Great Han Empire

Chapter 1010 Troubled Times Heroic Chapter Changhe Sunset

Chapter 1010 Chapter [-]
In mid-September, General Hussars Xianyu Fu reported victory, and General Zhang He, the guarding general, pacified Liaodong in the first battle. Now he is leading his army into Liaoxi, preparing to advance towards Wuhou Qinshui and continue to attack Xianbei in the east.

Xianyufu planned to attack Guangning at the end of this month and drive Fuluohan and Shelong out of the Great Wall. For this reason, he asked the general to lead his army to Danhan Mountain to contain a part of the Xianbei rebel army and help the soldiers on the Shanggu battlefield. The armies from all walks of life successfully encircled and wiped out Fu Luohan.

Li Hong was overjoyed, and urgently told Yushi, the former general Yushi, Liu Ming, the Duliao general Liu Ming, and Liu Bao, the Hun grand danyu, who were stationed in Yunzhong, to lead the army to advance eastward rapidly and launch an attack along the northern line of the Great Wall.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty and the general commanded the Huben Yulin Camp, the Huqi Camp, the Ula cavalry of the iron battleaxe, the western Xianbei army of Budugeng, and the northern Xianbei army of Tuobahong. A total of [-] cavalry directly killed Danhan Mountain.


At the end of September, Hussar General Xian Yufu personally rushed to Juyang City, the prefecture of Shanggu County, to command the Guangning battle.

Zhenbei General Yan Rou, Wu Meng General Wu Xiong, and Changshui General Mustafa led an army of [-] cavalry to attack from the direction of Macheng.

General Xian Yuyin of Zhengbei, General Yingqin of Captives, Qi Zhou, prefect of Shanggu County, Kebi Xiong, Shehu, Sheyingtong and others led [-] cavalry to attack from the front along the Qiushui River. .

Baishan Karasuma Da Shanyu Loulu, Bailu Wang Lu Pofeng, Lu Huanyang and others led an army to attack from the direction of Baishan, intending to defeat the Karasuma rebels who were capable of Chendi and cut off the retreat of the Xianbei rebels.


At this moment, Fuluohan has received the news that the Xianbei army in the east has defeated Xiangping in Liaodong.

The vicissitudes of the desert situation forced Fu Luohan to take risks and fight the Han army.If he wins or draws, he can regain the lost advantage. On the contrary, if he retreats without a fight, the leaders of the coalition forces will see the bleak prospects of Fuluo Han and the imminent defeat after receiving the news of Jiamo's defeat. If there is a possibility of betrayal, the army will be torn apart immediately, and he can only tie his hands.

The Guangning War took the lead in the Bald Mountain Plain north of the Great Wall. Nengchen Di successfully lured the enemy, and led the troops of Lou Lu and Lu Pofeng into the encirclement.Lou Lu carelessly underestimated the enemy, was besieged, and fled in defeat.

Fu Luohan immediately assembled 180 cavalry, and galloped [-] miles to the old river beach near the Qiushui River in one day and one night.

General Yan Rou of Zhenbei mistakenly thought that the enemy in front was Fuluohan's blocking army, and commanded the troops to attack and kill. Unexpectedly, the Xianbei people were overwhelming, roaring in all directions, and surrounded the Han army.Yan Rou remained unruffled in the face of danger, while sending people to ask Xian Yuyin for help, while forming a solid formation, holding back the main force of the enemy army.

Xianyuyin's army successfully reached Guangning City, and then captured Ningcheng without much resistance. He, Ying Qin and others once thought that the Xianbei rebels had withdrawn from the Great Wall, until they received Yan Rou's request for help. Knowing that Fu Luo Han actually took the main force to besiege and kill Yan Rou.

Guangning City is 120 miles away from Laohetan. Although Xian Yuyin was running wildly, he still failed to encircle Fuluohan. He quickly withdrew, led the army across the Qiushui River, crossed the Great Wall from the direction of Macheng, and returned to Danhan Mountain.


In October, the army of the former general Yushi approached Danhan Mountain first, and then the army of the emperor and the general also arrived.

After hearing the news, Xian Yufu ordered Yan Rou and Xian Yuyin to lead their armies across the Great Wall to join forces with Lou Lu, Lu Pofeng, and Lu Huanyang to attack Danhan Mountain.

Just as he was about to leave Juyang and go to Danhan Mountain, Suli, the commander of Xianbei in the east, sent his younger brother Cheng Lugui to Shanggu.

He brought a human head, the head of the Eastern Xianbei King Jiamo.

"The reason why the Xianbei tribes in the east betrayed the great Han was Gamo's idea." Cheng Lv pleaded guilty, "Now the leaders of the tribes killed the rebellious Gamo, pleaded guilty to the Han emperor, and respected Kebi Xiong as the Eastern Xianbei King, may the generations be loyal to the Great Han Dynasty."

