Chapter 643
Xu Rong was silent for a long time, then he looked up at Zhu Jun, and said slowly: "My lord, since we captured Luoyang last April, many things have happened. Until now, don't you see how many people there are in this world?" People are willing to go west to ask for King Dong Qin? Now no one is even willing to help us ask for King Dong Qin, and adults can't see this?"

Xu Rong looked slightly sad and angry, and continued with some excitement: "After Luoyang was defeated, the eldest princess and the court should move back to the capital, and all states and counties should also pay taxes. Half a year, with no results, is this also a subject of my big man? Is this also a loyal subject of my big man? Is this also a desire to save the country?"

"My lord, look at the white hair on your head, look at your beard that has turned gray in less than half a year." Xu Rong was heartbroken, "Look at Yuan Shao, look at Yuan Shu, look at Liu Biao, look at Zhou Gan, look at What did they do? Even Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, was willing to send troops and money to help you beg King Dong Qin, but how many soldiers did he give you? How much food did he give you? Who is fighting Dong Zhuo in Kansai now? General and our northern border army, who else have you seen fighting to save the country?"

"When the country is in peril, these people don't want to be loyal to the king and serve the country, but they intensify their efforts to destroy the big man. These people are no longer the subjects of my big man, but the rebellion of my big man. Everyone can punish them."

Zhu Jun thought of the man who was precariously toppled by wind and rain, and the people who were starving and dying day and night.


Zhang Wen, Lu Zhi and others have already persuaded the eldest princess, set a policy of rejuvenating the country, and have a very clear attitude towards the states and counties in various places. Anyone who does not respect the eldest princess and the court is a rebellion of the great Han.The general's attack on Jizhou is only the beginning of countering the rebellion. A bigger storm will soon sweep the Han mountains and rivers. The bloody slaughter will last for a long time, and countless lives will be reduced to ashes in this catastrophe.No one knows, after this catastrophe, who will survive, who will win, who will have the last laugh, this is a self-destructive disaster.

The only one who can turn the tide is the emperor.As long as the emperor can be rescued and the supreme authority of the emperor can be reestablished, the great man will be stabilized quickly, the flames of war will be quickly subsided, and the people will be able to live a peaceful life again.

Zhu Jun tried his best to present his views to the eldest princess and the court, but Lu Zhi criticized him unceremoniously in his reply.Lu Zhi asked Zhu Jun, the emperor was rescued and everything was restored to its original state, so will the traitor reappear in the court?How to prohibit the monopoly of foreign relatives?If the scourge of traitors and relatives cannot be eradicated, how long can the country be stable?How many days can the common people live a stable life?If today's great Han wants to rejuvenate, it is no longer a simple matter of stability in the country, but to take advantage of the turmoil in the country to rebuild the laws and regulations, and lay a rock-solid foundation for the continuation of Han Zuo for generations to come.

Lu Zhi also severely criticized Huangfusong and Zhu Jun in the book.

As early as the sixth year of Zhongping (AD 189), Huangfusong had every chance to form an alliance with Li Hong's Northern Frontier Army and Yuan Shao's Dong Zhuo to encircle and kill Dong Zhuo in Luoyang, and Yuan Kui, the Grand Tutor at that time, also made such a decision However, for his own self-interest and the loyalty of the Huangfu family for generations, Huangfusong gave up the best opportunity to eradicate traitors and revitalize the country for no reason.You are the same as Huangfusong, you still cling to your loyalty until now, thinking that as long as the emperor returns to Luoyang, the big man will be revived, this is simply a joke.

What is loyalty?Is the "jun" who is loyal to the emperor the emperor or a big man?It is true that warriors misled the country.Both you and Huangfusong are well-known warriors in my Han Dynasty, and they are also quite accomplished in the study of Confucian classics. They can also be regarded as masters of Confucian classics, but what kind of "classics" are you studying?When you countered the rebellion, you faced 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands of enemies without mercy, let alone retreating and forbearance, but when the big man needed you to protect him most, when you defended him, you flinched, for the sake of the so-called The loyalty and righteousness retreated, and the result was that the treacherous and sycophant harmed the country, the society was in danger, and the people were in dire straits.

At this moment, Huangfusong is in Chang'an City, looking at the country where the flames of war are raging and mourning, should he kill himself to thank the world?When you are in Luoyang, facing the disgusting faces of the rebels, shouldn't you blind yourself and tell the world that you are blind?
The ultimate goal of Zhongxing Dahan is to rebuild a brand new Dahan, to make the Dahan strong from generation to generation, and to let the tens of thousands of people in the Dahan live and work in peace and contentment from generation to generation. This is what our generation should do. This is loyalty.

