Great Han Empire

Chapter 255 The situation changes suddenly

Chapter 255 The situation changes suddenly
The imperial palace in Luoyang in the Eastern Han Dynasty was divided into two palaces, the South Palace and the North Palace.The north gate of Nangong is opposite to the south gate of Beigong.The two palaces are separated by one mile, and are connected by three complex roads covered with roofs.

The central organization and political center of the Han Dynasty were all in the North Palace.In the third year of Yongping (AD 60), Emperor Xiaoming ordered the expansion of the North Palace and various government offices, and it was completed in the eighth year of Yongping (AD 65).After the Beigong Incident, in order to prevent the Empress Dowager Xiaoren from controlling the state, the middle officials enshrined the Empress Dowager in the Jiade Hall of Nangong, named Yongle Palace.

The emperor was in a good mood today. After seeing Li Hong, he asked about Li Hong's daily situation with concern, and asked him if he had any requests.Li Hong didn't dare to say anything, so he nodded repeatedly.The emperor glanced at him with satisfaction and said, "My son, there are many people who want to kill you. In Luoyang City, there are more people who are braver than you. So don't walk around, just stay at Zhangyuetai."

Li Hong thought to himself that there are such bold people in the capital who dare to kill people at the emperor's feet?He originally wanted to take some time to visit Liu Yu, visit Huangfusong, and contact Yuan Shao, asking him to take him and a group of subordinates around the capital.But now it seems that it is impossible, His Majesty will not allow it at all.

"The queen mother has heard your legendary story, and wants to meet you, and my two children have been arguing for a long time, saying that they want to see the legendary hero, so today we don't talk about business, and go to the queen mother's Yongle Go to the palace." The Son of Heaven looked at the frightened Li Hong, and said with a smile, "My lord, did you bring any presents?"

Li Hong was dumbfounded.

"Minister..." Li Hong was very embarrassed. He didn't expect the emperor to mention the gift at this time, but it's normal to think about it. He returned to the capital all the way to see the queen mother. Of course, he wanted to bring some gifts. But in the morning, Jian Shuo of the little Huangmen was pressing hard, and Li Wei was immersed in the pain of losing his sweetheart. He was so distraught that he didn't have the heart to care about this matter.

Li Hong bowed redly and said: "The minister was negligent for a while..."

The Son of Heaven patted him on the back affectionately, and said, "I knew you were not prepared. Come... come..." He pulled Li Hong to the side of the desk, and pointed to the two brocades placed on the desk. The box said, "My son, open it and have a look..."

Inside the box are two small, exquisite and very simple ox horns.

"This is a tribute gift from the Karasuma people." The emperor picked up one and blew it on his lips, and said, "I heard that your Fengyun Cavalry Army used this kind of horn to deliver military orders, isn't it?"

Li Hong nodded and said, "Your Majesty, this trumpet is made of high-quality horns, and the sound can be transmitted far."

"I gave it to you, and you gave it to my two children. If I gave it to them, they would throw it away, and they would definitely not think it was precious, but if you gave it to them, it would be different. Children , everyone likes great heroes, especially my daughter, who likes to dance swords and has great ambitions. She told me that she will gallop on the battlefield in the future to defend her family and defend the country..." The emperor sighed happily, "If she is a boy, then How nice it would be..."

The emperor suddenly thought of something, his heart moved, and his face showed pain.

Li Hong was so moved by the emperor's care and kindness that he bent down to bow down, but the emperor stretched out his hand to hold him back.The emperor looked at the horn in his hand, was silent for a while, and said slowly: "

"My daughter is very much like her mother."

Li Hong heard that Li Wei introduced Wang Meiren to him, and knew that Wang Meiren was the emperor's favorite concubine.It is said that Wang Meiren is outstanding in appearance and gentle in temperament. She is not only intelligent and reasonable, but also proficient in piano and Fu, and can write accounting books. Unfortunately, she died a miserable death.After the emperor lost her, he was so sad that he composed "Zhou De Fu" and "Ling Yi Song" as memorials.

