Great Han Empire

Chapter 1032 Troubled Times Heroic Chapter Banner Unrolled

Chapter 1032 The Banner of Heroes in Troubled Times Unrolled
The New Year is approaching, the leaders of the Hu tribes in the two northwestern borders and the desert, and the civil and military officials of the border counties were worried about the general's health, so they sent envoys and subordinate officials to Jinyang with various excuses to visit Jinyang. Liu Bao and Eastern Xianbei King Kebixiong even rushed to Jinyang in person.

On December 27, the emperor's decree was sent to Jinyang, agreeing that General Li Hong would marry the eldest princess on the seventh day of the first lunar month. Give the general and princess the couple a new home.

The general and the eldest princess came forward, politely rejecting the generous gifts from the emperor, and only willing to accept gifts from two thousand households in Shiyi.

On December 28, Buqihou Fuwan and Prime Minister Li Wei arrived in Jinyang, accompanied by Cai Yan, the wife of General Hussars Zhao Yun, and Wang Fu, wife of General Pound who conquered the West, and other family members of ministers. All the prefectures in Chang'an and many ministers and ministers sent people to congratulate them with great gifts. Aristocratic families and wealthy merchants in the capital flocked to Jinyang, making Jinyang very lively.

The old minister Guo Yun, the Taiwei Zhang Yan, the general of the left guard Lu Bu, and the governor of Bingzhou Zhang Baiqi went out of the city to welcome Fu Wan and the prime minister Li Wei.

After the death of Princess Yang'an, Bu Qihou has been almost isolated from the world, except for occasional gatherings with old friends such as Chunyujia, Zhang Xi, Zhao Wen, etc., and rarely goes out.This time the eldest princess was married, he was the first one to invite, and now the only elder who is closest to the eldest princess is this elderly uncle.Because of the long journey, Fu Wan was exhausted and looked very bad, but he was in good spirits. He was very happy to see Guo Yun who had not seen him for many years, and he pulled Guo Yun to talk non-stop.

Li Wei exchanged greetings with everyone, chatted a few words, and then invited Zhang Yan to sit in the same car with him.

"How many times has it snowed in Jinyang this winter?" Li Wei raised the curtain of the car and asked with a smile as he looked at the white fields outside the car.

"Two snows." Zhang Yan covered her mouth and yawned, and said casually.

"Tired recently?" Li Wei put down the car curtain and sat opposite Zhang Yan.

"It's the Chinese New Year soon, and I have to prepare for the wedding ceremony. I'm really busy."

"Don't make it too grand. If it's too extravagant, the general will definitely not be happy." Li Wei said with a smile, "In addition, we must take care of the emotions of the two wives. When the general married them, he was very simple. This time... ..."

"Your Majesty has already issued an order, so I dare not not try my best." Zhang Yan smiled wryly, "The General and the Eldest Princess repeatedly told me not to be too extravagant, but the two wives said that I should use the most solemn way The eldest princess welcomes you into the house, and it's difficult for me to be caught in the middle."

"It was very sudden and the time was short, so it was very difficult to do it grandly." Li Wei said, "Is Your Majesty very sorry? My aunt got married, but he is far away on the Nanyang battlefield. He must be very sad."

Zhang Yan sighed, "Your Highness's decision is too sudden, we were completely unexpected." He gave Li Wei a meaningful look, "It's all because of you."

Li Wei smiled apologetically, "How is the General?"

"The speed of recovery is very fast, beyond our imagination." Zhang Yan said, "Now I can walk in the ground, and in spring, I should be fully recovered."

"The general has saved his life this time." Li Wei sighed, "Aside from him, who else can make all the most famous doctors in the world rush to Jinyang? I knew that Master Xiangkai had suddenly appeared in Jinyang." The general is safe."

Zhang Yan laughed uncontrollably, "Zhong Yuan, are you able to see the future too?"

"If I can predict the future, do I still need to take refuge in Jinyang?" Li Wei said angrily, "The situation in Chang'an is becoming more and more unfavorable to me. The whole court is working together to deal with me. I can't stand it anymore."

"Really?" Zhang Yan said disapprovingly, "You still can't stand it? The situation in Chang'an is developing in the expected direction, everything is under control, and there is no accident."

