Great Han Empire

Chapter 279 The situation changes suddenly

Chapter 279 The situation changes suddenly
The sound of the charging horn suddenly appeared in the sky above Yecheng, becoming more and more clear.

Yan Liang cut down the enemy with a single knife, turned his head and roared: "Brothers, reinforcements have entered the city, entered the city, kill..."

Tan Nu spat a mouthful of blood on the ground and shouted loudly: "Hutou, you madman, you want to die."

"Shrink the defense, shrink..."

"Brothers, stand firm and wait for help, intensive contraction..." Tan Nu yelled wildly while covering his comrades in retreat, "Everyone retreat, retreat quickly..."

The machete was lying on the bottom of the wall, holding a shield in his hand, and laughed loudly: "If you dare to fight against our Black Panther Yi Cong, go to hell." He blew the horn for help with all his strength.

Under the command of Tanu, the Yicong soldiers quickly contracted their formation, and soon formed an airtight barrel formation.The shield soldiers were outside, and the swordsmen and axemen were fighting among them, and the crossbowmen shot and killed at will. The battle formation was squeezed into a small space, impenetrable.

Cao, the bandit who commanded the attack, and the guards who attacked frantically heard the bull horns from far and near in the city. They saw the crisis, smelled the blood, and attacked and killed more ferociously.The small courtyard was overcrowded for a while, the shouts and killings were earth-shattering, the eyes were full of swords and swords, the sky was like rain of arrows, and the ear-piercing screams made people feel dizzy.

Yan Liang roared in front of the formation, rampant, and fought fiercely. He tried his best to rescue several subordinates who were trapped in the enemy's siege, and covered them to retreat into the battle formation smoothly, but he himself was surrounded by the enemy.He killed so many people that he became the first target of all enemies.

Although he was only five short steps away from the defensive position, he was already struggling with several stab wounds, unable to kill him at all.

Before dying, a tall and strong man thrust a spear into Yan Liang's thigh.Yan Liang, who was stimulated by the pain like a piercing heart, opened his mouth and let out a heart-piercing scream, which also inspired his most primitive ferocity.

"Kill..." Yan Liang burst into infinite strength, pulled out the spear with one hand, and held the knife with the other, like a god, let out a loud shout, "Kill..."

Immediately, blood splattered, screams everywhere, broken limbs and arms trembled and moaned in the air, and the killing became even more tragic.


Jiang Wu rushed to the government office with five hundred cavalry as fast as possible.

Jiang Wu tightened his grip on the horse, and the horse raised its front legs while neighing in pain, and its huge body almost stood upright.

"Brothers, go in, go in..." Jiang Wu raised his knife and shouted, then flew off his horse and shot into the gate of the mansion like a long arrow.

Yi Cong's soldiers shouted loudly and advanced from behind.More soldiers rode their horses close to the wall and climbed directly into the wall.

Although the enemies in the first courtyard resisted desperately, they couldn't stand up to the increasing number of Yi Cong soldiers, and were killed immediately.Jiang Wu was the first to enter the second courtyard.

With Tan Nu's order, the formation split, and nearly two hundred angry Yi Cong soldiers shouted, like tigers out of the cage, and rushed into the enemy group with teeth and claws.

The guards who besieged the Black Panther Yicong struggled to resist under the command of the thief Cao. Everyone got entangled and the battle was unprecedentedly fierce.The sound of killing in the government office was loud.

Several Yicong soldiers who crossed the wall cooperated with each other, killed several people in a row, and quickly surrounded the martial arts master Cao.The man was already very tired after fighting for a long time, and under the siege of several sabers, he was a little flustered, and if he was negligent, he was immediately hit in the abdomen by the following crossbowman.In an instant, several sabers whizzed down, chopping up the thief Cao into several pieces.

The enemy lost their command, and immediately fell into confusion, and many guards fled into the garden and fled in all directions.

The black panther Yi Cong swept up from behind, roaring like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, with a frightening aura.

Yan Liang lost a lot of blood, staggered and barely stopped with his spear, unable to chase anymore, he raised his knife and shouted: "Kill them, kill them for me, don't let any one go."


Wang Fen heard the sound of horns ringing everywhere in the government office, and was extremely desperate.

