Chapter 207

Hearing his tyrannical voice, he suddenly felt amused again, and the melancholy accumulated in his heart dissipated like a thick fog.

She rubbed her face against the skirt of his chest before she raised her head. There were no tears on her beautiful face, only a pair of eyes were sparkling, crystal clear, and the corners of the eyes were slightly red.

He rubbed her face vigorously, gritted his teeth, "Okay, Xie Huan, you stained my clothes, you have to wash them for me."

"I haven't washed enough clothes for you since I was a child." Xie Huan's face was sore from being rubbed by him, and he dared to rub her like flour.

"Then how can you pay for hurting my heart again?"
"Didn't you hurt my heart?" Xie Huan squinted and glared at him.

Zhang Shengguang flicked her forehead with his fingers, and smiled, "Xie Huan, I warn you, this is the last time I allow you to cry for my brother, my heart is very small, and I can't hold that you shed too many tears for other men ".

"Rough", Xie Huan rubbed his painful forehead, "Zhang Shengguang, you were quite careful when we were not together for a few years, but now your nature has relapsed again, isn't it?"

"Hey, am I not feeling well? I'll pay attention to it later. I'll pick up the car and take you to Wen's house." Before she was about to turn over the old debt, Zhang Shengguang hurriedly grabbed the key and fled. After a while, he drove the ostentatious Ferrari come over.

"Xie Huan, why don't I sleep with you at Zhang's house tonight", Zhang Shengguang felt a little worried when he remembered that she didn't know anyone in Wen's family at all, "It's a big deal, I'll get up early tomorrow."

"Don't be so troublesome, you will be the best man tomorrow, and you still have a lot of things to do, where will the energy come from if you don't get enough sleep."


"Don't worry, the Wen family has a lot of guests tonight, and I sleep with Wen Xian."

In this way, Zhang Shengguang had no other choice. When he arrived at Wen's house, he still sent her upstairs, chatted with a group of Wen's relatives for a while, and then left after nine o'clock.

"Brother Sheng Guang is so kind to you, I am quite envious of you." Wen Xian suddenly said with a smile when they entered Wen Xian's room and there were only the two of them.

Xie Huan and her had dinner together dozens of times before, and they could count on their fingers. Speaking of which, they were not very familiar with each other, and Wen Xian was too introverted. Hearing her take the initiative to speak now, he was taken aback, "Brother Jing, isn't it?" Is it good too?"

In some aspects of his temperament, he is probably much more careful than Zhang Shengguang.

"You also call him Brother Jing", Wen Xian looked at her straight, Huber's pupils contained a hint of complexity, "I called him that too, when we first met him, he said he liked it very much when I called him that."

Xie Huan could imagine that when Zhang Sijing said this, his voice must be extremely low, and his handsome face was as soft as a pool of spring water. Few women could resist such an appearance.

"Actually, I know that you and him were engaged in the past. Many people know about your affairs." Wen Xian said as he stroked the phoenix coronet on the table with his fingers, his pretty cheeks flushed slightly, and he could see these words It was also in her heart for a long time, "Frankly speaking, when I was with him, I felt that his past was too complicated, and I thought about giving up. The longer I was with him, the more I found that I couldn't let go. He will let you I feel peaceful and you can rely on me. In Zhang’s house, we both seldom talked, and I don’t know how to talk to you. I hope I can get along well with you when I enter that house.”

Xie Huan nodded, she should have a thousand words, but she found that she really didn't know what to say with Wen Xian, so she just said: "The relationship between me and him was five or six years ago, It's been a long time ago, you don't need to worry, and don't believe other people's rumors, I hope we will be good sisters in the Zhang family in the future, if you don't understand, you can ask me, sister-in-law."

Hearing the last three words, Wen Xian's fair face flushed like a pomegranate.

The clean eyes were filled with shyness and unconcealable joy.

Xie Huan looked away, "Go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow."

At night, she couldn't sleep, and Wen Xian couldn't fall asleep either. After all, she was getting married tomorrow, so it was normal if she couldn't sleep.

But she doesn't want to communicate with her. Wen Xian's heart must be filled with joy of marrying the one she loves. She is not in the mood to listen to her talk about how excited and happy she can't sleep. It's not because she is jealous, but because of this shared role Not for her.

Both of them woke up with dark circles at six in the morning. A makeup artist came over to help them both put on their makeup. Hers was a little simpler, with a long pink dress embroidered with white pear blossoms. The teacher helped her put her hair up in a bun, with blue silk spread behind her back, a hairpin on her head, and tasseled ruby ​​pendants on her earlobes. Standing in front of the mirror, she really looked like a woman in an ancient costume film.

