Chapter 614 The Heroes of Troubled Times Like the Abyss
In mid-March, Luoyang.

General Sun Jian led the army to attack Dagu Pass, and the captains Cheng Pu and Sun Ben led the army to threaten Yique Pass as a check.At the same time, Hu Lie's general Yan Liang captured Yangcheng and approached Shenyuan Pass.Zhu Jun and Gao Lan also led an army to attack Hulao Pass.The battle situation in the south of Luoyang was very tense. Lu Bu, Hu Zhen and other generals of the northern army asked Dong Zhuo for help.

Dong Zhuo was unmoved, and he only had two words in his reply to the generals: stick to it.

However, the development of the situation far exceeded Dong Zhuo's expectations.The Northern Frontier Army's attack was extremely sharp, and after only five days of crossing the river to attack, the Northern Frontier Army, under the leadership of Zhang Yan, Yushi and Yang Feng, gathered tens of thousands of troops to besiege Hongnong City.Niu Fu's army was firmly pinned by the Northern Xinjiang Army to the south of Hongnong City, unable to move, and could only watch Hongnong City groaning in pain under the raging arrows of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

What Dong Zhuo didn't expect was that Yuan Shao not only did not retreat after being hit hard, but instead sent Chun Yuqiong, He Ji, and Wu Zheng to lead the army Chen Bing Heyang to threaten Mengjin and Xiaopingjin.According to Li Jue who was stationed at the pass, Chunyu Qiong's army was actively preparing to attack Luoyang at any time.

Just when Dong Zhuo was considering whether to recruit Dong Yue who was stationed in Tongguan to lead an army to support Hongnong City, Lu Bu sent even worse news that Yique Pass had fallen.


The daily defense of Yique Pass is in charge of Yique Duwei Zhang Cheng.Cheng Pu and Sun Ben's army arrived at Yique Pass late at night on the second day, Zhang Cheng led people to open the gate and let the Changsha army into the pass.Lu Bu commanded the army to fight bravely, but at this moment he suddenly found Sun Jian.Lu Bu suddenly realized that he had been fooled. It turned out that Sun Jian's main force was attacking Yique Pass, and it was the one who attacked Dagu Pass to divert his troops.

Seeing that the pass was difficult to regain, Lv Bu withdrew his troops immediately. While rushing to report to Dong Zhuo, he ordered Zhang Liao, who was stationed at Dagu Pass, to abandon the pass and join him immediately, and retreat to Luoshui.If Sun Jian were allowed to outflank the rear of Dagu Pass, Zhang Liao and thousands of Bingzhou troops would be wiped out.


Dong Zhuo turned pale with fright, and urgently ordered Lu Bu to stop Sun Jian at all costs.When Sun Jian's troops approached Luoshui, it was equivalent to blocking the retreat routes of Hu Zhen at Zhiyuan Pass and Zhang Ji at Hulao Pass.Dong Zhuo urgently wrote to Hu Zhen and Zhang Ji that the battle situation in Luoyang had changed, so he immediately abandoned the pass and quickly retreated to Luoyang to rendezvous.

Lu Bu had no intention of fighting, but Sun Jian did not dare to go deep alone.After the Changsha army crossed the pass and entered the territory of Luoyang, they changed from their previous bravery and became cautious, marching very slowly.

In order to buy time for Hu Zhen and Zhang Ji to withdraw their troops, Dong Zhuo immediately asked Sun Jian to serve as General Polu and Governor of Yuzhou under the guise of the Son of Heaven.

Tian Yi was very puzzled, and asked Dong Zhuo, what does your lord mean by this?Do you want Sun Jian to kill Kong Ni?Dong Zhuo explained with a smile that since Sun Jian was able to kill Wang Rui, governor of Jingzhou, and Zhang Zi, prefect of Nanyang, he could also kill Confucius, the Mu of Yuzhou.After we left Luoyang, people like Li Hong, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, Zhu Jun, and Sun Jian all wanted to enter Luoyang, but Zhu Jun and Sun Jian were the most pitiful.If people like Kong Ni and Yuan Shu threaten Zhu Jun and Sun Jian with money and food, forcing them to continue to attack Tongguan and Chang'an, then we will be in trouble.After the incident in Luoyang this year, I don't want to fight in the short term. I plan to let Guanzhong be quiet for a while to recover quickly. Therefore, I want to give Zhu Jun and Sun Jian a piece of territory so that they give up the idea of ​​continuing to attack Guanzhong.

Zhu Jun has a high status and is famous all over the world. If he has no money and food, he will be given to him. If King Qin is successful, he is also among the three princes. Sun Jian needs land to survive, no one will take the initiative to give him money and food, and if King Qin is successful, he may not be meritorious, and he will bear the responsibility for killing ministers, so getting a place to live is very important to him.However, Yuzhou is the foundation of the Yuan Clan, and by killing Kong Ni, Sun Jian offended the Yuan Clan, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, and the three of them would fight for Yuzhou.

