Great Han Empire

Chapter 1036 Troubled Times Heroic Chapter Banner Unrolled

Chapter 1036 The Banner of Heroes in Troubled Times Unrolled
"Sunrise in the southeast corner, according to my Qin's building. The Qin family has a good girl, named Luofu. Luofu likes sericulture, and the south corner of the mulberry picking city. The black silk is the cage, and the osmanthus is the cage hook..."

The famous song "Moshang Sang" in the Yuefu was staged, and the melodious and elegant singing sounded like the sounds of nine heavenly celestial beings floating above the palace.

Stepping on the beautiful singing, the euphemistic, elegant, demure and graceful long-sleeved dance danced lightly.
Teams of graceful dancers float like floating clouds and frightening clouds. Their raised long sleeves, fluttering long trains, gentle postures, curved waists, and graceful postures make people lose their minds. The long sleeves flutter across the air, or like waves returning, or moving like clouds, or flying like rainbows, or rising like smoke, in various poses and with different expressions, dazzling and wonderful.


When Li Wei returned to his seat, he found that Zhang Yan had sat next to Li Hong at some point, and the two of them were engrossed in watching the music and dance, occasionally talking in a low voice.

Li Wei was very excited at the moment. After talking with Fu Wan, he proposed a conception of creating a new Confucianism in a short period of time. He was eager to find someone to talk to, and wanted to further improve his conception.Li Wei took the wine bar and walked to Li Hong's table. Li Hong shook his hand and pointed to Zhang Yan, "I can't drink it anymore, you and Brother Feiyan." Let the general appreciate "Mo Shang Sang", he hasn't seen it for more than 20 years."

"More than 20 years?" Li Wei returned the gift, took a sip, and then sat down next to Li Hong with a smile, "So, the last time you saw "Moshang Mulberry", I was the one who accompanied you back to Luoyang to meet the late emperor That time?"

Li Hong nodded and sighed: "In the blink of an eye, it has been more than 20 years. It was the first time I participated in the court ceremony. When I saw the music and dance, I was very shocked."

"The first emperor liked music and dancing, and he liked to talk about ostentation. There were hundreds of maikos dancing in groups at every turn. The scene was much bigger than this, and of course it was grand." Li Wei said with a smile, "Now the big man doesn't have this condition. In the future, when the world is stable and the country is prosperous and strong, we can Your Majesty, please be extravagant, and have a crowd dance."

"Frugality and simplicity, not extravagance, is the national policy of the great man." Li Hong glanced at him, "You are the prime minister of the great man, you should set an example, and don't encourage your majesty to set this precedent."

Li Wei smiled embarrassedly, and asked in a low voice: "General, do you know about 'Fu Shi'?"

Li Hong and Zhang Yan looked at each other, and at the same time they looked at Fu Wan opposite.The eldest princess was sitting on Fu Wan's mat, hugging Fu Wan's arm affectionately and saying something, Fu Wan stroked his beard with one hand, and held the wine cup in the other, smiling so hard that his eyes almost narrowed.

Zhang Yan immediately understood Li Wei's meaning, and suddenly cheered in her heart, "Orthodox Confucianism."

"Yes, yes..." Li Wei said eagerly, "The idea of ​​blending Taoism and Confucianism and aiding Taoism to join Confucianism is too publicized, out of date, and too involved. It is staggeringly difficult to implement in practice, and the consequences are unpredictable. Under the current situation, it is impossible for the eldest princess and His Majesty to agree. If we take the "Fu Shixue" as the vanguard and hold up the banner of revival of orthodox Confucianism, we will cover up the integration of Taoism and Confucianism and the support of Taoism into Confucianism. , then the difficulty of implementation will be much smaller, and no matter whether it is the schools of Confucianism, or the eldest princess and Your Majesty, in the current situation where the new Confucianism is not stable, and there are many contradictions among the various schools of Confucianism, attacking and accusing each other, who will There is no way to reject the proposal of "Fu Shixue" to revive orthodox Confucianism, and no one has sufficient reasons to strongly oppose it."

"When Yang Xiong proposed to revive orthodox Confucianism in the past, Jinwen Confucianism was dominant, and he couldn't shake it at all. During Wang Mang's new dynasty, Liu Xin launched Guwen Confucianism, but he still suffered the same fate. Today's situation is completely different. It’s the same. Today, Jinwen Confucianism has declined, and ancient Chinese Confucianism has failed to become the dominant one. However, the new Confucianism of Master Zheng Xuan has not been established for a short time, and the three schools of Confucianism stand together, and Orthodox Confucianism can just take advantage of it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as long as the imperial court supports the revival of orthodox Confucianism, Confucianism can form a four-party situation."

