Chapter 505 Immediately Shooting the Gun
Yan Rou led the two battalions of cavalry, Sheyingtong and Li Su, to chase them all the way, and unknowingly opened a distance of more than a hundred miles from Zhang Yan's army.

When the cavalry rested halfway, Li Su said to Yan Rou: "Sir, shall we suspend the pursuit and wait for General Zhang?"

Yan Rou lowered her head and concentrated on eating the dry food in her hand, without saying a word, as if she didn't hear it.Li Su hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help persuading him: "My lord, we will chase after you. If we are more than a hundred miles away from Mr. Zhang's infantry, we will form a lone army. There are 2 people in the leader, and we There are only 8000 people, once they are ambushed by him, our losses will be great."

Li Su said this very tactfully.If the iron cavalry were ambushed by the Xianbei people and suffered heavy losses, Yan Rou would be punished by military discipline and might lose his head.Before the army left the fortress, Zhang Yan repeatedly said that the distance between the front and rear armies should not exceed fifty miles, and the two armies must protect each other.Now the front army is more than 100 miles away from the rear army, which has violated Zhang Yan's military order, but Yan Rou still has no intention of stopping the pursuit.Yan Rou's temperament is rough and bold, and he acts prudently. He has never violated military orders on the battlefield. Why is it uncharacteristic this time?Yan Rou wiped her mouth after eating, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Li Su and She Yingtong looked at each other and smiled wryly.Li Su sat next to Yan Rou and said with a smile: "For this expedition to the desert, the general will divide his troops into three groups and go forward together. If our troops lose the battle and cannot meet at Chaotianyuan within the time specified by the general, If it affects the general's expedition strategy, then the crime will be serious."

Yan Rou glanced at him, "Little Lazy, what do you mean? Threatening me with the General?"

She Yingtong smiled and said: "My lord, it is true that we can no longer chase. Although we Xianbei people are familiar with the terrain of the desert, it cannot be ruled out that some people betrayed in front of the battle. I think Xiaolan is right. We should be on the safe side. It's better for adults to keep their distance."

Yan Rou sat up, pointed at Li Su with a serious expression, and asked, "Brothers Mu Tao and Mu Li are not doing anything unusual, right? You have to keep an eye on me. They turned out to be the people who attacked the King of Khan Mountain. Seeing that we defeated The leader, occupying Danhan Mountain, cannot have no thoughts in his mind. Please pay attention to me, and nothing will happen at this time."

"My lord, I'm too worried." She Yingtong sat down across from Yan Rou and said, "When we left the Wuyuan camp, the general once called us to discuss matters. He said that when the war in northern Xinjiang stopped, he would give us pastures and Our countless cattle and sheep allow our people to live a prosperous life. With the promise of the general, why do we betray? Can betrayal bring us pastures and wealth? Brothers Mu Tao and Mu Li used to be bombers The leader of a small tribe in Mount Khan. After their easy-going company was defeated in Western Xinjiang, the tribe of the two brothers was annexed by other big tribes in Mount Khan. Do you think the two of them will still work for the leader? This time, Mr. General The expedition to the desert can help them find their tribe and allow them to rebuild their own tribe in Danhan Mountain, do you think Mu Tao Mu Li will betray the general?"

Yan Rou said worriedly: "That's the reason, but people's hearts are so far away, who knows what other people think." He pointed to the two and said, "You guys also take a break, let's continue chasing?"

"My lord still wants to chase?" Li Su shook his head helplessly, "My lord, if..."

"The two of you are so annoying." Yan Rou waved her hands impatiently and said, "The leader gave up on Danhan Mountain and retreated again and again. Except for being beaten by Xiaolan at the foot of Danhan Mountain, he was unscathed. This pair What are the benefits of our expedition to the sunset?"

"My lord wants to fight him?" Li Su asked, "But we don't have enough troops. Once we fight, the loss will be too great."

"Our loss is big, so the leader's loss is small?" Yan Rou said, "Fighting us hard won't stop us from going north, so if the leader wants to fight, he will definitely hit our food and supplies. We lost our food and grass , people and horses have nothing to eat, can they still go north?"

"You led us to pursue fiercely, and you deliberately distanced yourself from Mr. Zhang, in order to give the leader a chance to attack." Li Su asked in surprise, "But Mr. Zhang rode with 2 steps, and the leader himself Have the guts to fight?"