After Sun Jian received the imperial decree, he hesitated for a long time.He discussed it carefully with Gongsun Cheng, Cheng Pu and others, and left this imperial decree.If you want to go to Yuzhou to be the governor, you have to replace Kong Ni, and the only way to replace Kong Ni is to kill him, but the consequences of killing Kong Ni are very serious, and this matter needs to be discussed in the long run.However, this imperial decree is indispensable, and this is the reason for killing Kong Ni in the future.

Sun Jian wrote back to Dong Zhuo, scolded him, and tried to alienate Dong Dajun. This method is too bad.I will definitely kill you this time.

Dong Zhuo inquired carefully about the subordinates who sent the imperial decree, and knowing that Sun Jian's heart had been moved, he couldn't help being overjoyed. He immediately wrote back a letter to Sun Jian, talking about the friendship of fighting the enemy side by side on the Xiliang battlefield in the past, and then advised him to face up to the reality. Don't let the Yuan Clan take advantage of it, it will harm the clan in the future, and then analyze the current situation for him, telling him that if he doesn't find a place to stay immediately, he will starve to death.Dong Zhuo said, you respect the present day and have been friends with me for many years. You should help me kill the rebels and stabilize the country.If you are willing to defend the country with me, we can become sons and daughters and relatives. I can satisfy all your requirements and worship all your disciples, relatives and subordinates.

Sun Jian was furious, and wrote back to curse Dong Zhuo, swearing at him for being against the heavens and lawless, if I can't destroy your nine clans and turn your bones into ashes, I will never return to Jiangdong.

Dong Zhuo laughed and continued to write back, "Jiangdong boy, if you dare to enter Luoyang, I will burn Luoyang down."I would like to see if you kill me, or the world kills you.


Sun Jian stopped immediately.If Kyoto is burned, the blow to Guozuo will be devastating.Although Sun Jian dared to unscrupulously kill state officials, he did not dare to bet on the great Han community.

Gongsun said that now that Yuan Shao has been defeated by Dong Zhuo, the three-way attack has become a north-south attack.Under such circumstances, if we want to force Dong Zhuoguan away, it depends on whether the attack of the Hussar General in the north can be effective. It is definitely not possible to rely on our troops to fight alone.Gongsun said that he suggested that Sun Jian wait for a while, get in touch with Yan Liang and Zhu Jun first, and then the three armies will join up on the south bank of Luoshui, so that he will not be afraid of being surrounded by Dong Zhuo.

Sun Jian followed Gongsuncheng's suggestion and hastily sent scouts to look for Yan Liang and Zhu Jun in the direction of Zhiyuan Pass and Hulao Pass.

Sun Jian didn't want to fight anymore, but Dong Zhuo wanted to fight him.Li Ru, Liu Jing, and Li Meng all died on the Luoyang battlefield, and he always wanted to avenge this hatred.

At the end of March, Hu Zhen and Zhang Ji withdrew their troops to Luoshui. Dong Zhuo then personally commanded the army to meet Sun Jian, and the two sides fought fiercely near the imperial tomb.Sun Jian's troops were insufficient, and he was fighting and retreating. At this time, Yan Liang led his army to arrive, and the two sides joined forces, preparing to slaughter Dong Zhuo.Dong Zhuo saw that his side had lost his advantage, and he was unwilling to lose his troops, so he immediately retreated to Xianyang Garden.


Li Jue and Guo Si who were stationed at Mengjin and Xiaopingjin urgently reported to Dong Zhuo that Chunyuqiong had successfully crossed the river from the direction of Heyang, and the vanguard had resisted Mengjin Pass.According to reports from scouts, Yuan Shao's banner appeared in the Heyang camp, and it is estimated that Yuan Shao has led his army to Heyang himself.Mengjin and Xiaopingjin are short of troops, please send troops to support immediately.

Hongnong Niufu urgently reported that the Northern Xinjiang Army had captured Hongnong City, and Zhang Yan was commanding the army to advance towards Chidao, please withdraw from Luoyang immediately.Niu Fu said that the strength of the northern army is too strong.They have a kind of chariot that can launch stones weighing tens of catties or even more than 100 catties, with a range of more than 100 steps, which is very powerful.Several sections of the city walls of Hongnong City were smashed down by such chariots.Now the soldiers are very afraid of the northern army, their morale is low, and their losses are huge. It is difficult to support them. Please retreat quickly.

Wang Yun of Chang'an urgently wrote, General Longxiang Xu Rong led the army to attack Pubanjin, and Duan Yan was in a hurry several times.Now Chang'an is empty of troops, once Xu Rong breaks through the danger of the Yellow River, the northern border army can drive straight in.Master Taishi please speed up the army to return to Chang'an.