"The essence of the Fu family's "Fu Shixue" is the essence of orthodox Confucianism, and the Fu family is a master of Confucian classics that has been passed down for 400 years, and is also a relative of the emperor. Based on these points, the "Fushi School" can completely win the support of His Majesty and the Princess, and can become a "pioneer" in the revival of orthodox Confucianism. In this way, the revival of orthodox Confucianism has become an internal matter of Confucian schools, and we can therefore Eliminate the contradictions between Confucianism and Taoism to the greatest extent, and ease the contradictions between the imperial court and the various schools of Confucianism."

"The purpose of the imperial court is to use Confucianism as the official school. That is to say, the orthodox Confucianism, the New Confucianism, and the modern and ancient classics can all be established as officials and disciplines, and they are listed in the official school. The official school of the Han Dynasty is Confucianism, which is a collection of various schools. Confucianism is a great Confucianism. All schools of Confucianism coexist in official schools, and they are all a kind of official school. Doctors can be set up for all schools of Confucianism. Therefore, there is competition among the various schools of Confucianism, where there is competition, there is development, and where there is competition, there is vitality. Therefore, Confucianism can quickly rejuvenate. With the continuation of time, as the various schools of Confucianism learn from each other, I believe that with the efforts of one, two or even several generations of Confucian scholars, Confucianism will eventually find a correct development path, and future generations of Confucian scholars will definitely Create a brand-new new Confucianism with strong vitality that can surpass classics and literature, and is different from orthodox Confucianism, which is very conducive to the survival and development of the Han Dynasty."


Li Hong remained silent.Zhang Yan frowned slightly, and after pondering for a while, asked in a low voice: "Orthodox Confucianism has its flaws. At the beginning of the founding of this dynasty, Confucianism was not chosen as the official school, precisely because orthodox Confucianism could not help the court quickly stabilize the country and restore national power. You If the orthodox Confucianism is established as an academic officer, how can we realize the strategy of aiding Taoism and integrating Confucianism and Taoism?"

"Confucianism on the outside, Dao on the inside." Li Wei said without hesitation, "Take Confucian rituals and famous teachings as the moral and ethical standards of the Great Han, and use Taoism's inaction to govern as the national policy of the Great Han."

"Since Emperor Xiaowu, the Confucianism outside and the law inside the Han have always been the philosophy of governing the country, but now we are rebuilding the country on the ruins. We urgently need to unify the world and restore national power. The only history we can learn from now is the founding of the country. In the beginning, the rule of Wen and Jing was the rule of inaction based on Huang Lao’s teachings, and in a short period of time, the ruins were restored to life, and the great man was restored to national power.”

"Emperor Guangwu also rejuvenated Sheji, but judging from today, Emperor Guangwu's rejuvenation did not achieve his expected goal. Since Emperor Guangwu, even in the most prosperous period, the national power of the Han Dynasty has not surpassed that of Wenjing. It did not exceed the period of Emperor Xiaowu. Looking back at history, it is not difficult to find that Emperor Guangwu not only inherited the previous dynasty’s national policies, but also absorbed many reform policies from the new Wang Mang dynasty that were beneficial to improving the shortcomings of the previous dynasty. However, due to various The reason is that Emperor Guangwu, like Wang Mang, had to bow and compromise with Jinwen Confucianism, and had to inherit many disadvantages of the previous dynasty."

"400 years have passed, and our ancestors have left us a huge treasure. We should dig out treasures from this treasure, and we should not guard the treasure to achieve nothing. 'Wenjing Zhizhi' and 'Guangwu Zhongxing' are our Two mirrors, we must use history as a mirror, learn from the successes and failures of our ancestors, and let the big man walk on the right path of prosperity, prosperity, and long-term stability."


"External Confucianism and internal law changed to external Confucianism and internal Taoism?" Zhang Yan thought for a moment, then continued to ask, "What is the specific method?"

