Chapter 705
General Li Hong, General Zhengxi Xu Rong, General Zuo Qu Yi led all the generals out of the gate to meet them.

Lu Bu was so flattered that he dismounted from his horse and paid homage.

"My lord general, please get up quickly." Li Hong lifted Lu Bu up, and said with a smile, "I've heard of your name for a long time, but it's a pity that you and I have no chance to meet each other."

Lu Bu was ashamed and said in a low voice, "I have been greatly favored by your lord, but..."

"Haha..." Li Hong laughed, and waved his hand indifferently, "According to the calculation, we should have met eight years ago. You have suffered a lot in the past few years, and you should have come back long ago. Come back, come back " Then he helped Zhang Liao up again, and looked at him carefully, "Wen Yuan, you're back in northern Xinjiang, you can go home and have a look."

"When the waiter king returns, I will definitely ask the general for leave." Zhang Liao said excitedly with his eyes red, "I haven't been home for many years, and I haven't seen my parents."

"Okay, after King Qin succeeds, I will let you go home with Zheng Tao." Li Hong patted him affectionately on the shoulder, pointed to Zhang Zhen who was standing behind him, and said, "You brothers haven't gone back for many years. Go back and make the old man happy."

Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Li Feng and other generals all bowed down.Zhang Liao hastily introduced them to the general one by one.


Lu Bu looked at Xu Rong, his heart was agitated, tears almost welled up.

"My lord, I failed to protect the emperor well..." Lu Bu lifted his clothes and knelt down, bowed and bowed, "I failed to fulfill the promise of the past, and I am ashamed to see you again..."

"Okay, okay..." Xu Rong took two quick steps and hugged Lu Bu, "The matter is over, don't blame yourself anymore. This time we will go to Guanzhong together, and we will succeed as king."

"My lord, my lord..." Wei Xu, Hou Cheng, Song Xian, Cheng Lian and others all surrounded him.

"They're all still alive..." Xu Rong looked at them and embraced them happily, "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

"My lord, we can finally be with you." Wei Xu wiped his eyes vigorously and said loudly, "We are back."

Xu Rong's heart was trembling, and tears finally rolled out, "Okay, okay, just come back."


In May of the second year of Xingping in the Han Dynasty (AD 195).


In early May, on the third day after Huangfusong arrived at Pubanjin camp, his injury suddenly deteriorated.

Huang Da trotted all the way, panting and rushed into the big tent, "General, Master Huangfu is dying, you go and see him off."

Li Hong was shocked, pushed away the case table, and jumped up from the table, "What's the matter? Isn't he still fine this afternoon? How did you give him medicine?"

"Lord Huangfu is getting old, and the time has dragged on. I am extremely capable, and now I have no way to recover." Huang Da said with a mournful face.

"Didn't you study with that Mr. Hua Tuo for more than half a year? How come the more you learn, the worse you get?" Li Hong scolded angrily as he ran out of the tent, "If people fall into your hands, you will kill one and kill the other. Don't you want to live?"

"General, you have wronged me." Huang Da followed Li Hong and yelled Qu Qu, "Master Huangfu has indeed reached his end, even if Mr. Hua Tuo is here now, he cannot be saved."


Huangfusong lay peacefully on the couch, with a trace of deep pain and sadness on his face.

Li Hong, Xu Rong, Qu Yi, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun and many generals from the northern border gathered around the couch with sad expressions.

"My lord..." Li Hong held Huangfusong's hand and called softly, "My lord, we are all here, Zilie, Yuntian, Fengxian, we are all here..."

Huangfusong let out a long sigh, and slowly opened his eyes.

"General, do you still remember the last edict given to you by the late emperor?"

A big "Han" character suddenly appeared in Li Hong's mind, and the thin and friendly face of the late emperor also appeared in front of Li Hong's eyes.

Li Hong felt a sharp pain in his heart, he closed his eyes abruptly, and nodded repeatedly.

"General, I'm going to die. I'm under Jiuquan, can I see Han Zuo's revival?"

"Yes." Li Hong said firmly, "I swear, I swear to assist the emperor and revive the great man."

Huangfusong smiled gratifiedly, "Okay, okay... the late Emperor, I, Zigan (Lu Zhi), Yuan Kai, Liu Yu, and many other dead people, we are all waiting for this day, and we are all here Waiting for this day..."

Suddenly, Huangfusong grabbed Li Hong's big hand, opened his eyes angrily, and shouted wildly, "Kill, kill all the rebels, kill all the rebels..."

A mouthful of blood spurted out, instantly splashing Li Hong's head and face.

"My lord..." Li Hong hugged Huangfusong, terrified, "My lord..."

"Father..." Huangfu Li cried out in grief, hugging Huangfusong's body.

Blood flowed for a long time, and Huangfu Song died of exhaustion, staring at a pair of angry eyes until he died.


On the third day of May, Guanzhong.