Seeing the melancholy expression on the emperor's face, Li Hong thought that seeing things and thinking about others aroused his longing for Wang Meiren.Li Hong's affection for the emperor increased greatly.

"Sonmin, do you know why children like you so much?"

Li Hong shook his head.

The Son of Heaven slowly put the ox horn in his hand back into the brocade box, paced with his hands behind his back, and walked to the canvas with the portrait of Li Hong. The background of this painting was the bloody battlefield under the city of Yicheng at that time.

"My daughter's name is Liu Xiao, that's because her mother likes to play Xiao, and likes the vicissitudes and sadness of Xiao's sound." The emperor sighed and continued: "My beloved concubine is from Zhao State, Jizhou, and her mother's grandfather Zhao Bao used to be the prefect of Liaoxi. Zhao Bao was brave and good at fighting, and his reputation shocked the border."

"In the sixth year of Xiping (AD 178), Zhao Bao sent people to his hometown to pick up his mother and wife to the west of Liaoxi. They were hijacked by Xianbei soldiers when they passed through Liucheng. The Xianbei people heard that Zhao Bao was a filial son, so they made Zhao Bao's mother and wife took the hostages and attacked Yangle City. Zhao Bao led more than [-] people on foot and rode out of the city to fight. The Xianbei people are willing to exchange his mother and wife for the county city."

"When Zhao Bao saw his mother tied up in front of the battle, his heart felt like a knife. He said to his mother in grief and indignation, 'Mom! I'm worthless. I wanted to be an official to earn some salary to honor you, but I didn't expect to cause trouble for you old man. Now I He is an official of the country, and he has the responsibility to guard the land. He cannot break his loyalty and abandon the country because of his mother's private relationship. In order to defend the country, I will die!" Zhao Bao's mother listened to her son and encouraged her loudly: "Son, People have their own destiny, life and death are up to God, why should we care about each other, in order to lose loyalty!' After Zhao Bao heard this, he immediately sent his army to attack and fought fiercely. Suddenly swords flew on the battlefield, arrows rained down, and corpses were scattered all over the field. The Xianbei people were defeated While fleeing, Zhao Bao's mother and wife were killed by the Xianbei on the battlefield."

After Zhao Bao buried his mother and wife, he was very sad. He said, "If an official who eats a salary evades his duties because of self-interest, he is not loyal, and if he sacrifices his mother to preserve his loyalty, it is not filial piety."In a situation where loyalty and filial piety cannot be fulfilled, my mother died for me, I feel very ashamed, what face do I have to live in this world! '"

"Zhao Bao vomited blood and died."

With tears in his eyes, the emperor raised his head and sighed: "My people, if my beloved concubine is still alive, she will repay you. You have fought against Xianbei in northern Xinjiang and beheaded tens of thousands of people, and you have avenged the Zhao family." It is only natural for the two children to thank you for this."

Of course Li Hong had heard of Zhao Bao's reputation in northern Xinjiang.Zhao Bao is a native of Ganling, Jizhou, and his elder brother is Zhao Zhong, the Zhongchang servant, which is well known in the world.It is estimated that the reason why Wang Meiren was able to enter the Ye court has a great relationship with Zhao Zhong.Then why didn't Zhao Zhong protect Wang Meiren?Wang Meiren's grandfather, Wang Bao, used to serve as a general of the five sense organs. Because of Wang Meiren's affairs, his whole family was framed by the middle officials for felony crimes and all were killed. Why didn't Zhao Zhong intercede?Is it possible to abandon family affection and human relations for one's own self-interest?Li Hong felt very sad, is this Zhao Zhong still human?Could it be that his mother and younger brother ignored him and regarded him as a sinful son who insulted the family, so he could take revenge wantonly?
Li Hong secretly sighed.loyalty.The emperor was still worried about his loyalty. The emperor did not believe in himself because of his oath. The meaning of what the emperor said was too obvious. He was admonishing himself instead of explaining to himself why the princess and the little prince liked him.

