Chapter 203

"No, he just asked when we reconciled." Zhang Shengguang opened his eyes and went to look for almonds in the bag.

"Tell the truth." Xie Huan stared at him closely without blinking her eyes. She was used to facing students with such eyes in class, and gradually, she became more and more serious.

"I really didn't say anything," Zhang Shengguang raised his voice, but his eyes became more and more emboldened, "Don't think too much, you are like my father's biological daughter, and you can't compare with Wen Xian."

"I only talked about the money just now, but didn't mention whether it was because of me"?But because of his guilty conscience, he didn't tell himself, "Did Dad tell you that the car was too expensive?".

"You know my dad is old-fashioned and frugal." Zhang Shengguang raised one hand and rubbed his hair, "I don't want to spend so much money, if my brother and I hadn't insisted on changing villas, the two of them would have planned to live there. Staying in the old house for a lifetime, they think too much, and that little money is nothing to me.”

"It may not be a big deal to you, but it is your father's hard work that made the Zhang family have what it is today. Otherwise, how could you create the conditions that you have now?" Xie Huan said in a very slow and calm tone. : "Let's talk about it, your parents are very kind to me and love me very much, but they love me no matter how much they love me, after all, they are not their own. It is impossible to care about me in my heart because of the matter between you and your brother over the past few years." No, it’s just that they are tolerant and magnanimous, and they don’t care about every detail like ordinary people outside. No parent wants their son to value a daughter more than anything else. You bought me such an expensive one before we got married. Car, more than 500 million, plus settled, 600 million, if they don’t know me, they may misunderstand that I ask you to buy me a car.”

"My dad didn't mean to blame you. He also knew that you couldn't have such a request. He just told me not to spend money recklessly in the future and save some money. It's not easy to make a few money now. I have already said that I want to marry you. Wife, do you have to blame me for buying a car for you? I opened the company myself, and I didn’t use their money.”

"Why did he say that? It's because he has thoughts in his heart. He just can't say them all. Think about it, if your parents knew about the contract we signed when we got married, what would happen to them?"Xie Huan asked back in a low voice, "It's not a good thing for parents if a son listens too much to women. They will think that I asked you to buy me a car today just to make me happy. They didn't even discuss it with them. It's like splashing water. Can they not be worried?"

"Anyway, if I want to treat you well, no one can stop me," Zhang Shengguang held her hand under the stove, "You know, if you want to take away my company, I won't even say a word. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine. What’s yours is yours, let’s not care about everything like the people of the Wen family.”

Xie Huan looked at his clear and straightforward eyes, and was a little sad and funny, "Money and material things are always put first by many people. Don't forget why I agreed to marry you."

"I agreed, but for me, money is the least important thing to me. It's just that the two of us need money in our lives, and we both need money to be happy, so I will work hard to earn money."

"That's because you have lived happily since childhood and have never been short of money."

"No, I'm missing it. Do you know when I hated myself the most for not earning enough money"?Zhang Shengguang narrowed his eyes, and grabbed her hand even harder, "It was five years ago, when we were living in the small apartment at your school, you said you wanted to drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house. Your life goals are as simple as that. , you, Xie Huan, are a very materialistic person, and you are careful to save every penny of the family. I was thinking at that time, I am really not as good as my brother. You see, he is engaged to you, and you have your own The villa, he will definitely give you more than what I bought you today, so the first money I made from starting a company was to buy a villa in G City immediately to prepare for our future home, money It's hard to earn, but if you earn it, don't we just want to spend it on the person you like the most, if she is happy, I will be happy."

The light was dim, and his eyes gathered all the light, with infinite affection.

Xie Huan smiled wryly in his heart, no matter how long it took, this person would always speak touching words in a particularly unruly tone.

But she now knows that some words and life still have to be separated.

"In short... you should avoid it in front of your parents in the future. Don't let them know about your thoughts of transferring shares and houses to my name. There are also relatives in your family. Others will be behind your back. Laugh at you stupid".

