Chapter 44
In the Palace of the Pope, in the room of the Holy Son...

The man who was leaning on the seat quietly opened his pupils, which were as dark as amber and devoid of any emotion...

There was a palpitating blood glow from it...

If you perceive it carefully, you will find that his whole body is constantly exuding an evil aura...

I saw him pursing his thin lips, looking at himself in the mirror in front of him, and said indifferently, "It's been so many years, and the influence of the evil spirit has not been completely resolved!"

That's right, the man is Xu Chen many years later!

For him now, the greenness on his cheeks has long since faded, and his whole person has undergone tremendous changes!
Taking a closer look, he was about 1.7 meters tall, dressed in a simple white robe, his wrists were gently rolled up, and he had a unique charm...

The long and slender hair that hangs wantonly falls over his shoulders like a waterfall, making the chill all over his body even worse, as if it can freeze everything...

Just a random swipe can make the person who looks at it daunting!
At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open...

Stepping into three figures, they are naturally the three of Xie Yue!
Today, they all have undergone considerable changes, especially Hu Liena. Apart from her already beautiful cheeks becoming more charming, her figure has also become more exquisite...

When you get close to her, you will find that she seems to be bathed in a hazy breath, constantly releasing a charming feeling that can bewitch people's hearts...

I saw the extremely strange Xie Yue, her crimson eyes fixed on Xu Chen, and said, "Xu Chen, are you ready? The teacher told us to go to the hall quickly!"

Yan smacked his lips, "Tsk tsk tsk, I really don't know how you grew up! Now you are so handsome."

If he had fantasies about Hu Liena before, but now he doesn't have any such thoughts!

Because the current Xu Chen gave him the feeling that he was not only mysterious, but also extremely powerful, and even crushed himself perfectly in terms of appearance!
So, losing to this guy is no shame!

Xu Chen glanced at them, stood up from his seat, and said lightly, "Well, we're almost ready, let's go!"

Hu Liena naturally walked behind the former, and said softly, "Teacher Wang taught us before, but now it is finally taught by Teacher himself. It must definitely make us stronger!"

Xie Yue also said solemnly, "Well! It's a good thing that the teacher intends to teach us personally, but the training tasks assigned will be even more difficult!"

Yan curled his lips, and said disdainfully, "Cut, what's there to be afraid of, isn't Xu Chen still there? This guy's strength is still a mystery until now!"

While speaking, the group left the room and walked towards the main hall...


The Pope's Palace, inside the main hall!
I saw Bibi Dong sitting on the pope's chair, her delicate and flawless cheeks still looked very cold, and there was no change...

After gracefully raising her slender jade legs, she looked directly at Yueguan and the two, and asked calmly, "Ghost, Yueguan, what about Xu Chen and the others?"

They bowed slightly and respectfully said, "Your Majesty, we have notified His Royal Highness the Holy Son and them, and they must be arriving soon!"

His Majesty the Pope deserves to be His Majesty the Pope. After so many years, the breath in his body has not weakened in the slightest, but has become even fiercer!

Even just standing there can make people feel a strong sense of oppression from the bottom of their hearts...

Sure enough, not long after their words fell, Xu Chen and his party had already arrived in the main hall...

I saw Xu Chen standing in the front, staring at Bibi Dong in front of him with those extremely deep black eyes, and said calmly, "Teacher!"

It was as if Bibi Dong's oppressive force sweeping the entire hall had no effect on him at all...

But Hu Liena and the others next to him bowed slightly and respectfully said, "Teacher!"

They didn't dare to confront Xu Chen's oppressive force head-on...

Bibi Dong nodded slightly, and gave a light "um", those beautiful eyes exuding splendor were also looking at Xu Chen in front of her...

Has this child grown to this point?

I'm afraid that its true strength is not weaker than Yueguan and Ghost!

As for Yueguan and Ghost standing on the left and right, they stared at Xu Chen with complicated eyes...

They played against the latter again a few years ago, and the result was a miserable victory!

I'm afraid now, if you don't use the martial soul fusion skill, you can't add up to its opponent! !
Of course, the most important thing is that Xu Chen is controlled by the evil spirit very frequently!
Hu Liena took a deep breath, and asked first, "Teacher, I heard from Elder Ju and Elder Gui, are you going to teach us yourself?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Hu Liena, nodded and said, "That's right, in the days to come, I will personally teach you all!"

What Wang Feng can teach Hu Liena and others is just common sense!
If you really want to change their strength, you still need constant actual combat!

She doesn't want to see the talents of Hu Liena and others being wasted by the former!

Hearing this, Yan said excitedly, "Teacher, what do we need to do?"

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said in an unquestionable tone, "From today onwards, the three of you will go to the Star Dou Forest to practice as a team!"

The specific situation is the same as that of Xu Chen back then, but because Hu Liena and others are not as strong as the former, they decided to form a group of three!
Seeing this, Xie Yue frowned slightly, and asked in doubt, "Three people? Teacher, did you say something wrong, where is Xu Chen?"

As soon as these words came out, Hu Liena and Yan also looked at Xu Chen!
The bottom of my heart is full of deep puzzlement!

That's right, why are there only three of them, Xu Chen who is the strongest?
Bibi Dong held the purple gold scepter tightly, her cold and beautiful eyes did not have any intention of explaining, after glancing at Xu Chen, she calmly said, "Xu Chen, you can tell yourself."

She also didn't expect that even after absorbing three spirit bones, she still couldn't suppress the evil spirit in Xu Chen's body! !
Otherwise, he would not agree to Xu Chen's unsolicited request...

Xu Chen nodded slightly, "Yes, teacher."

Immediately, he looked sideways at the three of Hu Liena, and explained without changing his face, "Liena, Yan, Xie Yue, I have to leave the Spirit Hall for a while!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall suddenly fell silent...

In the next second, Hu Liena only felt her heart tense, the corners of her eyes turned rosy, and said anxiously, "Xu Chen, why did you leave? Could it be that all of us are holding you back?"

Yan also clenched his fists and scolded, "You bastard, what are you talking about? Why did you leave Wuhundian?"

Only Xie Yue's pupils were full of thought, and she secretly said, "Could it be... because of the Martial Soul?"

In the past few years, including Hu Liena, none of them had seen Xu Chen's martial soul with their own eyes!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was great!




(End of this chapter)

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