After Dong Zhuo read these urgent reports, he acted as if nothing happened, and still spent his days and nights in the camp, indifferent.

At the end of March, Liu Ai and Dong Min in Chang'an urgently wrote that Xuan Fan, the captain of the Sili school, and the two captains of the Southern Army planned to raise troops to rebel in early April. After they received the secret report, they immediately launched arrests.Several hundred soldiers of the southern army resisted and were killed on the spot.Because the arrest was leaked, many ministers and scholars who participated in the rebellion escaped from Chang'an City, including Zheng Tai, Hua Xin, Heng Jie and other ministers.

Dong Zhuo was shocked.Tian Yi persuaded Dong Zhuo to return to Chang'an immediately to take charge of the overall situation, lest the situation worsen and get out of hand, "It is already the end of March. When Li Hong, Yuan Shao and others stabilize Luoyang, the time for spring plowing will have passed. Our goal has already There is no point in sticking to Luoyang any longer."

Dong Zhuo was worried about the situation in Chang'an, and no longer insisted on the original strategy until the end of April.He hurriedly ordered all the troops to withdraw to Hangu Pass, and ordered Dong Yue to quickly return to Chang'an.

Hu Zhen asked Dong Zhuo, "Do you want to burn Luoyang?"

Dong Zhuo asked back with a smile: "Now Luoyang is like a piece of fat meat. A group of leopards and wild wolves are watching around, trying to eat it. You said, if you snatch this piece of meat into your mouth and eat it, you will die." What happened?"

Hu Zhen understood, "They will be so angry that they will attack me in groups and eat me, or they will see that the meat is gone, they will slap my buttocks and leave."

"Of course I don't want to provoke them, and be chased and stalked by them." Dong Zhuo said, "I don't even want them to scatter and go find food to strengthen themselves. If they get fat, it will be a big problem for us." There is no benefit in stabilizing the country, so we have to leave this piece of bait, this piece of fat, to let these beasts kill each other. When they are dying, we can come out and kill them easily. In the future, we It’s not about eating this piece of meat, but about eating a lot of delicious meat.”


In April of the second year of Chuping of the Han Dynasty (AD 191).


In early April, Dong Zhuo led his troops to retreat to Hangu Pass.

Taiwei Zhao Qian and servant Liu Ai urgently wrote to Dong Zhuo, urging him to return to Chang'an as soon as possible.Dong Zhuo immediately ordered Hu Zhen and Tian Yi to be in charge of commanding the retreat of the army, and he took Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou and others to Chang'an first.


Zhu Jun led his troops into Luoyang City.Yan Liang and Sun Jian led their troops to attack Hangu Pass.

Chunyu Qiong hurried to Luoyang to meet Zhu Jun. He wanted to talk to Zhu Jun about some things.The first priority is to discuss Dong's affairs. Will the three-way army continue to attack Guanzhong with the power of thunder, or stick to Luoyang City to accumulate strength and wait and see before changes?

After reading Yuan Shao's letter, Zhu Jun pondered for a long time.In his letter, Yuan Shao described in detail what had happened in Jinyang and Jizhou in recent months. His intention was to tell Zhu Jun that from the perspective of benefiting the stability of the country, the rebellion of the Yellow Turban Army should be put down first, and the states and counties in various places should be put down first. When it is stable and the court has strength, it will concentrate on fighting against Dong.

"Stick to Luoyang and seal off Guanzhong." Zhu Jun asked with a frown, "Zhongjian, there are many things I don't understand in this letter. Can you explain two questions to me? Dong, what about King Qin? At the beginning, he only wanted Dong, but not King Qin, so what was the reason for seeking Dong? What does Benchu ​​mean? Secondly, Benchu ​​said in his letter that he used the imperial edict of the young emperor to order the world. He also said that he obeyed the orders of the Jinyang court, so who did he listen to? Did he listen to himself, or the eldest princess?"

Chun Yuqiong smiled calmly: "My lord, now that Dong Zhuo's army is still at Hangu Pass, what we should be anxious to discuss is how the army will move next, not these matters that we shouldn't bother with."

Zhu Jun replied coldly: "The next move of the army should be the matter of the Hussar General, and it has nothing to do with us."

Chunyu Qiong shook his head, "Has your lord forgotten what happened to Dong Zhuo? If Dong Zhuo hadn't entered the capital, how could Dahan Sheji be in such a desperate situation today? The reason why our army can defeat Dong Zhuo and occupy Luoyang today is because Li Hong If we refuse the Lord’s power, everyone can work together, but what about tomorrow? Tomorrow Li Hong enters Luoyang, and if, like Dong Zhuo, he seizes power by force and harms the country, what shall we do? Is there another mass escape? "

"You don't need to tell me that, I know it too." Zhu Jun stroked his beard and sighed, "I'm about to meet the General Hushi in person. Now that Luoyang has been conquered, the Northern Frontier Army should concentrate on attacking Guanzhong instead of entering Luoyang. Hushi If the General and the Northern Frontier Army pass through Hangu Pass, all the states and counties will not obey the imperial court because of the lessons learned from the past. This is a fact. In order to stabilize the country as soon as possible, we have to wrong the General Hushi."

