Great Han Empire

Chapter 1019 Troubled Times Heroic Chapter Banner Unrolled

Chapter 1019 The Banner of Heroes in Troubled Times Unrolled
The carriage drove into Yang's mansion.

With the support of his family, Yang Biao greeted him personally.Xiao Lan knelt down from a distance, "Uncle is too polite, the younger generation can't bear it..."

"Child, get up, get up..." Yang Biao hurriedly took a few steps, and helped her up with a smile, "Why do you have time to see me today?"

Xiao Lan stood up and took Yang Biao's arm affectionately, "I heard that Uncle is going back to his hometown in Kansai, so I came here to see him off."

Yang Biao was slightly taken aback, frowned thoughtfully, and waved at the family members and guests around him, motioning them to retreat.

The storm in Chang'an involves various forces, and everyone has been planning for a long time, waiting for the final moment of the decisive battle.The Nanyang War itself was a court game. The lives of more than 3 soldiers were ultimately exchanged for the redistribution of power in the court. However, to achieve this goal, excellent opportunities and careful planning are required.The stability of the situation in northern Xinjiang and the serious illness of the general are golden opportunities. At this time, the warriors in the court have to make choices for their own interests.Which side to choose to get the most benefit?It is the eldest princess who is in charge of the power of the great man. When the general may fall, supporting the eldest princess is the only choice.The eldest princess and the prime minister are already incompatible, and the struggle between the imperial power and the prime minister has reached a fever pitch. No matter from which point of view, the warriors in the court will give up the prime minister Li Wei.

The aristocratic families are sure to win.As long as the eldest princess returns to Chang'an, the troops from Hedong and Guanxi can be dispatched.At this moment, Fengyun Cavalry and Xiliang Cavalry are ready to go, a war may break out at any time, and Guanzhong is facing the danger of dying.For the stability of the country, in order to obtain the maximum benefits at the minimum cost, no matter whether it is the eldest princess, a warrior, or a powerful family, there is only mutual compromise, and the price of compromise is to kill Prime Minister Li Wei.

However, no one expected that things would suddenly turn upside down. The seriously ill general persuaded the eldest princess to return the power to the little emperor in advance, and asked the little emperor to grant a marriage order to marry the eldest princess. The princess married into the house.

When the general did this, the first thing he considered was the stability of the country, and if he wanted to stabilize the country, he first had to stabilize the two frontiers in the northwest. When he was seriously ill and might die soon, he had no choice but to make this kind of helpless choice. All the armed forces in northern Xinjiang were handed over to the eldest princess, and let the eldest princess control the desert on his behalf.

The eldest princess returned power to the little emperor and went to Jinyang, and the little emperor supported the Nanyang battlefield regardless of the crisis in Chang'an. Both the eldest princess and the little emperor took the stability of the country as their top priority.At this moment, as long as the northern border is stable and the southern battlefield is stable, even if Chang'an is destroyed, it will not be able to destroy the country.Chang'an is gone, and Luoyang is still there. The Chang'an court was destroyed, but it can still be rebuilt in Luoyang.Facing the deteriorating situation, Grand Sima Xu Rong and Taiwei Zhang Yan were cornered. They could only put down the rebellion without hesitation, and put down the rebellion as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the two of them would kill everyone and wait. Their fate is also ruined.

Who are Xu Rong and Zhang Yan going to kill?Will it really kill everyone?

They had to kill.Now that the rebellion in the northwestern borders has just been put down, the rebellion in the south is still pending, and the situation of the big man is extremely tense. The rebellion obviously realized that he was going to die.The general is dead, the warriors in the court are not stable, and the great cause of ZTE is still far away. What choice do they have?Only kill.The lessons of Dong Zhuo's failure are too profound for the warriors, from the generals to the ordinary generals, they reflect on Dong Zhuo's failure all the time.The general has always hoped that warriors would enter the court and take charge of the government. This is a countermeasure he formulated to avoid the disaster of Dong Zhuo, but he died and the warriors lost their support. Can this policy be implemented?Impossible, absolutely impossible, so the warriors had no choice but to adopt the bloodiest method, kill, kill all the powerful bureaucrats who threatened their survival.

