Chapter 101
February 185 AD.

Li Hong wanted to take advantage of the many Hu tribes in Shanggu County to form a cavalry force.

Now the Bailu Tribe can provide a 2000-man army for a long time. The Wuye tribe has taken in many prisoners because of the Dishuiwei War. They can also provide a 3000-man army for a long time. If you add more than 6000 Karasuma prisoners this time , then a [-] Hu cavalry army can be formed in Shanggu.They have superb riding skills, high tactical literacy, and proficient formation. These are advantages that Han cavalry do not have.Rather than working hard to train Han cavalry with unsatisfactory results, it is better to directly recruit these Hu residents who live on the land of the Han.Speaking of which, they are also Han people, but they are of different ethnicities.

This team guards the frontier to prevent the invasion of foreign barbarians, and it is also for their own tribe, their own family and relatives.Like this time, the Bailu Tribe was chased by Tuoba Feng and fled to Taihang Mountain, and the loss was astonishing.Many scattered herdsmen were killed by the invaders.These are lessons of blood.In the case of the weak frontier army of the Han Kingdom, the only way to protect ourselves is at this time.

Li Hong thinks very simply. He thinks that as long as these Hu people are treated the same as the Han cavalry, treat them equally, respect them, and let them know that this is purely to protect their own family members and property, he thinks it is completely ok. Get their loyalty and support.If it really doesn't work, just break up the partnership, and lose a little money at most, and it will not cause any danger to the Han Kingdom.

His suggestion is that these captives of Baishan Karasuma in Shanggu County can be released back, unconditionally, without asking for anything.But they must join the cavalry unit of the Han Frontier Army, that is, the Fengyun Iron Cavalry.Their treatment in the future is exactly the same as that of the Han Chinese cavalry, with military pay and holidays.If you don't agree, kill them all.

As expected, this leopard was as rumored, either a lunatic or an idiot.What else to consider with such a good condition?It has never been heard that the Han Dynasty paid the soldiers of the Hu soldiers.However, Nanlou's heart ached when he thought of the large amount of property that Li Hong had robbed.This idiot thought he was rich, and thought of such a short-lived idea, just let him go prodigal.When he loses the money, who will pay him the military salary?Without military pay, if the promised things cannot be fulfilled, the cavalry will be disbanded immediately.

Nan Lou agreed immediately.Soon, Li Hong released a group of tribal leaders and nobles including Tun Jie and Shen Jin.

Xian Yufu left.He basically agrees with Li Hong's approach. It is indeed a good thing to kill multiple birds with one stone when the situation on the border is unstable and there are no soldiers available.First of all, there are nearly [-] troops guarding the border, which is self-evident to the deterrent effect on foreign barbarians.Secondly, soldiers of the Hu nationality from the Bianjun tribe joined the Han army, which stabilized the relationship between the Han and Hu tribes, and was conducive to the rapid recovery of the Bianjun economy from the post-war depression.In the future, when the situation in Youzhou will be completely stabilized, how this army will exist will be discussed in the future.As for the establishment system, because Youzhou was still in the late stage of the war, he went to Juyang to discuss with Dou Hong first. It would be best if Shanggu County could solve it.If not, after returning to Jicheng, he can persuade a group of officials in the governor's office to authorize Li Hong to temporarily form the Fengyun Iron Cavalry before the new governor arrives in Youzhou.

Dou Hong was very happy to hear this suggestion. There is a cavalry force of nearly [-] people stationed at the border, and there is no need to pay military salaries from Shanggu County for the time being. It is a good thing.But without the prefect, he has no right to decide such a big matter.So he immediately found Hu Karasuma Captain Jichou.Jichou's injury is now more serious because of delayed treatment.Before Dou Hong could finish his sentence, he repeatedly agreed that even if it was the establishment of the Shanggu Bian Army, it would be handled by Master Sima of another department.

In early August, Li Hong received the document authorizing the expansion of the army sent by Ji Chou, and immediately started to organize the work. More than 8 prisoners immediately reorganized the army, and trained at the same time as more than 3000 Han cavalry.With the consent of the two adults of Wuye Tribe and Bailu Tribe, their 3000 cavalry unit soon joined the Fengyun Cavalry Army.Li Hong immediately gathered 1 people, and the troops began to reorganize.

Li Hong rebuilt the Wuqu troops, each of which had three villages under its jurisdiction, with 600 people in each village.Yushi, Huzi, Yan Wuwei, Hengji, and Sheyingtong are the military candidates for each song, and Xiaolan, Fist, Lei Zi, Shehu, and Lu Huanyang are the fake military candidates for each song.There are 400 people in the Qinwei Tun, Hu Ding and Qi Shen are the left and right Tun chiefs.There are 300 people in the scout station and 800 in the guard station, and Zheng Xin and Tie Yue are each military marquis.Because more than two-thirds of the soldiers in the army are Hu people, Li Hong pays special attention to military discipline. He is afraid that Han soldiers will insult and bully Hu soldiers, which will cause problems in the unity of the troops. serve.Since each song expanded to [-] people, Li Hong ordered each song to form its own scout team and guard team.

