Chapter 217

"You are right, so if you want to hear this sentence from me, you will have to wait for me for a lifetime. Of course, if I am in a good mood one day, I will say it...".

"There is no one like you", Zhang Shengguang wanted to laugh but couldn't, and finally squeezed her little cheek hard, "Forget it, I resigned to my fate, I will wait one day."

Will definitely wait until the sentence that she loves him.

Anyway, she gave him the chance of a lifetime.


As soon as the New Year's holiday arrived, the two returned to City G together. The villa in City G had already been tidied up by Xie Huan. He was so busy, leaving early and returning late, Xie Huan didn't have time to care about him, either someone else paid New Year's greetings to her, or she went to other places to pay New Year's greetings. She went up to a few executives in the provincial government and then to a professor in the college. Lu Junwen and Zhou Hangsong were the most important, just to go Lu Junwen's family also happened to meet Zhou Hangsong during their New Year's greetings. She told them about the marriage. Lu Junwen had heard about it before, but Zhou Hangsong was surprised from ear to ear.

"Good guy, it's just passed the new year, you're pregnant, and you're married, your lightning speed is scary enough," Zhou Hangsong smacked his tongue while drinking tea.

"I was also scared by them. It seems that the two of us were still arranging a blind date for her a few months ago." Lu Junwen's kind eyebrows and eyes sighed, unable to tell whether it was dissatisfaction or something else.

After all, the matter of Zhang Shengguang's derailment is there. It is impossible for her as a mother to have no lumps in her heart, but she has also accepted Zhang Shengguang in the past few years, but fortunately he has worked hard in the past few years. So far, I have to give up.

"Hey, that's not right." Zhou Hangsong frowned and put down his teacup when he remembered something, "Since you two are married, my sister-in-law can be regarded as his half-mother-in-law anyway, why doesn't he come when you come to pay New Year's greetings today?"

"He doesn't have time, and it's not that you don't know that he wants to manage such a big company, and I heard that the company's network program has repeatedly encountered problems during the Chinese New Year, and he is busy releasing a reception to solve this problem. After I got back, I was so busy that I didn’t even have a chance to say a few words, but he chose to buy a gold bracelet for you, try it on.” Xie Huan took out the brocade box that he had prepared earlier, it was shining golden , a full twenty grams.

Lu Junwen looked at the bracelet and sighed, "Actually, I'm not qualified to accept such an expensive gift from him. After all, Zhang's family raised you. I just gave birth to you, and I didn't fulfill any responsibility."

"Don't even say that," Zhou Hangsong said with a smile, "If you weren't there to help, this girl would be here today."

Lu Junwen smiled wryly. What she did was completely different from what a mother should raise. She did not do as much as Liang Fengrong. "With her hard work, even without my help, she will live well."

"Whatever...if you hadn't woken me up, I'm afraid I wouldn't be in the same state of mind as I am today." I guess I wouldn't recognize myself for a long time, and she and Zhang Shengguang would never be where they are today.

Xie Huan said as he held her hand and put the gold bracelet in, "Look, it fits very well."

In fact, how many mothers and relatives she has to Lu Junwen is far from being able to compare with Liang Fengrong, but she has helped herself after all, she has not hated her for abandoning herself at the beginning, she has already given birth to herself is the greatest kindness .

Even if they are related by blood, there should not be too much greed.

All she has now is respect and gratitude.

"You, live a good life with Zhang Shengguang in the future, he is... oh, after all, women still have to rely on themselves, don't keep thinking about their husbands, you have to grab more money yourself, and keep his wallet stuck of…".

"Pfft", Zhou Hangsong laughed, "Sister-in-law, I just got married, so it's too disappointing for you to say these words."

"You men are not flirtatious." Lu Junwen rolled his eyes at him, "Women always have to plan for themselves and make a retreat."

Zhou Hangsong was speechless, and Xie Huan smiled. They chatted for a while, and after lunch, someone came to pay New Year's greetings. They played mahjong together for several hours. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Professor Xin and Professor Liao were coming to pay New Year's greetings. Take a look at their villa by the way.

Helpless, Xie Huan had no choice but to refuse dinner and leave early. On the way, he hurriedly bought some vegetables in the supermarket and went home. Not long after he put some melons and fruits out, Professor Xin and Associate Professor Liao came to visit with gifts.

Xie Huan invited them to sit down, and then busy making tea and cutting fruit.

