Chapter 110
Suddenly there was a loud noise on the battlefield, and then the horns of the charge went straight into the sky.The battlefield that had just fallen silent was full of killing sounds again, and the roar of galloping horses resounded throughout the plain in an instant.

Li Hong stared at the cavalry soldiers rushing back and forth on the battlefield, dumbfounded.

Yushi and the other military officers did not say hello to Li Hong, but hurried away on horseback.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were divided and surrounded on the battlefield, without any intention of surrendering.Knowing that there was no way out today, they calmed down instead, only hatred burning fiercely in each of their hearts.Seeing the officers and soldiers surrounding them in a vigilant manner, with bloody weapons pointed at them, the soldiers' pride erupted again.


I don't know who suddenly roared loudly.The soldiers full of fighting spirit echoed in unison, killing the surrounding enemies without hesitation.

The soldiers of Fengyun Iron Cavalry held back their stomachs, and they were waiting for this moment.

Everyone didn't wait for the charge horn to sound, they all roared loudly, galloped on their horses, and rushed towards the yellow scarf soldiers with wild roars.

Massacre, cruel and bloody massacre.

The weak yellow turban infantry was cut off one by one by the soldiers of the Fengyun Cavalry like leeks, and each fresh life was ruthlessly and wantonly swallowed.

Li Hong sat on the black ground and looked up at the sky, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tian Zhong came slowly on his horse.

He walked to Li Hong's side and said with a smile, "Who is so courageous to fight privately?"

Li Hong looked at the old man in surprise, and said with a smile: "Old man, are you anxious that you have never had the chance to exert your power of stabbing?"

Tian Zhong nodded solemnly, "That's right. Let's see how many violators of military discipline may be caught this time."

Li Hongda laughed.

"It may be the enemy who launched the attack on his own initiative. Don't always think of the bad."

Tian Zhong looked at Li Hong strangely, and said very puzzled: "My son, you never seem to be willing to punish soldiers who violate military discipline."

"Small violation of discipline, let's talk about it." Li Hong said casually.

"Small violations of discipline are not dealt with, and military discipline will be relaxed, and sooner or later it will lead to a big disaster." Tian Zhong said with a tense old face, very unhappy.

Li Hong was taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes. The old man is right, and we must deal with it seriously."

After a while, the shouting and killing sound became smaller and smaller, and gradually returned to calm.

In the evening, the sun was setting, the twilight was hazy, and the wind was blowing.

On the plain of Dukang Pavilion, the horns of victory sounded one after another, and the plain was filled with the sound of soldiers celebrating victory.

The cavalry on the battlefield began to look for their own battle flags one after another, and assembled in this part.

All the troops waited for Pegasus to arrive.

"My lord, just now the Yellow Turban Army took the initiative to invite the battle. Seeing that the situation was critical, Shehu launched the attack first. Now the battle is all over."

She Yingtong led Shehu to Li Hong, bowed and said.

Li Hong saw that Shehu was wrapped in two cloth belts, and knew that he was injured, so he hurried forward and asked, "Huzi, is the injury serious?"

She Hu was still childish, smiled awkwardly, and didn't make a sound.

Tian Zhong stepped forward suddenly, pretending to be serious and asked: "Huzi, did you attack first?"

Shehu was startled, shook his hands in panic and said, "No, no. Brother Lazy was there at the time, you asked him?"

Everyone saw his anxious look and laughed.

"Have you seen Zuo Xiao, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army?" Li Hong asked.

"He was stabbed by a spear and died." Yan Wuwei replied regretfully: "School Zuo is very famous in the Yellow Turban Army. We didn't expect it. If the other Yellow Turbans are as tough as this, we'll be in trouble."

Li Hong nodded and said disappointedly: "It would be great if he could be captured, at least we can save so many people from dying."

He turned his eyes to the battlefield where the corpses were strewn across the field, and said sadly: "Why do you have to die in battle, wouldn't it be good to surrender?"

Heng Ji snorted disdainfully and said: "If you don't hit us hard, how will they know how powerful our Fengyun cavalry is? We've broken their guts, and let them be terrified when they hear us. Next time we encounter a battle, it will be easier to fight."

