Chapter 645
The warship was densely packed with tense, terrified peasants.

Dahei turned his head to look at the night sky reddened by the blazing flames, and at the tall city that seemed to be burning in the fire, he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly, "What do you mean, Mr. Marquis? These people can also fight?"

The mute chuckled, "The city hasn't been taken down, but the people who moved the spoils have come."

Under the protection of a dozen personal guards, Yang Hua, a member of the Hussar General's Mansion, strode up the embankment.Since Yang Hua was ordered to go to Hedong at the end of last year, he had built the boat bridge as quickly as possible, but Li Hong was worried about problems with the boat bridge, so he ordered him to stay in Luoyang Xingyuan, and be responsible for commanding the few naval and military forces in northern Xinjiang. Water transport on the Yellow River.

Army Marquis Zhang Yu hurried over to see him.Seeing his puzzled look, Yang Hua explained a few words with a smile.The reason why Master Xu chose to attack Shancheng at night was mainly because of the lack of troops in the Northern Xinjiang Army, and it was necessary to deploy a large number of suspicious soldiers to bluff, in order to intimidate the enemy, disperse the enemy's forces, and find a breakthrough for the army to surprise attack on Shancheng.Lord Yan Liang and his naval forces are suspicious soldiers. Their purpose is to feintly attack Shancheng in the south and north directions to contain the enemy's defenders, and to help Lord Gao Shun launch a battle to seize the city in the direction of the west gate.

Zhang Yu suddenly realized.It turned out that Lord Gao Shun's army was the main force in attacking the city.He pointed at the civilian husband who was getting off the boat, and said with a relaxed smile: "So, the reason why the adults brought them here is to carry the spoils?"

Yang Hua nodded, "I brought [-] civilians, and each of them held a torch in their hands. When we arrive at the city, light the torches and beat the drums, and the defenders stationed in Shancheng will be scared out of their wits." Then he pointed to the direction of the west gate, and said with a pleasant face, "Your Excellency, you can now take your army to the west gate to support Lord Gao Shun, and leave the matter here to me."

Zhang Yu was overjoyed and hastily bowed to leave.


West Gate.

More soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army climbed up the city wall, and the two sides swore to fight to the death.

The strength of the northern army stationed at the west gate was obviously insufficient, and they gradually retreated under the astonishingly powerful offensive of the northern army.

At this time, the whole city was surrounded by torches all over the mountains and plains, the air was filled with a choking smell, and the thunderous killing and deafening sound of war drums shook the heavens and earth. The defenders in the city fell into extreme fear and panic. It fell to the extreme for a while.

Sima of the northern army stationed at the west gate commanded the soldiers of the northern army to fight bravely.He yelled at the top of his lungs, which sounded extraordinarily shrill and desperate in the dark night.Several soldiers who fled in a panic were shot and killed on the spot by him.

In order to take Shancheng quickly, Gao Shun put all two thousand troops into the battlefield at all costs.He Kai and Li Zhe followed Gao Shun, and also took their steps to attack the tower in person.A battalion of men and horses, three commanders of the army, the momentum is like a rainbow, covering the sky and covering the earth, like a violent storm, madly killing the top of the city.The powerful attack of the Northern Army dealt a heavy blow to the defenders of the Northern Army.

Gao Shun's shield had been shattered, and the sword in his hand had been curled. He yelled at the flying enemy, smashed the enemy's head with the thick back of the knife, and then snatched the enemy's halberd , "Go, go, kill..."

The personal guards stood around Gao Shun, hacking with knives and axes, advancing step by step, overwhelming.Gao Shun swung his halberd, killing three people in a row.The fierce enemy cut off the handle of the halberd with a single blow.Gao Shun's eyes were sharp and his hands were quick, holding the head of the halberd in one hand and the half of the handle in the other, he slammed into it at an unimaginable speed.The enemy was caught off guard and was knocked upside down by him.The head of the halberd in Gao Shun's hand slammed into the enemy's lower abdomen.Blood spurted out, splashing Gao Shun's face immediately.Before Gao Shun had time to reach out to wipe it, a roaring spear had already burst through the air.