"Brother Feiyan, why do you ask questions knowingly?" Li Wei's eyes were a little annoyed, "What did you do with the Taoists after you arrived in Jinyang? Master Xiangkai, Taoist Wang Zhen, Taoist Changle, Xi Jian Taoists...hehe...the famous Taoist masters in the world have gathered together, and they know what to do without saying anything."

Zhang Yan smiled slightly, "When Taoist disciples get together, of course they talk about Taoist affairs. What's the fuss about that?"

"Taoism has been in decline for more than 300 years since Emperor Xiaowu only respected Confucianism and dismissed hundreds of schools. The overthrow of the Han Dynasty is directly related to Taoist schools such as Taiping Dao and Zhengyi Dao (that is, Wu Dou Mi Dao). At this time, what Taoism and Confucianism do you propose What do you mean by integrating and aiding Taoism into Confucianism? What do you make Confucianism think? Will they allow Taoism to make a comeback?" Li Wei's tone gradually became severe, "The situation in Chang'an is becoming complicated because of these remarks of Taoism. There are originally many contradictions. The various factions of Confucianism suddenly let go of their previous suspicions and joined forces, and they all pointed their spearheads at Taoism, at you, Mr. Taiwei, and at the ministers of the Yellow Turban Department." Li Wei stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Yan's arm, helplessly Said, "Brother Feiyan, all Confucian factions will definitely use this incident to make a big fuss. If you and the ministers of the Yellow Turban line suffer a serious setback because of this, no matter whether it is the general or me, it will be affected. It will fall short and cannot be implemented. If you and I are both kicked out of the court, how many years can the New Deal last? Can the great cause of ZTE continue to advance in accordance with our ideas and ideas?"

Zhang Yan frowned slightly, noncommittal.

"Brother Feiyan, after the great general married the eldest princess, the speed of withdrawing from the court is getting faster and faster. At this moment, we must firmly control the court affairs so that after the little emperor takes power, we can continue to promote the continued development of ZTE's great cause according to the established national policy. "Li Wei said solemnly, "These few years are the key, the key, we can't make the slightest mistake, if we make a slight mistake, it is very likely that we will lose everything, and our efforts of more than 20 years will be wiped out in a flash."

"Zhong Yuan, killing people can't solve the problem, it can't solve the fundamental problem of the big man Zhongxing, and it can't make the big man long-term peace and stability." After a little hesitation, Zhang Yan said slowly, "I've thought about this problem for a long time. After I arrived in Taihang Mountains, I have been thinking about this question. Especially in these years, too many things have happened in the court. The more we killed, the situation not only did not improve, but became more and more complicated, and the struggle became more and more serious. It was intense, and it made me restless all night. I think we are on the wrong track, we must calm down, reflect on it, find clues to solve the problem from the intricate situation, and find a solution to the problem."

"Is this your solution? You let the Confucians join forces to deal with us, you destroy the Great Wall yourself, and you prevent me from eradicating the opponents in the court, so that the current problem can be solved?" Li Wei asked angrily.

"We have already killed a group, but after a few years, the same contradiction intensified again. Can we kill another group to eliminate this inherent contradiction? As long as the contradiction exists, it will intensify, and as long as it intensifies, we will kill people. Killing batches after batches, is it enough? Killers will be killed. If you kill too much, you will make too many enemies. One day we will die and die. At that time, we will still be able to maintain the New Deal. Can the great cause of ZTE be promoted according to our vision?" Zhang Yan was a little excited, and her voice was very urgent, "Killing people is not the solution to the problem. There are too many such lessons in history. We should learn from them instead of repeating the mistakes of history. .”

"Taoism has been in decline for more than 300 years, and it is impossible to make a comeback. This is a fact, it is a fact..." Li Wei's eyes widened, his face flushed, and he waved his arms vigorously, "Since Emperor Xiaowu only respected Confucianism, Taoism has never There is no chance to promote the idea of ​​​​government by inaction."