The troops immediately began field combat exercises along the border.Later, the royal court of Hanshan Mountain was taken aback, and heavy troops were stationed on guard along the border.

In mid-August, Li Hong sent a large number of people to exchange the captured spoils to the two major counties of Zhuojun and Yuyang for money, and to provide compensation to the families of soldiers who died in battle who could find their relatives.Since the war has just ended, Youzhou’s treasury is scarce, and this year the imperial court did not allocate part of the taxes from Jizhou and Qingzhou to Youzhou. In the past, it basically allocated 8 million yuan to Youzhou every year, so the compensation for the soldiers who died in battle There is no way to distribute it.Li Lihong was afraid that the matter would be known, so he did not dare to spread the word, so he ordered Tie Yue to do it secretly.Although Tie Yue was young, he acted cautiously. Under the personal supervision of him and Tian Zhong, the matter went very smoothly.

According to Li Hong's request, Yushi went to Yuyang to visit He Yi, the prefect of Yuyang, and Tian Kai, the captain.Yuyang County is the second largest county in Youzhou after Zhuo County, with a population of nearly 50, much higher than other prefectures and counties, such as Shanggu County, which has a population of only 8 to [-].Yuyang County is rich in products, rich in salt and iron, and is the county with the highest tax income in Youzhou.Yuyang City and Quanzhou City both produce iron, and there are a lot of craftsmen in these two places, and the weapons and armor they make are of the highest quality.Yushi hoped to get their help, and under the condition of mutual benefit, he lobbied the rich and powerful in Yuyang to provide a batch of high-quality weapons as quickly as possible.

A group of officials, such as He Yi and Tian Kai, accepted the benefits from Yushi, so they naturally had to spend some energy and try their best to help them buy them at a low price. Soon they helped Yushi gather a batch of knives, guns, swords, halberds and ordinary weapons enough for five thousand soldiers. armor.Helmets and armor are good, but they are too expensive to afford.Yushi instinctively wanted to buy a set for several military marshals, but after asking the price, he immediately closed his mouth and didn't even look at it.

Tian Kai whispered to Yushi that Li Hong spent a lot of money to build Fengyun Iron Cavalry, which is a good thing for Youzhou at present, but Li Hong's money will soon be exhausted, and those spoils will not be enough for a huge cavalry force of [-] anyway. overhead.Once Shanggu County and Youzhou Governor's Department are unwilling to bear the military expenses in the later period, and the court cannot ask for money, this army will be disbanded soon.The army was disbanded, so the money was wasted.Why does Li Hong do thankless things?Yushi shook his head helplessly.He told Tian Kai that it is probably because the adult's brain is broken, his past memory has not been recovered, and now he likes to do things arbitrarily, it all depends on personal preference.He just likes cavalry.He does not worry about the future.

In late August, on a whim, Li Hong ordered the Wuqu troops to carry out an infantry duel drill.The Sanqu troops were transformed into infantry, and fought against the two cavalry on the plains to find a way to restrain each other.The soldiers tormented Li Hong unspeakably and complained quite a lot.The military officers of various ministries also came to Li Hong to discuss the matter.Good cavalry, why don't you give full play to your advantages, instead of using your strengths to learn from your weaknesses, and train infantry, is it the way adults are wrong?Li Hong ignored them all, and went his own way. He said that he was in a hurry, and he asked if there was a horse plague and all the horses died suddenly, what would everyone do?Stop fighting and flee?So everyone, don't argue, go back and train hard, and strive to become cavalry when you get on the horse, and infantry when you get off the horse.If the infantry defeated the cavalry in the exercise, there would be a heavy reward, and each would be paid an extra month of military pay.If the cavalry is defeated, one month's military salary will be deducted, and the military commanders will deduct double.Now the barracks is in chaos, everyone has their own tricks, new tricks every day, both sides win and lose each other, the drills are getting more and more intense, and the number of wounded gradually increases.This frightened Li Hong, so he hurriedly sent some money to comfort everyone, and calm down everyone's gradually excited emotions.It's training, not fighting, and it's not good if someone dies.

At the end of the month, Zuo Ying, the prefect of Shanggu, took office.Soon, Yang Chun, governor of Youzhou, took office.

At the same time, bad news spread to Youzhou one after another, making people feel that the Han Kingdom, which once dominated the world, seemed to be in its dying years, becoming more and more weak and weak.

Last winter, the Qiang people in Beidi County, Xiliang, and the Han people in Fanghan County and Heguan County (both counties in the southwestern part of Gansu Province), because they could not bear the excessive expropriation by local officials, and the people had no way to survive, they jointly promoted He appointed Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou, the naturalized Hu people from Huangzhong County (in the southeast of Qinghai), as generals, killed Lingzheng, the school guard of the Qiang, and gathered a crowd to rebel.