He didn't expect Li Hong's subordinates to enter the city so quickly.The Black Panther Yicong received support quickly, and could immediately search and arrest the government office. Many evidences of rebellion hidden in the government office were too late to be destroyed.

He thought of the many histories who followed him, the students who followed him were about to be arrested and beheaded, and when he thought of the death of his family members and relatives of the master, his heart ached as if he had been cut.

He hated Li Hong, hated him with gnashing of teeth.A bloodthirsty savage destroyed his great cause of eradicating traitors, revitalizing the imperial court, and revitalizing the great man. Li Hong took away a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like this.

The shouts of killing are getting closer.

Wang Fen waved away the guards who were following behind, and walked into the meeting hall alone.


Zhao Yun quickly surrounded the government office with his cavalry.

He hurried into the courtyard and saw the machete lying near the base of the wall.

"Is the injury serious?"

"It's okay." The machete grinned, "Hutou was rescued quickly. He was not shot to death by the enemy, but suffered some flesh injuries."

"How many brothers have been lost?"

The machete looked around, and said sadly: "There are about a hundred and ten people."

Zhao Yun's face turned cold, and his anger suddenly rose, and he stood up and shouted: "Scatter around, shoot and kill!"


Jiang Wu kicked open the door of the meeting hall, followed by soldiers rushing in.

Wang Fen sat quietly behind the table without raising her head.

"He's dead." A Yi Cong soldier stretched out his hand to check Wang Fen's breath, and said loudly.

"He died from drinking poisoned wine." Another soldier picked up the wine bar on the table and sniffed it, and said angrily, "I just drank it, we took a step too late."

Gritting her teeth, Jiang Wu waved and said, "Go, arrest everyone in the government office, go quickly."


Zhao Yun and Yan Liang stood in front of Wang Fen's corpse, their expressions solemn.

"Wang Fen committed suicide, and many things are dead without proof." Yan Liang sighed, and said helplessly, "The most unfortunate thing is that the traitor Bi Lan also died. When this matter got to the ears of the emperor, we more or less All guilty."

"Yes." Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "We have all been in Jizhou for a month. Not only did we fail to properly resolve the security issue, but also let the rebels kill a Marquis. This matter will definitely be impeached by traitors."

"Impeachment is impeachment. Anyway, Bi Lan is dead, and there are many people who are happy." Yan Liang said, "The key now is to collect evidence of Wang Fen's rebellion."

"Wang Fen has several confidantes, and they all directly participated in the plan." Zhao Yun said, "Xu You is the most important one, and Wang Fen entrusted him to do many things. Before leaving, my lord repeatedly asked, Make sure to catch him."

Yan Liang's face changed, and he said eagerly: "He's not in the government office, he's gone back to his residence."

"How do you know?" Zhao Yun asked strangely.

"A few days ago I kept him in the barracks." Yan Liang explained, "Today I took him back to the city, but he said he wanted to go back to take a bath and change clothes, so he left first, and did not follow me into the government office."

"I'll catch him." Zhao Yun said, "Now that the city gates are closed, forgive him for not being able to escape."

Zhao Yun turned around and ran away.


Several Yi Cong soldiers escorted Tao Gao into the hall.

When Tao Gao saw Wang Fen committing suicide and the remains were still sitting on the mat, he couldn't help feeling as if a knife had been stabbed in his heart.He fell to his knees and kowtowed more than a dozen heads in a row, tears streaming down his face.

"My lord, this is the list of the history of the government office." A soldier handed over a scroll and said.

"There is still a part of the history of Jizhou Prefecture in Gaoyi City." Yan Liang took the letter without opening it, and asked the soldier directly, "Who are the people who followed Wang Fen to Yecheng?"

"No." The soldier pointed to Tao Gao and said, "This man doesn't want to say anything."

Yan Liang staggered up to Tao Gao, gave him a cold look, and said, "Tao Qiuhong, you'd better say everything you need to say, otherwise..."

"Isn't it just to kill the Nine Clans?" Tao Gao said disdainfully, "I dare to commit treason, why should I be afraid of killing the Nine Clans?" Pointing to his head, he shouted: "Don't ask, Kill me."