The fist shouted even more frantically: "Kill, every time we kill them all, the enemy will become less and less, and we will become stronger and stronger."

Yushi looked at Fist's murderous eyes and shook his head helplessly.

"Last year, General Huangfu killed [-] Yellow Turban troops in Xiaquyangkeng, which greatly stimulated them. Surrender is death, and death in battle is also death. It is better to die in battle. Now that the combat effectiveness of the Yellow Turban Army has increased dramatically, it is estimated that they are as good as them." This kind of thinking is related. I am afraid that this battle will become more and more difficult and cruel."

In the Battle of Dukangting, the soldiers of the left school of the Yellow Turban Army vowed not to surrender, and the entire army of 3 people was wiped out, and none of them survived.The Fengyun iron cavalry had the right time and place, and those who hit it with one hit won a complete victory, with more than 1000 casualties and more than [-] troops.

That night, the troops were stationed on the Dukang Pavilion Plain and cleaned the battlefield overnight.

The next day, the troops rushed to Fangcheng, sixty miles away from Dukang Pavilion, with a lot of spoils.Li Hong stationed his camp on a hill outside the city.

Since the Yellow Turban Army attacked Youzhou, the imperial army and horses have lost every battle, retreating step by step, and soon retreated to Zhuocheng.If Zhuocheng is lost again, Zhuojun will be lost as well.Now the 15 army of Zhang Niujiao, the commander of the Yellow Turban Army, has surrounded Zhuocheng, and the siege of the city will break out at any time.

Just when everyone was in panic all day long and had nothing to do, news suddenly came that the Leopard Army's Li Hong Department wiped out 3 Yellow Turbans at Dukang Pavilion.This news came very timely, which greatly stimulated and inspired the fighting spirit and confidence of the soldiers and civilians defending the city.The whole city celebrated the victory that day like a festival.

Li Hongbu suddenly disappeared in Xiaofangshan, which made Zhang Niujiao's carefully prepared encirclement plan fail.Although he didn't know the reason why the Leopard Army suddenly withdrew, he knew that the cavalry army was the biggest threat to the Yellow Turban Army on the Zhuojun battlefield.If Li Hong is eliminated, the Yellow Turban Army will basically take Zhuojun.

Before attacking Youzhou, the Yellow Turban Army did not know the existence of this army.Shuai Anding, who was hiding in the enemy's camp, only recently got the news.This made Zhang Niujiao very passive in the formation of troops.At first they had studied how to deal with Gongsun Zan's cavalry.Gongsun Zan has only [-] troops, a secret known to the world.But Gongsun Zan left Youzhou suddenly last month, which really made the leaders of the Yellow Turban Army happy.Unexpectedly, before they were happy for a few days, such a huge army appeared.

Zhang Niujiao was very disturbed that he did not surround the Leopard Army, so he did not launch an attack on Zhuocheng for the time being.After he wanted to know the exact location of the Leopard Army, he would consider whether to attack the city first or eliminate the Leopard Army first.It is not difficult to capture Zhuocheng. It took a few days for an army of 15 to attack Zhuocheng, which was defended by more than 1 people.Now Huanglong's 15 troops have rushed to the north gate of Zhuocheng, and Zuojiao is attacking Fangcheng.After Fangcheng was taken, Zuo Xiao led his troops to meet up, all [-] troops gathered, and the siege could begin.

The Leopard Army is all cavalry, mobile and flexible, and has always been a huge threat to the army's supply line.Leopard Li Hong himself is an extremely terrifying figure.

He fought in the Xianbei country and slaughtered important figures in the Xianbei country one after another, causing Murong Feng and Tuoba Feng to use the black wooden token to chase him down at the same time.Although the Han army won the Lulongsai defense battle miserably, it won him the reputation of a hero, because he was the only officer left in Lulongsai, and all the glory of the Lulongsai soldiers was given to him alone.Just when people were amazed at his luck, he led his troops to attack continuously. Under the command of Governor Liu Yu, he defeated the Xianbei troops that invaded Yuyang and killed Murong Ji, the commander of the Xianbei army.The subsequent record was even more impressive. He led his troops to hold on to Macheng for more than 20 days, forcing Tuoba Feng's army back, and then used his usual surprise attack to wipe out the leader of Xianbei's army and Tituo who invaded Shanggu County. army, and killed Titus.This northern Xinjiang hero who rose like a sharp arrow purely by military exploits has become a role model for aspiring young people in the Han Dynasty.If Shuai An Ding hadn't sent the news in time this time, it is estimated that more than half of Huanglong's troops had been lost.Such a man with ten thousand troops in his hands is more terrifying than a mediocre man with one hundred thousand troops in his hands.