"At the beginning of the founding of this dynasty, Emperor Gaozu, Emperor Xiaowen, and Emperor Xiaojing did not choose orthodox Confucianism as their official school. There were many reasons, but the most important point was that the Confucian philosophy of governing the country was not suitable for the current situation. At that time, the imperial power had not yet been consolidated. Foreign relatives and county kings still have quite powerful forces, they uphold Daoism and overthrow Confucianism, just to let the emperor do nothing and not interfere in the affairs of the county and state, so that their vested interests will not be infringed by the imperial power."

"That is to say, the reason why the Taoist Huang-Lao School was eventually deposed by Emperor Xiaowu was the check and balance between imperial power and prime minister power. Emperor Xiaowu needed absolute power, supremacy of imperial power, and centralization of power, but orthodox Confucianism could not do this either. , so Master Dong Zhongshu’s New Confucianism came into being at the right time.”

"Today, we also need the checks and balances of imperial power and ministerial power, and the Taoist Huang-Lao theory is just right. At the same time, the Taoist Huang-Lao theory incorporates the legalist idea of ​​governing the country. Its governance policy is superior to the legalist. This is our The reason for changing the concept of governing the country from 'Confucianism on the outside and the law on the inside' to 'Confucianism on the outside and Taoism on the inside'."

"However, it has been too long since Taoism and Huang Lao's theory has been deposed, and Confucianism has penetrated into the bones of the Han Dynasty. We can only use orthodox Confucianism to aid Taoism and Confucianism, and gradually realize the concept of governing the country."

"Taoist Huang-Lao learning has declined, and orthodox Confucianism cannot compete with classics and literature. If orthodox Confucianism wants to gain a foothold and flourish, it must rely on Taoist Huang-Lao learning. National policy, so at the moment the imperial court, orthodox Confucianism and Taoism have common interests and needs, and the three parties must cooperate, and they will certainly be able to cooperate successfully."

"Orthodox Confucianism can be established as an academic officer, but what about Taoism?" Zhang Yan immediately asked the most important question, "If the imperial court wants to change the concept of governing the country into foreign Confucianism and internal Taoism, Taoism must also be revived, otherwise the national policy will eventually be because of Without academic support, it is difficult to continue.”

"I once said to Cui Yan, Xi Xi and others that the New Confucianism will always be the official school of the Han Dynasty, but I did not say that other schools cannot become the official school." Li Wei laughed, "Once the court establishes orthodox Confucianism as the school Therefore, it is necessary to reorganize the doctrines of the pre-Qin philosophers, so as to help orthodox Confucianism learn from the advantages of the pre-Qin philosophers and stabilize its foundation. Taoism is an important school of the pre-Qin philosophers, and the imperial court set up academic officials for Taoism. , of course it makes sense.”

"Your Highness told me today that he intends to establish medicine as an academic officer. It is a good thing, the more academic officers the better. The more academic officers, the more disciplines, and the more talents. In the future, the imperial court will select scholars and virtuous people, not only to test the scriptures There are examinations, subject examinations, and the selection of various talents. With more talents, the pace of revitalization of the great man will be faster."

Zhang Yan sighed in admiration, bowed his hands in salute, and raised his rank to respect each other.


The passionate guqin sounded, the hall burst into applause, and the world-renowned combination song "Guangling San" was played.

"Guangling San" tells the story of Nie Zheng's revenge for his friends in the Warring States Period.In order to repay Yan Zhongzi's kindness, Nie Zheng entered the city of Yangzhai, the capital of Han, alone with his sword, and assassinated Han Xiang Xia Lei on the steps with the force of a white rainbow penetrating the sun. Nie Rong, the elder sister of his, cut his face with a sword, gouged out his eyes, and disemboweled him.Nie Rong found his younger brother's body in Han City, lay down and cried bitterly, and bumped into Nie Zheng's body to death.

The combination of silk, bamboo, bells and chimes, and even more advocacy, the momentum is like a rainbow, chasing the soul, and the tragedy of "a scholar dies for his confidant" soars into the sky.

Then the Bayu maikos marched forward with spears, majestic, powerful, and unstoppable; one of the male maikos danced with a sword, chic and swift, and the sword energy was soaring into the night; surrounding Lingxing maikos hovered left and right, their trains were like flying swallows, and their sleeves were like backs. Snow, softly whispering.


Li Hong didn't care to enjoy the music and dance, he kept turning the wine cup in his hand, looking at the delicious wine in the cup, lost in thought.

