Chapter 743: A Storm of Troubled Heroes

At the beginning of March, Liu Mao, who was seven years old, ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in Changyi City, Yanzhou, with the reign name Yongping.

The Son of Heaven issued a decree to worship his grandfather Liu Chong as Taifu, Cao Cao as prime minister, Yuan Shao as Taiwei and leading general, Liu Biao as royal doctor and leading general, Yuan Shu as general of hussars, Tian Kai as general of left chariots, Liu Bei Riding a general for the right chariot.

He also worshiped Yuan Wei, the governor of Yuzhou, as the general of the Fuguo, Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hebei, as the general of the Zhenjun, and Ma Teng, the prefect of Fufeng County, as the general of the Zhenxi.

Officials below the Jiuqing will discuss it after several important officials from the court gather in Changyi City.


Originally, Cao Cao planned to let Tian Kai and Liu Bei serve as Taiwei and Yushi doctor respectively, and be tied with himself as the third prince, but Tian Kai and Liu Bei had self-knowledge and politely declined.Cao Cao is being polite. With their backgrounds and strengths, they cannot be compared with Yuan Shi, who is so powerful in the world.Cao Cao was very disapproving.If it weren't for us to rebuild the imperial line, the world would belong to the Yuan family. The two of you have contributed so much, why did you refuse?

Tian Kai said, now that the imperial system and the imperial court have just been established, and we will immediately join forces to attack Hebei, the most important thing at this time is to work together from top to bottom. It goes against our original intention of rebuilding the imperial lineage.In addition, the important officials in the court are all in charge of the prefectures and counties, and they are not usually in the capital. Only the Taifu and you, the prime minister, are in charge of state affairs, so it doesn't matter if we are Sangong or not.

Cao Cao smiled and nodded repeatedly, but there was a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.

Although Tian Kai said this very implicitly, it directly hit Cao Cao's vital point.The reconstruction of the imperial line this time was said to be done together by the three alliances, but Tian Kai and Liu Bei were only participants, and the main work was done by Cao Cao.Cao Cao's goal is to dominate the Central Plains, but he is not strong enough, and Li Hong from Hebei may fight over at any time, so he first established an alliance, and then rebuilt the imperial line, trying to expand his strength in a short time.

Now that the three alliances have been formed, and the imperial line has been rebuilt, Cao Cao's next goal is to control the emperor and the court.Cao Cao's method of controlling the court is simple and effective.He first asked the emperor to pay homage to the officials of all parties, and then asked the emperor to let these officials, who are ministers of the court, supervise their respective states and counties on the grounds of the war.The interests of the officials of all parties did not suffer any loss, and they did not feel the threat of the new court to their power. Of course, they did not need to embarrass Cao Cao for the affairs of the emperor and the court. The situation of the military separatism, but also successfully controlled the court.Although the Son of Heaven and the imperial court seem to be nothing more than a facade at present, once the power of Cao Cao who controls it increases greatly, the situation will be different.Cao Cao has strength as the backing, and he can command the world with the emperor and the court. In this way, Cao Cao's hegemony can be achieved.

Naturally, Cao Cao's thoughts couldn't be hidden from Tian Kai and Liu Bei. They were secretly worried because of this, and felt that the future situation would be very unfavorable to them. Let's talk about it in the future.

Liu Bei felt Cao Cao's displeasure, and hurriedly said a lot of reasons.He speaks much more modestly than Tian Kai, and he speaks clearly, clearly expressing in his words that he and Tian Kai will never betray the alliance.Cao Cao was very happy to hear such words.


In March, Yuan Shao arrived in Changyi.

Cao Cao, Tian Kai, and Liu Bei went out of the city to meet them.Yuan Shao and Cao Cao talked happily and were very excited with each other.

In front of Yuan Shao, Cao Cao's back was not straight.Back then when Yuan Shao led the alliance to crusade against Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao was just a wanted criminal by the court. If Yuan Shao hadn't named him a general of Fenwu with the order of "inheriting the system", and then successively named him official positions, giving him strong support, Cao Cao still doesn't know where to hang around in that corner.Since the downfall of the traitor, the power of the Cao family has almost been wiped out. It was Yuan Shao's help that gave him the opportunity to reappear. Speaking of which, Cao Cao would like to thank Yuan Shao.

If Tian Kai and Liu Bei hadn't been a coincidence, it would have been impossible for Tian Kai and Liu Bei to be courtiers with someone like Yuan Shao. Both of them stood behind Yuan Shao with a humble heart, and spoke respectfully.Tian Kai was Yuan Shao's in-laws, and Yuan Shao gave him a smile, but towards Liu Bei, there was disdain and contempt in Yuan Shao's eyes.