Li Hong hurriedly knelt down and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I should remember what His Majesty said today, follow the example of Master Zhao, fight the enemy bravely, and swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the death."

The emperor smiled desolately and said: "Okay, okay. You have lived in the frontier fortress for a long time, and you don't know much about government affairs, so you don't know the hardships and dangers involved. You and the soldiers fought bloody battles and understood life and death. In this deep palace, why not... ..."

He turned to look at Li Hong, and said lightly, "It's not easy to survive."

Li Hong was shocked, he didn't know what the emperor meant, could he be implying that he was threatened by rape?Wang Meiren was secretly poisoned by the queen, but the queen was not punished afterwards.Does the emperor have any difficulties?

Dong Chong.Li Hong suddenly thought of Dong Chong, the queen mother's brother.Dong Chong was caught and beaten to death in Beisi Prison by middle officials under the pretext of offering bribes. It is not known that any middle official was punished by the emperor for this.In this way, it is true that the imperial power of the emperor is falling apart?

"I have prepared a gift for the queen mother for you."

Li Hong was still thinking wildly, the emperor walked up to him, patted his shoulder, and said, "It's getting late, let's go."

Li Hong got up from the ground in a panic, and followed the emperor out of the door in a daze.


The queen mother looks beautiful, graceful and luxurious, with a gentle demeanor, it is difficult to see that she is over 40 years old.The Empress Dowager was very warm to Li Hong, talking and laughing without putting on airs, being kind and kind. She asked a lot about Jizhou.Li Hong didn't stay in Jizhou for a long time, and he didn't know many things, and couldn't answer them. He was already very nervous, but he couldn't answer a few questions, and he became more nervous, looking very embarrassed.The queen mother immediately realized that her problem had embarrassed the young man in front of her.

"Lord Li is called a leopard in northern Xinjiang. This name is very strong and imposing. In our impression, Master Li should be a big man with a murderous look and a beard." The Queen Mother laughed, " Unexpectedly, Mr. Li has just grown up, and you don't even have a beard on your face, let alone murderous, you look very stable and simple, but you don't look like the legendary leopard at all."

Li Hong replied embarrassingly: "The Queen Mother praised it. The name of Chen is Xianbei's name. Back then, Chen followed the Xianbei's marshal Murong Feng, and he took this name."

The queen mother was stunned, and said with a smile: "Master Li is very frank. After you lost your memory, how many years have you lived in Xianbei?"

Li Hong's tense mood gradually relaxed.He thought for a while, and said: "From the time I can remember, I stayed in Xianbei for about half a year. Then I went all the way back to Lulongsai."

"I heard that Mr. Li has forgotten all the past, so do you think about it now?"

"No." Li Hong shook his head and smiled wryly, "I've been thinking hard, but I can't think of anything."

"So, Mr. Li can't remember his parents, and he has forgotten his hometown." The Queen Mother looked at him sympathetically, and asked with concern, "Then do you miss your parents?"

Li Hong felt sore and nodded repeatedly.

The queen mother asked softly: "Master Li, did you ever dream of your parents in your dreams? People often say that you think about it every day and dream at night, maybe..."

Li Hong shook his head blankly, and said sadly: "I miss them very much, I miss them very much..."

When the queen mother heard this, she couldn't help but lamented: "Poor, poor child..."

The emperor comforted: "My son, you are very lucky. You are lucky. You will definitely find your parents and return to your homeland. Don't worry, this matter can't be rushed."

The Son of Heaven sat on one side, holding Xiao Donghou in his arms, and Princess Changping Liu Xiao snuggled up beside him.After seeing Li Hong, the two children were very excited, and their adoring eyes never left him from the beginning to the end.

