Chapter 224
In October of the third year of the Chuping period of the Han Dynasty (186 A.D.).


In the morning of early autumn, the air is fresh and cool.

Han Sui was sitting in the yard of Bianzhang's house, playing the flute.The sound of the flute is desolate and distant, echoing continuously.

At the end of the song, Han Sui seems to be still immersed in the sound of the music, sitting on the stone bench alone in a daze, unwilling to leave for a long time.

A thin ray of morning sun quietly sprinkled into Han Sui's arms.Han Sui woke up suddenly.

He raised his head and looked towards the blue sky.

The sun rises in the east, and the rays of the sun are shining.

A smile suddenly bloomed on Han Sui's handsome face, a helpless and desolate smile.

He stood up and walked slowly into Bian Zhang's room.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

"Have you considered it?" Bian Zhang asked in a low voice.

Han Sui said calmly: "Tomorrow, I will lead my troops across the Yellow River and start attacking Longxi."


Li Hong stretched comfortably and walked out of the big tent.

He didn't want to live in Huaili city.He thought it would be most comfortable to sleep on the grass covered with cowhide mattresses.

The anti-corruption campaign in Xiliang is in full swing.Under the repeated urging of the emperor, he has sent people to escort Qian Cai to Beijing several times.Now his focus is to dig out the masters behind these people.

What the emperor did in Luoyang disappointed him.Although according to his idea, the emperor arrested a large number of corrupt officials in Luoyang and the Kanto area with lightning speed, and successfully recovered tens of billions of stolen money and goods, the emperor did not bring those corrupt officials to justice. Instead of using the law, after a little punishment, let them pay for atonement.A massive anti-corruption campaign ended hastily in Luoyang.

The Son of Heaven has his difficulties.In Luoyang, all kinds of forces are intertwined and entangled. He just wanted to ask them clearly, but he didn't have the ability.All people hide from him and deceive him for their own benefit.Now, the North Temple Prison in Tingwei Mansion has become a gathering place for officials.Everyone is eating, drinking and having fun in the prison, very happy, this place is fresh and exciting.

The emperor complained to Li Hong in the edict, saying that he was deceived by the villain in the court.Now everyone goes to court, does nothing, just bargains around themselves, making their heads dizzy from the noise.Sometimes they would spend [-] yuan to argue with themselves in order to pay less than [-] yuan.He felt that he must have been tricked by these people and suffered a loss.So he told Li Hong to dig out a few big guys from behind the gang of corrupt officials in Xiliang, so that he could earn a little more money and make up for the loss.

Li Hong's subordinates were in a hurry to return to Jizhou and Youzhou, so everyone was impatient, and their hands and feet became more and more serious. Recently, several people have been beaten to death.A minister filed a complaint in front of the emperor and impeached Li Hong for abusing severe punishment.The emperor was a little unhappy when he heard it.If one is killed, he will lose a ransom.So he hastily issued an order to Li Hong, telling him not to beat people to death again, and in addition, the speed of interrogation should be faster.He was afraid that as time went by, the bureaucrats in the court would come up with some tricks to deal with him, and his losses would increase.

"My lord, do you want to ride the black panther for a walk?" Seeing Li Hong coming out, the machete hurried forward and asked.

"No." Li Hong said with a smile, "I'll just walk around."

"Okay." Machete turned his head and whistled at the side tent, and dozens of black panther attendants rushed out from inside.

"What are you doing?" Li Hong asked in surprise, "I'm just walking around here, you don't have to be so nervous, right?"

"Several adults have repeatedly instructed that at least 50 people should protect you inside the camp, and at least 300 people should be taken with you when you leave the camp." Machete laughed, "Now there are many people who are going to kill you, so it's better to be careful. "

Li Hong shook his head and smiled wryly, before moving forward.

"My lord, when shall we go back? Is this month okay? It will snow in two months." Machete asked after him.

"Whenever you speak our Han dialect, I will take you back." Li Hong smiled, "I told Tanu last time that I must learn the Han dialect, so I agreed. Look at the arc tripod, abandon the sink, no It’s all very well said, why can’t you?”

The machete smiled embarrassedly.

"Recently, you often go to the military market?"

Chopper nodded and said with a smile: "There are more women in the military market here than in Zixiu Mountain, and the prices are also cheaper. There are also a few buildings in the city, and the women there are also good."