"In the reign of Emperor Xiaocheng, the government was weak. Gan Zhongke, a master of Taoism, presented the "Bao Yuan Taiping Jing" to persuade the emperor to rule the world by doing nothing. Yes. After Emperor Xiaoai ascended the throne, the state affairs were in chaos. Gan Zhongke’s disciple Xia Lianghe and minister Li Xun once again persuaded the emperor to revive the country with the "Taiping Jing". The emperor believed it and changed his name to "Emperor Chen Sheng Liu Taiping" , governed the country with inaction, and asked Li Xun and other ministers to implement reforms, but under the joint attack of the Confucian scholars, all of these gangs fell to the ground."

"Emperor Guangwu also intended to use the Taoist Huang-Lao theory to formulate national policies and restore national strength during his revival period. However, the Confucian scholars were too powerful, and he had no chance at all."

"In the dynasty of filial piety to the emperor, the Taoist Palace presented the "Book of Taiping Qingling", saying that it is a divine book that can make the world long-term peace and stability. Filial piety to the emperor thinks it is very good. Please read it, but the ministers think that this book is outrageous. , sealed it up in Dongguan.”

"Because Emperor Xiaohuan had no heirs, he once summoned Master Xiangkai. Master Xiangkai took the opportunity to persuade the emperor to govern the country with the techniques of Huang Lao and presented the "Taiping Jing". When the ministers heard the news, they immediately found an excuse and imprisoned him in the North Temple. prison."

"Your master Zhang Jiao, a great virtuous teacher, simply raised his flag to revolt, trying to overthrow Han Zuo by force, rebuild the country on the ruins, and use Taoist Huang Lao's techniques to build a peaceful world. As a result..." Li Wei saw Zhang Yan's face was very pale Ugly, swallowed the words behind, and continued, "Now you are doing this again. Do you think that with your strength you can overthrow Confucianism and rule the country with Taoism and Huang Lao's learning again? This is simply wishful thinking and daydreaming. "

Zhang Yan looked at Li Wei coldly, and after a long silence, he said, "You came to Jinyang for this purpose?"

"It's already happened, and it's too late for me to stop it. Your so-called Taoism and Confucianism have spread throughout Chang'an." Li Wei said solemnly, "I came to Jinyang to solemnly warn you to dispel this stupid thing." Thoughts, don’t try to revive Taoism, Huang Lao’s learning, even if the eldest princess and the general are persuaded by you, I will not agree. You don’t want brothers to kill each other and bring disaster to the country.”

Zhang Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, with an imperceptible murderous look on his face, "Are you trying to use this incident to create chaos in Chang'an so that you can win in the chaos?"

Li Wei froze for a moment, then looked up to the sky and laughed, trying to hide the panic in his heart.Zhang Yan is Zhang Yan, and nothing can be hidden from him.

"Brother Feiyan, Taoism has the strengths of Taoism, and Confucianism has the advantages of Confucianism. The two are mutually integrated and complement each other. I can accept this point. I believe that the Confucian scholars in the world can also accept it. After all, the Hongru Dong Zhongshu founded it. New Confucianism is a fusion of the strengths of the three schools of Confucianism, Taoism, and Yin-Yang School. Confucianism today sticks to the rules and sticks to its rules. It emphasizes the integration of Taoism and Confucianism, and aids Taoism into Confucianism. This is not only beneficial to the progress and development of Confucianism, but also beneficial to the society. The long-term peace and stability of the country should be supported by the imperial court."

"During the rejuvenation period of the society, the national policy focuses on the principles of both civil and military affairs, using punishment and morality, taking the law as a symbol, ignoring corvees and paying less taxes, resting with the people, being respectful and thrifty, and keeping women noble and gentle. The direction of development, but to achieve this, it is necessary to innovate Confucianism and let Confucianism get rid of its heavy shackles. Therefore, if the imperial court can timely propose a policy of blending Taoism and Confucianism and aiding Taoism, it will definitely get the support of a large number of people. "

"However, replacing Confucianism with Taoism, or even abandoning Confucianism to become Taoism, is absolutely unacceptable."