Xian Yufu looked up to the sky and sighed bitterly, what he was most worried about finally became a reality.Que Ji, Su Li, Huaitou and others from Xianbei in the east saw the reversal of the situation in the desert, and resolutely abandoned Jia Mo and Fu Luo Han, and embraced Kirby Bear again.When Kirby Bear returns to Huoyunyuan, the desert will form three major forces, and the opportunity for the Xianbei people to rise again in the desert has finally come.

Xian Yufu was unable to refuse the surrender of Xianbei in the east, nor was he able to prevent Kirby Bear from returning to the desert.

Although Zhang Liao's army is now waiting in the west of Liaoning, Liaodong has just been pacified and needs troops to defend it. If he goes north to attack Wuhou Qinshui, the troops will definitely be insufficient, and the food and grass will not be sustainable. His move was nothing more than deliberately creating an attacking posture, but it was enough to deter the Xianbei people.

Several leaders of Xianbei in the east are the older generation in the desert. They have fought against the big men for decades, and they have too much experience. They immediately made an accurate judgment on the situation and immediately agreed on a plan that is most beneficial to the Xianbei The way to dominate the desert again, and the young and ambitious Kirby is their only choice.In order to ensure the interests of the tribe to the greatest extent, they killed Jiamo without hesitation, divided up Jiamo's tribal property, and pushed Kebixiong again to the position of king of Xianbei in the east and middle.

"When will Lie Kuangfeng return to Huoyunyuan?" Xian Yufu asked with a heavy heart.

"My elder brother Suli has personally rushed to Da Xianbei Mountain, and he will definitely be able to return to Huoyunyuan before the heavy snowfall." Cheng Lugui looked at Xian Yufu and asked cautiously, "Master Xianyu, when will the general plan to return?" Siege and kill Fu Luo Han and She Long?"

"What? You want to participate too?" Xian Yufu asked tentatively.

Cheng Lugui heard the implication from Xian Yufu's words, his face lit up, and he immediately swore that the eastern Xianbei tribes were willing to make atonement for their sins, and followed King Kebixiong to attack Fuluohan.If Kebixiong leads the eastern and central armies to attack and kill the rebels in Fuluohan, then they will have the opportunity to completely destroy the strength of the southern Xianbei and Shelong, and then when the desert territory is re-divided after the war, they will unite the western and northern forces. The king of the Xianbei tribe kicked the southern Xianbei out of the desert, and quickly formed a situation where the three Xianbei tribes stood on top of each other.

"I'll go to Danhan Mountain right away, you can go with me." Xian Yufu said, "Only the general can decide whether you can join the battle."


Fuluohan, Shelong, and Nengchendi withdrew from Danhan Mountain, and stationed troops in the area of ​​​​the Lightning River to deal with the Han army.They didn't expect that the emperor of the Han Dynasty would personally lead the conquest, let alone that the general would bring tens of thousands of troops to Danhan Mountain.After discussing with the leaders of various ministries, Fu Luohan sent people to seek help from Xianbei in the east, intending to delay the war until winter in order to gain a few months of buffer time. Moved with the tribe to the remote Daxianbei Mountains.

The desert has entered early winter, and the weather is getting colder and colder. If the fighting continues, it will be difficult for the war to end before the heavy snowfall.It is impossible for Fu Luohan to fight a decisive battle with the Han army now, he will keep retreating, even to the Great Xianbei Mountain. For this reason, Bu Dugeng, Tuobahong and Kebi Xiong all begged the general to temporarily agree to Fu Luohan's peace. Leave his army near the Lightning River to be sieged next spring.Now the army's livestock, food and grass are seriously insufficient, it is better to retreat before the heavy snow comes.

At this time, Xianyufu returned with Chenglu, and the surrender of Xianbei in the east changed the situation in the desert again.

Li Hong, Xian Yufu, Yan Rou, Yushi, Jia Xu and others discussed for a long time, but no one can change the development of the situation in the desert. The future crisis in the desert is like a mountain, weighing on everyone's heart, as heavy as a thousand pounds .

"It's better to stabilize the situation in the desert first, and let's talk about the future." Li Hong said, "In any case, we must kill Fu Luo Han, She Long and Neng Chen Di, otherwise how can the big man deter the Xianbei tribes?"

"Should we fight, or let the Xianbei people fight?" Xianyufu asked, "If the Xianbei people fight, Kebixiong and others will definitely try to kill Fu Luohan and Shelong, and then carve up their army and tribe, further Strengthen your strength."

"Whether it's us fighting or the Xianbei people fighting, the result is the same." Li Hong shook his head and smiled wryly, "Now that the troops of the various tribes of the Hu tribe are here, it is impossible for us to kill tens of thousands of Xianbei traitors in front of them. The Hu army and the Karasuma rebels have all been killed? The current situation of the big man, the leaders of the various tribes of the Hu tribe are very clear. If we kill too much and the methods are too bloody, they will arouse their hatred, and the rebellion will continue in recent years. , How can the army go south to suppress the rebellion?"