Li Hong slapped him hard, and said, "When the injury is healed, I'll just wander around all day. Is your military salary enough?"

Machete smiled and said: "Enough, enough. Those women like us Hu soldiers, and we give money readily, unlike some Han soldiers who are very stingy."

Li Hong smiled and said: "Okay, okay, it's okay to go out for fun, but remember not to fight. The few who fought last time are still locked up. Although the infantry is paid less than you, when they are on the battlefield, They fight bloody enemies just like you, there is no distinction between high and low, so you don’t underestimate others and cause conflicts, you know? I treat you as brothers, and treat them as brothers. When you are with them, talk , Pay attention to everything you do, and don't cause trouble for me."

"My lord, did Lord Hutou bother you last time?" Machete asked in a low voice.

"Of course. Although I brought you all from Youzhou, it's not good to be too protective. Some Han soldiers look down on you and even hate you. You have to understand this. The hatred between Han and Hu has a long history. It’s not something you can forget in a day or two. It doesn’t matter if you quarrel or curse, but you can’t start a fight because of it. Of course he felt ashamed when you beat Lord Yan’s soldiers to the ground. Lord Hengji ran away himself later. Going to apologize, Yan Hutou was relieved a little. Sigh..." Li Hong shook his head and sighed.

"Lord Hutou lost face, haha..." Machete laughed.

"Although he had a very good relationship with you in the past, but now that he is leading the infantry, he has to consider his subordinates, so in the military city, in the city, no matter if it is the subordinate of that adult, don't provoke him casually, and you should act accordingly. Be restrained, especially you black panther followers."

The machete nodded repeatedly, and said with a smile, "don't worry, my lord. We've always behaved outside with our tails between our legs. Don't worry."

Li Hong glared at him and said, "I'm serious. If you violate military discipline and get beheaded, I will never show mercy."


In the big tent, Li Hong, Xian Yufu, Zuo Yan, Wei Zheng, and Tian Zhong were discussing about withdrawing troops back to Jizhou.

"We went to Xiliang this time. We were lucky. We won the battle and made a lot of money. When we return to Youzhou in the future, as long as there are no accidents, our Fengyun Cavalry can last for a few years." Tian Zhong smiled, " Minority, you should write to the emperor, let's go back to Lulongsai."

Li Hong nodded solemnly, and said with a smile: "I have already told the emperor."

"What did your Majesty say?" Xian Yufu asked.

"Your Majesty hasn't answered yet." Li Hong said, "Let's go back to Jizhou first. No matter what, the old man and I must go back to Lulongsai. You guys, I will try my best to talk to Your Majesty, hoping to find a good deal for you." official position."

"What are you talking about?" Xian Yufu laughed, "It seems like we are going to break up soon."

The curtain was lifted, and Zheng Xin rushed in.

Tian Zhong raised his hand and said, "Shouyan, how about we go back to Lulongsai together?"

With a mournful face, Zheng Xin said loudly, "We can't go back."

"Why?" Zuo Yan hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Han Sui rebelled."

Everyone was stunned.


Previously, after seeing Bian Zhang and Han Sui's apology form, the emperor thought that the Xiliang rebels had completely surrendered and Xiliang's suppression of the rebellion was over, so he immediately devoted all his energy to Xiliang's corruption, and never again Follow this thing.He was intoxicated in the Wanjin Hall in the West Garden all day long, and didn't ask about state affairs at all.It wasn't until General He Jin asked him to grant an amnesty that he remembered that there was such a thing as Xiliang rebels.So he asked how the Xiliang rebels were going.

Zhong Chang Shi Zhao Zhong immediately slandered Bian Zhang and Han Sui, and refuted their conditions thoroughly.Finally, Zhao Zhong said: "If your Majesty agrees to the request of the rebels, you will have to follow Li Zhonglang's play, seal the seal as the prefect of Jincheng County, and Han Sui as the captain of the Qiang guard. In this way, everyone in the world will know that your majesty is benevolent and kind." Weakness can be deceived. In the future, if you want to be an official, you don’t need to study and study the classics. You can rebel first. If you rebel, you can take the opportunity to ask His Majesty for an official and money. If this wind blows, there will definitely be rebellions and thieves in the Han Dynasty, and the country will immediately I am in danger. Your Majesty, this kind of condition is absolutely unacceptable. Li Zhonglang has wronged the country so much, he should be arrested and questioned. The old minister even suspects whether he is in collusion with these rebels and intends to destroy our country."