"Kill..." Gao Shun had no way to hide, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood foam, and punched the gun head.The spear exploded, and the momentum of the spear remained undiminished, piercing straight through Gao Shun's bodyguard.Before dying, the guard grasped the spear and let out a terrifying howl.Gao Shun's heart trembled, and with a tiger roar, he flew into the air and kicked the big man with the gun away.

The big man screamed, backed up again and again, and fell at the feet of his army commander with his back.The Sima of the Northern Army was about to burst into tears, furious, "Kill, kill him, that is the captain of the Northern Army, kill him for me..."

Crossbow arrows screamed, figures flew, and soldiers of the Northern Army roared loudly and rushed forward.Gao Shun was not afraid, and amidst the exclamation of the guards, he grabbed a Northern Army soldier and pressed him tightly in front of him, blocking several sharp arrows.When the arrow stopped, Gao Shun let out a loud roar, and slammed the dead soldier of the Northern Army at the charging enemy, "Kill..."

The long knife roared, and Gao Shun roared forward like a bloodthirsty beast.Amidst the shouting, people's heads flew, blood sprayed everywhere, broken limbs and arms flew in the air, and the tragic howls instantly tore apart the dead silence of the night.

The knife broke, the punch hit, an angry face was smashed flat, the round eyeballs burst out, and the huge body flew into the air.Gao Shun kicked again, kicking the screaming enemy out of the wall.The Sima of the Northern Army shouted angrily, facing Gao Shun with a thunderous knife, "I will chop you..."

Gao Shun retreated sharply and bumped into the two of them in an instant.A Northern soldier howled angrily and flanked.Gao Shun flew over, grabbed the enemy's saber with his right hand, and grabbed the enemy's leather armor with his left hand. With a loud roar, he lifted the enemy into the air.The army Sima's sword carried the sound of wind and thunder, and slashed again.Under the knife, blood spattered, and the screams were piercing.Gao Shun roared again, threw down the dead body, and the saber in his right hand was like lightning, slashing through the air, "Bring the head..."

The Sima of the northern army was horrified, and let out a roar that shook the sky.As soon as the roar sounded, the head flew into the air, and shot rapidly into the darkness with a pool of blood.

"Kill the tower, kill the tower..." Gao Shun kicked the headless body away, and shouted wildly, "Kill..."


Zhang Yu ran at high speed in the dark night with a song of soldiers.

Yan Jie rushed to the west gate with a troop of soldiers and horses.

The suspension bridge on the west city gate crashed down, and the city gate slowly opened amidst the cheers of soldiers from the northern border army.

Gao Shun was drenched in blood, stationed with a knife, and stood majestically by the city gate.After the fierce battle, the northern Xinjiang soldiers sat in a pool of blood in twos and threes, panting violently, exhausted one by one.

Yan Jie rode his horse and rushed into the city gate, shouting at Gao Shun: "My lord, where are we heading?"

"Destroy the barracks directly and protect the food and grass." Gao Shun waved his hands and shouted, "Quick, hurry up, to prevent the northern army from setting fire to the food."

"Go, let's go, brothers, follow me to the enemy camp..." Yan Jie galloped his horse and roared towards the city with his soldiers.

Zhang Yu appeared in front of Gao Shun, out of breath, unable to stand still, "My lord..."

"Hurry up, lead people to kill the government office, kill whatever you see, and leave no one behind." Gao Shun gritted his teeth and said, "Kill me clean."

Zhang Yu stopped talking, waved his hand behind him, and continued to run away.

Gao Shun then ordered He Kai to lead someone to guard the gate, and he and Li Zhe led hundreds of soldiers to follow Zhang Yu and kill all the way into the city.


Zhao Xuan, the defender of the Northern Army, never expected that the Northern Border Army would take down Shancheng within a few hours.He originally thought that it would be absolutely no problem for him to guard for two days.Two days later, Niu Fu got the news that he led his army back to help, and the northern army was going to retreat without a fight, so he was very relieved, and he didn't even make any preparations for burning food and grass in case the city was broken.When Yan Jie captured the barracks, Zhao Xuan was at the north city gate.He was dumbfounded when he heard that the city had been breached and the food and supplies had been taken away by the northern border army.Now even if he gets out, seeing Niu Fu is a death penalty.