The aristocratic families dare not move.After Yang Biao, Xun You, Chen Qun, Yuan Huan, Zhang Fan, Cui Yan, Wei Che and others got the news, they sent people flying all over the place in unison, canceled all operations in a hurry, and destroyed all evidence, but there was one piece of evidence they destroyed If not, it is the rebels who are attacking Du Ling.Under the current situation, only the rebels can be sacrificed, but will the rebel generals agree?Are they willing to sacrifice their own lives and the lives of their families to save others?Will Xu Rong and Zhang Yan agree?Are they willing to let go of the opportunity to massacre their opponents?
There is only one way, and that is to shake hands with Li Wei and make peace.Li Wei also has his life in danger, but Li Wei is cruel, cunning and treacherous, plus he is the backbone of the Northern Xinjiang faction, he must have a way to escape, he will never let go of such a good opportunity to attack his opponent, even if he can't save himself , He also wants to drag everyone to be buried with him.

Just when Yang Biao was at a loss, Xiao Lan came.Yang Biao was overjoyed and went out to greet him in person.In today's world, only Mrs. Zhu Xiaolan can solve the deadlock of Chang'an crisis.Sure enough, Xiao Lan's first sentence made clear the purpose of her visit to Yang Biao.

"Son, I'm old and I can't do it anymore. I wanted to go back to my hometown in Kansai for a long time, but..." Yang Biao walked slowly with Xiao Lan's support, and said with a pun, "Here is my Clan relatives, my disciples and old officials, and many of my old friends, I can't bear to part with them."

Xiao Lan pursed her lips and chuckled, "One emperor and one courtier. Now that the little emperor is in charge, the court should have a new look. There is no other way. It is also a good thing to retire bravely."

Yang Biao laughed out loud, with some bitterness and sadness in his laughter.All games are lost, all games are lost.

"The situation in Chang'an is critical, the general is not here, and the eldest princess is married. Your Majesty should return to Beijing in time to preside over the overall situation. You should not go south at this time..." Yang Biao stopped, "What do you think?"

"The situation in Chang'an is critical?" Xiao Lan looked up at the blue sky, and laughed softly, "What joke are you kidding, Mr. Chang'an? Chang'an is very peaceful, what's the crisis? Now that the general is not here, His Majesty should have no hesitation in provoking ZTE's leadership and leading the way." The army is going south to fight." Xiao Lan patted Yang Biao's arm affectionately, "Uncle, you can go back at ease, Chang'an will be fine."

Yang Biao felt relieved, and he let out a long breath, "I'm relieved when you say that, Chang'an can be entrusted to you."

Xiao Lan smiled and nodded, "Uncle is the emperor's teacher. After returning to Kansai, don't forget about the emperor's studies. If your health allows, you will come back often."

Yang Biao shook his head, "Once I leave, I won't come back." He turned his head to look to the north, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, "I wonder if I can still see the general in my lifetime?"

"The general will not come back again." Tears welled up in Xiao Lan's eyes suddenly, "He finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell down."

"Where is Your Highness? Can I still see Your Highness?"

"It's impossible." Xiao Lan's tears rolled down, "When the general transfers the Fengyun cavalry from the desert to Jinyang, everything has already been decided, and no one can change their own destiny."

Yang Biao stood in a daze for a long time, silently looking at the white clouds in the sky, an inexplicable sadness suddenly flowed from the bottom of his heart, and slowly bathed his whole body.Fengyun cavalry, as long as there are Fengyun cavalry, as long as there is the loyalty and bravery of Fengyun cavalry, the world will always be the world of big men.

He slowly closed his eyes, and an old tear fell quietly.


Weiyang Palace and Qilin Palace.

Xu Rong was sitting behind the table, resting his cheek on his left hand, putting his right hand on the table, tapping his index finger on the table lightly, either quickly or slowly, without any rhythm.Zhang Yan stood by the window with her arms folded, staring intently at the branches swaying in the wind in the garden, motionless like a sculpture.Xiao Lan sat on the brocade mat, surrounded by bundles of bamboo slips, silk books, and wooden slips piled up like hills. She looked around with great interest, with a calm expression and a slight smile on her face. .

Tian Chou burst into tears, covering his face and weeping bitterly, "Yuan Shu told me back then that the imperial court is a facade, and state affairs are fraud. I thought I understood it, but I didn't understand it until now. There is another sentence, we are all despicable and shameless villains, we are all villains..." He slapped himself hard in the face, "Shameless, shameless, shameless..."

Tian Chou stood up abruptly, kicked open the door, and left wailing.

Xiao Lan turned her head to look at Tian Chou's back, feeling extremely ashamed.Xu Rong didn't move, there was no expression on his face, and the speed of his index finger tapping became faster and faster.Zhang Yan walked slowly to the door and closed the door.

"Then let's do it this way." Zhang Yan said in a low voice, "Since the general transferred General Lu Bu away, he obviously wanted to give us a step down, and hope we can settle the matter satisfactorily."