Yan Liang was furious, his thick eyebrows tightened, and his right hand involuntarily grabbed the handle of the knife.

"Zishan, Zishan, someone is recruiting, someone is recruiting." Jiang Wu came running like flying, "Let's go, let's go."

The horns of the assembly sounded almost simultaneously inside and outside the government office.

The two thousand iron cavalry were divided into more than a dozen teams, rampaging in Yecheng, and started a large-scale manhunt.

Zhang Zhang is about 30 years old. He is tall and thin, with sunken cheeks, high cheekbones, and a pair of gloomy eyes. He looks very shrewd and capable.

He used to be a disciple of He Mansion, he was good at martial arts, and he was also very loyal to He Jin, he handled many difficult matters for He Jin, and won He Jin's trust.After He Jinfei became famous, he has been accompanying him all the time, and he is He Jin's confidant.He Jin also treats him well and supports him vigorously.Now he is a military commander in the Yueqi Battalion of the Northern Army.

He saw that only Xu You had arrived in Wucheng, and his clothes were wet and he was in a mess, so he knew something had happened.

"Master Xu, what happened to Ye City?"

"Immediately send a fast rider to Luoyang day and night, tell the general to close the door to see off the guests, close the door to see off the guests." Xu You was panting, and said with a livid face, "Quick, quick..."

Zhang Zhangfei rushed out of the room.Not long after, he hurried back again.

"Master Xu, do you want to change into clean clothes?" Zhang Zhang asked with concern.

"It's too late, we won't change. We will leave the city immediately, rush to Liyang overnight, and cross the Yellow River as soon as possible."

"What the hell happened?"

"Changshuiying is under the control of Li Hong." Xu You said to Zhang Zhang as he walked out, "Today they suddenly returned to Yecheng and are now arresting them all over the city. We have to go south immediately to wipe out the traces, so as not to get into trouble."

"Where's Brother Zhongfu? Is he still in Yecheng?" Zhang Zhang asked hastily.

"The gates of the city are all under the control of Liu Ming from Changshuiying, how can I escape?" Xu You wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said with a sad smile, "Fortunately, Zhongfu let me down from the city wall with a rope. Otherwise, I'm finished too. I swam across the moat and ran twenty or thirty miles in one breath, and I'm going to die of exhaustion."

"Master Xu, can you hold on?"

"If you can't hold on, you have to hold on." Xu You grinned and said in pain, "We are short on time. I put them in the city because I hope they will make trouble in the city, and the longer the better. If they Chasing down, the speed is much faster than us."

it's dark.The torches in the government office were brightly lit, and there was a lot of voices.

Yan Liang endured the pain and sat in the lobby, cursing angrily: "Xu You is a cunning thing. If he runs away, the news will spread immediately."

Zhao Yun nodded, and said solemnly: "Wang Fen is dead, we are already very passive, if we let Xiang Kai and Chen Yi run away again, we..."

"We don't even know where Xiangkai and Chen Yi are now?" Jiang Wu said, "Although Zhou Jing said that they went south to join Fat King, we don't know their return route. Even if we want to catch them, we can't catch them Get up."

Several people were silent.

"Everyone think of a way?" Yan Liang said, "No matter what, we have to catch them, otherwise, how can we explain to the adults?"

"Look, do you want to interrogate Tao Gao severely?" Jiang Wu asked, "Maybe he knows."

"The number of people who know about this kind of secret must be limited." Tan Nu said angrily, "Wang Fen died well. Once he dies, we just have to stare blankly. In my opinion, we should search the whole city for Xu You." Didn't Long say that this person is very important? Maybe Xu You knows."

"Brother Qiansi, tell me too." Zhao Yun patted Liu Ming who was sitting on the side, and said with a smile, "What advice do you have?"

"My lords, have you noticed that many of the government guards who attacked Mr. Duwei today were pretended to be Xianbei people and Karasuma people from northern Xinjiang." Liu Ming pondered for a while, and said slowly, "I think there are some others. It's not like the guards of the government office."

Both Yan Liang and Tan Nu nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, yes, Lord Liu is right. These people are very skilled in martial arts, and they don't look like the guards of Jizhou Prefecture." Tan Nu said with lingering fear, "If you didn't provide timely support today, we would be finished."