Zhu Jun was very angry, not because of Lu Zhi's criticism of him, but because of Lu Zhi's remarks.A king is a king, and a big man is a big man, how can they be confused?I have studied Confucian classics for decades, "the ministers serve the emperor with loyalty", "the emperor is the foundation", don't I understand this?
Zhu Jun wrote back and refuted Lu Zhi's remarks.Lu Zhi rode back to the book at a fast speed of eight hundred miles.It is precisely because Confucian classics have misunderstood people and the country that the system needs to be reformed. It is precisely because ministers like you have misinterpreted and obsessed with Confucian classics that they have to kill all obstacles to rebuild the great man.

Zhu Jun immediately lost his temper.Lu Zhi was one of the masters of Confucian classics he admired the most, but Lu Zhi subverted his understanding of Confucian classics, which made him unable to understand and agree with him, let alone agree with Lu Zhi's theory of reforming and strengthening the country.Have I been wrong for decades?Is my whole philosophy wrong?Is it wrong for me to strongly advocate against King Dong Qin and stabilize the country?


Tian Chou held Zhu Jun's big hand and looked at his painful appearance with mixed feelings.

Zhu Jun is one of the heroes of the Han Dynasty that he admires the most. This man who used to be astounded in the past is now lying in Hangu Pass. A sense of helplessness and desolation of a hero's twilight.

"My lord, after this battle is over, you can go to the northern border." Tian Chou whispered, "The eldest princess and the court have repeatedly invited you to go north to Jinyang, and Zhong Yuan and Xiao Lan have also persuaded you again and again, you... "

"Zitai, stop talking, I won't go, even if I die, I won't go to Jinyang." Zhu Jun said decisively and loudly.

Xu Rong and Tian Chou were shocked when they heard this.

"My lord, we will not withdraw from Luoyang, we will always insist on seeking King Dong Qin." Xu Rong said hastily, "The eldest princess and the court have ordered several times to order the northern army to stick to Luoyang."

"My lord, you should rest assured and go north. We are the courtiers of the great man, and the army of the great man. How can we allow the emperor to suffer, and the treacherous man to harm the country?"

Zhu Jun shook his hands, "Don't lie to me. The general attacked Jizhou, and the main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army entered Hebei. The intention of the court has been clearly seen. As for sticking to Luoyang and begging King Dong Qin, it is just a cover. With the current strength, how can we insist on fighting on two fronts? I am not going anywhere, I want to punish King Dong Qin, and I want to rescue the emperor."

"Zi Lie, if you still think of me as a big man's driving and riding general, just listen to me once and transfer Gao Lan's army to Kansai to fight, and let Chun Yuqiong lead the army to the Ping Optimistic camp to defend Luoyang." Zhu Jun He coughed violently a few times and spoke intermittently.

Xu Rong and Tian Chou looked at each other, obviously unwilling, but because of their affection, it was difficult for them to refuse, their expressions were awkward.

"I will settle the matter between Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu." Zhu Jun said, "If the Northern Frontier Army blocks Dong Zhuo's attack, Kanto will be safe. Now neither the Yuan Shao brothers nor the officials of the states and counties want to Seeing that Dong Zhuo occupied the Kanto, but because the general sent troops to Jizhou, the strength of the northern border suddenly expanded, and the threat to them from the northern border will quickly exceed the threat to them from Dong Zhuo, so the relationship between the two sides will break down immediately. After the breakup, the food and grass of your army Supplies can only be provided by Hedong, which obviously has a great impact on the Jizhou battlefield. Therefore, it is more appropriate for me to handle the matter in Luoyang. I will find a way to raise food and grass for you to ensure the needs of the army as much as possible."

Xu Rong looked at Zhu Jun worriedly, "Can my lord survive?"

"I can't die yet." Zhu Jun forced a smile, "Does Zilie agree with my suggestion?"

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, then nodded: "The Northern Xinjiang Army withdrew from Luoyang and stationed at Hangu Pass to take care of everything, so that if there is anything in Luoyang, we can support it at any time."

Zhu Jun smiled wryly, "As long as there is no more war disaster in Luoyang, I will be satisfied."


In March, Mianchi.

General Zhechong Yushi led the army slowly into the city.

