Chapter 121
Yan Rou took off her red cloak, revealing a black and red leather armor.

Now the leather armor has been splattered beyond recognition by the enemy's blood, and the sword is even more dazzling after devouring more than a dozen fresh lives.

Yan Rou took the lead and rushed to the front of the right-wing defense line, invincible to those who blocked her.He led the soldiers to block the enemy's frantic attacks wave after wave.

His personal soldiers and attendants are all his caravan brothers in the past. Many years of combat career have made them like brothers, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly on the battlefield.They huddled together tightly, like a huge boulder, firmly blocking the enemy's front, determined not to retreat half a step.

The enemy replaced a group of fresh troops, calling again to kill them.

Yan Rou rushed into the enemy's formation, holding the knife in both hands, slashing left and right, roaring like thunder.The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who were red-eyed by being killed did not show any weakness, and rushed forward in groups of three or four.

Yan Rou cut down an enemy soldier at the waist, followed and punched another enemy on the nose. Just as he was about to end the enemy's life, he saw one of his brothers was pierced by three spears and died.The soldier's screams before he died were heart-piercing, which seemed extremely painful.

Yan Rou was suddenly furious, and she was about to burst into tears.With a tiger roar, he dragged his saber horizontally, and immediately beheaded the enemy soldiers in front of him.Immediately, he leaped up with all his strength, hacked the two of them, and rushed to the side of the three enemy soldiers who were charging with spears.

"Kill..." Yan Rou roared wildly, and before one of them could react, the sword had already swung down with her arms around her head.The man was unable to dodge in time, and was sent flying horizontally with the spear, his chest and abdomen were cut open by the blade, and blood gushed out along with the internal organs in an instant.Seeing Yan Rou's fierceness and the tragic death of his comrades, the other two were immediately aroused with the most primitive blood. They left the officers and soldiers who were fighting, howling and rushing towards Yan Rou.

Yan Rou opened her eyes angrily, roared again, and charged forward facing the two sharp spears.He seized the right time, grabbed one of the spears, and stabbed the enemy soldier holding the spear with the knife in his hand, completely ignoring the other spear that stabbed himself.At the same time, Yan Rou roared crazily, his voice was like thunder, as if his roar was enough to scare the enemy to death.

Yan Rou's knife penetrated into the enemy's body, pierced through the enemy's abdomen, and stabbed all the way to the handle of the knife.

The enemy's spear is close to the body, and the tip of the spear has entered the abdomen.

It was too late, but it was fast, a pair of legs flew from the sky, and a pair of blood-stained combat boots kicked hard on the enemy's chest.I only heard the crisp sound of the sternum breaking and the howling of the enemy soldier, and then I saw the spear flying backwards with the body of the enemy soldier flying up in the air.

The soldier who rescued Yan Rou fell to the ground involuntarily.Immediately, several sabers and three or four spears fell almost in no particular order.

Flesh flew everywhere.The soldier didn't even yell out, he was cut into pieces by knives, and died instantly.

Yan Rou is crazy.Those who died were all the brothers who had been with him day and night.

He wished he could chop off all the enemies with one knife, he chopped off the heads of the enemies with one knife, and roared loudly:

"Brothers, kill...kill them all..."

With a short halberd in his hand, Xian Yufu ruthlessly pinned an enemy to the ground.

Enemies ahead, densely packed and endless.The Yellow Turban Army went mad, and they launched the most ferocious attack against the officers and soldiers on the hill, endless attacks.

Xian Yufu completely lost his elegance, three long beards stained with blood stuck casually on his cheeks, forehead and hair, brown blood was everywhere on his body, some were congealed, some were wet, It looked like a mess.

He was almost out of breath under the pressure of the surging enemies.He didn't know how many enemies he had killed, nor how many comrades around him fell down, he didn't even have the time to raise his head.He only saw the inexhaustible enemies rushing forward, saw the enemy soldiers falling one by one with blood splattered and broken limbs, and heard all the killing and shouting in his ears, which never stopped The sound of war drums.He felt that the strength in his body was disappearing bit by bit, his movements became more and more stiff and slow, and he felt that he could not hold on anymore.Although the wound was still oozing blood, he had completely lost the feeling of pain.