Li Wei has said a lot, and he is full of confidence in aiding Taoism to enter Confucianism and improving Confucianism. He even optimistically estimated that it will take about five to ten years to revive orthodox Confucianism, and it will take about 20 to 30 years for the various schools of Confucianism to merge. Five or sixty years later, a brand-new Confucianism with great vitality will be born. At the same time, academically, the "hundred schools of thought" of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods will reappear. The prosperity and long-term stability of the Han Dynasty will become a reality after two or three generations.

Li Wei was full of longing for a bright future, beaming with joy and eloquent.Li Hong likes Li Wei the most. In the past 20 years, no matter when and where, Li Wei can regard difficulties as fun and challenges, and bravely devote himself to them with strong confidence.Looking at Li Weijiong's piercing eyes, at his white hair at the temples, and at his arms waving non-stop, Li Hong suddenly sighed with relief.The big man can live without me, Li Hong, but he cannot live without Li Wei. As long as Li Wei is around, the big man will become stronger one day.

Li Hong wanted to say a few words, but he couldn't bear to crush Li Wei's dream, so he listened quietly.

"General, what advice do you have?"

Li Hong smiled and shook his head.

"Tell me? How can you have no opinion on this matter?" Li Wei smiled, "Am I a genius?"

Li Hong hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "How do you solve the matter in the court?"

"In the ten years since the restructuring, the strength of the clan has not only failed to take advantage of the momentum, but has been restricted and weakened. In fact, it is difficult for them to pose a fatal threat to the country as they did more than 20 years ago." Li Wei was confident about this matter, and said without hesitation Said, "More than 20 years of war have devastated the great Han people, and the population has plummeted. Among them, the aristocratic families have also suffered heavy losses to varying degrees. With a smaller population and more land, we can farm, but farming is a strategy for defending the border, and we cannot The county has used it for a long time. The exploitation of the people in the village is too serious, so we immediately revised the "Field Law" and implemented the system of dictation of land. Let the imperial court’s taxes increase. In desperation, the imperial court implemented the land cut system, forcibly seized the shady households, tenants, and field children owned by the powerful, and took the opportunity to modify the tax system, which greatly increased the imperial court’s taxes.”

"The land system and taxation system in the New Deal are the direct reasons for the weakening of the power of the clans. The clans and tycoons were unable to annex a large number of lands, and lost a large number of shady households, tenants, field boys and trilogy. No matter how powerful they were, they could not threaten The safety of the court and the place is at stake."

"Last year, because cheap grain hurt farmers, the imperial court implemented a series of new systems including land restrictions, and even made major revisions to the selection system. This was another blow to the rich and powerful. Although they strongly opposed it, today The imperial court is not their final decision. A large number of warriors entered the court, and the low-level gentry, including many virtuous people from merchants, entered the official career one after another, forcing the aristocratic families to gradually give up their power. The court is not a powerful family now It is not a one-word hall, but a court hall where the military class, the aristocratic family and the low-level gentry share power."

Li Hong didn't take Li Wei's understatement seriously, "Zhong Yuan, how do you explain the fierce conflict in the court today?"

Li Wei snorted, "What's so strange about a centipede being dead but not stiff? It's easy to kill. If it's not for the long-term stability of the country, is it necessary to think hard and think hard here?"

Li Hong snorted dissatisfiedly, "Emperor Guangwu Zhongxing back then endured humiliation for the great cause, and never raised the butcher's knife from the beginning to the end..."

"What's the result?" Li Wei interrupted Li Wei unceremoniously, "Although the big man has lasted for another 200 years, but look at the current situation, the imperial power has declined, Confucianism has been corrupted, scholars have betrayed their masters, powerful families, and rebellion are as strong as ever. Lin... If Emperor Guangwu had been able to suppress the bloody regime like Emperor Xiaowu back then, and even resorted to suing orders to kill dissidents and completely wiped out the evils of the previous dynasty, how could Han Zuo have come to this point today..."

"Emperor Xiaowu had a strong foundation in the rule of Wen and Jing back then, and after several killings, there were also rebellions. Can the situation today be compared with that of the past?" Li Hong said angrily, "We can only learn from Emperor Guangwu's ZTE. , We can only win while being steady, and we must be steady. What cannot be solved by this generation can be left to the next generation to solve, and their wisdom must be stronger than ours."

