Chapter 559 Immediately Crossing the Gun
After listening to Yuan Shao's words, everyone felt heavy in their hearts, and the atmosphere in the room seemed very oppressive.

"What did General Li Hong say? Does he have a clear attitude on this matter?" Lu Zhi asked in a low voice.

"I just came back from Xingyuan in the cloud with the judge and judge of Jizhou Prefecture." Chen Lin sighed and said, "When I arrived in Huaicheng, the army of General Hussars also arrived in Hedong, this is the attitude of Generals Hussars. "

Chen Lin briefly talked about the trip in the cloud.The judge spent the whole night trying to convince the Hussar General, but in the end it was unsuccessful.The final answer given to us by the Hussar General is: All states and counties raised troops to fight against Dong, which seriously endangered the country. I advise you to give up your soldiers and find other strategies.The words of the Hussar General neither said that our rebellion against Dong was a rebellion, nor did he directly say that he wanted to support Dong Zhuo, so we think that the Hussar General may still be on the sidelines and has not yet made a final decision.What does this mean?It shows that he has completely betrayed the big man in order to keep the northern border and implement a separatist regime, and he has no idea about serving the country loyally.He, like Dong Zhuo, is a minister of calamity who overthrew our great Han society.This person will do a hundred times more harm to the great man than Dong Zhuo in the future. If this person is not eliminated, our great man will never be revived.

Xin Ping nodded and said: "Kong Zhang's words are reasonable. Li Hong is a barbarian who knows nothing except fighting. This kind of person is proud of his achievements, arrogant and perverting the law, and has no respect for etiquette at all. Once he takes power, he will definitely bring disaster to the country and the people Look at what he has done in the past few years? Xiliang suppressed greed and killed corruption, recruited ants and thieves in the state, forced the late emperor to change the ancestral system and open the salt and iron business, led the army to the south to threaten the emperor and the court agreed to let him supervise the northern border states and counties When the big man is in trouble, not only does he not show compassion for the people, but instead resorts to military force to go on an expedition outside the Great Wall. In this way, what we see is not a loyal general who is loyal to the big man, but a brutal, bloody, barbaric, greedy, and power-hungry general. A person who tyrannizes and harms the country."

"What did he tell us this time? Two words, money and food. He wants both money and food. I don't think he wants money and food, but he is looking for this piece of fat in Jizhou. Sending troops to crusade against Dong Zhuo is to eradicate the treacherous man. He not only refused to participate in the just act of exterminating the country’s harm, he even threatened us with it. Is he still the Hussar General of the big man? He has probably forgotten who made him the Hussar General? I think he is A barbarian who betrays his master and betrays his country. He ignores traitors and sycophants, only thinks about his own northern border, and repeatedly mentions the relocation of the victims. How is this possible? Qingyanxu Sandi has become a disaster for refugees and riots In the near future, he will move back the victims. Isn’t this a disaster? What is a big man? He has ulterior motives, ulterior motives. If the four prefectures of Ji, Yan, Qing, and Xu fall into war at the same time, the great Han community will be in Li Hong’s pocket.”

Guo Tu went on to say: "We discussed it and decided to take the initiative to attack, so as to form a desperate situation and force Li Hong to make a quick choice. Under today's crisis, if Li Hong wants to secure the northern border, he can only join forces with us to attack Dong Zhuo. One way. As for the relocation of the disaster victims in northern Xinjiang, we will not agree. Not only we do not agree, but even Master Han Fuhan, Mu Han of Jizhou, will not agree. Now most of Dong Dajun's food and salary must be allocated by Jizhou. How can there be extra money and food to resettle the victims?"

"Let's not talk about farming. Farming in northern Xinjiang is for defending the border. What is the purpose of farming in Jizhou? Don't we have enough land to give to those lowly people? The fields in Jizhou are everywhere, and the reason for the barrenness is because there is no People farming. Those refugees and disaster victims do not want to go home. They would rather abandon the land, would rather exchange their children for food, and would rather fight for the rebellion than work hard to cultivate. The people of the big Han have been assimilated by the ants in recent years, and have become Bloody and brutal, their conscience has been completely wiped out. There is only one way to deal with this kind of people, and that is to kill them. If they are scared and killed, they will naturally be obedient."

"Leaving the disaster victims in the frontier is beneficial to the big man. There is no harm to the big man. The disaster victims have no food, they will riot, they will rob, they will kill the barbarians, and rob the barbarian's livestock. That's good, they kill each other , The more people die, the better. No matter the disaster victims or the barbarians, they are the root causes of endangering our country. If they die, the great man will be safe."