He stood in the middle of the hill and led the soldiers to block the enemies who were several times larger than himself.The Yellow Turban Army took the gentle area on the front of the hill as their main direction of attack. They launched a fierce attack like a tide, and did not give the officers and soldiers defending the high ground any time to breathe.

He saw another group of enemies rushing up from the hill.

He wanted to shout, and wanted to tell the soldiers that another group of enemies was charging up, but he couldn't shout anymore, and he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth.He smiled wryly, he used to be proud of his martial arts, but now he was killed by the enemy so much that he didn't even have the strength to speak.Then he found that he couldn't even smile wryly.The muscles in his face were stiff from the excessive force.

Holding the short halberd in his hand, he knelt on one leg in a pool of blood and lowered his head.He was waiting, waiting for the enemy to charge up, and waiting for himself to gather the last bit of strength to kill.

Almost at the same time, Xian Yuyin and Yan Rou noticed that the enemies in the middle had suddenly retreated.Immediately, they widened their eyes and roared out in horror:

"Support, support the middle lane..."

"Get closer, move closer to the middle..."

The drums of war sounded rapidly and violently, and the tense and bloody atmosphere immediately overwhelmed the soldiers almost suffocating.

The drumsticks beat fiercely on the hearts of every defending soldier, shocking and painful.

The enemy retreated, leaving a space of dozens of steps.Behind this space, there were only scattered soldiers, holding weapons in their hands, standing fearlessly on the battlefield full of corpses.

The defenders in the middle were wiped out.No wonder the enemy has to retreat a little in order to gather strength for the final blow.

The soldiers on the left and right flanks saw the danger, and they didn't need to be urged by the officers. They all uttered a loud roar, and then they ran like crazy, holding their weapons high, shouting desperately, and ran as fast as possible. The speed rushed to the middle.

Yan Ruan was fresher than silver, and the iron ax was sandwiched among the soldiers, shouting, running, and roaring hoarsely.

The enemy rushed up.

They also saw an opportunity and hope, and they ran even more frantically, shouting, wishing they could fly with wings.

On the hill, the killing sound was like thunder in an instant, and the sound shook the sky.

However, the enemy has already approached the middle position, and the reinforcements on both wings are still some distance away from the middle.

Xian Yufu raised his head in surprise.

He looked around in a daze, and suddenly found that the defensive position on the hill had a fatal loophole due to the excessive consumption of the defenders in the middle, and it was about to collapse.If the reinforcements on the two wings can arrive in time, they must block the Yellow Turbans rushing up from the front to buy time for them.

With a sudden burst of strength, he stood up abruptly.

He turned to face the soldiers behind him, raised his hands and roared loudly:
"Brothers, let's kill."

Xian Yufu pulled out the spear stuck on the enemy soldier's corpse, raised it high above his head, and roared again at the soldiers running towards him:
"Kill it..."


Without hesitation, the soldiers followed Xian Yufu, and bravely rushed towards the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army who rushed towards him.

"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the two teams collided with each other, making a dull sound.This loud noise overwhelmed the sound of war drums and shouts, resounding throughout the battlefield.

The sound of clashing swords, the sound of blades breaking through flesh, the sound of spears piercing through the body, roars, and screams all merged into a deafening roar in an instant.

Xian Yufu couldn't hear anything.He doesn't need to hear the sound either, he just needs to kill the enemy.He tried his best to charge into the enemy group bravely.

There are too many enemies, like waves one after another, surging and surging.

Xian Yufu quickly devoured the life of the enemy, and at the same time saw his comrades being devoured by more enemies.The comrades around fell one by one and disappeared.


Xian Yufu let out a roar, and the spear in his hand pierced the body of a big man accurately, and then, like a poisonous snake swallowing a letter, it flicked incomparably cunningly, and pierced the throat of the enemy soldier nearby.Before the blood spewed out, the spear swung to another enemy soldier's chest.The three fell to Xian Yufu's feet almost at the same time.

Xian Yufu kicked an enemy soldier's saber away, turned around and swept across, killing two more enemies.


Xian Yufu roared again, raised his spear to block the incoming knife head-on.Spear broken.Before the knife arrived, the short spear had already pierced the enemy's throat.Xian Yufu snatched the saber from his hands, followed the trend and stabbed one person to death.Then he saw a spear, a dark spear.