Zhao Xuan used to be the Sima of the Northern Army. After He Jin died, he was promoted by Dong Zhuo to be the Sima of another army, and he was never promoted again.He didn't care if he didn't get promoted. Dong Zhuo was very mean to the officers of the Northern Army and never got promoted. He wasn't the only one who complained.If he hadn't given Niu Fu several important gifts, he wouldn't even be able to keep this other Sima.I don't stay here, I have my own place to stay, and I leave.

Without hesitation, Zhao Xuan immediately ordered the opening of the North City Gate and surrendered.

It is not Zhao Xuan who is in charge of the army's food and supplies, but Niu Fu's long history.When the long history was anxious and frightened in the government office, Zhang Yu led someone to kill him.The Northern Xinjiang Army killed anyone they saw.surrender?Surrender also kill.So the Master Chang Shi lost his head very reluctantly.


Yan Liang, Gao Shun, Yang Hua, Sun Luan and others gathered in the city.

The corpses in the government office have been cleaned up, and there is a strong smell of blood and burnt wood from pine oil torches floating in the night sky.

Yan Liang talked and laughed happily with the generals.Zhou Shan was caught in the crowd with a pale face. Although the army had successfully captured the city, the blood and death on the battlefield still shocked and frightened him.It is one thing to talk about war on paper, but quite another to actually fight it.Zhou Shan had lingering fears in his heart. He wanted to escape from here, to escape from killing and blood, and to find a beautiful mountain far away from the cruelty and pain of the world.

Yang Hua took Zhao Xuanbai to meet Yan Liang.Yan Liang didn't make things difficult for him, but comforted him a few words, and told him to take his troops to Dayang City on the other side of the black bank temporarily.

The Northern Xinjiang Army was very lucky this time.There were originally 5000 troops of the Northern Army staying in Shancheng, but 1000 troops sent grain and grass to Mianchi, and another 1000 troops went to Tongguan to escort grain and grass, so there were only 3000 people left in the city.It stands to reason that it is more than enough for the Northern Army to keep 3000 people to defend the city.However, the Northern Army made full use of the advantage of attacking the city in the dark to lure the defending Northern Army to garrison the city gate. As a result, the Northern Army took advantage of the defensive loopholes and lost the city.

After discussing with Yang Hua, Yan Liang and Yang Hua organized civilian husbands to enter the city and transport the seized grain and grass to Hedong.

Shancheng is the only way for the Northern Army to retreat to the west of Kansai. After the Northern Army captured Shancheng, Niu Fu's army was immediately surrounded by the Northern Army in the Mianchi area.At this time, the Northern Army had no food and grass, and was surrounded by the Northern Frontier Army. It was a dead end.

Gao Shun, Sun Luan, Yan Jie and others were very excited and gathered around the map to discuss the matter of encircling and annihilating the Northern Army.

"My lord, the news of our capture of Shancheng will reach Niu Fu's army tonight at the latest." Sun Luan saw Yan Liang walking to the case and said with a smile, "After Niu Fu gets the news, he will retreat quickly tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, we will be able to attack Shancheng with all our strength. As long as we stick to Shancheng and keep the northern army under the city, Niu Fu and the northern army will be finished."

"Really?" Yan Liang looked down at the map, then at Gao Shun, "Ziping, what do you think?"

"If we want to wait for Lord Xu and Lord Yu's army to arrive at Shancheng, we have to hold on for at least three to five days." Gao Shun said with a serious expression, "In order to get through the retreat with all our strength, Niu Fu will definitely send heavy troops to defend Mianchi. In order to stop the army of Lord Xu and Lord Yu, in this way, our 5000 troops will have to face the crazy attack of at least [-] Northern Army alone. We have enough food, grass and supplies, and Hedong can support us in time, so stick to Shancheng More than five days, definitely not a problem."

