The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 809 Destruction of the Yinzong 1

Chapter 809 Destruction of the Yinzong 1
The situation was not right, so that Murong Chengyuan didn't dare to be careless, and without much hesitation, he immediately condemned people to activate the formation that had been prepared in the forbidden area to help the ancestor.

There are two biggest assisting effects of the formation, one is that it can lock people in the formation so that people cannot break free from it, and the other is that it can help the ancestor's primordial spirit to get out of the body.

Practitioners who have cultivated to the spiritual level can already pull out the primordial spirit from their bodies, which is equivalent to having an extra person with the same strength as their own to help in the battle, but even the spiritual level practitioners have not been able to use this spell very calmly , and the duration is not long, and it takes a while to recover after each use, so spirits will not easily use this move.

This formation can make the ancestors use this spell, and the damage to themselves can be minimized, and the power can be increased by [-]%.

With the activation of the formation, a faint gray light gradually lingered around the ancestor's body.

The seemingly soft light contained a dark force with great lethality.

Di Hao seemed to be parrying the dark force emanating from the old ancestor, so he couldn't help but walk away from the old ancestor a few steps, and the old ancestor who was choked by the neck also managed to break free from Di Hao's grasp.

At this moment, the ancestor's face was full of ferocious hatred.

No one has ever dared to treat her like this!

With the gray light blooming, a wisp of white smoke slowly rises from the ancestor's body, which is a sign that the primordial spirit has separated from the body. If he chooses to attack the ancestor at this time, there will only be two results.

One is that the attack was successful and the ancestor was seriously injured or even killed directly. The other result was that the aura that was lingering around the ancestor and used to protect the ancestor was backlashed, causing serious injury to the attacker's primordial spirit.

The success rate of the two is one to ten.

As the primordial spirit was about to successfully leave the body, the smile on the corner of the ancestor's mouth became more and more sinister.

Murong Chengyuan's flustered heart couldn't help but calm down, and he even gave Di Hao a provocative look in his eyes.

How could Di Hao ignore Murong Chengyuan's undisguised provocation, and cast a cold gaze at Murong Chengyuan.

It is said that no matter how fierce the gaze is, it cannot be turned into a weapon to kill people, but, just such a small gaze, Murong Chengyuan's body instantly turned into dust, except for Murong Chengyuan's head.

What's strange is that Murong Chengyuan can't die in this way, not only his consciousness is still clear, but Murong Chengyuan also clearly feels the great pain when his body suddenly turns into powder.

On the other side, the ancestors, who had been confidently waiting for the soul to completely separate from their bodies, stopped at the last step, which was also the most crucial step.

This moment of pause has already caused a huge bad feeling in the ancestor's heart.

The combination of this formation and magic can be said to be invincible below the god level, which shows its strength. However, it also has a fatal weakness. It must be continuous and cannot stop for a moment. As much power as the combination can produce, there will be as much backlash.

Sure enough, after a moment of stagnation, the sky full of pain came from the soul.

This is a problem with the formation!

When in pain, the ancestors quickly judged the problem, but what is the use of judging the problem? !
Vaguely, the ancestor saw a petite figure in the corner, and the eyes of the petite figure were full of fierce vengeance.

(End of this chapter)

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