"The premise of ZTE's great cause is the unification of the country. Only when the country is unified and the Han is stable and strong, can we have enough troops to guard the desert and enough wealth to support the army's conquest. At that time, the crisis on the desert What is it? With their strength, can they rebuild the glory of Tanshi Huaihuai?"

Everyone agreed with Li Hong's opinion.

"In order to save military resources and ease the financial crisis of the imperial court, we temporarily agreed to Fu Luohan's peace request, and asked Liu Bao, Bu Dugeng, and Tuoba Hong to bring their troops back, and our troops also retreated to the Great Wall." Li Hong said, "We will wait until next spring to see how the situation develops. If the Xianbei people do not want to solve it themselves, we will solve it."


In mid-October, Kebi Xiong, Que Kun and others led the army back to Huoyunyuan, and Jifeng led Hu Qiying to help.

Liu Bao, the great Shan of the Huns, Bu Dugeng, king of Xianbei in the west, and Tuoba Hong of Xianbei in the north led their troops to retreat.

At the end of October, Mobei Governor Tie Yue and Du Liao General Liu Ming also led their troops back to their residences.

The general asked Shehu and Sheyingtong to lead the army to garrison Danhan Mountain, and accompanied the little emperor himself, and led the army to retreat into the Great Wall.

At the end of October, Zhang He, the general of Zhenhu, received the imperial edict and led his army back to Qingzhou, and also led the governor of Qingzhou.


Qu Zhong did not go to Qingzhou to serve as the governor. He went to the court and asked to resign from the post of Junshu Ling on the grounds of old age and sickness, but the prime minister Li Wei refused.

Since September, the atmosphere in Chang'an has become more and more tense.First, news came out from Liyang that the eldest princess and the prime minister had turned to the left and had fierce disputes. Then Zhang Liao, the captain of Sili, began to summon and arrest officials and wealthy merchants in Guanzhong, Hedong and other places. There were more and more signs that the imperial court was vigorously rectifying the administration more obvious.He had a premonition that the situation was not right, so he frequently met with the patriarchs of powerful families and merchants and rich men from all over the place, letters were flying all over the sky, and there was an endless stream of officials, big and small, coming in and out of the mansion.

On the first day of October, Sili Xiaowei Zhang Liao impeached Huang Yi (yi), the chief minister of the Ministry of Agriculture.Huang Yi is the son-in-law of Yuan Shu, the son of the former Taiwei Huang Wan, and he and Qu Zhong are relatives of sons and daughters with prominent family backgrounds.The Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Agriculture, was in charge of the treasury and the national treasury, but this Master Huang Yi was guarding himself and stealing, taking out the money from the treasury for usury, which was too daring.

This shocked the whole court, even the eldest princess was dumbfounded.

Huang Yi was put in prison immediately and interrogated by Prime Minister Li Wei himself.Huang Yi didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.In fact, Li Wei had obtained solid evidence a long time ago, and the next day he rushed to Liyang Palace with more than a dozen volumes of documents.The eldest princess looked casually, and her face immediately changed.The case involved a wide range of people, ranging from Grand Tutor Yang Biao, Da Hong Lu Qing Yuan Yao, down to the big and small money merchants, there were more than 180 people, and Qu Zhong Huo Ran was among them.

Looking at the triumphant Li Wei, the eldest princess felt chills in her heart.How many people will this kill?This guy doesn't seem to want to take the ministers of the DPRK and China into the pot, and he vows not to give up.

"What do you want to do?" The eldest princess didn't read it, pushed the paper aside, and asked in a cold voice.

"I can't handle this case." Li Wei said calmly, "I think, for the sake of prudence, I'd better ask your majesty and the general to return to Beijing quickly."

The eldest princess froze for a moment.The general is famous for his bloody suppression of corruption. If he comes back, he will kill more.

"No, absolutely not." The eldest princess waved her hands again and again, "I will send an order to the general immediately, asking him to return to Beijing next spring."

"So, Your Highness wants to make big things into small things, and the small things are wasted?" Li Wei suddenly became angry, and his voice became a little higher involuntarily, "Did Your Highness forget how the Great Han Society fell into the abyss of overthrow?"

"That's the end of this matter, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." The eldest princess said very resolutely.

Li Wei shook his head, bowed and said, "His Royal Highness, you will make things messy if you tolerate and raise traitors like this."


The actions of the eldest princess aroused the anger of some ministers in the central court. Taiwei Zhang Yan, Guang Luxun Zhao Yun, Wei Wei Yang Feng, Da Si Nongtian Yu, Shangshu Ling Tianchou and other ministers jointly signed a petition, asking the eldest princess to rectify the administration of officials, and punish those corrupt officials. Pollutants are severely punished.