General He Jin also added some embellishments.

The emperor made sense when he heard it.If the majestic Han Dynasty succumbed to the despotic power of a few rebels, and allowed a few rebels to run amok and show off their might, what face would there be?
"Then tell me how to deal with it?" the Son of Heaven said, "As for Li Zhonglang, he is young, ignorant, and confused. Let me talk about him later. He is still loyal to the Great Han Kingdom and to me. Don't talk nonsense."

Hearing the emperor's words, General He Jin, Zhongchang Attendant Zhao Zhong, Situ Cui Lie and several ministers surrounding him knew that the emperor intended to protect Li Hong and dared not say any more slanderous words.

Situ Cui Lie took the opportunity to put forward a series of harsh demands.

The emperor got tired of hearing this, waved his hand and said, "Go and tell Liangzhou Inspector Geng Bi, and immediately set a deadline for the rebels. If you don't surrender again, you will be shot and killed, and the nine clans will be implicated."

General He Jin hurriedly asked: "This amnesty..."

"I can't forgive you." The emperor said, "I'm not a weak and deceitful person, let them see my thunderous methods."


Bian Zhang and Han Sui turned against each other again, shocking the ruling and opposition parties.

The emperor was also taken aback.It's not easy for Xiliang to settle down, why did something happen again in the blink of an eye.He regretted a little that he didn't agree to the rebellious request that day.Isn't it just two petty officials? What loss do they have?Once this battle is fought, the loss is so great that it is unimaginable.The money bag that I had just bulged up was about to deflate.

He looked at Zhao Zhong standing behind him, and an unknown fire suddenly rose.

At this time Zhao Zhong was still chattering about how rebellious he was.The more the emperor thought about it, the more his heart ached, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Finally, he couldn't bear the anger in his heart, grabbed the bamboo slips on the case table, and slammed them on Zhao Zhong's face.Zhao Zhong was caught off guard, and immediately bled profusely.He didn't know where he had offended the emperor, so he lay down on the ground and kowtowed in fright.Still puzzled, the Son of Heaven rushed forward and kicked him in the face, kicking him to the ground immediately.Zhao Zhong's mouth was bleeding, and he looked at the murderous emperor with fear in his eyes, not daring to make a sound.

All the officials in the hall fell to their knees in horror.

The Son of Heaven strode up to Situ Cui Lie, kicked him over, and cursed loudly: "Get out, I don't want to see you, get out..."

Cui Lie didn't dare to make a sound, and backed away without hesitation.

General He Jin was lying on the ground, watching the emperor rushing towards him, his face turned pale with fright, and he involuntarily clasped his head with his hands.

The emperor aimed at his big head and flew up with a kick.

"Get out... Get out immediately..."

The emperor beat several people in succession to relieve his anger a little, but when he thought of the money that was about to be spent, his heart ached like a piece of flesh.

"How many troops are there in Xiliang?" The Son of Heaven asked angrily as he stood in front of Taiwei Zhang Wen.

"Returning to Your Majesty, apart from Li Zhonglang's 1 Jizhou army, there are only more than [-] Xiliang troops." Zhang Wen replied cautiously.

The emperor looked at him, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Master Taiwei is cured? So soon?"

Zhang Wen's face changed drastically, and he said hurriedly: "The war in Xiliang has resumed, even if I die, I have to go to the court to solve your majesty's worries and problems."

"Huh..." The emperor sneered, his small head shook his long thin neck a few times, his small eyes stared at him for a long time with flickering eyes, and then mocked, "Master Taiwei came back in time. what."

Zhang Wen lowered his head, not daring to make a sound.

"Your Majesty, there are still [-] troops in Xiliang." Guang Luxun and Liu Yu said suddenly, "Your Majesty, some time ago, Li Zhonglang asked to directly recruit [-] rebel prisoners as the Xiliang frontier army. Do you still remember this matter? ?”

The emperor suddenly remembered, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, Aiqing is right, I remembered now. So we still have 10 horses in Xiliang. Thanks to Li Zhonglang's thoughtful thinking that day, otherwise Xiliang will have to fight again this time." shit."

He immediately looked at Zhang Wen and asked, "Isn't Mr. Taiwei too old to forget about this?"