"When did I say that we should replace Confucianism with Taoism and abandon Confucianism?" Zhang Yan snorted, "Did I say that we should govern the country with Taoism and Huang Lao's learning? It is very difficult to reform Confucianism, and the integration of Taoism and Confucianism is just an entry point." , and to open this entry point, we must first revisit the Taoist Huang-Lao theory, bring out the advantages and strengths of the Huang-Lao theory, and let Confucianism recognize and accept it, and then we can gradually start the pace of the integration of Taoism and Confucianism. This requires Time requires more appropriate methods and strategies." Zhang Yan stared at Li Wei, and said coldly, "What have you been doing in Chang'an? Are you spreading rumors that I am going to replace Confucianism with Taoism and abandon Confucianism to become Taoism? "

Li Wei smiled, "I'm worried that you won't be able to control yourself, you will be fooled by Xiang Kai, Wang Zhen and others, and you will go on that road of no return."

"You're not worried that I won't be able to hold on, but you want to kill more people?" Zhang Yan asked coldly.

Li Wei waved his hands again and again, "Brother Feiyan, a misunderstanding, definitely a could I push you to the forefront?"

Zhang Yan snorted coldly, "I said before, whoever kills will be killed. Be careful, don't play with fire and set yourself on fire."

"No, this kind of thing will never happen." Li Wei said confidently, "After you proposed the policy of blending Taoism and Confucianism in Jinyang, the situation in Chang'an immediately changed, and we..." He pointed Zhang Yan said with a smile, "Just get out of this killing. High, too high..." Li Wei gave Zhang Yan a thumbs up, "In today's world, when it comes to the art of games, the most popular Brother Feiyan."

Zhang Yan hesitated for a long time, and suddenly understood what Li Wei meant, and his face changed immediately, "You want to push the eldest princess out?"

"When the eldest princess is in danger, the little emperor will be angry and violent." Li Wei leaned on the car seat and stretched comfortably, "The little emperor has only one close relative. There will be bloody revenge... People in the world may think that there is only a power struggle between the eldest princess and the emperor, and there is no blood and flesh. It's a pity, it's a pity... Judging from common sense and experience, accidents often happen, and it's the same this time. Many will pay with their lives for their ignorance and stupidity..."

Zhang Yan glared at the triumphant Li Wei, with a burst of murderous intent. It was hard for him to imagine that the strategy of blending Taoism and Confucianism, which he had originally thought up to stabilize the court and ease the conflicts in Chang'an, was actually provided to Li Wei. An ingenious murder plan became the tool of Li Wei's bloody killing.This man is ruthless and will do anything to the extreme. He is truly terrifying and extremely terrifying.


When the eldest princess was in Jinyang, she lived in Jinyang Palace most of the time, and usually only went to the Beppu in Longquan in summer.There is also an elegant little Beppu at the foot of Xuanweng Mountain, which was specially built by the Eldest Princess outside the city for the convenience of studying, and later it became the resting place for the Eldest Princess.

Fu Wan, Li Wei and others rushed to the foot of Xuanweng Mountain, and saw the Eldest Princess leading Xu Shao, Wang Jian, Xiang Kai and a group of famous Confucian scholars to greet her from a distance, and hurriedly saluted.

The eldest princess excused everyone, then rushed into Fu Wan's arms like a child, and hugged him tightly, "Uncle..." The eldest princess just yelled, tears rolling down uncontrollably.Fu Wan's eyes turned red, and he choked up with sobs, "My child... My child, you finally made it to the end... When your aunt died, the one thing you will never forget is your marriage. Now it's all over, your empress dowager, your father , your mother, and your aunt, you can rest in peace."

When the eldest princess saw her relatives, she felt sad and lay down in Fu Wan's arms, sobbing softly.

"This is a happy event, it's a happy should be happy..." Fu Wan gently stroked the princess's thin shoulders, and comforted in a low voice, "On the [-]th day, when you go to Longshan to worship the ancestral temple, I must tell you the good news Royal Father..."


In the evening, Jinyang Marquis Mansion.

Li Hong lay reclining on the couch with a joyful expression.Li Wei, Zhang Yan, Lu Bu, Yan Wuwei, Zhang Baiqi, Wei Jun and others sat around and chatted casually.

"Brother Fengxian, I heard that your wife is going into labor..." Li Wei said with a smile, "Which lady is it?"