Wu Xiong and Xiang Cheng went out of the city to meet them.Seeing them, Yushi immediately asked, "Where are Junyi (Zhang He) and Ziwei (Hua Xiong) already?"

"It should be almost to Xin'an City." Wu Xiong replied, "How far is the Northern Army from here?"

"Why, your hands are itchy again?" Yushi smiled, "Don't worry, there will be a battle." Suddenly he thought of something, turned his face and asked, "Yuchen, why didn't you go to Xiaoshan to ambush? Hutou and who went together?"

"I went with Ziping (Gao Shun)." Wu Xiong said dissatisfiedly, "Master Hutou said that I have a bad temper, and that he has a bad temper, too. Two people will definitely lose the battle together, so he won't take me. "

"Haha..." Yushi laughed loudly, reached out and tapped him a few times with a horsewhip, "Hutou's words make a lot of sense."

"There's a reason." Wu Xiong scolded, "Last year Li Jue and Guo Si raided Meng Jin and Xiao Ping Jin and killed many of my brothers. I always wanted to take revenge, but I just couldn't find a chance. This time I finally got a Opportunity, Master Hutou won't let me go, I'm so mad."

"Why are you angry? Li Jue and Guo Si are right behind me, and you can take revenge on them right away." Yushi raised his whip and smiled, "Let's fight in Mianchi."

"Really?" Wu Xiong and Xiang Cheng asked in surprise, "Master Yu didn't lie to us?"

"There is no joke in the army." Yushi pointed to the tall city wall in the distance, "We will stand here for three days, and when all the northern troops catch up, we will retreat to Xin'an City."

"Okay, haha..." Wu Xiong grinned and roared loudly, "I'm going to peel Li Jue's skin."


Niu Fu and Jia Xu rushed to Mianchi with the rear army.

For the sake of safety, Jia Xu suggested that Niu Fu divide the army into three armies, the front, the middle, and the rear, and each army advances at a distance of [-] miles, so that even if the army is in ambush, the army can support each other.Niu Fu followed Jia Xu's suggestion and let Zhang Ji and Fan Chou lead the army first.The two were upset, followed Yushi to Mianchi, and immediately set up camp to rest without attacking the city.

When Niu Fu arrived in Mianchi, he was about to attack the city with his army, but he found that the Northern Xinjiang army on the city wall suddenly disappeared.The Northern Xinjiang Army abandoned the city and left.

Li Jue laughed and said: "Our General Niu is really famous now. As soon as you arrive, the Northern Frontier Army immediately throws down their helmets and armor, and runs away. One general can reach an army of [-]."

Guo Si, Fan Chou and others laughed wildly.

Niu Fu glared at them bitterly, turning into anger from embarrassment, "Why didn't you attack the city? The Northern Army has repeatedly abandoned the city, and there must be a trick behind it. I don't think you are far from death."

Jia Xu took people around the city and returned in a hurry, "Sir, the journey to Hangu Pass is more than 100 miles away. There are steep mountains along the way. Once they fall, the army will suffer heavy losses. In my opinion, it is better to stop temporarily." After a stop, let the scouts search the mountains along the way, and after confirming that there is no ambush from the Northern Border Army, move forward rapidly."

Niu Fu was also frightened by the Northern Xinjiang Army's retreat without a fight.Although the strength of the Northern Army was far greater than that of the Northern Border Army, if they were to fall into an ambush, not only would the army be damaged, but the attack on Luoyang would also be delayed.Niu Fu couldn't bear the serious crime of delaying a military plane.

As soon as the army stopped, the imperial edict and Dong Zhuo's letter arrived.The imperial court issued an order to reward all the soldiers of the army.In the letter, Dong Zhuo ordered Niu Fu to pursue the victory immediately, conquer Hangu Pass, take down Luoyang, and try to launch an attack on Jing, Henan, and Yanzhou in early April, so as to destroy the spring plowing in the prefectures and counties near Gyeonggi, and let the rebels all over the country this year. No grain harvest.

How dare Niu Fu not listen to Dong Zhuo's order?Niu Fu ordered the army to no longer distance themselves, but to form a group and attack Hangu Pass.


In March, Shancheng.

Shancheng (now Sanmenxia) is located on the bank of the Yellow River, Maojin Ferry is nearby, 120 miles away from Mianchi, and more than 200 miles away from Hangu Pass.

After the Northern Army captured Shancheng, Niu Fu considered that the grain and grass in Guanzhong could be delivered to Kansai through two waterways at the same time, so he used this city as a major camp for the Northern Army's grain and grass.

