Chapter 773: A Storm of Troubled Heroes

Cao Cao ordered Liu Biao to lead his army to quickly advance to Gulongju, [-] miles away.He repeatedly warned Liu Biao that it had been a day and a night since the army retreated, and the Northern Army around the Guantao battlefield must have launched a full-line pursuit. Please keep a distance from him to avoid being divided and surrounded by the Northern Army.

Cao Cao hurriedly ordered Cao Hong and Man Chong on the left, Liu Bei on the right, and Cao Ren and Cao Chun on the rear to quickly get rid of the entanglement of the northern army, lead the army closer to him, and evacuate towards Gulongju as quickly as possible.


In September, forty miles south of Guantao, Poyu Pavilion.

After careful discussion with Liu Bei, Guan Yu and other subordinates, they gave up the frontal breakout and moved eastward, trying to launch an attack from the flank of Guanting in order to join Cao Cao's main force.

Liu Bei must preserve his strength.Now Xuzhou is being attacked by Yuan Shu from three directions, and the situation is in a precarious situation. How many troops will safely withdraw to Xuzhou will directly affect the safety of Xuzhou.Zang Ba's escape on the Dongguang battlefield made Liu Bei lose face, but in fact he was secretly happy in his heart.In any case, Zang Ba helped him keep the [-] Xuzhou army, and his credit far outweighed his fault.However, Zang Ba's escape also made Liu Bei face a serious fact.Although this is an excellent opportunity to deprive Zang Ba of his military power, if he has no strength and his [-]-strong army suffers heavy losses or the entire army is wiped out, even if he returns to Xuzhou, he will be severely constrained by Zang Ba in terms of military affairs. Or, it is no longer possible for me to return to Xuzhou.

Now that Tian Kai is dead, as long as Cao Cao returns to the Central Plains, Qingzhou will most likely belong to him.Although I intend to occupy Qingzhou, but my strength is not enough. In the future, the strength of the two sides will ebb and flow, and my situation can be imagined.Worse than this could happen as well.Zang Ba has strength, but he has no strength. At this time, Cao Cao may use the contradiction between himself and Zang Ba to secretly cooperate with Zang Ba to capture Xuzhou.

Liu Bei's only way out now is to keep his [-]-strong army, and then pray for Jian Yong, Sun Qian, Chen Deng and others to help him block Yuan Shu and keep Xuzhou.

To Liu Bei's surprise, the Huns seemed to be suspected of preserving their strength, and instead of continuing to chase and fight like yesterday, they followed far behind.The Xuzhou Army speeded up without losing the opportunity.Just then Cao Cao's order arrived.When Liu Bei learned that Cao Cao and Liu Biao had broken through the crown pavilion, he was greatly surprised and hurriedly oversaw the advance of the army.


Wei Jun led the iron cavalry across the Dahe Gudu, galloped all the way, and met Liu Ming in the early morning.

Liu Ming explained yesterday's battle and the situation near Guanting in detail, "Liu Bei is moving towards Guanting and is preparing to join Cao Cao. In this way, Lord Xu Huang who is guarding Guanting will face tens of thousands of rebel attacks. , It is estimated that it will be difficult to hold on. Once the rebel army breaks through Guanting, they will go directly south to Gulongju. Gulongju is only a hundred miles away from Yangping and Dongwuyang. If we cannot stop the rebel army in the direction of Gulongju, the rebel army will break through smoothly. "

Wei Jun looked at the map carefully, shook his head and said, "It may be too late to support Mr. Xu Huang now."

"At present, Lord Wen Chou's army is still forty miles away from us. The armies of Lord Yan Liang, Gao Lan, and Gao Shun are rushing to Fengting to join Zhang Zhen and Qin Yi and attack the rear and left wing of the rebel army. Said, even if Master Wen Chou and we all rushed to Guanting to meet Xu Huang, we would have less than 3 people, and we would not have an advantage in numbers, and we would not be able to wipe out the rebels except for fighting the enemy with both losses."

"If Yan Liang, Gao Lan, Gao Shun, and Zhang Zhen can surround and hold back the rear and left wing troops of the rebel army, then after the rebel army breaks through the crown pavilion, we still have a chance to wipe out the rebel army." Liu Ming Pointing to Gu Longju on the map, he said, "We can delay the escape speed of the rebels in the Guanting and Gulongju areas, and then block the rebels in Gulongju, and wait for Yan Liang, Gao Lan and Gao Shun to defeat the rebels in the Fengting area and go south After that, we can join them in flanking back and forth to encircle and annihilate the rebels."

Wei Jun thought for a while, pointed to Fagan City on the map and said, "There are two thousand cavalry of Lu Huanyang here, tell him to rush to Gulongju first."