Xu You, Xun Chen, Feng Ji and others also expressed the same meaning one after another.From their point of view, Li Hong currently has no conditions to allow tens of thousands of the main forces of northern Xinjiang north of the Great Wall to go south to join the war. Firstly, the desert and border counties need to be garrisoned.If Beijiang hadn't been prepared early this year and purchased a large amount of grain from various places, Beijiang would be in jeopardy and would not be able to protect itself.Three years later, Dong Zhuo's food and salary were also difficult to sustain. The more Li Hong's army went south, the more difficult it was for Dong Zhuo.Although Li Hong and Dong Zhuo looked powerful and menacing, they were actually vulnerable, and what they put on was an empty air that was not useful.As long as Dong Dajun launched a fierce attack, Li Hong and Dong Zhuo would be terrified.Especially Li Hong with ulterior motives, what reason does he have to help Dong Zhuo at the risk of losing the northern border?What reason is there to smear a thick layer of filth on his glorious record?

Now for Li Hong and Dong Zhuo, the worry should be that Dong Dajun is determined to fight to the death with the determination to die together, but for Dong Dajun, the worry is their own rear and mutual integrity.If the states and counties can't work together, the fight against Dong Daye is bound to fall short.


Lu Zhi sat quietly, listening patiently to everyone's opinions, and remained silent all the time.

Yuan Shao asked, "Sir, do you have any opinions on our countermeasures?"

Lu Zhi looked at the expectant eyes of the crowd and smiled slightly, "Everyone knows what is the scariest thing about leopards among all beasts?"

"The scariest thing about a leopard is not its toughness, but its patience. In order to catch a prey, it can hide quietly in a tree for several days." Lu Zhi smiled appreciatively, "Leopards hunt The main way of attack is to carry out sneak attacks at night, and one hit is sure to hit. Li Hong is such a person, he is very patient, he is best at night sneak attacks, and has never been defeated. I heard that the Xianbei name of Li Hong was given by Murong Feng for him The name Murong Feng is appropriate, which also shows Murong Feng's knowledge of people and superhuman wisdom."

"After Leopard lost his memory, he was like a baby who didn't know anything. At this time, Iron Wolf, a warrior of the Black Eagle Tribe, began to teach him how to survive, and Murong Feng began to teach him how to fight. But Li Hong is a person who has lost his memory. He He's not a baby, and he's not a barbarian, so he finally killed the big man and achieved his own fame very unexpectedly. He is a very strange person, a genius who combines the leaders of the Han and Hu races."

"What I mean by this is to advise you not to underestimate Li Hong. Li Hong is by no means Dong Zhuo. Dong Zhuo is a warrior, an arrogant and arrogant warrior. Although Li Hong is also a warrior, he is a strong and vicious Warrior, he is extremely patient and extremely good at capturing opportunities, please be careful of this."

Now that everyone knows the strengths of the leopard, we should target the strengths of the leopard and turn his strengths into weaknesses, so that the predator becomes the prey, and the prey becomes the hunter.

How to make leopard impatient?Very simple, as long as we are more patient than him.The disaster victims in northern Xinjiang have become a disaster, and the refugees from the Gyeonggi area are still swarming into Jin Dynasty. Li Hong is already devastated and helpless. All the refugees in Hedong have been settled, and northern Xinjiang will inevitably fall into chaos.Northern Xinjiang is in turmoil, what will happen to this year's spring plowing?What about Tuntian?What about border guards?How to survive?
What is most anxious now is actually not Dong Zhuo, nor us, but Li Hong.Our hussar general is like a very hungry leopard at this time, with scars all over his body, lying quietly in the white snow of northern Xinjiang, patiently waiting for his prey to lose vigilance, and then become him A delicious meal.This prey is not Dong Zhuo, but us.

There are six generals going south in a row from northern Xinjiang. This momentum is so great that it frightens us. We are going to take the initiative to attack, but have you ever thought that when we lose patience, do we lose vigilance at the same time?
It is true to prevent him from expanding his power and healing his wounds, but it depends on when.Once we became his prey and lost all initiative and advantages, then we not only could not prevent him from expanding his power, but also helped him heal his wounds.When a strong leopard dominates the northern border, we have no chance to kill it.

After Lu Zhi finished speaking, he stood up slowly, "I came here today to fulfill my promise to the Tai Tuo. I have done what the Tai Tu and I should do, and the rest should be up to you Let's deal with it."

"Sir..." Yuan Shao hurriedly stood up and asked in surprise, "Sir, won't you stay and help us?"