Yuan Shao has always maintained a reserved and arrogant demeanor, speaking slowly, with an air of indifference and domineering.


While accompanying Yuan Shao into the city, Cao Cao explained to him the matter of rebuilding the imperial line.

Rebellious Li Hong usurped the country, and Han Zuo was about to die. He was so worried about this, he hastily decided to take Liu Chong's ancestors and grandchildren to Changyi to rebuild the imperial line and court, and maintain the Han Guozuo.Because time is short and there are many things to do, I didn't have time to discuss with you. Please forgive me.

Yuan Shao smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to pat the dust on his clothes, and didn't answer.

Cao Cao knew that Yuan Shao had a lot of opinions on him, so he had given enough face to come to Changyi this time. Although Yuan Shao's attitude made him very unhappy, what he needed now was not Yuan Shao's respect, but Yuan Shao's force.I urgently need to attack Hebei to severely injure Li Hong and buy enough time for myself to expand my strength.

Cao Cao laughed with his beard and didn't take it seriously. He continued to explain to Yuan Shao the official system of the new court and the revision of various other systems, and told Yuan Shao that he had no intention of being in charge of state affairs. I made an idea first, so I reluctantly accepted the emperor's appointment.Brother Benchu ​​is the prime minister. Now that Brother Benchu ​​has arrived, I should give way to the virtuous.

Yuan Shao waved his hand, completely dismissive.

Cao Cao was a little flustered.Yuan Shao What does this mean?What is he going to do?
"Your Majesty and the imperial court intend to restore the five-class title system to reward and encourage meritorious officials." Cao Cao looked at Yuan Shao and asked, "I wonder what brother Benchu ​​thinks about this?"

Yuan Shao glanced at him attentively, suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.Restoring the fifth-class title system was just a strategy he used to deal with Hebei, but now he was picked up by Cao Cao to deal with him. It's really funny to think about it.If you want to dominate, you can dominate, why do you need to be so secretive?

"A feudal title? A prince or a duke?" Yuan Shao couldn't bear it anymore, and teased Cao Cao, "How big is the fiefdom? Is it a state?"

Cao Cao laughed and said, "Brother Benchu ​​was joking. Enfeoffing land and establishing princes will only bring disaster to the country. Past history has proved this point. Therefore, the five-level title system mentioned by Your Majesty is just adding titles and food towns." .”

Yuan Shao snorted coldly and stopped talking.

"Brother Benchu, if you want to confiscate land and build princes, it will definitely be useless for me to present the memorial alone." Cao Cao looked at Yuan Shao and said with a smile, "I think it is best for us to present this matter together to Your Majesty."

Yuan Shaojian frowned slightly, looking at Cao Cao's scorched face, eyes narrowed into slits, wishing to punch him.Despicable stuff.


Yuan Shao had an audience with the emperor.

The emperor was young, and many words were taught in a low voice by his grandfather Liu Chong who stood beside the emperor.

King Chen Liu Chong has a close relationship with Yuan Clan, and also has a very good relationship with Yuan Shao.As early as when Yuan Shao's main alliance crusade against Dong Zhuo, Liu Chong had sent private soldiers to help, and Yuan Shao named him a general of the auxiliary Han under the order of "inheriting the system".But then the situation changed too quickly. First, Chen Guoxiang Xu Jun (Chang) and Yuan Shu had a rebellion, and then the Yellow Turban Army took the opportunity to invade Yuzhou. In desperation, he had to protect himself in Yangxia City of Chen Guo.The refugees he took in once reached more than 20 people, and he was exhausted.After Yuan Shu was defeated by Cao Cao, he fled all the way south and borrowed food from him several times.Liu Chong himself was full and hungry, so where would he get food to lend to Yuan Shu?But Yuan Shu believed that Liu Chong would not save him, and was extremely resentful towards him.

After Yuan Shao occupied Guandong, he took good care of Liu Chong. He not only helped him solve the hundreds of thousands of refugees stranded in Yangxia, but also helped him repair the palace and gave him a lot of money and food, so Liu Chong was very happy to see Yuan Shao today. Awkward.Although it was rumored in the prefectures and counties that "Yuan's family replaced the Han", Yuan Shao did not put it into action, and this time after the emperor's edict was sent to Luoyang, Yuan Shao came immediately, without the slightest intention of rebellion.