"Lord Li is good at martial arts, knows how to fight, and has extraordinary knowledge. He must have come from a wealthy family. Otherwise, why did you win so many battles? Winning battles requires real skills, not just any child from a humble family. You see, those children from poor families of common people, because their families are poor, can’t even eat enough to eat, let alone go to study and practice martial arts. Look at the generals who have made great military exploits in this dynasty, which one is not Aristocratic family background?" Seeing Li Hong's gloomy face, the queen mother also comforted her, "Your accent sounds very similar to ours from Jizhou. Mr. Li should take some time to visit Jizhou, and maybe he can find you. Parents, your relatives. Why don't Master Li give it a try?"

Li Hong missed his parents, his relatives, and his homeland. From the moment he was about to leave Murongfeng and return to Dahan, he had this kind of strong longing, but for a long time, endless The war made him have no time to take care of it, he could only bury this longing and longing deeply in his heart.At this moment, the few words of the Empress Dowager Xiaoren were like a gentle and invisible hand, slowly opening his heart that had been dusty for several years, and the homesickness and Oedipus impacted Li Hong irresistibly like a passion.

Li Hong finally couldn't control his emotions, turned over and knelt down on the ground, and said in a hoarse voice: "Please be happy with the Queen Mother and Your Majesty..."

The emperor waved at Li Hong, motioning him to sit back on the table.The Son of Heaven smiled and said: "Don't be impatient. In February, I will go back to my hometown in Hejian Country with the Queen Mother to worship our ancestors, so you can go to Jizhou with me, and you can check your own life experience along the way."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Hong said loudly in surprise.


Huangfusong rushed to Zhu Jun's residence with gifts.

Zhu Jun, courtesy name Gongwei, was born in Shangyu, Kuaiji County, Yangzhou.He lost his father when he was young and lived on his mother selling silk.When he was young, he neglected wealth and loved righteousness, solved people's emergencies, and was famous for his filial piety.At the beginning, he was the secretary of the county, and later he was the chief book of Kuaiji.The prefect Xu Gui recommended him as Xiaolian and was promoted to Lanling county magistrate.In the first year of Guanghe (178 A.D.), he served as the governor of Jiaozhou. He made great contributions to quelling the rebellion.During the Yellow Turban Uprising, the court official thought he was talented and recommended him to lead the army.He was appointed by the emperor as the general of the right middle man to hold festivals, and together with the general of the left middle man, Huang Fuhao, suppressed the Yellow Turban Army in Yingzhou, Runan, Chen Guo and other places.After defeating the Yellow Turban Army, he was granted the title of Marquis of Xixiang because of his meritorious service, and was promoted to General of the Suppressing Thieves.Soon he led his troops to continue the siege of Nanyang, and successively killed Zhao Hong, Han Zhong, Sun Xia and other Yellow Turbans, and was promoted by the emperor to be the right chariot general.After triumphantly returning to his division, he served as doctor Guanglu, increased his township by five thousand, and was granted the title of Marquis of Qiantang.At the end of this year, the emperor replaced and promoted a group of bureaucrats, and Guanglu doctor Zhu Jun was promoted to be a master.Jiang Zuo Da Jiang is the chief in charge of construction and construction affairs, one of the ministers.

When Zhu Jun heard that Huangfu Song was coming, he hurried out to meet him.After exchanging pleasantries between the two, Zhu Jun smiled and said, "Yizhen, what a coincidence that you came. We don't go to court today, and everyone came here at the same time. I am about to send someone to the house to invite you."

"How many are there?" Huangfusong asked as he strode in.

"Master Zhang Wenzhang, Taiwei, Lord Wang Hanwang, Minister of Agriculture, Lord Yang Biao Yang, the servant, Lord Tao Qiantao, the counselor, Lord Zhao Qi, the chief secretary of the general's mansion, Lord Lu Zhi, the minister, and ..." Zhu Jun said the names of seven or eight colleagues.