Li Jue led his army to protect the Tianzi camp, and went down the Bashui River to Duling.

The Son of Heaven and the Empress traveled by public transport, and the officials and officials followed behind the chariot and followed each other on foot.

The army walked very slowly, and only traveled ten miles in one day.


After receiving the report, Zhang Ji, who was stationed at the Hongmen Pavilion in Xinfeng, immediately led his army to pursue it, and urgently told Li Jue to take the overall situation into consideration, not to be fooled by Yuan Shao, and to take the emperor back to Baling as soon as possible, and wait The general came to help.

After hearing the news, Guo Si, Wang Fang, and Huangfu Hong stationed at Shili Pavilion in Chang'an rushed to Zhidao Pavilion with their army, blocking Li Jue's way to the south.The three wrote to Li Jue urgently, and solemnly warned him to turn around immediately, otherwise they would not hesitate to tear their face and face each other.

Pang De and Wei Jun rushed to report to General Li Hong, and at the same time moved to the direction of Changmen Pavilion with [-] cavalry in order to stop Li Jue at any time.

After Han Sui and Ma Teng received Guo Si's request for help, they marched towards Du Ling with all their troops, preparing to attack Yuan Shao and Kuai Yue.


After Yuan Shao received Li Jue's letter, he immediately discussed with Kuai Yue whether he should go north to meet him?
Kuai Yue hesitated for a long time, pointed to the map and said, "If my lord can persuade Han Sui and Ma Teng to stand still, we can go north to meet the emperor."

Yuan Shao laughed, "Brother Yidu, there is only one way to keep Han Sui and Ma Teng on hold, and that is to give them money and food. I guess the Xiliang army has nothing to eat now, so giving them money and food now is like sending charcoal in the snow. , Han Sui and Ma Teng will be very grateful and willing to serve, but..."

"It's just that my lord is reluctant to part with this place in Guanzhong, is it?" Kuai Yue said with a faint smile, "Han Sui and Ma Teng are people who are used to hardships, and their requirements are very low. Give it to them, the two of you will definitely join forces with your lord." Kuai Yue looked at Yuan Shao and said meaningfully, "Your lord disobeyed the emperor's imperial decree for various reasons, and refused to go north to Baling to meet the emperor's south, isn't it just to delay time and send Are Han Sui and Ma Teng's Xiliang army cornered? Could it be that your lord is still hesitant about King Qin?"

"No, no, Brother Yidu misunderstood." Yuan Shao laughed, "Xiliang is a big burden. With my ability, I can't agree to more requests from Han Sui and Ma Teng, so I need Brother Jingsheng's request." Promise, I hope brother Jing Sheng can share with me the money and food sent to Xiliang."

"Your Excellency is unwilling to give Fufeng County to Han Sui and Ma Teng?"

"The Xiliang people staying in Guanzhong pose too much threat to me. I can't give them Fufeng County." Yuan Shao said solemnly, "Now I can promise them to share the Guanzhong land with them, but this is only a stopgap measure. After we have killed the rebels, repelled the northern border army, and King Qin succeeded, I will definitely force them back to Xiliang. If Han Sui and Ma Teng want to respect the emperor and become allies with us, a certain number of Money and food support is a must, so..."

"My lord, you bring it up at this time..." Kuai Yue hesitated to speak, appearing extremely dissatisfied.

"Brother Jing Sheng won't agree, right?" Yuan Shao smiled, "Whether you can serve as king smoothly is directly related to the revitalization of the Han Dynasty. You and I are both important officials of the Han Dynasty, so how can we not work together?"

"In order to save the emperor, Mr. Liu will of course agree to his reasonable request." Kuai Yue laughed at himself, then pointed to Nanyang on the map and said, "The emperor wants to go to Nanyang, Jingzhou to avoid disaster. Look at this Nanyang..."

"The Son of Heaven went to Nanyang to avoid disaster, what's the proper way? Is Luoyang my fief of Yuan Shao? Chang'an was burned, so the Son of Heaven should return to his old capital." Yuan Shaoyi said loudly, "My Yuan family has been from generation to generation. Having received the favor of the emperor, now is the time to repay him with death. I, Yuan Shao, must rescue the emperor this time and escort the emperor to Luoyang to rebuild the capital. If the emperor is allowed to escape disaster in Nanyang, what face do I, Yuan Shao, have to survive? What face do you have to meet your ancestors?"

Kuai Yue was dumbfounded.

Tian Feng, Shen Pei, Guo Tu and other subordinates were dumbfounded, not knowing whether Yuan Shao's words were true or not.

Could it be that Yuan Shao suddenly figured it out?


On the third day of the lunar new year, on the road from Baling to Duling, cavalry galloped back and forth, and 10,000+ troops stationed within a hundred miles of Chang'an City gathered on this road at the same time.

The war was about to break out, and the situation in Guanzhong suddenly became tense.