In Liu Chong's mind, Cao Cao was an eunuch, cruel, bloody, and ambitious. Compared with Yuan Shao, who was born in a noble family and gentle and elegant, there was a big gap. No matter how he looked at Cao Cao, he didn't look like a minister of Zhongxing, especially recently. Cao Cao Just say the same thing, there is no place to speak for yourself.Liu Chong regretted that he followed Xun Yu's persuasion and ran to Yanzhou recklessly.

Yuan Shaozuo asked the emperor to move to Luoyang.Chang'an has been burnt down, and now Luoyang is the only place that can be the capital of the country.Your Majesty did not come to Luoyang, but set his capital in the small city of Changyi instead. Didn't you tell the world clearly that Your Majesty doesn't believe me, Yuan Shao, and thinks that I, Yuan Shao, have the intention of usurping?

Grand Tutor Liu Chong agreed to Yuan Shao's request.

Cao Cao dissuaded calmly.Armies from all over the country are rushing to Changyi to assemble one after another according to the order, preparing to attack Hebei.His Majesty staying in Changyi can stabilize the morale of the army, and secondly, it also means that the Royal Commander will personally conquer.At this time, the imperial court suddenly proposed to move the capital to Luoyang, which would have an immeasurable impact on the upcoming war against rebellion.In addition, whether to establish the capital in Luoyang and when to establish the capital in Luoyang are all important matters of the country. Ministers need to sit together and discuss carefully.

Yuan Shao laughed it off, stopped persuading, and presented a specific strategy for attacking Hebei.Attacking Hebei is related to the life and death of the great man. In this year's battle, Li Hong must be defeated to ensure the community.


In mid-March, Liu Biao, General of Wei, General of Yushi, Yuan Wei, General of Yuzhou Governor of Fuguo, Zhang Yang, General of Zhenjun, Prefect of Hanoi, Ma Teng, Prefect of Fufeng County, General of Zhenxi, and Yuan Shu, General of Hussars, rushed to Changyi one after another.The army of each county has either assembled, or is rushing to the border of the state and county, waiting for the imperial decree, and is ready to go north to Yanzhou at any time.

Yuan Shu came in a hurry, which was completely beyond the expectations of the ministers in the court, especially Cao Cao. After hearing the news, his first thought was that the Yuan brothers shook hands again at a critical moment to make peace, and the Yuan Clan pointed the finger at himself , the situation of the three alliances is in jeopardy.Yuan Wei, Zhang Yang, and Ma Teng are all Yuan Shao's forces. Yuan Shu's arrival has greatly expanded the Yuan Clan's power. Whether they can regain their disadvantage now depends entirely on Liu Biao's attitude.

While Cao Cao asked Xun Yu and Mao Jie to visit Liu Biao, he went out of the city with Tian Kai and Liu Bei to meet Yuan Shu.

Seeing Cao Cao, Yuan Shu hugged him warmly, "You've become a prime minister now, haha... this time, you won't be collaborating with Yuan Benchu ​​again, driving me back to Yangzhou in the open and in the dark, right?"

Cao Cao laughed, "How dare you come to Yanzhou, kid? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Haha..." Yuan Shu laughed, "Meng De, I have arrived in Yanzhou this time, so I decided not to leave."

"It's better if you don't go, it's better if you don't go." Cao Cao patted Yuan Shu on the back vigorously, "We will be able to..."

"Yuan Benchu ​​will definitely be driven away." Yuan Shu shouted, interrupting Cao Cao's words suddenly.The surrounding ministers were horrified, and their smiles froze on their faces.

Cao Cao giggled strangely, with a hint of murderous look in his eyes.This Yuan Gonglu was purely here to make trouble, and he failed to accomplish anything, so this time he was in trouble.

"Gaolu, are you dissatisfied with me? Do you think Hussar General's position is too small?" Cao Cao leaned into his ear and asked in a low voice.

"What?" Yuan Shu asked happily, "You feel that the Prime Minister is not doing well? Then let me, I will be the Prime Minister, and the two of us will change positions."

Cao Cao was tongue-tied, not knowing what to say.Yuan Shu patted Cao Cao's stomach and teased, "Meng De, I'm just kidding, don't mind, haha..."

Yuan Shu ignored him, took two quick steps, and stretched out his hand to grab Liu Bei, "Brother Xuande, what are you doing with a sour face? Seeing me unhappy?"

"Where, where..." Liu Bei said hastily, "I have long wanted to meet Master Yuan, but..."

