

After Qiuwen vented, she calmed down a bit, and her face became a bit more serious: "Tell me, what should I do now?"

"Returning to the young lady, the meaning of the servant girl, the empress will definitely not agree to the marriage between the crown prince and the lord, so, on the empress's side, the lady only needs to be steady, and must not make the queen of heaven change her mind." The maid said slowly. Said slowly.

"Go ahead." Listening to the palace maid's words, Qiu Wen felt that there was some truth in it, and her tone could not help but slow down a bit.

"My empress does not agree, but it does not have much influence on His Royal Highness. In the end, the most important thing is your majesty. If your majesty agrees, then even if my empress disagrees, there is nothing I can do about it." The maid continued.

"Okay, I probably know how to do it." Qiu Wen said in a low voice, with a bit of cruelty in her eyes.

The palace maid only smiled when she heard the words.

Qiuwen's eyes were a bit cruel.

Before, the Heavenly Emperor had always been in favor of the relationship between the prince and the lord. It was nothing more than that the prince could get cheap from the lord?In the end, it benefited from the God Realm, and it was also because he knew that the Lord could not covet the God Realm and would not threaten his position as the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, the Emperor of Heaven could safely ask the prince to get along with the Lord.

But what if the relationship between the Lord and the prince is purposeful?Furthermore, the Lord wants to control His Highness the Crown Prince, and then control the entire God Realm, and even the Six Realms. Then, will the Emperor of Heaven still let His Highness the Crown Prince continue to communicate with the Lord?
(End of this chapter)

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