Huangfusong laughed and said, "So many people gather at your house, what are they talking about? Are you complaining about your injustice and losing a daughter for nothing?"

The smile on Zhu Jun's face disappeared immediately.He sighed and said nothing.

"Gongwei, Lord Sikong has always been close to the traitor. He was able to sit in the position of the third gentleman, thanks to the help of the traitor. If it wasn't for the traitor to help him speak in front of His Majesty, no matter how rich he is, His Majesty would not treat Sikong Sell ​​him the post." Huangfusong said in a low voice, "Once the traitorous party is eliminated by us, Prime Minister Xu will definitely be implicated, and is very likely to be punished by the nine clans. Gongwei, you are sending your daughter to the fire pit! I don't understand, why did you agree to such a marriage?"

Zhu Jun sighed: "Yizhen, I don't have to give face to Prime Minister Xu, but I have to give face to the queen. This marriage was arranged by the queen, and the general personally made the matchmaking."

Huangfusong looked at him in surprise, and said, "This is the first time I've heard you say it, and what else is going on? Did Prime Minister Xu ask the queen, or did the general himself propose it?"

"The general said that Prime Minister Xu entrusted the empress."

"Xu Xiang..." Huangfusong murmured while stroking his beard, "I think this is the general's idea, but why did the general want to marry the family members of the Xu family to your family? He wants to use this marriage to win you over." Xu Xiang, please please the Xu clan?"

"I don't think so." Zhu Jun said, "Xu Xiang is the patriarch of the Xu clan, and he participates in every clan discussion. He agrees with us on certain matters. Although he has a fierce fight with the traitor, and We seem to be close, but our relationship has always been good, and there have been no conflicts or quarrels. There is nothing between us, and it seems that there is no need for the general to win him over?"

"Xu Xiang is the No. [-] Yixue master in Beijing. You see, he is busy teaching and teaching apprentices all day long, pretending to be indifferent to the world. In fact, he is as cunning as a loach. Who do you think he has blush with? He He has a good relationship with anyone, but in fact he has a good relationship with anyone, so he has a good relationship with power." Huangfusong said disdainfully, "The Xu family all studied the "Book of Changes", and they claimed to know astronomy, land, and life. This matter seems to be the mainstay of my Han Dynasty. In fact, apart from Xu Shao and Xu Jing, how many real talents are there in their family? There are many old officials in their family. If the general can win over, it may not be the case A huge blow to the eunuch."

Zhu Jun smiled wryly and said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, life and death are up to fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, let her go, not to mention her life is not bad."

"How do you say?" Huangfu Song laughed, "Did that master divination give Xiao Lan a fortune?"

"A few years ago, Daoist Master Shi Zizhu, the adoptive father of the eldest prince Shihou, came to my house to discuss scriptures and Taoism with me. He once saw Xiao Lan. Daoist Shi said that Xiao Lan was destined to be rich and honored. General Liehou also congratulated me."

Huangfu Song looked up to the sky and slapped haha, and said with a smile: "Xu Xiang's pockmarked son will be a three-time prince in the future? Haha, what a big joke, Xu Gen is ignorant and cunning, this kind of person can also be a three-handed prince? I think his two brothers are about the same, he is a prodigal son. This Shi Zizhu really gets more and more confused as he gets older, he talks nonsense, and his divination is also nonsense."

When Zhu Jun told him the central matter, his heart became more and more heavy, and he bowed his head in silence.

Although Princess Changping is only eight years old, she is a rare beauty embryo, with firm skin, bright eyes and white teeth, very beautiful, elegant and dignified manner, quiet and gentle, very lovable.Little Dong Hou looked very much like his father, with a small face, small nose and small mouth, but he didn't have his father's characteristic slender neck, nor did he have narrow eyes.Dong Hou's eyes are very beautiful, sparkling and full of aura.

The two little guys liked the gift that Li Hong gave them very much, and they couldn't put it down.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Xiao Er, didn't you say that if Master Li came, you must ask one thing? Now that Master Li is here, you can ask, and we will listen too."