"You lied to me." Yuan Shu pointed at Cao Cao and said with a smile, "He killed tens of thousands of people in Xuzhou, and almost took Xuzhou as his own, but you don't mind, and you called him brother and brother early. On the contrary, I just killed a few of you in Xuzhou, but you have been stationed on the border with heavy troops, and you want to fight me to the death. Do you mean you want to meet me? Actually, I really want to meet you. If you and I join forces, we can Beat this black-skinned dwarf all over the place looking for his teeth."

Cao Cao's face was extremely ugly, and the smile was piled up on his face, almost falling off.Cao Cao's subordinates standing around glared at each other, wishing to tear Yuan Shu to pieces.

Liu Bei didn't smile, and he didn't smile, he let Yuan Shu hold his hand and endure his spittle.

"How dare you insult my lord, I..." A tiger's roar suddenly sounded, but it stopped abruptly halfway.

Yuan Shu put down Liu Bei's hand and turned his head to look.A burly man stood behind Cao Cao, his mouth was about to burst into tears, but Xiahou Dun tightly covered his mouth.

"This is from your house..." Yuan Shu asked Cao Cao, pointing at the big man.

"This is Captain Huben Dianwei." Worried that Yuan Shu would say something worse, Xu You hastily interrupted and introduced.

"Is this the prime minister's rule?" Yuan Shu sneered, "When you are talking, your servants can interrupt at will, and your dog can bark at will?"

Cao Cao's face darkened, and he waved his hand fiercely at Xiahou Dun, "Drag on, hit me."

"Wait..." Yuan Shu shook his hand, "Forget it, it's not the servant's fault, it's the master's fault that the servant doesn't understand the rules. There is a master for the kind of servant you have. , Keeping your mouth shut is killing, so it can be seen...haha..."

Everyone was shocked.

Yuan Shu laughed and raised his hand to greet Tian Kai, "That is Yuan Benchu's in-laws? Yuan Benchu's eyes are getting higher and higher, and he is getting farther and farther away. I suspect that he will marry a barbarian of the Hu tribe soon."

Tian Kai's eyes were burning with anger, he snorted, and took a step back.

Yuan Shu wanted to make some more jokes, but was caught by Cao Cao, "Gaolu, the joke is over, it's time to visit the emperor with me."


With the efforts of Taifu Liu Chong, Prime Minister Cao Cao, Taiwei General Yuan Shao, and Royal Shifu General Wei Liu Biao, all affairs of the court were quickly settled.

Regarding the restoration of the fifth-class title system, it was successfully passed under the joint name of the ministers.The ministers did not ask for the title to be conferred at the same time as the title. In this way, although the title is respected, it can also be hereditary, but after all, there is no fiefdom, let alone the military and political power exercised on the fiefdom, which will not cause bad things that endanger the stability of the country. as a result of.

However, this is just what the above statement says.Those who received high titles were all important officials of the court who supervised the states and counties. They had hereditary titles and states and counties that could exercise military and political power.Grand Tutor Liu Chong knew it in his heart, but he alone was too weak to veto this memorial.In addition, if you want to keep Han Zuo, you must rely on the force of these state and county officials. At present, this kind of specious enfeoffment is the only way to save the Han Dynasty.

The Son of Heaven decreed that Cao Cao be made Duke of Wei, Yuan Shao be made Duke of Zheng, Liu Biao be made Duke of Chu, Yuan Shu be made Duke of Wu, Tian Kai be made Duke of Qi, and Liu Bei be made Duke of Wei.Ma Teng was granted the title of Marquis of Qin, Zhang Yang was given the title of Marquis of Han, and Yuan Wei was given the title of Marquis of Song.The duke eats [-] households.Marquis Shiyi has [-] households.


Yuan Shao was eager to attack Hebei, and Cao Cao didn't want to waste too much time on government affairs. The ministers immediately discussed the matter of the expedition, but at this time Liu Chong and Liu Biao asked the emperor to move the capital to Luoyang.

What Cao Cao was most worried about was that Yuan Shao was entangled in the matter of the emperor moving to Luo, so that he missed the best opportunity to attack Hebei.However, he believed that Liu Biao understood Yuan Shao's thoughts, and as long as Liu Biao persisted in not agreeing to the emperor's move to Luoyang, he would be able to control the emperor and the court smoothly, but to his surprise, Liu Biao agreed to the emperor's move to Luoyang.

Cao Cao, Tian Kai, and Liu Bei were alone and weak, and they were at a loss for a while.

"I don't agree." Above the court, a lazy voice suddenly said slowly, "Moving the emperor to Luoyang, isn't it the same as telling the world that Yuan Benchu ​​is going to replace the Han?"

Yuan Shao was shocked.


Go to work in the afternoon and continue to update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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