"Urgently tell Master Xu Huang that our reinforcements have arrived and are rushing to the Gulongju area to stop the rebels. It is recommended that he save his troops as the best policy and withdraw decisively from Guanting at an appropriate time."

"Urgently tell Mr. Wen Chou, we have rushed to Gulongju, we are going to block the rebels' southward retreat in Gulongju, please come and join us quickly."

"Urgently tell Sir Yan Liang that we are blocking the rebels in Gulongju, and ask him to lead the army south as soon as possible to encircle the rebels."

"Report our plan to wipe out the enemy to Master Koji immediately."

As soon as the messengers dispersed, Xu Huang's letter arrived.I have been ordered to lead the army to retreat to Gulongju, please come to the aid of King Youxian as soon as possible.


In September, Guantao is twenty li to the east, Fengting.

Yan Liang, Gao Lan, and Gao Shun led their troops to Fengting after dawn and quickly entered the battlefield.

Cao Hong and Man Chong saw that there were more and more Northern Xinjiang troops, and immediately led their troops to break through to the west, preparing to join Cao Cao's main army, but the strength of the Northern Xinjiang Army had reached more than 3 at this time. , chased and intercepted, and completed the siege in more than an hour.

After Cao Cao received Cao Hong's request for help, he ordered Cao Ren and Li Dian of the rear army to lead the army to support.Wu Xiong, a titan from northern Xinjiang, led his army to block the attack, and the two sides fought fiercely.

At this time, the encirclement circle had just been formed, and Sun Luan, who was in charge of encircling the rebels on the West Road, was not able to gain a firm footing. After a burst of violent killings by Cao Hong and Man Chong, the defense line was torn apart, and Cao Hong and Man Chong successfully broke through.After seeing Cao Ren, the two immediately suggested to evacuate.The northern border army has already chased them across the board, and if they are not careful, the entire army will be wiped out.The Qingzhou Army is finished and cannot be rescued.

Without hesitation, Cao Ren immediately ordered to withdraw from the battlefield.The army rushed to Guanting and followed Cao Cao's main force to the south.

After Cao Ren withdrew from the battlefield, the Northern Xinjiang Army had no worries, and Yan Liang immediately ordered to encircle and wipe out the Qingzhou Army.Gao Lan, Gao Shun, Zhang Zhen, Qin Yi, and Lou Lu each commanded troops to launch a fierce attack on the Qingzhou Army.In the afternoon, the two main generals of the Qingzhou Army, Tian Yong and Zou Wu, were killed one after another. The Qingzhou Army lost its command and quickly collapsed. The entire [-]-strong army was wiped out.

At dusk, Yan Liang received letters from Wei Jun and Liu Ming.He discussed with Gao Lan, Gao Shun and others, and then decided to rectify the army and horses, and immediately went south to pursue the enemy.


The various armies on the Fengting battlefield were exhausted.

The armies of Zhang Zhen and Qin Yi had been fighting bloody battles for two consecutive days. After galloping for more than 100 miles overnight, the armies of Gao Lan and Gao Shun immediately went into battle without rest.When the golden gong sounded, the first thing these Northern Xinjiang soldiers did was to lie down on the battlefield to rest. However, what made them angry was that the war drum sounded hastily at this moment.

"I'm going to run away again." With the spear on the stick, he stood up staggeringly, almost crying with pain on his face, "Where are you going this time?"

"Boy, the more you travel, the more battles you will fight." Huang Tong tore off the enemy's battle flag and wiped the blood on the sword, and said with a smile, "After running for such a long time, you haven't yet See the door."

Stick shook his head, "I didn't see it." He pulled Dahei beside him, "Uncle, did you see it?"

Dahei didn't speak, he looked intently at an army that was gathering on the left, his expression very excited.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?" Stick followed his gaze, "Uncle, that's the Yueqi Battalion of the Northern Army." Then he gave a strange "Huh".

A group of soldiers from Yueqi Battalion rushed here.Da Hei handed the spear in his hand to Huang Tong, and rushed to meet him.

"Dahei, Dahei..." the mute shouted loudly, full of surprises, "Dahei, is it really you?"

"Dumb..." Dahei's heart trembled, and tears suddenly rolled down, "Brother..."

The two hugged each other tightly.

"My lord..." Dozens of Dahei's old subordinates rushed forward, surrounding Dahei in the middle.

Dahei burst into tears with excitement, and hugged tightly with a group of former life and death brothers.


In September, in the east county of Yanzhou, forty miles south of Guanting, Gulong gathered.

There are several farms in Gulong, and this small town was built with the farms as the center.The avenue leading to Tobuyo runs through the middle of the small town.There is no city wall here, only an earthen wall built around the city to prevent bandits and troops, which is not satisfactory.