Liu Xiaonuo sat on the emperor's lap, looked at the smiling Li Hong, and asked in a low voice, "Master Li, did you really rob King Xianbei of his woman?"

Li Hong was taken aback.The emperor hugged his daughter and laughed.The queen mother happily laughed and scolded: "Children, you are ignorant and talk nonsense."

"My people, tell me, I also want to know the truth about this matter. It is rumored that you robbed King Xianbei and Lian's woman. Is it true?"

Fengxue's peerless face, white horse, big blue eyes, and long golden hair flashed in Li Hong's mind. He couldn't help trembling in his heart. He suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and the strong suffocation made him almost out of breath.He took two quick breaths, barely suppressed the pain in his heart, and said with a sad smile: "I did rob Helian's woman."

"Why do you want to rob other people's women?" Xiao Donghou asked curiously, "It's wrong to rob other people's things."

Liu Xiao glared at him fiercely, and reprimanded him, "What do you know? You're a little kid, adults are not allowed to intervene."

Little Donghou glanced at Liu Xiao timidly, pouted his mouth, and said unconvinced: "Are you an adult?"

The emperor and the queen mother laughed.The emperor lowered his head and kissed Xiao Donghou hard.Li Hong was also amused by the two innocent children, and the pain in his heart gradually faded away with his hearty laughter.

He explained: "That girl is my friend. She doesn't want to marry King Xianbei. After I know about it, of course I'm going to snatch her back. I can't let a friend live in pain for the rest of his life."

"Is she pretty?" Liu Xiao asked again.

Li Hong nodded with a smile and said, "She is beautiful. She has blue eyes and long golden hair. She likes to wear white clothes and ride a white BMW. She is very beautiful."

The Son of Heaven, the Empress Dowager, Liu Xiao, and Xiao Donghou all stared at Li Hong with disbelief.

"Are there people with blue eyes and blond hair?" Little Dong Hou became more and more curious, he asked in a low voice, "Really?"

"Really." Li Hong said solemnly, "Really. She is from Dingling, and her home is far to the north of our Han Dynasty."

"I know this Dingling tribe." The emperor said, "My queen, the people are right. That place is about a few thousand miles away from our big man. It is said that the people who live there live in the ice and snow for half a year. .Maybe all the people there have blue eyes and blond hair."

"Where is she now? Did you hide her?" Liu Xiao asked excitedly, "I want to see her."

Li Hong hesitated for a moment, then said: "I entrusted a friend and sent her to Fuyu country. Her master is from Fuyu country."

"Does she know martial arts?"

"Yes. She learns swords, just like a princess."

"I really hope to see her." Liu Xiao said longingly, "What's her name?"


"Lord Taiwei said that Lord Jingzhao Yingai has sent a letter, saying that Li Hong firmly supports the eldest prince to inherit the imperial line." Zhu Jun said while walking slowly with Huangfusong, "But Lord Yang doesn't think so, he thinks ,Yesterday and today, His Majesty summoned Li Hong twice in a row and took him to Yongle Palace to meet the Empress Dowager. This shows that His Majesty already trusts Li Hong. Why does His Majesty trust Li Hong? I am a concubine."

Huangfusong frowned and asked, "So, they still want to eradicate the root of the chaos?"

Zhu Jun shook his head and said in a low voice: "Yizhen, since we persuaded His Majesty to appoint the eldest prince as the crown prince as soon as possible, the situation in Beijing is not normal."

"Tell me." Huangfusong said, "What did the adults talk about just now?"

"Your Majesty still has remnants of ant thieves in Jizhou, and when the Xiliang rebellion has not yet been resolved, he suddenly proposed to go back to the hometown of Hejian Country to worship the ancestors. It must be thought-provoking. Several adults said just now that they doubted that His Majesty's rebellion this time. The eagerness to go back to Jizhou is to pave the way and clear the way for the abolition of the prince and the establishment of the concubine."

