Chapter 214

"You are good friends, you are not afraid at all, are you?"Xie Huan smiled a charming smile.

Not far away, Zhang Shengguang saw the smiling faces of the two, and his teeth itched with anger. Why did he feel that the two were a good match?

Unable to keep watching from the side, he pulled the apple-like little daughter standing next to Jiang Shu and said, "Wanwan, how about going dancing with your godfather?"
"Okay, okay, godfather taught me", Wan Wan hugged Zhang Shengguang's thigh excitedly.

When laughter suddenly came from around, Xie Huan turned his head suspiciously, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, on the dance floor, Zhang Shengguang bent down and led Wanwan to his knees, dancing around, accidentally holding the little girl and jumping up and down. Chen Xiangming squeezed.

Chen Xiangming staggered and stood still a little, the little girl suddenly stepped on his feet, he shrank back, Zhang Shengguang immediately squeezed over and took Xie Huan's waist, and pushed the little girl Wan Wan onto him, "Xiang Ming, it seems that your dancing skills have regressed, so let me do it, and I will leave it to you at night."

The person Chen Xiangming looked at without laughing or laughing took the position confidently. This person just danced and couldn't bear it for a few minutes. Is Xiaocheng so thoughtful?

Xie Huan really didn't expect him to be such a rascal, so he gave him a sideways glance helplessly, "You see your employees are all laughing."

"Laugh just laugh", Zhang Shengguang hummed and hugged her closer, full of jealousy, "Who made you laugh so happily with him just now?"

"I just said something to him, and I cried if I didn't laugh." Xie Huan gently squeezed his hand on his shoulder.

"Xie Huan, I'm jealous, even if he's my good friend or brother, I'd be jealous." Zhang Shengguang grabbed her hand and put it on his chest, full of grievance and tenderness, "I knew I shouldn't have let you draw lots just now, My intestines are all green with regret."

"It's hopeless." Xie Huan pushed his shoulder, but a sweet feeling rose in her heart. She was gently embraced by him, and she looked around. Fortunately, everyone slipped in one after another. On the dance floor, others were looking at them, she felt relieved, and let him hold her, just as she was also tired tonight.

"Xie Huan, it's our first dance." Zhang Shengguang put his chin against her hair, and the two of them moved forward and backward in tacit understanding. This feeling is really good.

"Yeah, but I can't dance well."

"I'm also very bad at dancing," he said with a smile on his eyes, "but I like dancing with you, how about you?"
"I don't like dancing with you," Xie Huan raised his head and smiled narrowly, kissing his playful lips after being punished for a while.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, you look so pretty tonight."

She vaguely heard his voice, narrowed her eyes, his handsome face was dyed with intoxicating blush, she bit his lip back excitedly, and let him hug her and echo on the dance floor.

Twilight City, New Year's Eve.

This year's Zhang family has one more person, and it is more lively than in previous years. When she woke up early in the morning, Liang Fengrong was ready to get busy. Thinking that there were two more pregnant women in the family this year, and that she would be able to hold grandchildren next year, she hummed happily Wish you prosperity and wealth.

After seven o'clock, Zhang Shengguang squeezed in, rolled up his sleeves politely and pushed her mother aside.

"What are you doing, I'm making breakfast with Huanhuan and the other two pregnant women," Liang Fengrong said angrily.

"I made Xie Huan's breakfast, and I made a nutrition plan for her, and she must supplement vitamins and protein-rich foods every day." Zhang Shengguang opened the refrigerator to find ingredients.

"Oh, it's rare, it's different when you have a child, and you know how to formulate a nutrition plan." Liang Fengrong was somewhat relieved, washed her hands and said: "That's okay, you do it, and by the way, I also made Wenxian's."

"Okay, okay, I'll get some more by the way." Zhang Shengguang has already found a piece of fish in the refrigerator, soaked it in hot water and started to defrost it.

By the way..., how reluctantly, this kid, except for his wife, doesn't take it seriously. Liang Fengrong gave him the kitchen in a funny and angry manner.

When Zhang Sijing and Wen Xian got up, they saw Liang Fengrong sitting in the restaurant making dumplings.

"Mom, is breakfast ready?"
"Not yet, Photon is doing it." Liang Fengrong said with a smile: "He, he got up early and said he wanted to make a nutritious breakfast for Xie Huan, and he didn't let me intervene. I just let him go to the kitchen." .

"Brother Guangzi is really considerate." Wen Xian looked enviously at Zhang Sijing next to him, but saw him staring blankly at the kitchen.