"Where is General Yan Liang?" Xiao Lan asked, "Will he agree?"

"Qizhi (Yang Feng), Heizi (Wang Dang) and others are in Yuan Yao's hands, Zishan (Yan Liang) will not ignore the consequences." Zhang Yan said, "Except for Fengxian (Lu Bu) in the court who insisted on Except for killing the rebels, no one else wants to stain Chang'an with blood. The general's intentions are very clear, and we don't need to hesitate."

"What does Da Sima mean?" Xiao Lan looked at Xu Rong and asked.

Xu Rong looked up to the sky and sighed, covering his face tightly with his hands, "The general's condition worsened, and it was all because of us. More than 3 soldiers died in vain like this, he hates it..."

"There is no other way." Xiao Lan sighed bitterly, "Because of the death of [-] soldiers, the conflicts in the court were intensified in advance, causing chaos in Chang'an, forcing the general to leave the eldest princess in Jinyang to deter the desert. As a result, the eldest princess had to return to power in advance. The eldest princess retreated behind the scenes and became the wife of the general. Her strength instantly reached the peak, which forced all parties in the court to compromise with each other in order to deal with the death of the general. All kinds of dire consequences. Only when all parties in the court compromise and work together to defend the little emperor can the country be stable, and the big man can continue to rejuvenate. This is a good thing."

"In any case, the [-] soldiers did not die in vain. They used their lives to resolve various crises in Chang'an, and laid the last cornerstone for the great man's revival. They have made great contributions."

Zhang Yan smiled, very sad and desolate, "Xiao Lan, forget it, forget it..." He waved his hands again and again, "You can do whatever you want. What else do you want?"

"The general is seriously ill and can't manage affairs. Someone must replace the general to take charge of the military power." Xiao Lan said seriously, "Now that General Lu Bu is gone and General Yang Feng was defeated in Nanyang, the only one who is qualified to replace the general is to take charge of the military power." General Yushi, General Zhao Yun, and General Yan Liang. In the past, the general intended to appoint General Zhao Yun as the general, so..."

"The timing is not right now, so I'll wait for a while." Zhang Yan thought for a while, then shook her head, "No matter who is appointed to replace the general, it will shake the morale of the army."

Xiao Lan looked at Xu Rong.Xu Rong lowered his head without any reaction.

"The matter of military power is very important. It is related to the safety of the country. How can we delay?" Xiao Lan said solemnly, "The general is no longer an official position. It is the glory of the great man and the legend of the great man. From then on, the great man has no such thing as a general." official position."

Zhang Yan understood, and Xu Rong also understood.

"I invite your Majesty to worship General Zhao Yun as the Hushi General and lead the general's army." Xu Rong looked up to the sky and lamented, "Repeat Your Majesty, there is no longer a general in this dynasty. The general is a person, and he is my hero."


In October, Guanzhong, Duling.

Cui An handed the silk book to the candle and burned it, "Do you have any questions, my lords?"

Yuan Yao, Huang Yi, Lu Mian, Zi Sui, Zheng Bao, Liu Xun, Guo Yuan and the others hadn't recovered from the extreme shock, they were all stunned.

"Although Mr. Yuan Yao is held hostage by you in name, the people of Chang'an know what's going on." Cui An laughed, "But it's okay, no one has any evidence to prove that Mr. Yuan Yao participated in the rebellion, so you don't have to worry about him. Safe. In addition, your family members are also very safe. The Prime Minister has amended the criminal law and abolished Lian Si. Even if you commit ten serious crimes, you will not be Lian Si. Therefore, your family will be fine. You can rest assured and go south with me. Take refuge in Xiangyang."

"Are you going too?" Huang Yi asked in surprise.

"Of course..." Cui An laughed loudly, "I rebelled openly, just to let you rest assured that if the court kills your family, then my elder brothers Cui Yan and Cui Lin will not be able to escape, will they?"

"I am close friends with Xu Shu and Shi Tao. With my relationship, plus the help you gave to the people of Jingzhou during the Nanyang War, Xiangyang will definitely take us in. In this way, we will have the opportunity to capture Nanyang and Xiangyang. In the future, we will still be the heroes of the big man, and we can still enjoy the glory and wealth like in the past, can't we?"

Zheng Bao cursed bitterly, "A bunch of shameless villains. If I can return to Chang'an, I will definitely kill them."

"Then it will happen in the future..." Cui An laughed, "The most urgent thing now is to retreat immediately, get out of Guanzhong, go out of Wuguan, and go to Xiangyang."


In the afternoon, there will be no updates at night.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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