Chapter 211

Night rain in Bashan, Xiangfei Pavilion.

The most upscale hotel in G City, there is a table of delicious delicacies spread on top-quality silk fabrics, such as turbot fish, boiled Thai fragrant shrimp, salted pigeon, snowflake beef, sea pine with crab powder, etc. Thousands of dollars, not including good red wine.

"You drink, you drink, I don't drink", Zhang Shengguang pushed the wine bottle that Chen Xiangming was about to pour into the glass.

"Boss, it doesn't matter if you don't drink normally, but today is such a happy day, my brother and sister are pregnant, so what's the point of drinking two cups?" Chen Xiangming said to Xie Huan, "Sister, do you think so?"
Before Xie Huan could speak, Zhang Shengguang waved his hands again and again, "No, no, I have to drive later. Drunk driving is not safe. There are three people sitting in my car now, so there must be no sloppy."

These words sounded very familiar, Xie Huan thought for a long time and couldn't laugh or cry, wasn't this what he said this afternoon.

"Just tell your siblings to open it...".

"Xiang Ming, forget it." Yi Nanfeng waved his hand with a smile, and handed over his wine glass, "I forget it, so don't embarrass him. It's not that you don't know his personality."

"That's right," Liu Qi on the side said angrily: "It's not that Brother Guang values ​​sister-in-law's importance, sister-in-law, you don't know, we were signing a contract with Boss Huaji in the afternoon, and you called me Said that he was pregnant, Brother Guang was so happy that he knocked down the purchase price with Boss Ma, 620 million. Originally, we expected to knock it down at 590 million or so, so the 30 will be given to others ,Ugh".

"So you were signing a contract at that time." Xie Huan looked at Zhang Shengguang embarrassedly, and if he had known, he would not have called him in a hurry.

"It's only 30 yuan. Is our company short of that much money?" Zhang Shengguang rolled his eyes, "I made it back in a few days. I'm going to be a father. I'm happy. Is it okay to be a beggar? ".

"Brother Guang, next time, remember to smack me as a beggar," Liu Qi joked.

"Coward, it's not like you don't have money now," Zhang Shengguang scolded with a smile.

"Hey, this money will never be too much, only too little, and the money is earned every penny, so you should understand that making money is not easy," Liu Qidao.

"I finally understand. When I met you who are so stingy, no wonder your wife complained to me all day long. Those who didn't know thought I treated you badly." He is also the CEO of our company, with a monthly salary of several million a year, and he still drives that old Honda, so he can’t even part with a Mercedes-Benz.”

"If it's not broken, why change it? It's a waste of money. As long as the car can drive, I might as well buy a few more houses for the money. The price of the house can increase. No matter how expensive the car is, it will always depreciate." Liu Qi picked up the shrimp, dipped it in soy sauce, and threw it into his mouth, "If I spend more than 600 million yuan to buy a sports car, it will be like cutting a knife on me, sister-in-law, let me tell you, Brother Guang, we don't want to see him." His other shortcomings are that he is generous to his wife. Few men can compare, so you two should forget about the past and live a good life."

"That's right," Yi Nanfeng also echoed, "Guangzi, I have more experience in taking care of pregnant women than you. If you don't know how to ask me, Huanhuan, you can often come to our house to sit with Jiang Shu when you are free. Can't be sloppy."

"Then you can teach me some experience on how to take good care of pregnant women," Zhang Shengguang immediately cheered up and asked.

"This is mainly...".

"Hey, hello, please go home with these questions, can you two talk on the phone?" Chen Xiangming picked out his ears, "The company will have an annual holiday the day after tomorrow, and we have to find some time to arrange sketches these days."

"What sketch?"Xie Huan asked curiously.

"In order to shorten the distance between the boss and the company's employees, at the anniversary celebration, except for the employees below, several of us will have a performance," Yi Nanfeng explained with a smile, "During the meeting a few days ago, we drew lots. Several high-level executives are singing, Guangzi and Xiang Ming are doing skits, you can also come, it must be very interesting to watch Guangzi perform a skit for the first time in so many years, and it’s still a man disguised as a woman.”

"Men dressed as women"?Xie Huanguang felt like laughing when he thought about it.