"In the past, you were more anxious than anyone else. You wished that you woke up overnight and the Central Plains would be recovered. Now? Now you are steady when you open your mouth, but slow when you shut your mouth. Where is the vigor back then?" Li Wei shook the wine bar in his hand heavily. Put it on the food table, "Governing the country is like running a family. You can't just care about yourself and the safety of your own generation. You must also consider the next generation, the next generation, and the survival and safety of the entire family."

"But you can't use this as an excuse to cut off the livelihood of our next generation, or even the next generation, the children and grandchildren. You must leave some food for them to eat, and leave a way for them to survive." Li Hong's face turned a little bit Ugly.

Zhang Yan winked at Li Wei, signaling him not to be impatient.Li Wei was too excited, and drank a lot of wine, obviously losing his composure.

"It is for the future generations, for the long-term stability of the country, that's why Brother Feiyan advocates aiding Taoism and becoming Confucianism, and that's why I'm sitting here discussing the future with you." Li Wei calmed down and said calmly, "General , How many more years can we stay in the court? But what about Your Majesty? After the Chinese New Year, His Majesty is 11 years old, he is still young, and his thoughts may change at any time. Who among us can ensure that His Majesty will always stick to the ZTE policy in the future and not change?"

"In order to ensure that ZTE's great cause continues to advance in the correct direction, we must first ensure the checks and balances between the imperial power and the prime minister's power, and ensure that ZTE's strategy will not change just because the emperor's thoughts change. This is the most important thing."

"Secondly, Confucianism and national policy must complement each other and restrict each other. As long as Confucianism has the potential to continue to thrive, it will be difficult for national policy to make major mistakes."

"The third is people. The Son of Heaven is also a human being, the Confucian scholars are also human beings, and the bureaucrats are also human beings. Whether it is Confucianism or national policy, people first need to think, formulate, judge and correct, and implement it faithfully. Therefore, if there is a problem with the selection system , the foundation will inevitably rot, and it will be difficult to preserve the great cause of ZTE.”

"What is needed to achieve the above three points? Confucianism, New Confucianism, and New Confucianism after the fusion of Taoism and Confucianism."

Li Wei clenched his fist and shook it vigorously in the air, "Whoever stands in the way of the great man's revival will die."

At this time, the sound of the zither suddenly became intense, like a flood bursting a dike, destroying the dry and decaying, and vented down, as if cheering for Li Wei.

Li Hong was terrified and speechless for a long time.


After "Guangling San" was over, a group of musicians moved two big drums and placed them in the center of the hall, and then placed seven plates around them.Two maikos, a man and a woman, stand on a drum, ready to dance.

The sound of silk and bamboo, and the singing continued, "The autumn wind rises and the white clouds fly, the grass and trees fall yellow and the geese return to the south. The orchids are beautiful and the chrysanthemums are fragrant, and the beautiful women are unforgettable. Panlou boats come to the Jifen River, and the horizontal flow comes to Yangsubo .Xiao drums sang and sang, joyful and sad. When young and strong, old and old."

The two maikos danced on the drums, swirling back and forth between the drums, singing and dancing, which was brilliant.


"This is the Song of the Autumn Wind written by Emperor Xiaowu of the Great Han Dynasty." Yan Wuwei said vaguely with his face flushed and eyes narrowed, "This is called Pangu. It is said that it came from the Western Regions and was perfected by the Yuefu later. It has become a beautiful dance that has been flourishing for hundreds of years for my big man."

"Oh..." Kirby Xiong opened his eyes tonight, and could only nod in applause, "Did you drink too much?"

"It's called wine is not intoxicating and everyone is intoxicated." Yan Wuwei smiled and patted Kirby Bear on the shoulder, "I will tell you again, the banquet is still very early, you should watch more music and dance, eat less, and don't overeat. Yes. When we arrive at midnight, we will prepare for the grand celebration ceremony, and tomorrow morning there will be a grand ceremony for celebrating the new year. We will eat one meal after another, and we will eat you down."

Kirby Bear has long been attracted by the exquisite dancing posture, staring at the maiko with all his attention, ignoring Yan Wuwei.

Yan Wuwei curled his lips in disdain, "Brother, this is nothing. I, Emperor Xiaocheng of the Han Dynasty, once made a small crystal plate, and asked others to hold this plate, and the empress Zhao Feiyan danced gracefully on this crystal plate."

Kirby turned his head to look at Yan Wuwei with disbelief on his face.Yan Wuwei gestured with both hands, indicating that the small crystal plate was only half the size of a palm.

"You're really good at talking..." Kirby laughed uncontrollably.