"Following us are Sun Qin, Peng Lie and Ding Bo, with only [-] infantry." Yan Rou said with a smile, "Master Zhang, Yu Digen, Lou Lu and Ran Ran will stay in Danhan Mountain for two days. follow up."

"It turns out that you and Mr. Zhang have a plan to wipe out the enemy." She Yingtong laughed as if relieved, "We thought you and Mr. Zhang had some conflicts. So, Mr. Sun is not escorting food and grass?"

"Of course not." Yan Rou slapped Li Su hard, "Do you think I violated the military order? Am I, Yan Rou, such a person who doesn't know the importance? Whispering in my ears, get out of here and go to sleep, and leave in half an hour."

Li Su grinned his teeth in pain, and asked with a bitter face, "What if the leader isn't fooled?"

"Chasing all the way to Chaotianyuan."


The news sent by the scouts gave the angry Xianbei people a chance to take revenge.

Kuitou didn't want to fight, but under the persuasion of Xie Guini, Ling Chi and other leaders of Danhan Mountain, he was still tempted.If the Han army can be defeated and Danhan Mountain can be regained, it will not only hit the morale of the Han army, but also hinder the Han army's expedition, and may even force the Han army to abandon the expedition and retreat to the frontier.

"The Han people have only [-] infantry in the middle. Even if we can't wipe them out, we can still burn their supplies and force them to retreat to the Great Wall." Xie Guini said excitedly, "My lord, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. , you have to make a quick decision."

The leader hesitated.If this is a trick of the Han army to lure the enemy, most of the last 2 horses in Danhan Mountain will be lost. When they come to Chaotianyuan in the future, I can only look at the faces of others, but if I win, I will rely on my own strength. Defeating the expeditionary army of the Han army alone, then in the desert in the future, I will be a generation of heroes who can call the wind and rain.

Kuitou gritted his teeth and made up his mind.He ordered Xieguini and Lingchi to lead an army of 1 to attack the Han army's central army, and he took the remaining [-] horses to pretend to continue northward to contain the Han's former cavalry.

The Xianbei people set off overnight, relying on their familiarity with the desert, they successfully went around to the rear of Yan Rou's army, and launched a surprise attack on the Han army at dusk.


Seeing the Xianbei iron cavalry rushing out like mountains and seas from between the sky and the earth, Sun Qin waved his hands excitedly and shouted: "Beating the drum... the train array..."

"Brothers, it's time to fight..."

The mighty sound of war drums resounded through the desert sky in an instant.The generals and soldiers of the Han army were fearless in the face of danger, and under the command of Lingqi, the soldiers of all ministries quickly got out of the chariot formation and formed a defensive formation.After experiencing the Battle of Yanmen Pass, the generals of the Yellow Turban Army had a wealth of experience in blocking the cavalry of the Xianbei people, and most importantly, they had the confidence and courage to defeat the Xianbei people.

The peasants in the rear of the army hurriedly removed the rain-proof felt cloth on the three thousand baggage carts, and untied the horses that carried the baggage carts.In addition to ordnance and food, there were [-] Han infantry and [-] heavily armed Karasuma Iron Knights on these [-] carts. The horses carrying the carts were the war horses of Karasuma soldiers.

Five thousand infantrymen of the Han army rushed towards the chariot formation under the leadership of their respective superiors.

Under the command of the sound of the horn, five thousand Karasuma soldiers quickly jumped on their horses and rushed to the field behind the army at the fastest speed.They want to line up in this open field, and they need a long enough distance for the horses to reach the limit speed.

Ran Ran looked up at the big banner flying high in the air, with a very complicated expression on her face.He sighed secretly, turned around and said to Sun Qin: "Master Zhang is really amazing."

Sun Qin smiled triumphantly and said, "Under General Che Qi, Mr. Zhang is only one of the nine commanders, and there are many more powerful than him."

"Master Zhang only brought 10,000 iron cavalry from Loulu, and [-]+ civilian husbands to escort the army's food and supplies." Ran Ran pointed to the Danhan Mountain iron cavalry that was getting closer, and said with admiration, "If the chief led the army to detour back to the If Khan Shan attacks, we will be finished. Only Master Zhang dares to do this, if it were me, even if you gave me a hundred courage, I would not dare."