"The Northern Army has nearly 2 troops, and the food and grass that accompany the army can only last for three or four days at most. After three or four days, the Northern Army will run out of food and grass, the morale of the army will be weak, and the morale will be low. It will be defeated. It's just..." Gao Shun Pointing to Mianchi on the map, he said worriedly, "Lord Xu and Lord Yu only have more than 1 people. If Niu Fu defends Mianchi with [-] people, the loss of the two adults will be staggering. If the northern army loses too much Even if we can reach Shancheng to encircle and annihilate the Northern Army, we will not be able to completely annihilate the Northern Army, at most it will only severely injure the Northern Army."

"Stay strong for three to five days?" Sun Luan frowned, "If Niu Fu storms Shancheng with 3 people, the loss of our 5000 people will be staggering."

"Even if the northern army is wiped out in this battle, we will lose more than half, and the army will be powerless to fight any more." Gao Shun said, "Dong Zhuo is furious, if he sends troops to Kansai again at all costs, we can only retreat Guguan, and the situation in Kansai and Kanto will become very tense.”

Yan Liang nodded appreciatively, "Ziping's words are reasonable. Master Xu just considered our lack of troops, so he has no intention of fighting the northern army under the city of Shancheng." He looked up at the crowd and suddenly smiled, "Master Xu means , the army immediately withdrew from Shancheng, and then went up to Xiaoshan."


Kansai, Xin'an City.

Niu Fu led the army to Xin'an City, ready to launch a battle to seize the city. At this time, the scouts urgently reported to Niu Fu that Shancheng fell.

Niu Fu turned pale with shock and hurriedly summoned the generals to discuss the matter.At this time, the situation was very clear. The main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army captured Shancheng and surrounded the Northern Army.With the loss of food, grass and supplies, the Northern Army's superiority in military strength has disappeared. They can only retreat, and retreat quickly, otherwise the entire army will be wiped out.

Li Jue, Guo Si and others were very angry, accusing Niu Fu of ignoring Jia Xu's advice and insisting on rushing eastward and attacking Guandong, which resulted in today's predicament.

Niu Fu sneered and remained silent.With the current strength of the Northern Army, there is no problem in withdrawing to Tongguan.It's just that after withdrawing to Tongguan, everyone not only returned without success, but also delayed Dong Zhuo's plan to occupy Luoyang and stabilize the country, and the generals were more or less punished.He is Dong Zhuo's son-in-law, at most he can only be scolded by Dong Zhuo, but Li Jue, Guo Si and others have a hard time.

After withdrawing to Tongguan, he immediately reported to Dong Zhuo, blaming Li Jue, Guo Si and others for the defeat in Kansai, and then urged Dong Zhuo to transfer all these veteran Xiliang generals back to Chang'an.Without these people against him, the army has the final say, and attacking Luoyang is just a matter of effort.

Withdrawal is a sure thing, but how?How to retreat can ensure the safety of the army to the greatest extent and avoid greater losses?
Niu Fu, Li Jue and others argued endlessly, and no one wanted to stay and guard Mianchi.Defend Mianchi and prevent the two Northern Xinjiang armies from joining together. Only then will the Northern Army have enough time to attack Shancheng and ensure that the army can break through. However, it is obvious that whoever stays and guards Mianchi will fight to the death with the Northern Xinjiang army. Is the loss of life very important, what is important is that life is at stake and in jeopardy.

Niu Fu had no choice but to turn his gaze to Jia Xu, who was sitting silently by the side, and looked at him for help.

Without hesitation, Jia Xu cupped her hands and said, "I'll stay and guard Mianchi."

"Wenhe..." Li Jue exclaimed angrily, "Do you think you are old and don't want to live anymore? Opposite is Zhu Jun, Xu Rong, and probably Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu's reinforcements. Such a trap will not be just to rob us of some food and force us back to Guanzhong. Their purpose is to kill us and attack Guanzhong.”

Jia Xu sighed, "Don't worry, I can go back alive."

Niu Fu was very apologetic, and patted Jia Xu hard, "Wenhe, I will leave 1 people for you. You must go back to Tongguan and join us."

Jia Xu shook his hands, "The general will just give me 3000 people. The more people we keep, the greater our loss. 3000 people are enough."