"Really, can I lie to you?" Yan Wuwei became anxious, and waved at Huang Yue who was seated next to him, "Come here, come here... explain to this Xia Liba man."

"How did I become a lower Riba person?" Kirby asked curiously.

Huang Yue happened to walk over, and chuckled when he heard the words, ""Xia Li" and "Ba Ren" are popular music from Bachu area in the Warring States Period, which means..."

Kirby Bear probably understood what it meant, he gave Yan Wuwei a hard look, then said with a straight face, word by word in big Chinese: "Little Bird, you are from Lower Riba."

Yan Wuwei was overwhelmed.Huang Yue covered his mouth and laughed wildly, with tears in his eyes.


The eldest princess walked slowly to the general and looked at him with concern, "You look bad, are you too tired?"

Li Hong smiled and motioned for her to sit beside him, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Did Zhongyuan say something to you just now?" The eldest princess glanced around and found that Li Wei was sitting around with Xu Shao, Wang Jian, Xiang Kai and others, dancing and talking non-stop.

Li Hongqiang smiled and shook his head.He didn't want the eldest princess to know about this before the wedding, lest the eldest princess would be upset and affect her mood.

"Brother, do you know Fu's theory?" The eldest princess approached Li Hong and asked in a low voice.

Li Hong was startled, and immediately looked at Fu Wan.Fu Wan was talking to Guo Yun and Linghu Shao, with a big smile on his face and high spirits.

"Fu Shixue belongs to Jinwen Confucianism in name, but in fact its history is much earlier than Confucianism, and it should be the only orthodox Confucianism left in the Han Dynasty." The eldest princess smiled and continued, "Uncle said just now that his biggest His wish is to realize the last wish of the ancestors of the Fu family and revive orthodox Confucianism in his lifetime."

Li Hong gave a absent-minded "hmm".Li Wei said it easily, but how could this matter be so simple?In order to promote New Confucianism, Emperor Xiaowu first established Zixue, and then abolished Taoist Huang Lao's learning and replaced it with New Confucianism. middle.Emperor Xiaowu had the foundation of the rule of Wen and Jing, and the military class, Dou's and Wang's relatives gradually lost their power. The princes and kings also lost their power under the implementation of the Tuen Order. He monopolizes the power and does whatever he wants. However, the crisis still exists One after another.

Today's Han Dynasty does not have the conditions for Emperor Xiaowu to forcefully promote Neo-Confucianism, so it can only develop steadily in aggressiveness and compromise like Emperor Guangwu.

Why didn't Emperor Guangwu want to change it to the end?But a wish is a wish, and facts are facts. If we want to quickly rebuild the great Han from the ruins and quickly restore national strength, we must unite all forces, must satisfy the interests of all classes, and must compromise.If he does not compromise, he will not be able to create the great cause of ZTE.

The current Li Wei is like an invincible and violent tiger. He is very aggressive, fearless, and he is as good as Wang Mang back then.If he succeeds, Li Wei is a hero and famous in history, but if he fails, what he loses is not his life, but the entire community.

"Brother..." The eldest princess held Li Hong's hand, "What are you thinking?"

"A lot of things can't be dealt with at the moment, and we can wait until the end of the Nanyang War." Li Hong said softly, without any room for negotiation.

The eldest princess laughed it off.


Instruments such as pan flute, jia, drum, and cymbal played in unison, and the advocacy burst forth fiercely and boldly.

The solemn and stirring singing resounded through the palace.

"Shangxie! I want to know each other with you, and my longevity will never end! There are no hills in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, the thunder is shaking in winter, the rain and snow in summer, the heaven and the earth are united, so I dare to die with you!"

Li Hong's heart trembled, and he tightly held the eldest princess's hand.The eldest princess's cherry lips trembled, her eyes looked at Li Hong affectionately, and she chanted in a low voice, tears streaming down her face.



The following words are not counted.


My personal opinion on the integration of Taoism and Confucianism in "The Great Han":
The demise of the clan system, I personally think it is due to three aspects.

The war led to a decrease in population and a small number of people in the land. Therefore, in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the land equalization system was implemented, which weakened the strength of the clan to a certain extent.However, the countries in the Southern Dynasties implemented the policy of land severance.

The second is the revision of the selection system.During the period of the Sixteen Kingdoms, for example, Zhao Shile and Shi Hu in the later period, and Fu Jian in the former Qin Dynasty all made changes in the selection system, which was mainly due to the needs of national integration.In the Northern Wei Dynasty, this modification was even more obvious.

