Great Han Empire

Chapter 1024 Troubled Times Heroic Chapter Banner Unrolled

Chapter 1024 The Banner of Heroes in Troubled Times Unrolled
In November, Chang'an.

Hussar General Zhao Yun hurriedly summoned Guanglu Xunqing Zhang He, Grand Secretary Tian Yu, and Sili Captain Zhang Liao to the Qilin Hall to discuss matters.

Shangshu ordered Tian Chou to recite the emperor's imperial decree in a low voice, "The current situation is very obvious. The life of the general is at stake, and the capital is in danger. His majesty dare not return to Chang'an at all, and he can't get the state, county and army in the Central Plains. The support of the southward conquest was severely hindered. In desperation, His Majesty had no choice but to build the Xingtai, intending to control the imperial power in his own hands, and then improve his prestige, and command the Central Plains, the county and the army..." Tian Chou looked at the crowd and read the imperial decree Put it on the table, "This matter seems to be logical, but when you think about it carefully, it is full of mysteries. A little carelessness may lead to the disaster of splitting the court."

"The Son of Heaven built the Xingtai in the Central Plains, and the center of the imperial court was immediately moved to the Tianzi Camp. At this moment, the coordination between the Xingtai of the Son of Heaven and the Sangong Mansion and the Jiuqing Mansions was handled by the Hushi General and Shang Shutai who stayed in Chang'an. The emperor can concentrate on commanding the army to attack the rebellion, and the Chang'an court can fully raise food, grass and supplies for the army, but the problem is that the emperor not only wants to fight, but also wants to use this opportunity to get rid of the Chang'an court and directly command the Central Plains states and counties. The army, in order to have enough strength to deal with a series of shocks caused by the death of the general. In other words, CCB’s real purpose is to monopolize power, which seriously damages the interests of Jinyang and Chang’an.”

"After the eldest princess became the wife of the great general, she actually took control of the power of the great Han. She returned the power to the little emperor. Letting the little emperor take charge of the government is purely helpless, because she must replace the general to control the two northwest borders and the desert. There is no other way to do it, so I can only do this. Now everyone in the world knows that the eldest princess is the actual controller of the big man. Only when the world is settled and the country is prosperous and strong, the big man can dominate the world, and the little emperor and the court can surpass the eldest princess. After controlling the two borders in the northwest and the desert, the power in the hands of the eldest princess will naturally be returned to the little emperor. At that time, even if she does not hand over, it will not work, strength means everything. When the strength of the little emperor surpasses the eldest princess, the crisis will appear. And the only way to maintain the stability of the big man is for the eldest princess to return power to the little emperor."

"So, for a long time to come, no matter whether the general dies of illness or not, Jinyang will become another power center of the great man."

"Jinyang has a center of power, the Central Plains has the emperor's platform, Chang'an has the imperial court, and the power of the great man is divided into three." Tian Chou sighed helplessly, "Who would have thought that with the fall of the general, the great cause of Zhongxing would be hit hard?" , the situation in the world has become precarious... time and fate..."


"Due to the current situation, it is imperative for the little emperor to go south to conquer and establish his prestige. This is the best way to stabilize the situation. As long as the little emperor can win a battle on the Nanyang battlefield and reverse the current passive situation, things will be easy in the future Yes, however, our estimate of the situation is too optimistic, the general's critical illness has caused panic in the state, counties and army, and now it becomes difficult for the little emperor to win a battle."

"Ministers such as Jia Xu and Fu Gan immediately asked the emperor to build a platform in the Central Plains. This method can solve temporary problems, but the key point is that the real purpose of ministers such as Jia Xu and Fu Qian is not to solve temporary problems, but to solve them once and for all. Solve all problems."

"In the process of exercising power, if the emperor Xingtai encounters resistance, it will not back down, because it represents the imperial power of the Han Dynasty and the majesty of the Han Dynasty, so it is very likely to evolve into a temporary court, and then evolve into a very powerful one. The scale of the small imperial court is a foreseeable fact, and it is something that Jinyang and Chang'an cannot accept anyway. Jinyang is unwilling to let the imperial court split up, let alone see a small imperial court confronting him tit for tat. Chang'an is unwilling to lose Changan will turn to support Jinyang and join hands with Jinyang to fight against the emperor Xingtai. The fate of the little emperor and the emperor Xingtai can be imagined, and the result is The prestige of the little emperor has been hit hard, which runs counter to our idea of ​​supporting and supporting the little emperor, and letting the little emperor undertake the great cause of ZTE."