On the night of the third day, Pound rushed to the camp of the Xiliang Army to meet Han Sui and Ma Teng, hoping to get their help.

When the general used to suppress the rebellion in Xiliang, he severely attacked the Xiliang army several times, and had a deep hatred with Han Sui, Ma Teng and others.Pang De worried that Yuan Shao would take advantage of the enmity between the Xiliang Army and the Beijiang Army to persuade the Xiliang Army to join hands with the Xiliang Army.If the Xiliang Army re-aligned with Yuan Shao, it would be difficult to guarantee the safety of the Tianzi Camp.

"Why is the general still in Hedong?" Han Sui asked immediately after listening to Pang De's explanation.

"It doesn't matter where the general is." Pang De smiled, "Do you think my [-] cavalry can't guarantee the safety of the emperor?"

"Chang'an was burned by Li Jue, what else can you guarantee?" Ma Teng shook his head and laughed.

"Did Li Jue burn Chang'an?" Pound asked back, "Your Excellency really thinks so?"

Han Sui and Ma Teng looked at each other and smiled.

"That's why I want to ask, why is the general still in Hedong?" Han Sui asked again, "What exactly does the general want to do? Does he intend to put the emperor to death?"

Pang De hurriedly shook his hands again and again, "Sir, I misunderstood. The general has the difficulties of the general."

"Is the general's goal this year Guanzhong or the Central Plains?"

"Central Plains." Pang De said with a wry smile, "The general's goal is the Central Plains, and there are only [-] cavalry in Guanzhong, and there are no reinforcements, so..."

"So the general doesn't care about the life and death of the emperor, nor the life and death of Chang'an, does he?"

Facing Han Sui's aggressive questioning, Pang De seemed a little embarrassed, and sweat broke out on his forehead, "Sir, there are some things that I don't understand."

Han Sui looked at Pound for a long time, as if he wanted to see something from Pound's face.

"Okay, I promise you." Han Sui patted Pound on the back affectionately, "We are both from Xiliang, and your master and I have been close friends for decades. Of course, I will help you with this little favor." .”

Pound was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up and bowed to thank him.

"As long as Li Jue's army doesn't reach Duling, I won't beat him." Han Sui laughed, "However, you can't tell me how the general plans to solve the matter in Guanzhong?"

"The situation in Guanzhong is changing too fast, and the general has not given me a clear countermeasure so far." Pang De said helplessly, "I plan to force Li Jue back to Baling first."

"So, it was your own idea that you came to see us tonight?" Ma Teng asked with a frown.

Pang De nodded, "If Li Jue ignores our warning and goes south tomorrow, I will join hands with Guo Si, Wang Fang, and Huangfu Hong to attack him the day after tomorrow."


Pound's figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

Han Sui looked back and sighed, "The general is forcing us."

"The general didn't promise us anything." Ma Teng sneered, "He's too domineering. Are we really afraid of him?"

"Shoucheng, unless we are sure, we can't be enemies with the general."

"Then what do you say?" Ma Teng asked angrily, "Back to Xiliang."

"Wait a little longer, Yuan Shao will definitely send someone over."


In the early morning of the fourth day of the lunar new year, the examiner visited the Xiliang army camp at night.

"Does Master Yuan think that Guanzhong is already his family's land?" Han Sui shook his head and laughed after listening to the trial match, "Go back and tell Yuan Shao that we can join forces with King Qin, but Guanzhong must give it to me."

"After King Qin succeeds, Master Yuan has the final say in Guanzhong, but the Son of Heaven. Therefore, Master Yuan will definitely not be able to agree to this request of your husband."

"Since Mr. Yuan is willing to serve the king, the emperor must return to Luoyang. In the future, Mr. Yuan will have the final say on the government. Whether Guanzhong will give it to me is not a word from him." Han Sui laughed, "Although I am short of food and grass, I still have to pay for it." It can last for a few days. In addition, I have sent someone to ask for help from Pang De of the Northern Xinjiang Army. Pound has promised me that he will send me [-] sheep tomorrow. I have time and patience now. Please, Mr. Yuan Do you want to think about it again?"

The audition didn't say much, and he said goodbye.


"Sir, Yuan Shao's offer is quite good, why didn't you agree?" Ma Teng asked strangely.

"Yuan Shao doesn't want to be king at all, what he wants is Guanzhong." Han Sui explained, "If there is no Guanzhong, how can he dominate the world in the future? How can he defeat the general Li Hong? So he won't give us Guanzhong, not even an inch of land Give."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Hit him first, and then talk about it after he's hurt."

"and then?"

Han Sui looked at him and asked softly, "Do you think what Pang De said is true?"

"Obviously it's fake." Ma Teng sneered, "What Pang De means is to let us make our own choices..." Suddenly, he looked at Han Sui with wide eyes and asked in surprise, "Sir, did you strip the skin?" Yuan Shao's skin, you still want to eat Yuan Shao's bones?"


(End of this chapter)

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