Compared to her, Wen Xian was much more complicated. Just a bridal bun took two full hours, and then she put on makeup, which was not finished until ten o'clock. She put on her turban, and the sound of gun salute came from downstairs. .

Zhang Si, dressed in a red wedding dress, came in from the outside, wearing black boots, narrow sleeves, and a wedding hat. He looked like the orchid and jade tree mentioned in the book, handsome and suave. Zhang Shengguang, the best man, was also wearing an ancient costume today. , white and blue dress, wearing a jade crown, thick eyebrows and starry eyes, high nose and thin lips, looks heroic, imposing and straight.

The two walked in all the way, even the relatives of the Wen family gathered in the room were stunned.

"Old Wen, your son-in-law is even more handsome in ancient clothes than Gu Tianle on TV." Someone from the Wen family exclaimed in surprise.

Wen's father and Wen's mother were proud for a while. After Zhang Sijing distributed red envelopes to everyone, his gaze fell on Xie Huan who was standing next to the bride. His gaze was turbulent. After a pause, he moved to Wen Xian. She had already put on a red hijab.

According to the Chinese custom, he carried her into the sedan chair downstairs, while he himself rode on the big white horse. Zhang Shengguang led his own big brown horse, intending to carry Xie Huan onto it.

"I'll just walk on my own, lest I fall down when I get there." Xie Huan refused to join the wedding party. There were 80 to [-] people in this welcoming team, all dressed in ancient costumes. It is estimated that the road will attract the attention of many pedestrians, but she is embarrassed.

"It took at least half an hour to walk in the past. Come on, I am very good at riding horses, and nothing will happen." Zhang Shengguang hugged her across the horse's back without saying a word, and Xie Huan was so scared that he grabbed the horse's neck desperately. , I'm really afraid that the horse will throw her off.

Seeing her frightened appearance, Zhang Shengguang laughed, got on the horse, sat behind her, and put his hands through her waist to hold the rein.

Zhang Sijing looked at the two of them alone. Under the sun, Xie Huan's pink dress fluttered, and the tassels on both sides of her cheeks swayed. Zhang Shengguang is also dressed in ancient costumes, and the two of them sitting on horseback are so eye-catching that people can't take their eyes off.

It wasn't until Zhang Shengguang yelled "you can go" that he suddenly came back to his senses.

The welcoming procession with gongs and drums blatantly crossed the market, attracting countless passers-by to watch, and some even ran out of the store to take pictures.

Xie Huan covered her face with flowers. Sitting on horseback like this, she and Zhang Shengguang attracted more attention than the groom Zhang Sijing. Some passers-by even followed their horses and kept taking pictures of him. .

"What are you covering up, you look more beautiful today than those concubines in the harem on TV." Zhang Shengguang pulled her hand away, no matter how many people around were watching, he buried himself in her ears and chuckled softly, " When I saw you just now, I almost stared blankly, this dress really suits you."

"No", Xie Huan shook his head desperately, "Western style is fine, I don't like too ostentatious".

"Anyway, you can do whatever you want, I'll listen to you." Zhang Shengguang pinched the horse's belly, and the horse speeded up. She hugged his arm nervously, "Ride slowly."

"Xie Huan, don't you think that we are like the fairy couple in martial arts movies, Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv"?Zhang Shengguang raised his eyebrows with a smile, "The Legend of Condor Heroes"?
"It's just you who is still Yang Guo, have you broken your hand, do you have a carving behind you," Xie Huan gave her a funny look, "I'm not a little dragon girl either, I'm not that beautiful."

"Li Ruotong is not as good-looking as you," Zhang Shengguang couldn't help but kissed her on the cheek.

"I hate it", she pushed him, and the two were arguing on horseback, and they arrived at Zhang's house not long after.

After resting for a while, I took a car to the five-star hotel I booked nearby. By noon, the guests came one after another.

The master of ceremonies raised his voice, "One bow to heaven and earth, and two bows to high hall". When the husband and wife bowed to each other, Xie Huan, who was supporting Wen Xian, raised his eyes slightly to look at the man opposite, and he also stared at her with eyes full of thousands of words. , because she was so close to Wen Xian, no one noticed it, but when he bowed his head, his body was almost tilted to the side.

After the ceremony was over, the four high officials went up to speak in turn. Xie Huan also took a red envelope on the stage. When he came down, he suddenly saw a sad figure outside the window who turned around and walked away.

When she walked down, she suddenly remembered, isn't that Zhan Yuanqing?
(End of this chapter)

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