"Xiao Xie, you live better these days. You just changed to a duplex a few years ago. This year, you have lived in a villa. You are so envious of us." Professor Xin's eyebrows and eyes are quite envious. Not yet qualified to live in a villa, she couldn't help sighing, "Oh, woman, it's better to marry after all."

"I don't agree with that." Xie Huan smiled softly, "The most important thing is to find someone who loves you to live with. It seems that some people marry well, but they may not live well."

Professor Xin was taken aback, nodded in understanding, took a sip of the rich chrysanthemum tea, frowned suddenly, and couldn't hide his disgust, "Speaking of this, I thought of something, there is a girl in my department Students, alas, although they are usually not outstanding in their studies, they look honest and handsome, but they were secretly taken care of by others. You said that these students do not read good books, but they want to do this kind of thing. With hands and feet, I really don’t know what young people think nowadays.”

"Isn't it just for money?" Professor Liao's wife said, "Nowadays many college students are very vain and compare each other all day long. Seeing this one bought a brand-name bag, and the other wearing a diamond necklace, I was fascinated by it after a long time. It's not like when we were at that age, simply holding hands would make people blush."

Xie Huan was peeling the grapefruit in his hand, and suddenly remembered something, "Professor Xin, what's the name of this female student..."?
Professor Xin pondered for a long time, "It seems that the surname is Zhou, and the name is Zhou Yimin."

Xie Huan raised his head suddenly as his fingers penetrated into the cold grapefruit peel, his eyes widened, "Professor Xin, how did you know about this, did any student sue?"
"How can anyone tell me about this? A picture of her cuddling with that man was uploaded on our school forum two days ago. I don't know which student in the school just happened to take a picture of her and that man going to have a room. I heard this The students didn’t go home for the Chinese New Year. I didn’t know at the beginning. It was a few disciples under me who told me about it. Now many professors and teachers in the school know about it. Fortunately, the school hasn’t started yet. When those students come, it is estimated that it will be passed on early. There is a lot of uproar, you say how her parents gave birth to this kind of daughter", Professor Xin shook his head again and again, "If this kind of scandal is caused and the school atmosphere is ruined, I will find out what the head of the department means and will expel her."

Xie Huan felt a piece of soldering iron burning in his heart, it was burning red, Zhan Yuanqing's lonely and faltering body on the day of Zhang Sijing's wedding flashed in front of his eyes again, could it be that the man was still outside to accompany Zhou Yimin even when he was celebrating the New Year's Eve? Is Zhan Yuanqing a pregnant woman at home?What kind of man is this? He's a bastard, a beast.

Seeing that her face was getting greener, Professor Liao called her with concern, "Xiao Xie, what are you thinking?"
"Oh, I just think that this kind of students should be expelled, and ruining the reputation of the school is the second most hateful thing, and what is even more hateful is destroying other people's families," Xie Huan replied quickly after returning to his senses.

"That's true," Professor Xin sighed, "But the school can't control that much, as long as it doesn't make too much noise, after all, it's not easy to cultivate a college student now."

After chatting with them for a while, it was around 05:30 in the evening that Xie Huan went into the kitchen to make arrangements for the food and then cut the vegetables, and Zhang Shengguang came back from get off work.

"Why did you come back so early?"Although he promised that he would come back for dinner at night, she thought he would not come back until at least dinner time, so she cooked the dishes late on purpose.

"Didn't you hear that there were guests at home, so I came back early to help you cook, you pregnant woman, sit in the living room with the guests honestly," Zhang Shengguang rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen after finishing speaking.

Professor Xin and the others smiled at her, "Xiao Xie, your husband really loves you very much. When I was pregnant, my husband never saw him so well."

Xie Huan smiled warmly. She knew that he must be afraid that he would be tired. It would be fine to make two small dishes at home, but when guests came, he would be busy. She was really happy that he could come back early.

After eating Zhang Shengguang's craftsmanship for dinner, Professor Xin and the others were full of praise, and Xie Huan's face was also radiant. Who doesn't like others to praise their husbands, as if they are praising themselves.

Even after eating, he rushed to wash a lot of dishes.

After seeing off Professor Xin and the others, she walked to the kitchen and looked at the tall and straight figure beside the sink. She couldn't help but walked over and hugged her quietly from behind.

She likes days like this very much.

(End of this chapter)

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