Xian Yufu took two steps back, dodging the saber, and beheaded another person.The spear stared at him firmly, flying in faster and faster.Xian Yufu retreated again, and stepped on the head of the corpse.

Unable to control his balance, he fell on his back.

Xian Yufu roared, and before his body fell down, he threw his saber at the spear.The spear shook suddenly, and the force of the flash bullet immediately sent the saber flying from the air.

The momentum of the spear remained undiminished, piercing like flying.

Xian Yufu fell down in mid-air, with a wry smile on his face.

He closed his eyes tiredly, his heart was as calm as water, he let his body fall to the ground, let the spear penetrate into his body, and didn't struggle anymore.

A harsh howling sound pierced through the air, piercing into Xian Yufu's ear like a sharp arrow.

Xian Yufu fell heavily to the ground.

The huge roar of galloping horses suddenly and clearly reached his ears.He heard voices.He heard earth-shattering cheers from the battlefield behind him.

He flung his eyes open.

black axe.A pitch-black hatchet.

The small ax let out a breathtaking scream, and flew past Xian Yufu's eyes like lightning.

The imposing spear roared towards him with fierce murderous intent.Suddenly, it stopped above Xian Yufu's heart, and then beat for a while.

Xian Yufu used all his strength to raise his body.The moment half of his body left the ground, the spear plunged down three inches into the ground, and the long barrel shook violently.

Xian Yufu looked sideways.

A yellow turban general stood with a gun, his eyes wide open angrily, staring at the opposite side.The small black ax was half stuck in his chest, and blood was slowly oozing out of his clothes.Suddenly, a look of pain flashed across his face, and then he let go of the big hand that was holding the gun barrel, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Xian Yufu's mind relaxed, and he immediately lost consciousness.

The soldiers of the Fengyun Iron Cavalry Army were killing loudly, one by one, like arrows flying from the string, they followed behind the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, killing down the hills and heading towards the valley.

In an instant, the killing sound shook the sky.

Li Hongfei jumped off the horse, rolled and crawled, picked up Xian Yufu, shook his body frantically, and roared loudly:
"Yu Xing, brother Yu Xing..."

Li Hong's heart was bleeding.Every battle has to lose brothers and comrades-in-arms. Why is this battle so cruel and bloody.

"Brother Yuxing..."

When Xian Yufu heard Li Hong's painful cry, he suddenly felt that he was going to die now, but it was worth it to have such a brother who knew each other through life and death.He allowed Li Hong to shake his body violently, and tears welled up in his eyes.

An attendant behind Li Hong noticed Xian Yufu's abnormality, and shouted loudly: "My lord, my lord, Mr. Xianyu is still alive, he is injured, stop shaking him."

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, stopped quickly, and looked carefully.

Xian Yufu struggled to open his eyes, barely looked at Li Hong, and eventually passed out again due to excessive blood loss.

Li Hong's heart suddenly dropped.

He hugged Xian Yufu tightly, as if he was afraid that Xian Yufu would die if he let go.

The soldiers of the Cavalry Army were still galloping, and the soldiers of both sides were still fighting fiercely on the battlefield in the river valley.

Yan Liang, Hu Ding, and Qi Shen rushed to the front. They brought the Black Panther Yi Cong, like a sharp sword, pierced into the heart of the Yellow Turban Army with unerring precision.

The dense and violent sound of war drums on the river embankment shook the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were swept away by the unstoppable iron cavalry. Although they tried their best to resist, the huge and fast horses could not be resisted by flesh and blood. They were like crops in the flood, ruthless by the raging flood. The ground collided, crushed, and submerged, without any ability or opportunity to resist.They were swept away by cavalry.

Yan Liang's broadsword roared towards him, and the three enemies in front of him couldn't stop the blow that swept across the army. Their heads were cut off, their arms were cut off, their stomachs were disemboweled, and they fell into the crowd screaming.

"Tiger head, rush into the car formation, rush in..."

Hu Ding roared, and brandished the blood-stained mace, strenuously moving forward.

In front is the enemy's car array.

Soldiers from both sides who were mixed together were entangled layer by layer. Not to mention that it was impossible to push the carts to close the formation, it was impossible to withdraw their own soldiers.