"It's very easy to use thousands of civilians to pretend to be an army of infantry and cavalry. It's also easy to convince the leader that what we are escorting is the army's food and grass. The difficulty is to convince the leader that he can hit it with one blow." Sun raised his hand. Pointing his horsewhip at the Karasuma cavalry lined up behind the army, he said, "If the leader doesn't come again, we have no choice but to give up. You Karasuma warriors have been hiding on the baggage cart for several days. I'm afraid many people can't stand it?"

"Not only can't bear it, we're going to curse people." Ran Ran laughed, "You Han people are too cunning, you use this method to trap and kill Xianbei people..." He shook his head and didn't continue.

Sun Qin looked at him and said with a sneer: "There is only one purpose in fighting, and that is to kill each other."

Ran Ran heard that his tone was not kind, and hurriedly bowed and said, "My lord, when shall we launch an attack?"

"You line up at the rear of the army. Immediately after hearing the order, launch an attack from the left and right flanks of the chariot formation to the flanks of the Xianbei people. Be quick and ruthless, and kill one by one."


The roar of [-] Xianbei cavalry galloping wildly was deafening.The ground was shaking, the chariot was shaking, and the hearts of the soldiers were beating violently.

Lieutenant Ding Bo stood in the formation with a shield in one hand and a saber in the other. He looked around at the six hundred ballistas lined up lined up, cursed a few times, and then shouted: "The ballista is ready... "

Except for Wang Dangge who was transferred to Yan Liang's subordinates in Zhang Yan's army, the other grandsons, Ding Bo, Peng Lie, and Yu Digen did not participate in the Northern Xinjiang War, although they also benefited from the Northern Xinjiang Great Victory. Everyone has been promoted, but they all feel uncomfortable.Who doesn't want to fight outside the Great Wall to leave a name in history?This expedition to the desert, the generals are ambitious, vowing to make great achievements in bloody battles.One advantage of Zhang Yan's army staying in Jinyang is that they can get the latest and best weapons nearby.For this expedition, Zhang Yan is the soldier with the best weapons and equipment.Armor, strong bows, and crossbows are fully equipped. The chariot battalions of other armies have [-] ballistas, but Ding Bo's chariot battalion has [-] ballistas.When he left Jinyang, Ding Bo also took away [-] WISCO chariots from the Jinyang arsenal.

The Xianbei people came roaring.The battlefield was filled with the angry roars of the Xianbei people and the galloping sounds of war horses.The Han army was waiting in battle, 2 people lined up in the field, silently.

Xie Guini saw from a distance that the Han army had lined up for battle in a short period of time, and couldn't help cursing in anger.There are only 1 people in the Han army, and even if I set up a blocking vehicle formation, my iron cavalry cannot be stopped.Go in, go into the Han army's chariots at all costs, and burn the Han army's food and supplies.

Ding Bo raised his sword and shield high, exhausted all his strength, raised his head and shouted wildly: "Bistball... salvo..."

All of a sudden, the war drums were beating, and the six hundred crossbow carts let out an earth-shattering roar. Countless crossbow bolts rushed out of the cart formation, and shot into the Xianbei cavalry army screaming all the way.The Xianbei people were like a dam that was continuously hit by the stormy waves, suddenly collapsed and disappeared.Almost at the same moment, the huge and shrill howling sound suddenly tore through the bloody air covering the battlefield and rushed to the sky. floating on.

"Brothers, go to kill... go to kill..." Xie Guini opened his blood-red eyes wide and screamed with all his might.

The horns of the Xianbei's charge resounded across the battlefield.The iron cavalry army did not slow down at all because of the shooting of the Han army's ballista. They were irritated by the bloody killing in front of them. The hatred and anger in their hearts were completely inspired by the Han army's ballista. The Xianbei people went crazy. Shouting and shouting, they tried their best to drive their war horses and gallop forward on the flesh and blood of their people. They wanted to defend the desert and the holy place in their hearts with their lives.

"Kill... kill..."

Peng Lie raised a spear that was one foot eight feet long.His nickname is Zhangba, which is derived from this black Zhangba iron spear.

"Brothers, shoot... volley... shoot all your long arrows, kill the Xianbei, kill the Xianbei..."

Three thousand strong archers stood behind the shield soldiers and shot long arrows at the overwhelming Xianbei iron cavalry. The rain of arrows rose into the sky, and the blue sky suddenly darkened. People shudder.


