Chapter 782 A Little Tired 2
However, my appearance will always make the Heavenly Emperor feel a sense of crisis. "Finally, Yu Xi looked at Di Hao and said calmly.

Hearing this, Di Hao fell silent.

Yes, he is very clear that Yuxi really has no interest in the throne of the God Realm, nor does he have that desire, nor does he have such a big ambition to become the Emperor of the God Realm.

However, the Emperor of Heaven didn't think that way. The reason why he didn't show anything now was because Yuxi's stay in the God Realm was relatively short, and it was also because the current Yuxi was able to teach his son and make his son respectful. Lord Yuxi learned many skills, and was able to obtain many good things from ancient times from the Lord.

But once someone mentions this matter to the Emperor of Heaven, as long as the Emperor of Heaven has the slightest suspicion, then the seed of doubt will quickly take root and sprout, and quickly grow into a towering tree.

Realizing this, Di Hao's heart sank a little. If this was the case, the relationship between him and Yu Xi would be very difficult.

"That's why I've been trying to improve your cultivation." Yu Xi said with a smile, and then, looking at Di Hao, said calmly: "In front of absolute strength, no one dares to say 'no '."

If it is the Creator God Di Hao who has to face these things now, instead of the Crown Prince Di Hao, then even the Emperor of Heaven cannot say "no".

In fact, now, if she persisted, no one would dare to say anything, even if she said something behind her back, it would not affect the final result.

However, the current Emperor Hao is still weaker, and there are more things to worry about.

She no longer cares about these external things, but the current Emperor Hao, I am afraid that he has not been able to do it for a while.

Di Hao trembled when he heard the words.

In the face of absolute strength, no one dares to say "no"!
This sentence had a profound impact on Di Hao, which also directly led to Di Hao's next training, and he was even more ruthless to himself.

The days of Di Hao's training in Jian Gong passed by very quickly, and decades passed by quietly.

In the court hall of the God Realm, some gossip gradually increased.

The emperor's temper is getting worse day by day, especially seeing the court where Di Hao's absence has become commonplace, the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart are getting worse and worse.

After finally returning to the bedroom, and being nagged by the Queen of Heaven, she always wanted to match up with Di Hao and Qiu Wen, and always held the greatest hostility towards the lord Yu Xi.

Even though, even now, he is somewhat dissatisfied with the relationship between Di Hao and the Lord, but what can he say?
That person, after all, is the Lord, not an ordinary woman.

Finally, one day, the Emperor of Heaven couldn't bear it anymore, and after he came down from court, he said to Emperor Hao: "You are in Jian Palace, and the Lord has taught you so much. I am both the Emperor of Heaven and your father. I should thank the lord well, if not tonight, you bring the lord back for dinner, I ordered people to prepare well."

Hearing the words of the Emperor of Heaven, Di Hao only looked at the Emperor of Heaven indifferently, but for a few moments, the Emperor of Heaven did not dare to meet Di Hao's eyes.

It has to be said that in the past few decades, Di Hao has made rapid progress, which is seen by everyone. While he is proud, he is also worried that Di Hao will no longer be under his control.

(End of this chapter)

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