Dusk, twilight dim.

A convoy transporting luggage slowly approached the south gate of Shancheng.The city guards checked the customs clearance documents and put down the suspension bridge cursingly.According to the usual practice, the gates of the city will be closed after dusk, and no one will be allowed in or out. However, this convoy is escorting important ordnance and must enter the city.

Dahei was sitting on the shaft of the chariot, holding a long whip, looking at the long arrow pointed at him on the tower, his heart was beating wildly.

This afternoon, the head of the village led a group of troops to intercept and kill a convoy of convoys, and then ordered himself to take a group of people dressed as civilian husbands, and drove to Shancheng in a carriage to pretend to open the city gate.Dahei was angry, and in his stomach he scolded all eight generations of the village chief's ancestors.Every time there was a dangerous thing, he let himself do it, but every time his subordinates violated military discipline, the head of the village did not show any sympathy, reporting what should be reported, and punishing what should be punished, there is no human touch at all.

The last time I led my troops to stop the Northern Army and killed Liu Jing, I had meritorious service, but the mute was caught gambling with a few brothers in the barracks.If you catch him, you will be arrested, and it’s okay to admit your mistakes, but the superior officer is very arrogant, saying that the mute has repeatedly violated military discipline, and he will beat him with fifty army sticks as a punishment.The mute jumped up at that time and hit him with fifty army sticks. I was beaten to death long ago.I didn't die on the battlefield, but died by your hands, what a coward.Damn, I will kill you first.That Shangguan is one of the assassin's subordinates, who usually maintains the order of the barracks and is very rampant.He didn't have to go to the battlefield when he was fighting, and he didn't know the hard work of the soldiers. He always shouted at the soldiers, and everyone hated him.The mute rushed forward and beat him, and the Shangguan's personal guards surrounded the mute and beat him fiercely.When the other soldiers saw that the fire was getting worse, they rushed forward and beat them violently.The Shangguan was beaten black and blue, and his legs were broken.The guards who followed him were even worse, and their personnel were unknown.

When things got serious, Master Assassin brought troops to arrest people.Dahei didn't pull him at all, he spit on the ground, poked the adult's face again, and said coldly, if he wanted to arrest him, he had to cut off my head first.The assassination adult became angry, and ordered his subordinates to arrest people forcibly.Dahei is furious, damn it, I have killed countless people, and I am afraid of you.He yelled at the soldiers and beat Lao Tzu, and when he was beaten to death, Lao Tzu resisted.

Things are getting bigger and bigger.The military marquis and the head of the village led a large group of troops to arrest Dahei's group of soldiers.If it was an ordinary team leader, the military marquis would have dealt with him long ago, but Dahei didn't dare to punish him casually.After Yan Liang heard about it, he rushed to the barracks in person.He patted Dahei on the shoulder, and sneered, you are still so angry at such an old age.What do you propose?Let me kill you, or do it yourself.Dahei said, I will do it myself, but my lord must promise me that my hundred subordinates are not guilty, and you will let them go.Yan Liang readily agreed.

At this time, Dahei's Shangguan Junhou lord spoke.He said that Dahei had just made a great contribution, so the merits and demerits should be offset.Dahei's village head was even more furious. Lao Tzu's subordinates were playing casually in the big tent. Is that also called gathering gambling?Still let people live?The next time anyone dares to step into Lao Tzu's barracks casually, I will tell him to spy on the military plane and kill him first.

Yan Liang glared at them, and asked the assassin, what do you think should be done?At this time, the assassination did not dare to offend too many people, so in line with the principle of reducing the big to the small, according to the military law, except for Dahei, the rest of the soldiers were treated as fighting in the barracks.

Dahei was about to wipe his neck with a knife.Yan Liang stretched out his hand and snatched it away, "This time I will spare your life. I will be punished for your crime." Amid the exclamation of the crowd, Yan Liang raised the knife and chopped it onto his shoulder, bleeding all over.

Yan Liang didn't even frown, and threw the knife to the ground, "The first time a soldier violated the law, it was my fault, and I was punished, but if anyone commits the crime again, I will kill him."

Dahei's death penalty has been spared, but there is still a living penalty.The head of the village personally enforced the law, holding a military stick, and mercilessly beat a group of soldiers one by one, breaking several of them.The soldiers scolded the head of the village.

Dahei once again became a soldier of Northern Xinjiang gloriously.

"Boom..." With a sound, the suspension bridge fell to the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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