Chapter 807

"Because, this god has the ability to create and regenerate." Di Hao said coldly.

"You..." Tiandi looked at Di Hao in front of him, and suddenly felt that he was both familiar and unfamiliar.

What is familiar is his face, what is unfamiliar is Di Hao's aura around him, and the ability to create and regenerate. When did Di Hao possess this ability?
Di Hao had some patience to help answer the doubts of the Emperor of Heaven: "This god is the God of Creation, Di Hao."

Hearing the words "Creation God", the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven froze in place immediately.

What did he just say?He said he was actually the God of Creation?

The Heavenly Emperor suddenly recalled the strange celestial phenomena not long ago that hadn't dissipated yet.

That celestial phenomenon represents the return of the creator god and the lord.

So, the person standing below is really the God of Creation?
At this time, Yu Xi obviously lost the patience to continue explaining, so he asked Di Hao to send the child to the Emperor of Heaven, and then left the Heavenly Palace.

It wasn't until Yu Xi and Di Hao had been away for a while that the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Heaven hadn't been able to react to what was going on.

Naturally, what the Emperor and Empress of Heaven thinks now is no longer something that Di Hao and Yu Xi worry about.

When he returned to the human world, another month passed.

When Di Hao knew that the human world hadn't changed much from three months ago, he took a cool look at Tianye. Is this the result of Tianye taking care of the human world temporarily?
"You can't blame me, you should also know that what I hate the most by nature is meddling this and that." Tian Ye said innocently.

"Call Yiqing, Yi'an, and Fengfeng to come here." Ignoring Tian Ye's innocence, Di Hao ordered in a cold voice.

Now that they have decided to have a big wedding in the human world, the messy human world must first be reorganized before the big wedding.

Tian Ye subconsciously went to call those three people over, but after walking the normal way, Tian Ye suddenly froze in place, why did he obey what Di Hao said?Also, he is a god, in such a small place, to call three people, does he still need to go there himself?

Therefore, Tian Ye simply stood where he was, and used his spiritual power to transmit secret voices to these three people.

Using the divine power that belongs exclusively to the God of Light, the voice that reached the ears of Yi Feng and the other three was unusually loud, so loud that the three of them almost became deaf.

"Your Majesty." After slowing down, the three of Yi Feng did not dare to delay for even a moment, they immediately came in front of Di Hao, waiting for Di Hao's order.

"I'm giving you three months. I don't want to see that the Shuigan Realm is still a mess." Di Hao said in a cold voice, and his current posture is actually not that different from when he was Yu Chijing in the past. The difference, Yifeng and the others don't know yet, their king is the God of Creation, their ancestor's ancestor's ancestor...

As for Cang Qingdi, Yu Xi took up the burden without hesitation, so Di Hao naturally wouldn't say much, let me ask, who can hurt Yu Xi?

As for Di Hao, he naturally stayed in Wei Yuntian to clean up Yinzong again, and at the same time, he also wanted to prepare a surprise for Yu Xi.

Although he knew that he would be able to detect his surprise as soon as Yuxi came back, but that didn't mean he couldn't prepare.

Since Yuxi was going to Cangqingdi, this was a good time to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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