"Princess Changping has already gone north to Jin, and the general Hushi will go south soon." Lu Zhi cupped his hands and said, "I'm already old and I can't help you much. I want to go back to my hometown, Zhuojun, and the leaves will return to their roots. That's it. Farewell, I hope that you will work together to revitalize the Great Han as soon as possible."

Yuan Shao and others tried their best to persuade him to stay, but Lu Zhi refused.Yuan Shao had no choice but to send him out of the city.Yuan Shao sent a lot of property, but Lu Zhi refused to accept it, so he rode away.

Looking at the receding figure, Yuan Shao looked up to the sky and sighed.


In mid-February, jujube.

Cao Cao arrived with 5000 troops.

As early as December last year, Yuan Shao found Cao Cao hiding in Jiwu City, Chenliu County (now Ningling County, Henan Province) through Zhang Miao.After Cao Cao escaped from the capital, he was captured in Zhongmu City.Bo Renjun, the head of Zhongmu County, knew him and tried his best to persuade the county magistrate Yang Yuan to release him secretly.After Cao Cao escaped by chance, he dared not go home, and quietly hid in the home of his friend Wei Zi.Wei Zi is Xiaolian from Chenliu County, who lives in Jiwu.In Peiguoqiao County, Cao Cao's hometown, there was a rumor that he had been caught and killed by Dong Zhuo. After hearing the news, his housekeepers and private soldiers wanted to leave. His wife Bian tried her best to persuade them, but these people reluctantly stayed.

Yuan Shao wrote a letter to Cao Cao, asking him to summon volunteer soldiers to attack Dong Zhuo and rectify the Han Dynasty together.Cao Cao was worried that there was no way out, and after receiving Yuan Shao's letter, he was overjoyed.At this time, the Sangong's call to action had been announced to the world, and Cao Cao was not afraid of being caught by Dong Zhuo. With the support of Wei Zi, he immediately recruited soldiers in the nearest city of Jiwu, and at the same time sent someone back to his hometown to report the letter.The people of the Cao family were overjoyed when they heard that Cao Cao was still alive.Xiahoudun, Xiahouyuan, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Cao Ren's younger brother Cao Chun, and disciple Shi Huan immediately rushed to Jiwu to join Cao Cao with more than 1000 private soldiers.

One can imagine how difficult it is to recruit soldiers at the end of the Chinese New Year. After a month, Cao Cao didn't even have 2000 soldiers.Cao Cao felt ashamed to bring such a small army to Suanzao to join the troops of the states and counties, so he delayed setting out.Although Zhang Miao urged him several times, Cao Cao used various excuses to delay.Yuan Shao thought that the reason for Cao Cao's slow action was that he had no official position, so he immediately worshiped Cao Cao as General Fenwu in the name of "inheritance".

Cao Cao had no choice but to take 2000 people on the road.Just when he was at a loss for what to do about the shortage of troops, Ren Jun from Zhongmou County came.

Zhongmu is located at the eastern end of Yin, Henan, and is close to Chenliu County in Yanzhou. If there is a war, it must be a battlefield.Yang Yuan in Zhongmuling was neither willing to listen to Dong Zhuo's help and abuse, nor willing to risk his life to join Dong's army. In a dilemma, he simply abandoned his official position and fled.Director Bo Renjun discussed with county lieutenant Zhang Fen, and then he took 3000 soldiers and horses to Suanzao, preparing to join the fight against Dong Dajun.The two have small official positions, and they must rely on one person when they arrive in Suanzao, otherwise the survival of the [-] troops will be a problem.The two were discussing and met Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao saw the savior, of course he had to thank him vigorously, but Ren Jun saw that Cao Cao was now General Xingfenwu with a very high official position, so he did not hesitate to vote for Cao Cao with 3000 troops.Cao Cao was so elated that he grinned so much.This is really a golden toad falling from the world, just hitting him on the head.

When he arrived at Suanzao Daying, Cao Cao was very unhappy.The only ones standing outside the gate to greet him were Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, Qiao Mao, the prefect of Dongjun who supervised the military affairs of the Suanzao camp, and other prefectural officials.Xia Houyuan opened his mouth and scolded, this is not a dog's eyes to see people as inferior, anyway, the eldest brother is also an acting general with a rank of two thousand shi.

Zhang Miao saw Cao Cao's displeasure at a glance, and hurriedly explained: "Meng De, things have changed. Master Qiao and several other masters are discussing with each other, so..."

"Brother Meng Zhuo, what happened? The leopard is calling?"

"The ants in Qingzhou are rioting, Master Jiao has withdrawn his troops and returned to Linzi."


Thanks again for your long-term support.

(End of this chapter)

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