The third is that the Southern Dynasties fell from the Eastern Jin Dynasty. After Liu Yu, who was born as a low-level gentry, built the Song Dynasty, the family politics gradually gave way to the so-called poor gentry of the low-level gentry. Clan politics has been greatly weakened.Until the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Southern Chen Dynasty in the Sui Dynasty, and then unified the world. The Confucianism strongly advocated by Emperor Wu of Zhou Dynasty played a fundamental role.

Therefore, I personally think that the emerging Confucianism with vitality, the reasonable land system (equal field system), the selection system of sub-subject examinations (test classics), and then realize the rise of the poor clan on the basis of the power of the warrior group and suppress and Weakening the powerful family should be able to curb the rise of powerful family politics, and then ensure the stability and prosperity of the great Han.

Of course, history has its inevitability. Because a great figure like Cao Cao needs to rebuild the country on the ruins, he needs to unite all forces, so in the end he can’t fight against the Yingru scholar group and the Guanluo scholar group. He compromised, although He also fought, such as using various excuses to kill Kong Rong, Yang Xiu, Cui Yan, Fu Wan and others.

The scholars Cao Cao killed were the scholars from Hebei and Qingyanxu. After he moved his base to Yecheng, Jizhou, he largely relied on the Hebei and Qingyan Scholars Group.

Can we speculate in this way that Cao Cao used the power of his Peiqiao scholar and warrior group to promote the poor scholar group vigorously, and at the same time used the Guanluo and Yingru scholar group to fight against the Hebei and Qingyan scholar groups.Cao Cao successfully defeated his opponents in Hebei and Qingyan, but because of his own lack of strength, he still let the Guanluo and Yingru scholars control the government.

After the Sima family launched the "Gaopingling Mutiny" and seized the power of Cao Wei, the forces of Cao Wei began to counterattack, such as Wang Ling, Zhuge Dan, Wu Qiujian, Xia Houxuan, etc. They all failed and were accused of rebellion , and Ji Kang and other celebrities died batch after batch because of this.

When the Sima family was massacred, they did not seize Cao Wei's Guozuo, and they still wore Wei's brand. Therefore, the above-mentioned people were greatly marked as "rebellion" in history.Many people are used to thinking that these people are "bad people". In fact, from Cao Wei's point of view, they are not bad people, but the history is written by the Sima family.

Cao Cao was finally defeated by the clan. Killing Cui Yan could not stop the Qinghe Cui family from becoming the number one clan in history. His failure is thought-provoking.

Let's imagine.Cao Cao's coercion of the emperor to order the princes was a political gamble out of desperation, and his strength was too weak at the time.At that time, it was Yuan Shao in Hebei who could revive the Han Dynasty. If Yuan Shao was loyal to Han, if Yuan Shao could compromise with the powerful (such as Tian Feng, Jushou, Xu You, Yuan Shao's disobedience to these people may not be due to his personality, but may also be due to his power. Because the power in Hebei under Jushou was very strong at that time.), if Yuan Shao won the battle at Guandu, would there still be a big man?

The necessity of history tells us that it is impossible to have a big man again, because the scholars have collectively betrayed the big man, and the big man is backward in the system because of his backward scriptures and literature, and then there are foreign relatives and eunuchs who interfere in politics, and the disaster of the party is repeated. They chose to betray without hesitation, and they tried to rebuild a new country, which was the root cause of the failure of the Luoyang Mutiny and the joint campaign against Dong.

The second ZTE Dahan is just a dream.

If Confucianism cannot be reborn, the great Han Dynasty cannot be revived. However, the rebirth of Confucianism requires various conditions, but history has not bestowed these conditions, which resulted in a great schism of more than 300 years.

More than 300 years later, Confucianism stood out from the dispute between Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. After more than 300 years of struggle, history finally created the conditions for the rebirth of Confucianism with countless bones.

The historical conditions are met, Confucianism is reborn, the system is on the right track, and the road to unification is very close. Although the former Qin Fu Jian in history is also very close to this step, he failed inconceivably...

Perhaps, from the perspective of Han chauvinism, the Han people still need the Han people to regain the land lost by the Han people...

The big man will never fall.