"Where do I get my wives? Isn't it just Xiaoyue." Lu Bu pointed at Li Wei and teased, "Zhong Yuan, you won't take advantage of Xiao Lan's time in Jinyang to secretly marry another one, right?"

"Which guts does he have?" Yan Wuwei curled her lips in disdain, and waved her hand in front of Li Wei, "As long as Xiao Lan says a word, I will immediately rush to Chang'an and eunuch him."

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Brother Wuwei, you have married one after another, can't I?"

"It's terrible, the backyard of Zhongyuan's house is going to catch fire..." Yan Wuwei laughed wildly and stood up, and shouted outside the house, "Xiao Lan... Xiao Lan..."

Li Wei was startled, rushed forward and covered Yan Wuwei's big mouth, "What trouble are you causing me, brother? Brother, be merciful, be merciful..."

Zhang Yan laughed so hard that tears came out, "Zhong Yuan, are you so courageous? You are too shameful, you are a great prime minister..."

"Zhong Yuan, do you want me to persuade Xiao Lan personally..." Li Hong didn't dare to laugh too presumptuously, worried that it would affect the wound, and blushed from holding back, but he still couldn't help but added after Zhang Yan, "Tell me Look, whose daughter do you fancy?"

"Don't worry about it, you should marry His Highness early and let His Highness give birth to a fat boy." Li Wei pushed Yan Wuwei to the table and sat down, and said with a smile, "This time you took a life." , don’t run around in the future, you should stay in Jinyang honestly and give birth to a son wholeheartedly. If you had been staying in the court a few years ago, the two wives would have given birth to you a son, why bother now The hope is pinned on His Highness alone?"

"Yes, yes, the general must work hard to have more sons. It is best for His Royal Highness to give you one every year." Wei Jun shouted excitedly, "I see His Highness's face and figure, and he will definitely give birth to sons every year." , giving birth to a son every time..."

"Huzi, you don't want the guy who eats anymore?" Zhang Baiqi pretended to be horrified, and reached out to grab Wei Jun's long beard, "You dare to say that about her behind His Highness's back, you are looking for death... I think you can go home Pack up your things and prepare to return to the desert to be a horse bandit."

"You know what..." Wei Jun pushed Zhang Baiqi's hand away nonchalantly, "That day, I came to find the general and overheard..." Wei Jun suddenly lowered his voice, pretending to be mysterious and said, "Both Madame and His Highness are asking Xiao Lan for advice on having a son, hehe..."

"You can also hear this kind of thing?" Li Wei suddenly became excited, "What did your highness say, what did your highness say..."

"I don't know." Wei Jun touched his face embarrassingly, "I turned around and ran away in fright before I heard a few words... By the way..." Wei Jun grabbed his robe sleeve, "Didn't Xiao Lan tell you? "

"Why would she tell me about women?" Li Wei complained dissatisfiedly, "Why are you so timid? If you listen to a few more words, you will die."

"That ghost Xiu'er is here, do I dare to eavesdrop?" Huzi stared at him, turned around and smiled at Li Hong, "General, Your Highness said that she dreamed of giving birth to a son for you, just wait Good news."

"You still said you didn't hear it." Yan Wuwei raised his hand and hit Wei Jun, "What else did you hear?"

Huzi ignored him, and continued to say to Li Hong: "General, when you are completely cured, I will get you some tiger penis, deer penis, bull penis and so on to supplement you. Easy, first you have to be alive and well, otherwise..."

"Who wants to have a son?" The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, Xiao Lan walked in, and asked with a smile on her face, "Brother Hu Zi is so old, do you still want to marry a concubine and have a son?"

"Ah?" Wei Jun was taken aback and waved his hands guiltily, "It's not that I want to marry a concubine and have children, it's Zhong Yuan who wants to marry a concubine and have children..."

"Huzi, it was you who said that His Highness was going to have a son, why did it suddenly come to me?" Li Wei gritted his teeth angrily, and rushed forward to hit him.Wei Jun "scrambled away" and ran away from the door.Everyone burst into laughter, "say goodbye" one after another and left.

"It's getting late, let's go too..." Xiao Lan tugged at Li Wei, "There are so many guests these days, the general is too tired, let him rest early."

"No, no...I'm fine..." Li Hong pointed to Li Wei and said, "Let Zhong Yuan chat with me for a while, I have something to ask him."