Niu Fu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Wenhe, I know you have the confidence to defend Mianchi, but what I need is not your confidence. I need enough time to attack Shancheng, and I need Mianchi to be unbreakable. There are too few people, how can Mianchi hold on? "

Jia Xu smiled slightly and said, "Shaancheng will come down with a drumbeat, and you will be able to return to Tongguan within three days."

Niu Fu and the others looked at Jia Xu in surprise, dubious.

"Brother Wen He, can you explain?" Niu Fu stroked his short beard and asked very puzzled.

Jia Xu pointed to Hedong Pu Banjin on the map and said: "Master Duan Yan is attacking Hedong. According to Lord Duan Yan's battle report, it is not the Northern Xinjiang Army that is blocking Lord Duan Yan, but the Northern Xinjiang Army. The cavalry general has already led his troops to attack Jizhou."

If the general wants to fight Jizhou, the northern army will have to fight on two battlefields at the same time. The strength of the northern border is obviously impossible, so the general must reluctantly give up Luoyang, but he gave up Luoyang and gave Luoyang to us, but at the same time he sent troops Occupying Jizhou, then the general's charge of treason is considered true, and he will be reviled and attacked by people all over the world. Therefore, for his own face and the safety of northern Xinjiang, the general must insist on defending Luoyang no matter what.

In this dilemma, the general must first ensure that the troops in Kansai will not be lost in order to garrison Luoyang and protect Hedong.Secondly, he asked us to keep attacking the Kwantung, so as to maintain our threat to the states and counties, and force the states and counties to provide food and grass to the Northern Border Army stationed in Luoyang for their own safety.

The general didn't want to hurt himself, but he didn't want to defeat us, so he had no choice but to think of a way to rob us of our food, grass and supplies.The strength of the Guanzhong area is limited. It will take time to raise food and grass for the [-] army for several months. At the earliest, it will be after the winter wheat is harvested in May. That is to say, our next attack will not be until June at the earliest. Only in the middle can it start, and with the buffer of this period of time, the general can attack Jizhou with all his strength and occupy Jizhou.

With Jizhou in hand, the general has a solid backing, and he can use Jizhou's money and food to support the Northern Frontier Army in Kansai to start a decisive battle with us.

Jia Xu shook his head, and said frowningly, "July should be the time for the decisive battle. Please make this point clear in your letter to the Grand Master." He said, "From the current Kansai strategy in Northern Xinjiang, we can see that Xu Rong's plan is to force us to retreat, and he has no intention of fighting us. Therefore, the army can return to Tongguan smoothly all the way."

Although Jia Xu's analysis is clear and sound, a war is a war, and the outcome of a battle cannot be decided by just guessing.Niu Fu and all the generals were panicked, they did what they should do, no one took Jia Xu's words to heart.

Niu Fu left 5000 troops for Jia Xu to defend Mianchi, and led the army to retreat overnight.


Xin'an City is 150 miles from Shancheng City, two days' journey, and the Northern Army arrived in one day and one night.

Looking at the Shan city in the twilight, looking at the banners fluttering high above the city tower and the colorful battle flags, Niu Fu, Li Jue and others felt heavy.Is Jia Xu's estimate correct?Did the main force of the Northern Xinjiang Army leave Shancheng?
The scouts reported that at Maojin Ferry and Shancheng Ferry, boats were coming and going, and people were flowing like banners. There was no sign of the Northern Army retreating.

At this time, the drums of war in the city were like thunder, and the sound of killing was like a landslide and a crack in the earth, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Niu Fu hesitated.The soldiers rushed all the way, exhausted, and may suffer heavy casualties if they rushed to attack the city in the dark, but Li Jue, Guo Si and others strongly demanded to attack the city immediately.Li Jue said that we are very familiar with Xu Rong. When he was in Xijiang in his early years, he fought against the Qiang people. He never lost a battle and made a lot of military exploits. The captain of Liangfu?At this time, if Xu Rong ambushes a team in Xiaoshan and raids the camp in the middle of the night, our losses will be even greater.