"Yeah, he has never held a spatula since he was a child. When he was young, he just asked him to wash the dishes and escaped far away with an excuse. When he grows up, don't let him enter the kitchen. Now he is still learning for Xie Huan. Cooking, let alone, when I went back to Xie Huan, I saw that he was cooking well." Liang Fengrong couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

Wen Xian said: "A person will always meet someone who makes him willing to change. For Brother Guangzi, that person is probably Sister Xie Huan. As long as she is happy, he will be happy no matter how much he gives."

Zhang Sijing's eyelashes trembled slightly, and Zhang Shengguang suddenly came out with a pot of noodles, "Mom, your breakfast is ready."

Zhang Sijing went to the kitchen to get the bowls and chopsticks. A pot of fragrant fish porridge was placed on the kitchen counter. The lid was pressed tightly. There was another bowl next to it. The top was pressed by a bowl. I don’t know what was inside. , he stretched out his hand to look at it, but Zhang Shengguang hurriedly blocked him, "Don't lift it, there are noodles inside, I'm afraid of the cold, as for the porridge, I boiled a little less, just a small bowl for Wen Xian and Mom , you don’t want to eat, I will leave the rest to Xie Huan.”

Zhang Sijing was startled, and took the bowls and chopsticks out with a wry smile.

Xie Huan woke up and went downstairs when they were almost finished eating. Everyone got up, but she was the only one who was still sleeping in. She was embarrassed and looked at Zhang Shengguang complainingly, "Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Are you pregnant? Of course you have to get enough sleep." Zhang Shengguang quickly got up and took a cup to make a cup of walnut powder, and brought out a large bowl of fish porridge and noodles in the kitchen, " Eat quickly, sleep all night, the son in my stomach must be hungry too."

"Huanhuan, my mother has never received this kind of treatment after raising him all her life." Liang Fengrong said sourly, "Wen Xian and I don't have more than one bowl of porridge combined, nor do we have as much porridge as him. I bought walnut powder, but I made my own protein powder, alas.”

"Mom, Xie Huan is a pregnant woman. I cook fish porridge just to give her nutrition." Zhang Shengguang was not at all embarrassed, and said confidently, "Besides, pregnant women can't walk around all the time and accidentally fall what to do".

"Then you are not afraid of your mother falling, and Wen Xian, Wen Xian is also a pregnant woman."

"Aren't you in good health?" Zhang Shengguang was irritable, thinking that Wen Xian wanted to eat, why can't he ask his elder brother to get it, and it's not his wife, why bother so much, "Okay, I will help you next time rush".

"Oh, forget it, looking at your reluctant appearance, I already knew that a daughter is more considerate than a son, Huanhuan, you must have a daughter, and you must not have an unfilial son like him." Liang Fengrong held Xie Huan said with his hand.

Xie Huan responded with a dry smile, "Mom, in fact, he is quite filial. He told me last night that he would get up early and make breakfast for me, and then help you make steamed dumplings and braised pork, and make arrangements for the New Year's Eve dinner at night." ".

"Oh, is it"?Liang Fengrong looked at Zhang Shengguang suspiciously.

"Yeah, that's what you said to me last night." Xie Huan looked at Zhang Shengguang with a smile on his face, and his back was numb from the smile on his face, and he nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, I'm going right now." Zhang Shengguang squeezed a smile and went into the kitchen. Later, Xie Huan was still saying to Liang Fengrong: "Mom, you can rest today, leave everything to him, and just worry about it tonight." Just eat."

And Zhang Shengguang felt powerless when he looked at the piles of chicken, duck and fish on the floor and countertops in the kitchen. Although he often cooked meals and snacks when he was in G City, it was only for two people, and it didn’t cost half a dollar. It can be done in an hour, but what I have to face today is a whole New Year's Eve dinner. Usually, my mother is busy from morning to night to make it.

Hateful Xie Huan, smelly Xie Huan.

He chopped down the pork ribs with a knife, and the sound of chopping meat came from the kitchen. Liang Fengrong smiled horizontally and Xie Huan, "Only you can cure him."

Xie Huan lowered his head to drink the porridge with a slight smile, and glanced at the kitchen from time to time, remembering his hard-faced look just now, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Unknown to him, Zhang Sijing next to her has been paying attention to her. Seeing her warm smile, he is convinced that she is really living a good life, very happy, and down-to-earth, and Guangzi loves her very much.

It's really good, good, he swallowed the slight pain back into his stomach, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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