Xiao Lan looked at Li Wei meaningfully, turned around and walked out, closing the door.


"I heard that when you came to Jinyang this time, you brought the drums from the Yellow Gate, and the musicians and a hundred performers from the Taile Palace in Chang'an. There are hundreds of people, what do you want to do?"

Li Hong signaled Li Wei to sit beside him, his tone gradually serious.

"The new year is here, and the imperial court will hold a series of grand ceremonies such as sacrifices and court meetings. These grand ceremonies are presided over by the emperor, but this year's situation is a bit special. His Majesty is on the battlefield in Nanyang, the eldest princess is in Jinyang, and there are only a group of ministers in Chang'an." Li Wei laughed. "If I, the prime minister who is the head of a hundred officials, is allowed to preside over the grand ceremony instead of the emperor or the eldest princess, it will be incompatible with etiquette, so I discussed it carefully with the Taifu Master Liu and Hushi General Zhao, and decided to hold these events in Jinyang." For the grand ceremony, let the eldest princess preside over the ceremony. First, it is in line with the etiquette system. Second, the ceremony is held in Jinyang, which is much smaller in scale, which can save part of the ceremony expenses for the court. Third, the eldest princess got married on the seventh day of the first lunar month. The ceremony should be special, and the ceremony should be very grand, but the eldest princess strongly opposes extravagant marriage and asked for a simple wedding. Ministers from all over the country went north to Jinyang to congratulate in person to reduce the wedding banquet and other expenses. However, the eldest princess is too noble, and the wedding ceremony is not extravagant, but it must be luxurious. All the musicians and [-] performers from the Palace of Music were sent to Jinyang, and they were asked to present wonderful music and dances to express the celebration of the whole world."

Li Hong just wanted to speak, but Li Wei stretched out his hand to stop him, "Grand General, the eldest princess has chosen a good time to welcome her relatives. It's the Chinese New Year, and the people are happy. It is a good thing to have fun together, and to express the meaning of universal celebration, which kills two birds with one stone."

Li Hong smiled and shook his head, "Zhong Yuan, what is your intention, don't I know? Your Highness has returned to the emperor, but you still let her preside over a series of ceremonies such as sacrifices, which is equivalent to telling the world about the power of a great man. In fact, it is still in the hands of His Highness. What does this mean to Chang'an and Xingtai? Your Highness married me, and the wedding ceremony was extravagant. Gong and Baiju are celebrated with a grand music and dance, what does this mean?"

Li Hong looked at Li Wei and sighed softly, "Your Majesty has grown up, and His Highness and I will gradually withdraw from the court. Today's wedding ceremony is the beginning of her and I's withdrawal from the court hall. We hope that through this wedding ceremony Express this meaning, but why can't you understand it, but do the opposite?"

"You and Your Highness need to have a prerequisite for withdrawing from the court, that is, the little emperor can control the power and make ZTE's great cause continue to advance according to the correct thinking, but the current situation cannot do this, and you and Your Highness cannot withdraw from the court step by step. , if you and Your Highness make it clear that you will withdraw from the court now, the result will definitely be that the little emperor will not be able to control the power, and the great cause of ZTE will also collapse quickly."

Li Hong closed his eyes, with a look of helplessness and pain on his face.

"The current situation is obvious. In order to satisfy their own interests, the powerful families and merchants urgently need to modify the official system. Although the new official system centralizes power in the name of the emperor, it is actually going back to the old path of the country's ruin. This dynasty has been revived since Emperor Guangwu Afterwards, the power minister, but the history of more than 200 years clearly tells us that the result of the power minister is that the harem meddles in politics and the emperor's rule is repeatedly cut off, which in turn leads to foreign relatives and traitors taking turns to take power and disrupt the court, and finally the country is overthrown." Li Wei Said, "This road is no longer available, and we cannot repeat the same mistakes."