The eldest princess ignored it, and invited ministers such as Grand Sima Xu Rong, Tai Fu Yang Biao, Yushi Dafu Xun You, Ting Weiqing Chen Qun and other ministers to Liyang to discuss how to properly handle the matter so as to maintain the court's "face" to the greatest extent.Once this case breaks out, the prestige of the imperial court will definitely suffer a heavy blow, and it is more likely to arouse public anger and lead to rebellion.

On the ninth day of October, Taiwei Zhang Yan called the generals in Beijing and the generals stationed in Guanzhong to discuss matters. At the military meeting, he repeatedly warned the generals to strictly abide by the military law, not to take bribes and pervert the law, otherwise they will kill one if they find out.

On the tenth day of October, Taiwei Zhang Yan played. Considering the recent tense situation in Chang'an, he planned to quickly transfer the troops of the left general Yan Liang and Long Xiang general Wang Dang back to Chang'an City, and stationed troops in the Northern Army camp to prevent accidents.

On October 20th, the eldest princess invited more than [-] ministers to Liyang Palace to discuss the matter, but the prime minister Li Wei, Taiwei Zhang Yan and others refused to accept the eldest princess's suggestion, and impeached Tai Fu Yang Biao and Da Hong He is Yuan Yao.This case involved many of Yang Biao's clan relatives and disciples, and he should immediately take the blame and resign.Yuan Yao's brother-in-law is Huang Yi, and Yuan Yao's two younger brothers are also involved in the case. Not only should he take the blame and resign, but he should take the initiative to stay in Tingwei's prison.

The eldest princess' words have no weight, and the ministers accused and abused each other in the hall, ignoring her existence at all.

The eldest princess was furious, and now she deeply understands the desolation and helplessness of the loss of imperial power.Brother Leopard, is this the Han court you hoped for?In such a court, in the future, the little emperor can still hold power and govern the country?

The court meeting broke up unhappy.

On October [-]th, the memorials of Generals of the Left Guard Lu Bu, General Yan Liang of the Left, General Wen Chou of the Right, General Wang Dang of Longxiang, General Jiang Wu of Zhenxi and other generals stationed in various places were sent to Chang'an successively, demanding that the princess clean up the officials and severely punish corrupt officials.


"Your Highness, the situation in Chang'an is out of control. You should leave Liyang immediately." General He Feng pleaded, "Now the conflicts in the court are getting more and more intense. Once the conflicts break out, His Highness will bear the brunt. After the general hears the news, he must He returned day and night. As soon as he came back, the massacre in Chang'an couldn't escape. Don't you want Chang'an's blood to flow like a river?"

"Could it be that if I leave, Chang'an won't be bleeding like a river?" the eldest princess asked angrily.

"Your Highness, you are a fan of the authorities." He Feng bowed and said, "Excuse me for being rude, to put it bluntly, the Prime Minister and the Taiwei are actually the same as Your Highness, and they are not willing to bloody corruption, nor do they want to let the court The prestige has been hit, and the reason why things have developed to this point is because of His Highness."

"Me?" The eldest princess looked at He Feng in surprise, "I uphold the dignity of the court, and I do my best to protect the relatives of the heroes. Am I wrong?"

"Your Highness, if you don't leave Chang'an, you are supporting them. They are unscrupulous. Even if they are corrupt and pervert the law, they are still arrogant and domineering, and they are against the prime minister. In this way, where is the majesty of the prime minister? What can he do?" He Feng said excitedly, "Your Highness has also been to the Great Wall and knows the hardships there. If we want to defend the western and northern frontiers, can we just rely on the loyalty and bravery of the soldiers? No, it is impossible. If we want to hold In the frontier, it is necessary to garrison the fields and guard the border, and to enrich the border counties, so the prime minister’s approach is correct, and he is not wrong. These years, if there is no stability in the northern border, can the big man come to where he is today? Can those powerful families, merchants and rich people To live today? To get so much wealth? Why does the court help them live a good life and help them obtain countless wealth, but the court still owes them money? Why? Is there such a reason in the world? ?”

The eldest princess was stunned.

"Your Highness has always thought that the Prime Minister is arrogant and domineering, but think about it carefully, Your Highness, who is arrogant and domineering in today's court? Who forced the Prime Minister to be cornered and had to kill someone with a knife?"

He Feng lifted his clothes and knelt down, "His Royal Highness, I beg you, please leave Chang'an and go to Jinyang. If you leave, those people will lose their support, and all conflicts can be resolved. Da Sima and the prime minister will take care of everything." problems are resolved.”


On October [-]th, the eldest princess suddenly issued an order to inspect Jinyang, entrusting all state affairs to Grand Sima Xu Rong.


(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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