So Zhang Niujiao has always wanted to destroy this army, kill the leopards, and never cause future troubles.In his opinion, even if Zhuocheng is captured, if the lingering leopard keeps haunting Zhuojun, his backyard will be rioted by the leopard before the Yellow Turbans reach Jicheng.

Outside Zhuocheng, the camps of the Yellow Turban Army were so densely packed that they surrounded the west gate of Zhuocheng.

Sima Zuoyan hurried into Zhang Niujiao's big tent.

"Marshal, the gongs, drums and firecrackers are ringing in Zhuocheng, as if they are celebrating some happy event."

Zuo Yan and Zuo Xiao are from the same village.His father worked part-time in the city, earning a good income, and took him to accompany the family master's descendants to study in the city since he was a child, hoping that he would make a name for himself in the future.Zuo Yan is very smart, and has achieved quite a lot after more than ten years.However, because he was born as a commoner, no matter how hard he tried, at most he would help the head of the family to write and settle accounts, and he would not be able to get on the stage.Under the persuasion of his friend Zuo Xiao, he joined the Taiping Road.Soon his talent was favored by Zhang Jiao, and he was in charge of the secretary and property of the teaching center, and he was considered Zhang Jiao's confidant.Last year in Guangzong, he fled to Taihang Mountain with Zhang Niujiao and assisted Zhang Niujiao.

Zuo Yan is in his thirties, thin and mediocre, with a short beard and long face. The only difference is that he grows up especially among the people, which is a bit out of harmony with the whole face.So he deliberately kept a thick black beard on his lips to hide his ugliness.The generals of the Yellow Turban Army privately called him Zuo Miao.Mustache refers to the beard on the lips.His teacher believed in prophecy, (called Nei Xue in the Han Dynasty, a mixture of vulgar Confucian classics and superstition), and believed that if he grew up well among the people, he would surely be able to stand out in the future.He always believed what the teacher said, until he fled into the deep mountains and old forests, and he discovered that the theory of prophecy really killed people.He originally wanted to change his life by assisting Zhang Jiao, but he didn't expect that Zhang Jiao was not the real dragon emperor at all, and everything was in vain.

Zhang Niujiao was secretly taken aback.

"Is there a wired newspaper?"

Zuo Yan shook his head and whispered, "I can't figure it out. I don't know what Wang Ruo is up to. In my opinion, if there is still no news about the leopard, let's just attack the city. We really don't need to wait like this."

Zhang Niujiao nodded, "I think so too. If we have no news tomorrow, we will start attacking the city the day after tomorrow. What do you think?"

Zuo Yan sat next to the table and asked casually, "When will Sun Xiaoshuai's food and grass arrive?"

"Almost four or five days."

"Is there any news from Shuai Zuo today?"

Zhang Niujiao shook his head anxiously, "There was no news last night, nor this morning. I have already sent someone to Fangcheng to look for him. I don't know what happened to him in Fangcheng?"

"There must be a big problem. With the prudence of Zuo Shuai, he will not cut off contact with us easily." Zhang Niujiao sighed and said with a heavy heart.

Zuo Yan said with a smile: "You can rest assured, Commander Zuo. Commander Zuo's troops are very powerful. Even if they encounter the cavalry of the Leopard Army, they will have the strength to fight."

Immediately, his face changed drastically, and he cried out: "Won't the leopard go to Fangcheng?"

Zhang Niujiao turned pale with fright, grabbed his long beard, and tried his best to suppress the fear and anxiety in his heart.

Seeing the delicate, fair and gentle Xian Yuyin, Li Hong laughed happily.