Zhang Shengguang frowned, and after a while he suddenly smiled, "Aren't you happy when they laugh at me stupidly, Xie Huan, you still care about me, right? You say these things to me from the standpoint of your future wife Is that right?"
"I want to... talk clearly. I don't want everyone to be unhappy because of these things. I just finished taking a shower and the bathroom is not cleaned up. I'm going to go up." Xie Huan stood up, and he immediately followed Standing too hastily, his thigh hit the electric stove table, his lips twitched and trembled from the pain.

"I just went up to help you clean up the bathroom."

She was taken aback for another moment, and then remembered the messy underwear in the bathroom when she came out. Even though the two had been intimate before, they felt a little hot at the moment.

"It's such a cold day, let's wash it tomorrow." He rubbed his thighs and stood up, leaning over to wrap her around her, speaking slowly, revealing ambiguous lust in this silent night.

"Underwear can't stay overnight, it's unhygienic, and I still have to find materials for writing textbooks, so I won't go to bed very late." Xie Huan withdrew his hand helplessly, "Go find something to do yourself."

He really wanted to domineeringly hug her to bed and make love to her, but seeing her serious face, and the two had been arguing for five years, he was afraid of her, afraid that she would leave again.

Xie Huan went upstairs to wash his underwear by hand, and put the rest of the clothes in the washing machine. Then he turned on the computer and started looking for information. After busying himself for about four, five, 10 minutes, he suddenly remembered that the clothes should be washed, and hurried down Just in time to see Zhang Shengguang take out the clothes from the washing machine to dry.

After hanging up the clothes and seeing her standing behind her, she said with a smile, "Go and do it, I'll hang it."

The light on the balcony was a bit dim, and he was tall and tall. Xie Huan suddenly thought that probably all real marriages should be like this. It is too unreal to say that love is too dreamy, and it is too unreal to say that there is a couple for a lifetime.

In the past, she always blamed and resented why Lu Junwen abandoned her father, but after returning from a life and death abroad, she suddenly realized that if it was her, she would probably leave one day. People's life is nothing more than finding someone who is down-to-earth.

"Zhang Shengguang, don't blame me for being too cruel," she said suddenly, "So many things have happened, I'm not sure about many things, I'm not sure, and I don't have the youth and time to take risks, I have to hold on to something." I'm sure whether he can give her that kind of steadiness, but at least he's doing a good job now. She doesn't want to be like some women who didn't get marriage and money in the end. .

His hand holding the clothes was a little cold, and his back was dark, "You don't need to apologize, and I'm not qualified to accept your apology. I still have the courage to bear the consequences of the cause I planted myself. It's my belief that I lost you. That's fine, but since you agree, I think we should live a good life."

"Well", she nodded slightly, "I went upstairs".

The sound of footsteps went away, he hung up all the clothes, looked at her hung clothes fluttering in the wind, the corners of her lips warmed up slightly, and closed the sliding door, so that the cold air could not come in.

Walking lightly to the door of her room, she opened up the study and the bedroom when it was first renovated. She sat by the computer and typed on the keyboard. Turn on the heater.

"You go to bed first", she turned around and said, typed a few more words, stopped and said: "I'm going downstairs to do something."

"It's okay, you are busy, I can lie down and watch you work and sleep well." He walked to her and looked at the four or five thick legal books on the table, each of which was densely packed with words. , I was dizzy at first glance, "How much do you want to get so much?"
"I don't know, just get as long as you can."

He shrugged, took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, lay down under the quilt, and looked sideways at her figure busy working under the lamp not far away, "Xie Huan, go and have a look at the villa I bought tomorrow."


"Let's just move there, the house has been empty for a long time."

"You talk to me, I can't concentrate," she complained.

He shut up and just looked at her profile, feeling more and more satisfied, sweet, and peaceful, and finally fell asleep slowly without knowing why.

(End of this chapter)

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