"Pave the way... clear the obstacles..." Huangfusong muttered to himself, "So, His Majesty is going to attack the general? His Majesty has voluntarily given up on the two important positions of Guang Luxun and Wei Wei to install himself The confidant, is it to paralyze and seduce the general?"

Huangfusong stopped suddenly, and asked in a low voice: "So, Your Majesty bet all the bets on Li Hong?"

Zhu Jun nodded with a stern expression, and said, "Didn't you see that Li Hong and his subordinates were tightly controlled by His Majesty at Zhangyue Terrace, and they didn't even give out the door? Your Majesty was worried that after Li Hong got in touch with other people, he would change into a new one." Got an idea."

"Is there any sign of Li Hong's army in Xiliang entering Sanfu?" Huangfusong asked nervously.

"There is no news at the moment." Zhu Jun replied, "According to Mr. Zhao, the General's Mansion has recently been loosened outside and internally tightened. The General has begun to frequently mobilize the power he has quietly accumulated over the past few years. The General is ready to fight back."

Huangfu Song looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back, and sighed: "Your Majesty is playing with fire. No matter how the fire is burned, the big man will be finished by him. After discussing with several adults, the Taiwei Lord decided to join forces with the General to eradicate the traitor. Eunuch, play with His Majesty, or prepare to extinguish His Majesty's fire?"

Zhu Jun looked worried, and said worriedly: "Several big clans have different opinions, and the bureaucrats also have different opinions, are they still arguing? However, most of them are willing to join hands with the general to remove eunuchs, including the Yuan clan Many noble families, including us, are unwilling to see our stingy Majesty."

"Where's the Yang family? What is Yang Biao's opinion?"

"Lord Yang and Lu Shangshu believe that due to the serious internal and external troubles of the Han Dynasty in the past few years, endless military affairs, and years of wars, they are already on the verge of death. It is very likely that the whole big man will be completely buried. For the sake of the country's rise and fall, and the safety of the country, we still take resolving conflicts and resolving crises as the top policy. After a few years, the country will be stable and the treasury will be filled. Now that the people have settled down, it’s not too late for us to talk to His Majesty about the imperial line.”

"What do you think? Yizhen." Zhu Jun asked.

Huangfusong nodded and said: "This is the best policy. Come on, let's go there quickly, we must reach a conclusion in the next few days, otherwise there will be no room for redemption after the New Year."


Yilang Sun Jian walked into the study room where the debate was raging, came to Zhu Jun's side, and whispered a few words in his ear.Zhu Jun hurriedly stood up, apologized to Taiwei Zhang Wenwen and Zhao Qi who were sitting beside him, and immediately walked out of the study.

"Wentai, where is Yiqian?" Zhu Jun asked, "Where did you hear about him?"

Sun Jian said respectfully: "Teacher, Yiqian said that he saw Zhong Yuan with his own eyes, and even talked to Zhong Yuan."

"How is this possible? Didn't you say that he was killed in the battle of Yicheng? Why is he still alive?" Zhu Jun said excitedly, "Wentai, you can go to Zhangyuetai to confirm it immediately, and you can just shout a few times outside the door." .”

"Teacher, don't get excited." Sun Jian said, "Yiqian went there again this morning, but the number of guards at Zhangyuetai has increased to 400 today. Yiqian said that no one is allowed to stand thirty steps outside the gate, shout He broke his throat and couldn't hear it inside. He had no other choice, so he came to find the teacher."

"Zhong Yuan..." Zhu Jun called out softly, "This kid is not bad, he has the guts to go to the leopard's army, not bad." He looked up at Sun Jian and said, "Don't say this beforehand, especially don't let Xiao Xiao Lan knows. You immediately find a way to go to Zhangyuetai, meet with Zhong Yuan, and ask about the specific situation. Also, you tell him that the teacher misses him very much and wants to see him very much."


(End of this chapter)

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