"Is there anything good to go, don't go, don't go, stay at home to raise the baby," Zhang Shengguang said with embarrassment.

"No wonder you haven't told me, no, I'm going." Xie Huan bit his lip and smiled secretly.

Chen Xiangming winked and said, "Sister and brother, you should say, if you don't let me go, don't even think about sleeping with me tonight."

Zhang Shengguang picked up the used hot towel and threw it at him, and everyone laughed.


Holding the mouse with his fingers and clicking the next button, a new page popped up in the computer. Xie Huan carefully looked at the online pregnancy information, and suddenly a hug from behind picked her up from the chair and moved away from the chair.

"Hey, what are you doing, put me down, I'm looking for something." Annoyed, Xie Huan bumped the man behind with his shoulder and elbow.

"I just chatted with Nan Feng on the phone. He said that during pregnancy, women should be less in front of the computer, which will cause radiation to the baby in the belly." Zhang Shengguang gently placed her on the bed, and ordered with a straight face, "So today Do not go online at night."

"It's less, not that you can't face it." Xie Huan sat up on his knees and corrected his words, "Even if I don't surf the Internet now, I have to work when I can."

"Even if you work, you can only face the computer for an hour at most, and it would be better if you can do as little as possible." Just eat one bowl of rice, and you will have to drink two bowls of soup from today onwards, and eat less outside for breakfast, it is not clean and hygienic, I will get up early every day to make you a nutritious breakfast, and don’t clean up anymore, I will ask The part-time workers have to go to bed before ten o'clock every day, and they are not allowed to stay up late."

"You don't need to be so cautious. I'm only in the first month. You see, I didn't even know I was pregnant before today. It's okay. I'm in good health." One year is enough, Xie Huan said with a wry smile.

"No matter how good your health is, you are still a pregnant woman from today onwards," Zhang Shengguang gritted his teeth and said, "For the sake of our child's safe birth, I will never touch you again."

That's good, Xie Huan nodded, these days he's been really upside down every day, making her often exhausted during the day, but it's difficult for his determination.

"Okay, you go to sleep", Zhang Shengguang pulled the quilt for her after finishing speaking, "I still need to take a notebook and go outside to check about pregnant women, so leave me alone."

Xie Huan was slightly moved, he didn't let him check it, but she wanted to check it after she fell asleep, the cold quilt stuck to her arm, she took his hand, "You can check it tomorrow, I don't want to sleep alone, it's too cold up".

Her eyes are gentle and dependent, and Zhang Shengguang's heart has turned into a crisp. In the past, she always refused him thousands of miles away, even warming a bed would be disgusted by her. He liked her very much, so he quickly took off The clothes hugged her and fell asleep.

It was still cold under the quilt, but his body was warm, Xie Huan leaned against him, he hugged her sweetly, his hands stroked her stomach, it still feels like a dream, they finally crystallized, "Xie Huan, Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"How do I know? It's probably only a bud right now." Xie Huan suddenly opened his closed eyes, "But I hope it's a girl."

"why"?Zhang Shengguang turned around and grinned cheerfully and said, "I would rather be a boy, as handsome as me."

"Don't," Xie Huan said with a headache, "I've been tortured for half my life by the devil's father, but I don't want to give birth to another devil. Then I will face you two every day for the rest of my life, and some will be annoyed."

"How did I become the devil of the world? When I was just born, my mother said that I was very cute, everyone loved me, and then I became a little bit naughty."

"You're a bit mischievous, thank you for saying it, you're just a devil", Xie Huan complained, "Your mouth is teasing beautiful women, you play games or play with girls all day long, and If I don’t study, I’m just a little ugly and I’m being hit by you every day. If I want my child to be like you in the future, this education problem will be troublesome.”

"I didn't treat you well at that time because I liked you. I don't know how to make you trust me so that I can treat you fiercely." Zhang Shengguang snorted, "But don't worry, if he doesn't study hard in the future, I will beat him up." he".

"No wonder your mother always said that you are just like your father. How can the child be beaten?" Xie Huan suddenly sighed, "But if I really give birth to a child with your temper, I'm afraid I will not be able to control myself."

(End of this chapter)

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