"Boyu (written in Xian Yuyin), how are you doing?"

Since Zhuolu broke up, the two haven't seen each other for half a year.Xian Yuyin happily grabbed Li Hong's hand, and said repeatedly:

"Okay, okay. After leaving Zhuolu, in just a few months, you have won several battles, which is so enviable."

Li Hong said with a smile: "What are you envious of? The war is bloody and cruel. You should be a civil servant like this."

Xian Yuyin shook his head and said, "Of course it's fun to fight on the battlefield. Just follow you all the time, and you can fight for several battles. When you were besieged in Macheng, I asked several times to bring troops to support, but the prefect refused. "

Li Hong immediately thanked him gratefully.

"Thank you, I didn't help you. But you are too powerful. Thousands of people resisted the attack of more than 1 people from Tuobafeng. They defended for more than 20 days. It's amazing, amazing."

Li Hong smiled awkwardly.He didn't fight Tuoba Feng in Macheng, and each played his own game. Not only did he deceive many people, but he also earned enough fame for himself, and got a great credit in return.Do you want to tell Xian Yuyin the truth about this matter?The two big horse thieves, Fist and Tie Yue, were already dead, but suddenly appeared beside him. How should he explain it to Xian Yuyin?
Xian Yuyin didn't notice Li Hong's uneasiness, and was still talking happily.

"Your Excellency wiped out 3 Yellow Turban rebels in the first battle at Dukang Pavilion. The record is impressive."

"Boyu, don't you think I killed too many people?" Li Hong asked.

Xian Yuyin frowned on purpose, took a strong sniff and said, "Your Excellency still smells of blood. Immediately the whole of Youzhou will know that the leopard is a bloodthirsty leopard who has killed too many people. Is there anything wrong with that?" okay?"

Li Hong smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You didn't see the situation at that time. After the battle, the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army had no need to resist at all, but they vowed not to surrender until they all died in the battle. I fought many battles and killed so many people for the first time, and It’s still when the opponent has no room to fight back. I can’t accept my cruelty.”

"The battle at Dukang Pavilion, I'm afraid I, a bloodthirsty leopard, won't be able to escape being scolded again."

Xian Yuyin laughed.

"Those who have achieved great things since ancient times have blood on their hands. Why do you blame yourself like this?"

Li Hong shook his head helplessly, "Don't you know who I am?"

"I know. In Sanggan River, if you hadn't insisted on getting Tuoba Tao to surrender, Tuoba Tao and his 5000 men would have died long ago. The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army are poor people. It stands to reason that adults should let them They surrendered. You directly killed 3 of them in the battle of Dukang Pavilion, without leaving a single prisoner. Although the blood was a little bloody, compared with some people, your matter is not worth mentioning .”

"Really? Who?" He asked hesitantly.

"General Huangfusong killed [-] Yellow Turban troops in Xiaquyang Pit, you know that?"

Of course Li Hong knew, he nodded.

"Except for the Yellow Turban traitor, do you hear anyone scolding him now?"

Li Hong nodded, expressing that he could understand, but he was still brooding over this matter in his heart and couldn't let it go.

"My son, before crossing the river, I received a letter from the governor. In the letter, the lord said, if my troops enter Zhuocheng, I will follow the command of the prefect Wang; if I join your cavalry army, I will follow the orders of the captain." Command. Now, I listen to you and do whatever you say."

Xian Yuyin chatted with him for a while and got to the point.

Li Hong looked at him and smiled slightly.

"I want your troops to join the Fengyun Iron Cavalry immediately."

"That's all right. I've brought fifteen hundred cavalry and fifteen hundred infantry on horseback. Do you want both?"

"Of course, I want all of them. What is missing now are soldiers. Isn't there a big gap between infantry and cavalry in Dai County?"

Xian Yuyin stared wide-eyed in surprise, shook his head and said, "Lord Colonel, of course the gap is huge. You want to repeat the same trick and use infantry as cavalry?"

Li Hong nodded with a smile.

"However, infantry is infantry this time, and I'm going to use them on the knife's edge."

Xian Yuyin frowned and said happily:
"Is there any action by the troops?"

Li Hong smiled without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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