"Jia Xu, Fu Gan and others obviously also considered this point, so they told the little emperor that the ultimate goal of going south to conquer is to drink the horses of the Yellow River and cross the Yangtze River. They tried to use the banner of calming the world to win Jinyang's support. The eldest princess of course hopes that the little emperor can lead the army to pacify the world, so that he can not only build outstanding achievements, but also stabilize the rich and powerful people of the country, and then have the strength to control the two northwest borders and the desert. She can also completely return the power to the little emperor as soon as possible. , so the eldest princess will definitely support this strategy."

"With the support of the eldest princess, the ministers in Chang'an can only bow their heads and obey orders, but the current wealth of the court cannot support this continuous large-scale southward campaign. The money and food relief in the Northwest Xinjiang and the desert greatly reduced the allocation of military resources to the Northwest Xinjiang and the Desert, and all the money, food and military resources were concentrated on the southern battlefield.”

"Of course Jinyang will not agree. The eldest princess stayed in Jinyang to stabilize the two northwest borders and the desert. Without the stability of the northwest two borders and the desert, it would be impossible for Dahan to achieve ZTE. In this way, Chang'an will put the sharpest The conflict between the princess and the little emperor is thrown to the eldest princess and the little emperor. The little emperor will not give up going south to conquer. This is his only chance to make meritorious deeds, regain power, and take charge of the big man. Taiwan's civil and military ministers will not agree, they will never let Jinyang gain the upper hand and damage the dignity of the emperor, and they will not succumb to the coercion of Chang'an. They will try their best to encourage the little emperor to persevere, and even threaten to split the court and destroy the country. Jinyang and Chang'an, force Jinyang and Chang'an to bow their heads to the emperor."

"Chang'an immediately became the target of attack by Jinyang and Xingtai. Whether it is the eldest princess or the little emperor, in order to resolve the sharp conflicts between the two sides, they will turn their targets to the Chang'an court. At this time, some ministers who insist on guarding the two northwest borders and the desert will Resolutely support the eldest princess, and some ministers who insist on pacifying the world first will firmly support the little emperor, and the long-haired court will immediately split."

"Who will support the eldest princess? The most staunch supporter is the prime minister, because the imperial court has transferred huge debts into the 30-year lease rights of the land in border counties. The huge wealth will be wiped out, these people will not agree, they will turn to support the little emperor, and force the little emperor to amend the law on the condition of money and food to support the little emperor to go south. One hair will affect the whole body, as long as this law is violated If it is abolished, other new systems of the imperial court will be attacked one after another, and the consequences are self-evident."

"The imperial court is split, the New Deal is crumbling in the fierce power struggle, the situation in the northwestern borders and the desert is getting worse, and the expedition to the south has become more difficult. If the battle is lost, the country will inevitably be in chaos."


"What should we do?" Tian Chou pointed to the imperial decree on the table, "Since Zilong acted as an agent of state affairs, we have been discussing and handling the government affairs, but today's matter is too difficult, we must come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible. In order to stabilize Chang'an."

"Will Jinyang agree?" Zhang Yun asked suddenly.

"I will definitely agree." Zhao Yun said, "Just now Zitai said that if Chang'an is left behind, building the emperor's platform will be very beneficial for the little emperor to gradually control power."

"This is an imperial decree. That is to say, the little emperor has already planned to build a platform in Chenliu, and will soon directly command the states, counties, and army. The states, counties, and army generals in the Central Plains will not hesitate to support it because they can directly benefit from it. Little emperor." Zhang Liao sighed softly, "If Nanyang is defeated again, the prefectures and Guanluo south of the Yellow River will be very dangerous."

"You mean..." Zhang Yun's face changed slightly, "It is possible that the Nanyang fiasco will happen again?"

"Jinyang, Chang'an, and Central Plains Xingtai, the power of the Han Dynasty is divided into three. Everyone suspects and attacks each other and wants to control the power. What will happen if this situation continues?" Tian Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The general has fallen , the big man has lost his support, and the catastrophe of overthrow is in sight. Think about it, we have no confidence in the future situation now, let alone those half-hearted people in the court. If my estimation is correct, there will be more Many people secretly contact Xiangyang, stepping on two boats, once the big man falls apart, they will be able to benefit from it."

The room fell silent in an instant, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling uneasy.