"Your Excellency, do you mean to continue attacking Guanzhong?" Chunyuqiong asked.

"Of course." Zhu Jun said resolutely, "It's a matter of course for me to challenge King Dong Qin and revitalize the country. How can I give up halfway? You go back to the beginning of the book and immediately give up the struggle for imperial lineage and inheritance. The country is stable."

Chunyu Qiong nodded in agreement, and got up to leave.

Zhu Jun said again: "Zhong Jian, you lead your army to Hangu Pass immediately, don't be half-hearted, and ruin the great cause of begging King Dong Qin."

"Okay, I'll go to Hangu Pass right away." Chunyu Qiong said, "As long as the northern army doesn't enter Luoyang, I'll fight wherever your lord tells you."

"If the northern border army does not enter Luoyang, Hangu Pass needs more troops." Zhu Jun said, "Don't forget the lesson of Dong Zhuo entering the pass."

Chunyu Qiong blushed and left in shame.

Sun Jian took the lead and attacked Hangu Pass first.

After Yan Liang and Gao Lan joined forces, the [-] troops quickly followed up.Tian Chou urgently wrote that the army should not attack Hangu Pass, but immediately occupy Luoyang City, Hulao Pass and Zhiyuan Pass, so as to ensure that Northern Xinjiang completely controls Luoyang.If Luoyang is controlled by Zhu Jun, Yuan Shao, Sun Jian and others, this battle will be in vain.If Northern Xinjiang wants to survive, it must firmly control its destiny in its own hands.

After a little discussion between Yan Liang and Gao Lan, they immediately dispatched an army to various places to seize the city pass.Gao Lan and Gao Shun personally led an army of three thousand to seize Luoyang City.Wu Xiong took 2000 troops to seize Hulao Pass.Xiang Cheng led 2000 troops to seize Zhiyuan Pass.

On the way Zhu Jun led his army to Hangu Pass, he suddenly saw the northern Xinjiang army rushing southward, and immediately understood Yan Liang's plan.He ordered Zhou Hua to turn back quickly and seize Luoyang City.He rushed to Yanliang camp by himself, "Dong Zhuo is at Hangu Pass. You didn't attack Hangu Pass, but sent troops south to seize the city pass. What are you doing? Do you want to imitate Dong Zhuo and bring disaster to the country?"

Yan Liang sneered and said, "I have made great contributions to the northern border in the fight against Luoyang. Of course Luoyang should be occupied by us. As for Dong Zhuo, he probably returned to Chang'an a long time ago. In a few days, the General Hussars will lead his army to knock down the pass and drive straight in." He looked at the angry Zhu Jun, and comforted him in a low voice, "Your Excellency, it is better to return to Luoyang to take charge of the overall situation. There is no fighting here at Hangu Pass."

Zhu Jun sighed helplessly and turned to leave.Yan Liang immediately shouted to his personal guards: "Hurry up, escort Master Zhu back to Luoyang."

Zhu Jun was furious, "Yan Hutou, I want to go to Hangu Pass, I want to beg King Dong Qin, I won't go to Luoyang."

Yan Hao persuaded: "My lord, even if we go to beg King Dong Qin, we have to rest for a while, the soldiers must take a breath, right?"


In April, Sun Jian and Yan Liang conquered Hangu Pass.

Sun Jian didn't stop, and the overseer rushed forward, first went down to Xin'an City, and then occupied Mian (Mian) Pool.Yan Liang stationed troops at Hangu Pass and stopped fighting.

Chunyuqiong was very surprised to see Yan Liang occupying Hangu Pass, and hurried back to Luoyang, but Luoyang was also occupied by Gao Lan.Chunyuqiong no longer went to the city to see Zhu Jun, he and Gao Lan had a few polite words, and led the army back to Mengjin and Xiaopingjin.

Tian Chou was anxious to write to Yan Liang again, and Mu Kongyu in Yuzhou died of illness. He quickly sent a large army to control Yingchuan and occupy Yuzhou.

Yan Liang was overjoyed, and immediately asked Sima Jiewu, Xu Yan, and Xiang Tao to rush to Yingchuan with 3000 people to follow Tian Chou's command.

Xie Wu asked worriedly: "My lord, why don't you take three hundred guards to station at Hangu Pass?"

"Hmph..." Yan Liang smiled disdainfully, "Who dares to hit me?"


Ad: Luo Wenlan's "Super Ghost", if you have time to watch it, thank you, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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