Zhang Wen said respectfully: "Your Majesty, these 5 people must not go to the battlefield."

"Why?" the emperor asked in surprise.

"These 5 people have just been recruited by captives, and more than 3 belong to the Qiang people. What if they suddenly mutiny and defect on the battlefield? Once these 5 people defect, defeat is a trivial matter. Your strength will increase dramatically. Your Majesty, please think twice..."

The emperor waved his hand indifferently, and said: "No matter how many people there are, I will immediately order Li Zhonglang to lead his troops westward, and join Liangzhou Governor Geng Bi to quickly defeat the rebels."


Han Sui's army crossed the Yellow River and rushed directly to Didaocheng, the county seat of Longxi County.Li Xiangru, the prefect of Longxi County, led three thousand soldiers to defend the city.

Han Sui ordered the army to surround the city, but did not launch an attack for a long time.

At the invitation of Han Sui, June Jinglei, the leader of the Baima Qiang, joined up with the Canlang Qiang and other tribes, and raised another [-] troops to attack Lintao, the southern capital of Longxi County.Ma Teng was weak and did not dare to fight, so he hurriedly retreated northward with three thousand cavalry.June Jinglei immediately led his troops to follow up and attack Yicheng, the prefecture of Hanyang County.Fu Xie, the prefect of Hanyang, led three thousand troops to defend the city.

Geng Bi has nearly [-] troops in his hands, so he is very ambitious, determined to do something big, to pacify Xiliang, and make his name famous.Under the instigation of Wudu, Cheng Qiu and others, before Li Hong arrived, he immediately led his troops to set off to help Yicheng.

In June, when Lei heard that Geng Bi's army had arrived, he immediately withdrew to Longxi, fighting and retreating all the way.Governor Geng Bi hurriedly pursued him.

Fu Xie, Xu Rong, and Qu Yi tried their best to dissuade Geng Bi from stationing in Hanyang temporarily, and then marching into Longxi after joining Li Hong's army, but Geng Bi did not listen to the dissuasion of the three of them because he believed that he had a large army in his hands.He immediately ordered Fu Xie to be stationed in Yicheng to supervise the grain and grass. Xu Rongquyi led the army behind him, and he personally led an army of [-] to attack Longxi.


After Li Hong received the imperial decree, he immediately set off with his army without any delay.The camp was handed over to Zuo Yan, Tian Zhong and Ji Wei.

Because Xijiang is about to enter a long winter, the supply of food and grass has become the top priority when the army enters Xiliang again. For this reason, Li Hong specially left 5000 troops in the camp for emergency needs.


The army traveled day and night, and arrived at Yongxian City on this day.

In the middle of the night, Li Hong and Xian Yufu were still studying the military situation in the big tent. Suddenly, there was a burst of noisy voices outside the tent, and then they saw Zhao Yun walking in with a young man.

"Pang De..." Li Hong exclaimed, and immediately asked, "How is Didaocheng?"

Pound obviously ran all the way here, disheveled and dusty.

"My lord, Li Xiangru, the prefect of Longxi, surrendered the city and rebelled."

Li Hong and Xian Yufu looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little panicked for a moment.How could this be?
Li Hong came to his senses immediately, his expression changed in astonishment, and he hurriedly asked, "Where is Sir Geng's army?"

"My lord, Lord Geng has been killed."

Xian Yufu swallowed hard, calmed down, and asked, "Has the army defected?"

"Yes." Pang De was depressed, and said dejectedly: "Master Gengbi's army followed the Qianghu army all the way to Wuxiju, and was immediately surrounded by Han Sui and Ma Teng's ambush."

"Ma Teng rebelled?" Li Hong couldn't believe his ears, "Ma Teng rebelled?"

"Yes, my lord, Ma Teng rebelled. All of this was pre-arranged by them." Pound said, "That night, Geng Bi's subordinates engaged in Wudu's defection, killing Cheng Qiu first, and then Geng Bi. The [-] troops all belonged to Han Sui overnight."

"Where's Xu Rong and Qu Yi's army?" Li Hong asked anxiously.

"After receiving the news, they retreated overnight and returned to Hanyang."

Xian Yufu looked at the map, shook his head, and sighed, "Mr. Wenyue has won an army of [-] and the whole of Longxi with a single gesture of his hand. It's amazing."


(End of this chapter)

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