"Effective checks and balances between the imperial power and the prime minister's power are necessary conditions to ensure the prosperity of the country, and the system of the three lords and nine ministers headed by the prime minister is the best official system to ensure that the imperial power and prime minister's power are checked and balanced. Therefore, now you and your highness not only cannot withdraw from the court, but It is necessary to use a kind of force to override Chang'an Hexingtai, severely damage the huge power of powerful families and merchants, fundamentally eradicate their threat and control of the government, and strive to remove the biggest obstacle to ZTE's great cause in the shortest possible time. The emperor's complete governance and the continuous advancement of ZTE's great cause have laid the foundation."

The room fell into silence, and the two did not speak for a long time.

"Are you determined to do this?"

"Since you and Your Highness have decided to invite me, it means that you are unwilling to give up the great cause of Zhongxing. Since you are unwilling to give up the great cause of Zhongxing, I, Li Wei, will go forward and never retreat even if I am smashed to pieces."

Li Hong nodded, opened his eyes slowly, and pointed to the scrolls on the couch, "Recently, I have read "Lao Tzu", "The Yellow Emperor's Four Classics", "Lao Tzu Zhigui" and "Lao Tzu Heshang Gongzhangju" , I also read the "Taiping Jing", and I have a little understanding of the way of governing the country of the Taoist school of Huang Lao. In your opinion, the strategy of blending Taoism and Confucianism and aiding Taoism into Confucianism proposed by Master Xiangkai and Brother Feiyan can For a long period of time in the future, will easing the contradictions between the ruling and opposition parties help ZTE continue to advance in accordance with our established strategy?"

"It's absolutely possible." Li Wei said confidently, "Wang Chong, Zhang Heng, Wang Fu, Ma Rong, Cai Yong, Zheng Xuan and other masters have studied Taoism, and they are familiar with Taoist classics such as "Laozi" and "The Four Classics of the Yellow Emperor". There have been annotations, especially Master Wang Chong, who used Taoist learning to refute Confucian academics about the relationship between heaven and man, prophecy, etc. Worship, many great Confucians who study ancient Chinese classics, after absorbing the studies of various schools, often introduce Taoist ideas intentionally or unintentionally when annotating scriptures. Therefore, this dynasty has actually had a history of blending Taoism and Confucianism for hundreds of years, but no one Just take the initiative to say it.”

"Brother Feiyan's suggestion of the integration of Taoism and Confucianism at this moment is not a whim, but based on a certain foundation for the integration of Taoism and Confucianism. He just proposed an appropriate policy for the improvement of Confucianism at an appropriate opportunity. , It can be said that it is in accordance with the current situation. After hearing the news, the Confucian scholars in Chang'an were angry and panicked, and went up to impeach Brother Feiyan. Shock."

Li Hong thought for a moment, then said to Li Wei: "You should have a very mature idea, can you tell me about it?"

"Dare to obey."


I go to work in the afternoon and will not update at night.


The following words are not counted.

The Yellow Gate is a royal ceremonial guard, listed in the palace, and usually played various elegant music during sacrifices to heaven and earth, ancestors, court meetings, and banquets.

Yayue is music and dance used in suburban temple sacrifices, spring and autumn festivals, and various ceremonies held by the imperial court. Most of the musicians are played by Liangjiazi with a certain status. It is the joy of gold and stone.During the gala music performance, the dancers advance and retreat in unison, advance when they hear the drums, and retreat when they hit the cymbals. The civil and martial arts are orderly, the music is harmonious, and the atmosphere is solemn.

Vulgar music is the music of banquets, popular music, royal nobles, officials and people often play this kind of music and dance in the courtyard and square for entertainment.The musicians are often those who live at the bottom of the society. Although there are bells and pans in the musical instruments, they are mainly orchestral instruments. Their dances are messy and their performances are relaxed and lively.

Drumming music is a kind of music played by percussion instruments (drums) and wind instruments (panpipes, fifes, jia, horns, etc.) popular during the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties, and sometimes singing.At the beginning, advocacy music was mainly foreign music. After entering the Central Plains, advocacy music was used as military music because of its loudness and grandeur. Later, it was combined with folk music from various places to gradually form various styles of advocacy music.It was later adopted by the court for use in the army, guards of honor and banquets.Due to the different organization of the band and the different application occasions, there are different titles such as Huangmen Advocacy, Horizontal Chui, Riding Chui, Duan Xiao Nao Ge, Xiao Gu, etc.


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