Short flute and cymbal song is a kind of military music played on horseback with musical instruments such as jia, panxiao, drum, and cymbal.This kind of military music uses melody instruments, which is a big step forward from the pre-Qin military music that only used percussion instruments such as bells, tuo, and cymbals.Later, there were some changes in the development, not only as military music.Today there are still [-] cymbals of the Han Dynasty, including "Shangxie", "Thinking", "War City South" and other excellent works.Take "Shangxie" as an example, the word is: Shangxie!I want to know each other with you, and I will live forever!There are no mausoleums in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, the thunder in winter shakes, the rain and snow in summer, the heaven and the earth are united, so I dare to say goodbye to you!This is a woman's vow, the emotion is sincere and deep.


Bayu dance and Lingxing dance are Gagaku dances.

"Long-sleeved dance" or "long-sleeved waist-bending dance." and "pan drum dance" are the most common and representative dances in the Han Dynasty. The long-sleeved dance has existed before the Qin Dynasty, and it was once the fashion of the Chu court in the Warring States period. The Han people inherited the art of the Chu people, and the long-sleeved dance became more popular.

"Pan drum dance" is a dance in which pans and drums are placed on the ground as dance tools, and dancers perform on or around the pans and drums.This kind of dance mostly uses seven discs, so it is also called seven disc dance.There is no uniform format for the number of discs and drums, and the position of displaying them. They can be flexibly controlled according to the requirements of dance movements.Pan encouragement is not only rich in gentle beauty, but also has a sense of thrill and strength.There is softness and rigidity, and the combination of rigidity and softness.Pan drum is a brand-new dance produced after the fusion of Han dance and foreign national dance. , deeply loved by the Han people, and has been popular for hundreds of years.


A large number of excellent works emerged in Xianghe songs in the Han Dynasty.Such as "Jiangnan" and "Women's Diseases", Xianghe Daqu includes "Dongmen Xing", "Baitouyin", and "Moshang Sang", but there are "Guangling San" and so on.

During the development process, Xianghe song was gradually combined with dance, and became a large-scale performance form with instrumental music, singing and dancing. It was called Daqu or Xianghe Daqu, which best reflected the level of art at that time.


"Guangling San" is also known as "Guangling Zhixi". From the name of the song, it may be a folk music in the Guangling area (now Yangzhou, Jiangsu).Ying Qu (qu), a poet at the end of the Han Dynasty, has a poem "Ma Rong Tan Si Yu "Zhi Xi"". This song appeared as late as the time when Ma Rong was active, that is, the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty (85-150 AD).Around the time of the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms (AD 196-226), it was already a large-scale piece of music with "qu" and "chaos". "Danqu" played by ensembles of music such as , zither, and se.

However, the song "Guangling San" was still frequently performed in the teaching workshops of the Tang Dynasty. It was lost after the Southern Song Dynasty.Although the existing qin melody "Guangling San" has been processed by later generations, it has a certain distance from the original song of the Han Dynasty, but it can be found that it still retains some characteristics of the "Guangling San" of the Han Dynasty, such as orderly-positive sound-chaos The three parts use the "reframing sentence" form commonly used in Xianghe songs in the Han Dynasty, with the color of folk songs.In short, the structural layout, theme development methods, tonal arrangement and ability to reflect life of "Guangling San" have all reached a considerable height.Like other arts of the Han Dynasty, this piece of music is profound and majestic, giving people a sense of roughness and simplicity. It is an excellent work with a huge structure and rich social and historical connotations.


Xianghe "Daqu" or "Danqu" is an advanced form of Xianghe song, and its structure is relatively complicated. The typical structure of the song form is composed of three parts: "yan-qu-ran or tend".
"Yan" is a prelude or introduction. Before the song, instrumental music is mostly played, and some can also be sung. The music may be euphemistic and lyrical, so it is called "Yan".

"Luan" or "Turn" refers to the end of the music, and "Luan" describes the sound of the voices singing at the end of the performance, which is the climax of the song and dance. "Trend" may describe swift and unrestrained dance steps. "Qu" is the main body of the whole music, generally composed of multiple arias.It is called "Jie" between singing sections, and "Xie" is the intermission of dance music between singing sections in "Xianghe Daqu". Usually, one aria is called Yijie. There may be seven or eight solutions.The rhythm of the song is generally characterized by tactful, lyrical and soothing, while the accompanying "jie" is generally unrestrained, enthusiastic, and fast. It is the part of the song interspersed with dances.


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