"Chang'an's stability is originally temporary, and it is to allow the court to gain time to adjust its deployment, so as to avoid all kinds of chaos that may occur after the death of the general." Zhao Yun said, "Now the eldest princess has arrived in Jinyang, and the great Sima has arrived in Western Xinjiang. , the two northwestern borders and the desert are basically under control. The little emperor has also arrived in the Central Plains, and the troops around Guanluo and the Central Plains are rushing to the Nanyang battlefield, and the Central Plains are basically under control. Judging from the current situation, Chang'an is temporarily stable The goal has been achieved, even if Chang'an is in chaos now, it will not have a big impact on the overall situation, but I never thought that ministers such as Jia Xu and Fu Qian would come up with such an idea..." Zhao Yun laughed uglier than crying , "Now Chang'an can't think about it, and the only thing we can do is to minimize the damage of this crisis to the country as much as possible."

"But the battle of Nanyang is about to be fought." Zhang He said, "Zilong, you should write to your majesty immediately, please slow down the pace of attack, don't bring all the troops to the battlefield of Nanyang, rather invest in batches, Lose some attack opportunities, and don't rush for success, and suffer another defeat, lest the entire army be wiped out and lose the Central Plains."

"Let's not interfere in these matters. Yushi, Jia Xu, Fu Gan, and Wang Ling are all by the little emperor's side, and they will naturally think of what we want." Zhao Yun said, "Now there is no army in Chang'an. The Son of Heaven is not here, there will be no rebellion, all we have to do is to stay the same, wait and see how the situation develops, and do our best to help the little Emperor win this battle first."


Zhao Yun convened a meeting of ministers in the front hall of Weiyang Palace and announced the emperor's imperial decree.There was no sound in the hall, no one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed very strange.

After the court disbanded, the ministers rushed to Shangshutai to meet Zhao Yun in twos and threes. These ministers were all officials who had recently recruited Zhao Yun to pay homage to the court. Out of gratitude to Zhao Yun and concern for their own interests, they took the initiative to analyze the situation and offer advice to Zhao Yun.

Wang Lang, Hua Xin and others believe that under the current situation, fighting in Nanyang can only be done as a show, and it is enough to give the little emperor a prestige. The key to solving the crisis is Chang'an, or to ease the conflicts between all parties in Chang'an, and adjust the parties reasonably. Vested interests ensure the stability of Chang'an. For this reason, they suggested that Zhao Yun take the initiative to improve relations with Zhang Yan, Yang Feng and other Yellow Turban ministers, and jointly suppress the prime minister. The unreasonable system in China should be changed and should be abolished.

Dong Zhao, Liu Yi and other ministers took a more thorough approach.They think that Chang'an's Shangshutai is now an empty shelf, famous but not powerful, and the government is still firmly controlled by Prime Minister Li Wei. They suggest that Zhao Yun directly revise the official system, and put the "three gongs and nine officials" headed by "Prime Minister, Taiwei, and Yushi Doctor" The system was directly changed to the system of the three officials and nine ministers headed by "Taiwei, Situ, and Sikong", and the "Prime Minister" was changed to "Situ".This method can not only get the support of Jinyang, but also the support of Tianzi Xingtai, and even the support of Chang'an aristocratic families and merchants, and the situation in Chang'an will be stabilized immediately, and it will serve multiple purposes.

Zhao Yun was taught humbly, grateful, and sent them out of Weiyang Palace one by one.


In the middle of the night, Zhao Yun left the palace to go back to the mansion, changed carriages and rode on the way, and quietly arrived at the prime minister's mansion.

"Have you talked with the Taiwei today?" Zhao Yun asked Li Wei without a word of greeting.

"We've talked." Li Wei said with a smile, "I also went to see Qizhi (Yang Feng). His injury is recovering, and he will probably be able to go to the battlefield after the beginning of spring."

"Where's Zitai (Tian Chou)? Is he still here?"

"Let's go." Li Wei laughed in a low voice while walking with Zhao Yun on the corridor, "Qu Zhong and Xu Ling have been waiting for him in Zhen's mansion. These rich people have a big temper, so don't be too negligent. Zitai sees your delay." If you don’t come, you have to go first.”

Zhao Yun took out a letter from his pocket and handed it over, "This is a letter from Yancai (Fu Gan), take a look."

Li Wei took a hasty glance, and then asked, "Is there any news about Jinyang?"

"It's still the same, the general is still very dangerous." Zhao Yun frowned.

"Master Xiangkai, Hua Tuo, and Zhang Ji are all here, and there are more than a dozen famous doctors and alchemists. Why can't they be cured?" Li Wei scolded angrily, "No matter what we do, the premise is that the general must Alive, otherwise the situation will definitely get out of control."

Zhao Yun stopped and looked at Li Wei solemnly, "Master Taiwei insists on leaving?"

"Yes, he is going to Jinyang, and he will leave immediately."


In the afternoon, I will go to work and will not update.

(To be continued, if you want to know what happens next, please visit www.CMFU.COM, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)
(End of this chapter)

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