A group of generals and generals in Xiliang all knew Xu Rong. This man was very good at fighting in his early years, let alone now.Niu Fu no longer hesitated, and decisively ordered to attack the city.

All in one go.

The Beijiang army in the city retreated without a fight, went out of the north gate, boarded a boat and ran away.

The northern army ran fast, and the northern army ran even faster.

At this time, Niu Fu, Li Jue and others cast their eyes on Jia Xu's admiration.While Niu Fu hurriedly ordered the army to retreat to Hongnong, he urgently reported to Jia Xu that the army had already passed Shancheng, please retreat quickly.


Xu Rong did not attack the city for three consecutive days, and Mianchi was very quiet.

Jia Xu didn't retreat during the day, but in the middle of the night, he quietly led 5000 people out of the city and ran all the way.

At dawn, the army rushed to Wangyun Pavilion and was blocked by Yan Liang.

When Yan Liang saw that the main force of the Northern Army had left Mianchi, he immediately went down the mountain to set up an array.Xu Rong's order to him was to stop the last batch of northern troops who evacuated Mianchi at all costs.In this battle, the Northern Army must be fought no matter what, so that they dare not continue to attack the Kwantung for the time being.

Without further ado, Jia Xu sent an order to [-] soldiers of the Northern Army that the army was besieged and there was nowhere to escape.Those who want to surrender, surrender, those who don't want to surrender, throw down their weapons and go home.

The Northern Army immediately blew up the battalion, and five thousand soldiers dispersed in a hurry.

Yan Liang and the soldiers were dumbfounded.Unexpectedly, the Northern Army suddenly bombed the camp.

Jia Xu took the opportunity to escape into Xiaoshan with a dozen of his personal guards, took a small path and went straight to Hongnong City.The Sima of the five armies discussed with a group of northern army officers, and surrendered Yan Liang with hundreds of guards.

Gao Shun, Sun Luan and others led their troops around to chase and recruit the Northern Army's stragglers.At noon, General Zhechong Yushi and Lieutenant Li Yun also rushed to Wangyun Pavilion with the vanguard battalion. They also recruited and surrendered more than 2000 Northern Army stragglers along the way.

Yan Liang smiled wryly and said to Yushi, these days, wars are becoming more and more novel, and there are still such wars.


Niu Fu left Zhang Ji to defend Hongnong City, and led the army to retreat all the way to Taolin Fortress.

Niu Fu urgently reported to the Chang'an court and Grand Master Dong Zhuo.The army's food, grass and supplies were taken away by the Northern Xinjiang Army, and they were unable to continue the attack and were forced to withdraw.


In mid-March, Chang'an.

It was raining heavily outside the house, and occasionally there were a few thunderclaps coming from the distant sky, shaking the world.

Lu Bu stood with his hands behind his back in the study of Situ Mansion, looking at the green flowers and plants outside the window through the thin rain curtain, silent.

Starting from February in Guanzhong, it was cloudy and rainy at first, and then there were two torrential rains from time to time, and there were several storms from time to time. The weather was very abnormal.Due to the continuous rain, the crops were damaged, the Weishui River swelled, and spring plowing became a problem.Immediately, the emperor made a decree to worship the heaven and the earth to pray for the god to show his spirit, so that Guanzhong could see the sun as soon as possible.

The grand master should be in charge of the worship, but the grand master Dong Zhuo stayed in Meiwu all the time, except for an audience with the emperor at Weiyang Palace during the New Year, he never came to Chang'an again.After the emperor's imperial decree was sent to Meiwu, Dong Zhuo said that he was unwell and asked Situ Wangyun to be the officiant.Today is the day of the officiant. Master Situ Wangyun led the officials and officials to set up a high altar outside Xiaoxiao to worship the heaven and the earth, praying for the early clearing of Guanzhong.

Lu Bu sighed lightly.With such a heavy rain, Lord Situ and a group of ministers must be drenched.God has eyes, and he should understand the suffering of the people and stop the endless rain in Guanzhong.

