Chapter 792 Marriage 6
"Di Hao..." Taking advantage of this momentum, Qiu Wen didn't care about the so-called propriety, justice and shame. She only knew that if she missed this opportunity, then, in the future, she might never be able to climb into the bed of God Hao again. .

Except for Yuxi, no woman would call her like that. Although he knew that the person in front of him was not Yuxi, but because of the effect of the medicine, and because Qiuwen was now covered with Yuxi's face, she was called Di Hao was stunned for a moment.

Qiu Wen was stunned for a moment when she saw Di Hao, she moved her hands very quickly, summoned her spiritual power, and quickly brought Di Hao, whose spiritual power was almost useless, to the big bed in the study.

Qiu Wen's speed is extremely fast, from the desk in the study to the big bed, it is only an instant of time, when Di Hao reacted, he was already lying on the bed with Qiu Wen, and Qiu Wen's thin layer of veil , and she has already faded most of it, revealing that proud figure.

Di Hao's consciousness was almost completely taken away by the medicine, and the little will left forced Di Hao to keep trying to keep himself awake. The pain caused by the nails penetrating into the flesh had no effect on the awakening of consciousness. .

The external pain can't stimulate him, so Di Hao simply wants to stimulate himself by destroying his tendons, so as to stay awake.

When the first tendon was forcibly severed, the pain was so great that even Di Hao couldn't help but gasped. This also successfully recalled a lot of consciousness, and the spiritual power was still unusable, so Di Hao simply used it. With the most original strength, Qiu Wen was kicked away with one kick.

Di Hao, who was in pain, just wanted to vent the pain from the tendons in another way.

Even though this kick didn't have any spiritual power, it used almost all of Di Hao's strength.

When she kicked down, Qiuwen also changed her face in pain, but no matter how painful it was, it was just physical pain. In order to be able to see the purpose this time, Qiuwen endured the pain from her body, and she must fight with the emperor. Hao Huanhe succeeded.

Seeing that Qiu Wen dared to do this, Di Hao was very angry, but the sharp pain stimulated his clear consciousness, and he couldn't keep it for a long time.

Di Hao's face turned colder and colder.

She is really his good mother!Such a strong medicinal effect must have been specially developed for him!

Just when Di Hao was about to cut off his second tendon to stimulate his consciousness, a strong gust of wind directly slapped Qiu Wen out.

The palm wind was so fierce and sudden that Qiuwen didn't have any time to react, but even if she reacted, she had no ability to fight back.

Seeing Di Hao's bloody wrist, the temperature of Yu Xi's whole body immediately dropped to the lowest.

This fool actually cut off one of his most important tendons. Doesn't he know that if this is not treated in time, then he is likely to be useless!

The purple-black light instantly enveloped Di Hao's injured wrist.

With the rapid recovery of the tendons, the pain is also disappearing rapidly. With the disappearance of the pain, Di Hao's little clear consciousness is also rapidly becoming blurred again.

Losing consciousness, but knowing that the person in front of him is his beloved, Di Hao no longer has the idea of ​​self-harm, and only wants to fulfill this beauty.

Qiu Wen, who was seriously injured on the ground, saw what was wrong with Di Hao, and hurriedly shouted: "You can't! The only way to relieve the medicine on his body is through me! Even if others have fun with him! It will only make him more painful... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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