The battlefield in front of the embankment was like a pot of steaming boiling water, fierce and bloody.

Under the command of Zhang Niujiao, the archers on the river bank aimed at the cavalry on their horses and shot at will.

The abandoned spear flew out, piercing through an enemy who swung a knife head-on.Immediately, he abandoned his spear and drew his sword, picked up the bull horn on his waist with his left hand, and blew the horn of abandoning horse and fighting.

At this time, the cavalry had no effect, and everyone was crowded together, unable to move an inch.Riding on a horse is like a target for the enemy's archers.

Abandoning Chen kept blowing, while flying off the horse.Several horn players of Black Panther Yi Cong followed closely behind and issued orders continuously.In just a split second, the ferocious bald warrior suddenly disappeared on the battlefield.They jumped off their horses one after another, holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, and rushed towards the gap in the chariot formation in small groups.

Yan Liang casually dropped the sword.In the face of densely packed enemy soldiers, the broadsword is completely useless, but rather a burden.He drew out the saber at his waist, shouted angrily, and flew forward to kill an enemy who was attacking Hu Ding.

"Kill..., kill into the car formation..."

The arc tripod swung up, smashed it randomly, and yelled loudly:

"Kill... kill in..."

Abandoned Shen is just a few steps away from Huding.Holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, he led a group of soldiers, piercing the gap in the formation like an awl.

The left and right wings of Black Panther Yicong are Yan Wuwei and Lei Zi in the middle song respectively.They also saw gaps in the Yellow Turban formation.To quickly defeat Zhang Niujiao's army, breaking through this gap is probably the key.As long as they break through the chariot formation, remove the chariot formation, and the cavalry rush up without hindrance, the Yellow Turban Army is over.

"Order the troops, at all costs, to attack the car formations on both sides, and cover the Black Panther Yicong to tear open the enemy's mouth."

Yan Wuwei turned his head and shouted to the horn soldiers behind him.

Lei Zi heard Yan Wuwei's order, and roared wildly: "Brothers, kill, kill..."

The horn of the charge soared into the sky.On the chaotic battlefield, the cavalry on both wings began to accelerate and sprint.

Yan Wuwei and Lei Zi, one on the left and the other on the right, led the soldiers to attack the enemy's formation continuously, brave and fearless, with an astonishing momentum.The yellow turban soldiers behind the car formation had to temporarily stop supporting the direction of the gap in the car formation, and concentrate on dealing with the cavalry charge.

Yan Liang was the first to rush to the side of the carriage. Along the way, he was stabbed three times by the enemy. Although the wound was not deep, it was dripping with blood.

"Pull the cart, pull away..."

Yan Liang kept yelling at the soldiers behind him.

With a roar of anger, the abandoned round shield flew an enemy injured by the knife, and stood beside the carriage on the other side.

The Yellow Turban soldiers went crazy.They roared and swarmed up.If this gap is not plugged, the ensuing consequences will be disastrous.

Yan Liang smashed away a thrusting spear with one fist, and the saber in his hand had already penetrated the chest of the enemy soldier on the opposite side.He snatched the enemy's sword and chopped off the enemy with the spear.


Hu Ding didn't raise his head, but smashed the enemy to death with a stick.Immediately afterwards, four or five spears stabbed at him at the same time.Hu Ding had no choice but to give up his support and retreat quickly.The two soldiers behind him immediately filled his empty space, with their swords and shields on top.

Zhang Niujiao stood silently on the embankment, looking at the Fengyun Iron Cavalry on the hill, under the command of the sound of the horn, regrouping.As long as the frontal car formation is opened, they will rush down.

Zhang Niujiao turned his eyes to look at the gap.The gap is widening.Zhang Niujiao didn't care about the gap, he had no intention of plugging it up.

Near the gap was a blood-soaked warrior. He was tall, mighty, ruthless and cruel. Every time he struck with a knife, he would kill one person, and he never missed.Zhang Niujiao took a closer look, feeling terrified in his heart.Such a bloodthirsty person is really like a butcher.He unexpectedly found that he knew him and had fought against him.He is Changshan Tiger Head.

Zhang Niujiao looked up at the gray sky.

It was almost dusk, and victory was at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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