The Karasuma people stood behind the battlefield, dumbfounded watching the countless Xianbei people screaming and dying under the ravages of the Han army's arrows, without any power to fight back.The Karasuma people were terrified, and that kind of bloody fear was deeply engraved into their hearts in this short moment.

Lou Lu's subordinates followed the Han army to attack the Huns rebels two months ago. They had seen the power of the Han army's ballista, but it was the first time they saw the huge power of six hundred ballistas fired at the same time. , This kind of power cannot be resisted by manpower, its unparalleled lethality makes people dumbfounded and chills all over the body.

It was the first time for Ran Ran and the Karasuma people in Daijun to see this kind of weapon. They were stunned. They couldn't believe that such a terrible weapon existed in the world. No wonder the Xianbei and the Huns suffered successive defeats under the Han army and suffered heavy casualties. .Ran Ran secretly called out luck, she was lucky to surrender early, otherwise, she might have died under such a powerful weapon.He managed to calm down, and firmly grasped the spear in his hand. Only then did he realize that his palms were covered with cold sweat, and a chill passed over his body involuntarily.He looked up at the burning sun in the sky.On such a hot day, I actually shivered, maybe I was too nervous.

"My lord, the Xianbei people have changed their formation, and they are going to attack the two wings of the Han army." A handsome man next to Ran Ran suddenly called out.

Ran Ran was taken aback, and immediately shouted loudly without thinking: "Blow the horn...ready to attack..."

As soon as the words fell, drums were already beating in front of the Han army's chariots, and it was Sun Qin who ordered them to attack immediately to intercept the left and right wings of the Xianbei people.

"Let's go, let's go..." Ran Ran kicked the horse's belly fiercely, and while galloping the horse, he raised his spear and roared, "Kill it, let's kill it..."


The main purpose of Xie Guini was to burn the Han army's food and supplies, rather than to fight the Han army head-on, so the Xianbei people immediately changed their formation after being hit head-on by the Han army.Xie Guini ordered the cavalry on the left and right wings of the army to attack the flanks of the Han army separately, intending to break through the blocking of the Han army and enter the convoy behind the Han army.As long as the fire is lit, the Han army's food, grass and supplies will be over.

Since the time for the Han army to set up the formation was very short, they could only use huge WISCO chariots to set up the formation on the frontal battlefield. As for the left and right sides of the army, because of the protection of the Karasuma iron cavalry, the Han army just used the baggage carts to block the formation. for a moment.

The Xianbei were divided into three, and the cavalry in the middle continued to attack from the front, restraining the main force of the Han army.They paid an astonishing price in just 150 steps. Just when they were about to collide, six hundred ballistas had been loaded with the efforts of the soldiers of the chariot battalion. The soldiers have pulled the trigger.The six hundred ballistas roared one after another, and the roar like a continuous run shocked the entire battlefield in an instant.The Xianbei iron cavalry who rushed to the front of the car formation suffered a devastating blow. They fell down on the bloody battlefield like weeds after the rain. The dense and sharp giant spears of the chariot penetrated.

On the two wings of the chariot formation, the menacing Karasuma cavalry aimed at the flanks of the Xianbei people and slashed down fiercely.At the same time, the Xianbei people who were attacking from the front were still attacking the car formation one after another, and bloody battles began in some places where the Xianbei people broke through.

Sun Qin saw that the overall situation was settled, and immediately ordered the infantry soldiers on the left and right wings to attack quickly, surround the Xianbei people, and wipe out the Xianbei people.

Now, the middle cavalry of the Xianbei people has been killed and injured by the arrow array of the Han army, and their two-winged cavalry has also fallen into a melee with the Karasuma people. If he turned around and fled into the desert, the battle would be in vain.Sun Qin and Peng Lie rushed to the front with their personal guards.

Xie Guini saw Karasuma cavalry suddenly rushing out from behind the Han army, and immediately understood that he had been fooled.

"Withdraw...quickly withdraw..."

The Xianbei people want to run away, but the Karasuma people stalk them so hard that it is not so easy to run away.The melee between the two sides dragged on longer and longer, and the Han army immediately completed the siege, but it was dark at this time.

After a fierce battle for a long time, Xie Guini finally broke out with a group of personal guards. Marshal Ling Chi and nearly [-] Xianbei cavalry were slaughtered by the Han army in this desolate wilderness.


(End of this chapter)

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