A gust of cold breeze passed by gently, followed by a light mist of water drifting into the study, and sprinkled a little bit of mercury on Lu Bu's face quietly, and a little chill immediately penetrated into the skin and penetrated to the heart.Lu Bu shivered involuntarily.

Since the Grand Master ordered the troops to go to Kansai, Lu Bu and Zhang Liao's troops were transferred from Huaili City to Chencang.Dong Zhuo obviously didn't trust Lv Bu and his Bingzhou soldiers. He was probably worried that Lv Bu would rebel against Xu Rong when they confronted each other, so he transferred Lv Bu's army to the west of Fufeng County to help Huangfu Hong garrison Dasan Pass and prevent Han Sui and Ma Teng's army sent troops to harass Sanfu when Guanzhong was empty.

Lu Bu was not dissatisfied, on the contrary, he was very happy.This is not only because he is unwilling to fight against Xu Rong and the Northern Border Army, but also because he is closer to the opportunity to avenge his hatred and eradicate traitors.


Lu Bu turned around slowly, and paced slowly in the study.

I know Wang Yun because of Zhang Liao's relationship.Wang Yun's family background is prominent, his fame spreads all over the world, and he is also an important minister of the three princes in the court. With his own status, he can't get along with him.Although he is also a Zhonglang general of two thousand shi, but because of his background, knowledge, etc., Wang Yun will not look at him directly.

Zhang Liao's teacher is Guo Yun, who has been friends with Wang Yun for many years, and Zhang Liao can be regarded as Wang Yun's nephew.Because of the military pay, Zhang Liao asked Wang Yun for help.Wang Yun heard that it was to pay the Bingzhou Army, so he agreed, and it was done immediately.I was very grateful, and went to the door with Zhang Liao to thank him.

Wang Yun is very kind to herself.I can't express my gratitude to Wang Yun, I can only say "yes".Since that meeting, Wang Yun often invited himself to attend various banquets in Situ's mansion, introduced many dignitaries, celebrities and heroes to himself, and secretly bought a lot of armaments for the Bingzhou army.In addition, during the New Year, he bought himself a luxury house in Chang'an, allowing him to settle down at home, but these were not the main reasons why he was grateful to Wang Yun.The reason why he was willing to serve Wang Yun wholeheartedly was because Wang Yun believed in him, gave him a chance to take revenge, and also gave him a chance to serve the country.

Wang Yun wanted to kill Dong Zhuo.Wang Yun believed in himself, and entrusted him with the important task of killing Dong Zhuo, saving the emperor, and revitalizing the community.A scholar dies for his confidant.For the first time, I deeply felt the meaning of this sentence.

But to kill Dong Zhuo, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.Dong Zhuo is now staying in the tall and strong Meiwu, where there are Dong Min's 30 troops, [-] cavalry, and food supplies that are said to be usable for [-] years, which are unbreakable.When Dong Zhuo arrived in Chang'an, there were thousands of heavy soldiers guarding him, and most people couldn't get close, including himself, and could only walk six steps away from Dong Zhuo.Whether it is to use the army or to assassinate alone, there is no possibility of success.

I was entrusted by Wang Yun, and I thought hard for a long time, but I didn't come up with any plan to punish the traitor.To kill Dong Zhuo, it is impossible to rely on his own [-] Bingzhou Army.

The killing of Dong Zhuo not only involved the army, but also involved the children of the Dong family and Dong Zhuo's many loyal subordinates, and also involved the safety of the emperor, the officials and dignitaries, the three counties and counties in Guanzhong and hundreds of thousands of people. Surname, as long as there is an omission in one place, the plan to punish traitors may fail, and Guanzhong may fall into a land of eternal doom, and it is even more likely that the life of the emperor and the community of the great man will be ruined together.

I had secret talks with Wang Yun several times, and mentioned many unsolvable problems, hoping that Wang Yun could help solve them, but Wang Yun refused every time, very simply.I was very frustrated, so I could only try to find a way, and try my best to find a way.

After the army arrived at Chen Cang this time, Wang Yun hadn't contacted him until the day before yesterday when he received a message.

Wang Yun is in a hurry to return to Chang'an secretly, what's the hurry?


(End of this chapter)

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