In the spring of this year, Bian Zhang, a native of Jincheng in Liangzhou, was attacked and killed by Han Sui, Chen Yi, the prefect of Jincheng, and followed closely behind him, leading the crowd to revolt.Soon, several teams united together and promoted Beigong Boyu as commander in chief. The number of troops reached more than 20, and the momentum was astonishing.

In April, under the leadership of Bian Zhang, the rebels conquered and occupied most of the counties in Liangzhou.In May, they began to attack Sansuke. (Sanfu is the three counties of the Han Dynasty: Jingzhao County with Chang'an as the center, Fufeng County to the right of Chang'an, called "You Fufeng", and Fengyi County to the left of Chang'an, called "Zuo Fengyi". Fufeng The center of Xiliang is Xianyang, and the center of Feng Yi is Dali) The Xiliang rebels are strong, and they are invincible all the way.The Han army had no power to parry at all, and they retreated repeatedly, and Chang'an was in a hurry.

The emperor was shocked, and hurriedly transferred the left chariot to ride the general, Jizhou Mu, Huaili Hou Huangfu Song went west to Chang'an, and led the army to meet the enemy.

In June, Huangfusong went to Chang'an, leading an army of [-] and Bianzhang Han Sui and other troops to fight continuously in Sanfu.But the strength of the rebel army is indeed huge, the number of troops is too large, Ren Huangfusong has great ability, and there is no way to repel the enemy, so he can only stabilize the front line in Suyi, Guyi, Qixian, Yunyi, and Chencang.By August, Beigong Boyu was short of food and grass, and led the army back to Liangzhou.Huangfusong led his troops to withdraw to Chang'an.Unexpectedly, not only did he not receive a reward, but instead he was severely punished by the court under the pretext of being futile in the continuous battle and wasting a lot of money. .

It turned out that last year when Huangfusong was conquering the Yellow Turban leader Zhang Jiao's army, he led his troops through Yecheng in Wei County, Jizhou. So he went up to play the emperor angrily.The emperor was short of money, and was overjoyed when he saw the memorial. He immediately confiscated it and scolded Zhao Zhong.After defeating the Yellow Turban, Huangfusong made outstanding contributions. He was granted the title of General Zuo Cheqi, led Jizhou Shepherd, and was granted the title of Marquis of Huaili.Zhongchang servant Zhang Rang thought that he had contributed to rewarding Huangfusong, so he sent someone to find Huangfusong and asked him to give 5000 million yuan.Huangfusong hated him for being shameless, he was furious and cursed at him.Therefore, Huangfusong and the two settled their grudges.This incident was purely designed by the two of them to get revenge on Huangfusong.General He Jin also ignored Huangfusong after he saw his meritorious service. He was very angry and played a role in fueling the incident.

Huangfu Song dismissed from office and returned to his home in Luoyang.

Huangfusong had just left Chang'an, Beigong Boyu, Bian Zhang, Han Sui and other rebel leaders immediately led an army of 10,000+ to attack Sanfu again.The autumn harvest season is coming soon, and it is a good time to send troops to grab food.The Han army, led by general Zhou Shen and Zhonglang general Dong Zhuo, rose up to resist, but they were invincible. They retreated all the way to Wugong, Chiyang, and stood firm for thousands of years. The land of Sanfu basically fell.All the autumn grain was looted by the rebels.Poor Fufeng, the 10,000+ people in the two counties of Fengyi are not only displaced, but also suffer from hunger, which is terrible.

At the same time, Jizhou Zhongshan Kingdom, Changshan Kingdom, Zhao Kingdom, Julu County, Ganling Kingdom, and the Yellow Turbans rose up again, supporting soldiers and rebelling, and there were countless people who gathered people to expose the pole, the small ones were thousands, the big ones were tens of thousands, or corrupt officials were killed Officials, or occupying mountains and cutting land to become kings, or become thieves and bandits, and the situation has intensified, threatening to start a prairie fire.

It turned out that since Huangfusong left Jizhou this spring, the rest of the Yellow Turbans who had been hiding in the Taihang Mountains felt that the threat had been eliminated, and immediately went down the mountain to continue to attack the city, burn the government, and rob Juyi.Among them, Zhang Niujiao Department of Boling, Jizhou is the most powerful, with a population of 10,000+.Zhongshan Huanglong, Zhang Baiqi, Changshan Chu Feiyan, Sun Qin, Wang Dang, Zhao Guoyang Feng, Zuoxiao and other dozens of Yellow Turban forces gathered under Zhang Niujiao's banner, gathering 60 million people. They captured cities and burned the government. , Sweeping away the Wubao of the rich and powerful everywhere, gradually forming a huge force.

In September, when the autumn harvest was approaching, the Yellow Turban rebels swept across most of Jizhou like a sudden outbreak.Officials and wealthy families in various counties and counties fled in the face of the wind, and the Han army was invincible, so they could only defend the city and get out.

The eastern and western prefectures and counties of the Han Dynasty were in chaos at the same time, shocking Luoyang.

(End of this chapter)

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