"Who do Master Liu think they are?" Yan Liang asked, "Does this have something to do with going south to arrest Xiang Kai?"

"I think they are from the Dazhitang. I heard the teacher talk about the Dazhitang. Their disciples generally know martial arts, and many of them consider themselves knight-errants." Liu Ming looked at the crowd and said, "We should catch the Dazhitang The alchemists in the hall, there must be Xiangkai's confidants among these alchemists. Think about it, Xiangkai went south, what about the Jizhou matter? He must leave a capable man to assist Wang Fen. We will arrest this person."

Yan Liang hesitated for a moment, looked at the few people in front of him, and said: "At present, we don't have any definite evidence that the Dazhitang participated in this matter. At this time, suddenly taking the disciples of the Dazhitang, I'm afraid it will cause the people in the city to panic." Angry, you see..."

"Then what is the reason for the Captain to arrest Xiang Kai?" Liu Ming asked strangely.

"Xiangkai and Chen Yi went south to meet the King of Hefei in secret." Zhao Yun hurriedly explained, "We also heard the news from Zhou Jing, so Mr. Li means that we should catch it secretly. After all, Xiangkai has a great influence , we can't arouse public anger and riots at this time, otherwise, none of us can afford to blame the emperor. More importantly, this matter involves the royal family, so we have to be extremely cautious." Zhao Yun said in a low voice, "If one is not handled well, not only will our heads be lost, but Master Li's life will also be in danger."

Zhao Yun sighed, and continued: "Now, except for Zhou Jing being persuaded by the adults, no one speaks. Yuan Shu doesn't speak, Tao Gao and Kuyi also don't speak, Wang Fen is dead, Xu You has run away, although we Through Zhou Jing's confession, we roughly know the inside story of the matter, but the evidence we have can only prove that Wang Fen is guilty, but we can't catch Xiangkai, let alone King Hefei."

"Do you know how serious the consequences will be if you don't catch them?" Zhao Yun asked with a wry smile.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yun with doubts.

"Zilong, what did your lord tell you? Is there anything else going on here?" Jiang Wu asked anxiously, "If we can't catch them, at most we can just hide some of Wang Fen's tricks. serious consequence?"

"Anything that happens here will be transmitted to Luoyang exactly, which is beyond our control." Zhao Yun said, "This is Jizhou, not our military camp. Therefore, if we fail to catch it, someone will accuse us of conniving Rebellion, some people will even say that we are accomplices in rebellion. This is nothing, anyway, His Majesty trusts you, and you will not be severely punished."

"But what if they die?" Zhao Yun asked suddenly.

"Kill the King of Hefei." Jiang Wu stood up in shock and said with a look of shock, "Who dares to kill the King of Hefei?"

"We." Zhao Yun smiled wryly, "Only we will catch him and kill him. Everyone in the world thinks so."

"That's a capital crime, it's a capital crime no matter what." Yan Liang suddenly realized, "When the King of Hefei is dead, my lord must die, and none of us can survive."

"Xiang Kai and Chen Yi can kill him." Tan Nu jumped up and shouted, "If they turn black and white and falsely accuse you of colluding with the Yellow Turban Army to rebel, even if you have ten heads, you won't be enough to kill him."

"It's not that simple." Liu Ming shook his head and said, "It's still Li Zhongyuan who is careful. Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Xu You, you may not know the relationship between them, but I know that when they were young, they had a relationship with their relatives. Brothers. Now you don’t have to think about who is behind this.”

"It's Li Zhongyuan and Xie Lianzhi who think more thoroughly than us, and think more thoughtfully than us." Zhao Yun shook his head and sighed, "Without them this time, we might suffer a lot."

Several people looked at each other, but no one said anything.

"Since it's him, it's not easy to kill the King of Hefei." Jiang Wu sighed, "Then they will take advantage of this matter and take the opportunity to kill Master Li, it's easy."

Yan Liang stood up abruptly and shouted loudly: "Someone is here!"

"Assemble the cavalry and arrest all the disciples of Dazhitang immediately, don't miss any one."

(End of this chapter)

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