Douluo: After awakening, I was shocked by Spirit Hall!

After Chapter 33, call me teacher like Xie Yue and the others

After Chapter 33, call me teacher like Xie Yue and the others

The next day!

Xu Chen arrived at the academy early, and after stepping into the classroom, he suddenly found that Xie Yue and others were already sitting in their seats!
Seeing that Hu Liena was the first to notice his arrival, she waved her hand and said, "Xu Chen, good morning!"

Xu Chen also replied with a smile on his face, "Good morning, Liena, and Xie Yue and Yan."

Xie Yue nodded politely, "Well! Good morning!"

For the sake of my image in my sister's eyes, I have to pretend!
Yan, who was next to him, snorted coldly when he heard the words, "Good morning? If we hadn't been waiting for you, we would have already started class!"

This guy, he's been so close since he came here!
He couldn't forget how he was beaten up by Xu Chen yesterday!
When Xu Chen heard Yan's words, he was stunned for a while, and apologized a little, "Is it so early? Sorry, I was late!"

Seeing Yan's targeted words, Hu Liena frowned and said, "Yan, it's Xu Chen's first day of class, so it's normal to be late!"

Seeing that Hu Liena actually spoke for the former, Yan clenched his fists and secretly said, "Damn it!!"

This guy Xu Chen is really hateful, he ruined his relationship with Liena just after he came here!
At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the classroom, and a few seconds later, Wang Feng stepped in...

After glancing at Xu Chen and the others with slightly cloudy eyes, he said with a serious face, "Is everyone here? Then let's start class now!"

"Thanks to Xu Chen's joining, let's start with the most basic things today!"

"First of all, the martial soul awakened by the soul master is divided into beast martial soul and weapon martial soul on the mainland. The beast martial soul is combined with the human body and martial soul to attach the power of the beast to itself, while the weapon martial soul is different. , usually with out-of-body operations..."


About three or four hours later, the sky was approaching noon...

Wang Feng on the podium stopped speaking, took a deep breath, and said, "Come here this morning!"

Hearing these words, Xie Yue and the others breathed a sigh of relief...

Weary from the bottom of my heart, I said, "Finally, get out of class is over!"

Other academies only study for about three hours a day at most, but theirs is almost six hours!
This kind of strength is not at the same level at all!

Only Xu Chen's eyes still look bright...

I saw him pondering, "I didn't expect that I still don't know so many important common sense!"

Now it seems that I would rather delay the evening training than miss the morning class!

Hu Liena, who was sitting next to her, looked at the former with her brilliant eyes, and asked curiously, "Xu Chen, aren't you tired after studying for so long?"

She didn't see any fatigue on Xu Chen's face...

Xu Chen shook his head and explained, "Well, I'm not very tired. I think I'm new to these martial arts knowledge, so I'm quite interested."

Hearing this explanation, Hu Liena nodded thoughtfully, "Is that so..."

That's right, it will be like this at the beginning, but after a long time, you will feel boring and tired!

Suddenly, Wang Feng on the podium seemed to have thought of something, he patted his head and said, "By the way, His Majesty the Pope asked the four of you to go to the main hall!"

Xie Yue, who was below, heard the words and asked in confusion, "Huh? Teacher Wang, do you know what the teacher wants from us?"

Although Bibi Dong and Wang Feng are both teachers who teach them, there are still differences in essence!

For example...calling Bibi Dong "Teacher" and calling Wang Feng "Teacher Wang"

Yan pouted and said, "Cut, what else can happen, it must be because of Xu Chen."

Normally, Bibi Dong would rarely notify all of them to go to the main hall, and usually summon Hu Liena alone!

And this time, it was probably because of Xu Chen!
Wang Feng shook his head, "I don't know about that either. If you want to know the specific situation, you should ask His Majesty the Pope yourself."

After finishing speaking, he stepped out of the classroom...

In the entire classroom, only Xu Chen and the others were left staring at each other...


Soon after, the main hall of the Pope's Palace!

Sitting on the Pope's chair, Bibi Dong with an alluring appearance was cocking her slender and smooth jade legs, and her charming amber-like eyes cast a soft line of sight, looking at Xu Chen and the others standing below. people!
It's hard to take your eyes off just the unique temperament revealed in the invisible...

Seeing this, the four of Xu Chen bowed slightly and said in unison, "Teacher (Her Majesty the Pope)"

Bibi Dong clenched the purple-gold scepter and tapped the ground lightly, "En! Get up!"

In the next second, an extremely mysterious soul force helped them up...

Hu Liena was the first to speak and said, "Teacher, I don't know if you called us here. Do you have any important orders?"

The words are full of deep awe...

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, and said calmly, "That's right! But other than that, I just want to see how Xu Chen gets along with you guys."

Seeing this, Xu Chen smiled and said, "Report to His Majesty, Lena and I get along very well."

From the bottom of his heart, he secretly sighed, "No matter when, Bibi Dong's plump and plump figure always makes people can't help but think about it!"

However, this sentence made Bibi Dong's pretty brows slightly raised, "Oh?"

Only one day later, Xu Chen was able to call "Lena" directly. It seems that the situation is better than expected!

Seeing this scene, Xie Yue's eyes narrowed quietly, and she echoed, "Yes, teacher, just as Xu Chen said! We get along very happily."

Bibi Dong just pursed her thin lips slightly, and then looked at Yan with oppressive eyes...

She felt that the latter had great hostility towards Xu Chen...

So, he calmly asked, "Yan, how about you, how are you getting along with Xu Chen?"

Hearing this question, strong anger rose in Yan's heart...

But since Bibi Dong was right in front, he could only forcefully swallow what he was about to say...

With some reluctance, he clasped his fists and said, "Back to the teacher, it's considered... just barely!"

Seeing his appearance, Bibi Dong could see his reluctance at a glance...

Meimou narrowed slightly, and said lightly, "The four of you are the future of the Wuhun Palace, so I don't want any unpleasant things to happen between you, understand?"

Seeing that Bibi Dong's expression was not joking, everyone's expressions were serious, "Understood, teacher (His Holiness the Pope)"

As for Yan's expression, he looked extremely embarrassed, knowing in his heart that Bibi Dong had already seen through his deepest thoughts!

And the reason why he didn't single out himself was to save his face!
Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong's oppressive eyes stared deeply at Xu Chen's eyes again...

He said unhurriedly, "Xu Chen, you don't have to be so restrained in the future, just like Xie Yue and the others, call me teacher."

Perhaps, making the latter his disciple will strengthen his sense of belonging to the Spirit Hall!
It can also be better used for yourself in the future!
Surprise appeared on Xu Chen's face, but he didn't take the initiative to refuse, "It's...teacher...teacher!"

Even though he didn't know what purpose Bibi Dong had, but right now, he still had a good impression of Bibi Dong!



(End of this chapter)

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