When Xia Houyuan led his army to Gulongju, the four rooms were empty and there was no sign of anyone.Xia Houyuan ordered the army to rest, and at the same time sent scouts to inquire about Cao Cao's news.That night, the scouts reported that Cao Cao's army was blocked by the Northern Xinjiang Army at Guanting.Xia Houyuan immediately prepared to go north to meet him the next day, but when he just opened his eyes the next morning, the scouts gave him a surprise.Twenty miles ahead, the Northern Xinjiang Army was discovered.

Xia Houyuan was very surprised, and Xu Huang was also very surprised. He never expected that the rebels would occupy Gu Longju first.

Xu Huang immediately sent someone to ask Liu Ming for help, and at the same time commanded the army to attack Gu Longju.At noon, the scouts reported that Liu Biao's Jingzhou army was only [-] miles away from Gulongju. If the army did not withdraw from Gulongju in time, it would be flanked by the rebels.Xu Huang had no choice but to lead his army to retreat westward, intending to join Liu Ming's iron cavalry and attack Gu Longju again.


In September, in the east county of Yanzhou, twenty miles south of Guanting, Baishan Pavilion.

Since Gu Longju was first captured by the rebels, Wei Jun and Liu Ming's encirclement and annihilation strategy could not be implemented, so they had to make a temporary change, preparing to use the sharp attack of the cavalry to divide the retreating rebels, and then encircle and annihilate the rear of the rebels.This strategy is completely in line with General Koji's order.General Qu Yi once asked all armies to attack and kill the Yanzhou Army and Qingzhou Army as much as possible.

According to the investigation of the scouts, after the rebels crossed Guanting, Liu Biao's Jingzhou army was in the front, followed by Yanzhou army and Xuzhou army, and Cao Ren's army was at the end.The three armies were separated by ten miles, and the retreat speed was very fast.Wei Jun and Liu Ming planned to launch an attack after the main force of the rebel army crossed the Baishan Pavilion, cut off the connection between the main force of the rebel army and the rear army of the rebel army, and then blocked the return of the main force of the rebel army with one force, and the other force would cooperate with Xu Huang and Wen Chou's infantry army surrounded and wiped out Cao Ren.

Liu Ming and Wei Jun led nearly ten thousand cavalry to the vicinity of Baishan Pavilion.

The scouts came to report one after another.The main force of the rebel army has just passed the Baishan Pavilion, and the army can start.

"Where is Lord Wen Chou's army?" Wei Jun asked eagerly.

"It has crossed the Guanting Pavilion and is heading towards the rear of the rebels."

"Where is Master Xu Huang's army?"

"It has already entered the predetermined position, and after the iron cavalry launches an attack, it will immediately attack the flanks of the rebels."

Wei Jun nodded, and made an attack gesture to Liu Ming.

All of a sudden, horns blared, thousands of horses galloped, and the army of iron cavalry rushed to the battlefield in a mighty manner.


In September, Weijun, sixty miles southwest of Weicheng, Sanshang Pavilion.

Zhao Yun, Zhang He, Li Su, Gongsun Xu, Chen Jian, Chang Gong and others led an army of [-] cavalry to surround Pan Feng and Yang Chou in the Sanshang Pavilion area.

Fifteen thousand rebels set up their camps based on the favorable terrain, preparing to hold on to the camp and wait for reinforcements to come.

The northern border army did not have an absolute advantage in numbers, and Zhang Yan wanted to use this rebel army as a bait to encircle and wipe out the rebel army who came to aid from Fanyang and Neihuang. Therefore, although the area around Sanshangting was full of battle clouds, there was no news today. There was no sound of war drums, nor did they see the vigorous posture of the iron cavalry galloping freely.


In September, Wei County, fifteen miles southwest of Sanshang Pavilion, Citing.

Yuan Wei and Gao Gan led their troops to Citing, and the two sides fought fiercely in the area of ​​Citing.

Yu Du's middle base battalion and the bitter chieftain's cavalry battalion were all the elite of the Northern Army, with strong soldiers and sharp weapons. Although there were only 1 people, they still beat Yuan Wei's 2 horses to the brim.Yuan Wei was worried that Yuan Shao's life would be in danger of being trapped, so he went to the battle to supervise the battle in person, and asked Han Qiong, who was stationed in Neihuang, to rush to support him.

Zhang Yan was stationed on the hillside of the horse, quietly watching the battlefield ahead, feeling uneasy.

Is Yuan Shao on the opposite side?If Yuan Shao was on the opposite side, seeing how strong the Northern Border Army was, and thinking of more Northern Border Army coming continuously, would he turn around and run away?Although Lu Bu has not been in contact so far, with Lu Bu's combat experience, he will definitely stop the rebels fleeing south in time.Jiang Wu was heading towards the Dangyin area, if Yuan Shao fled westward, he would be hit hard by the iron cavalry.But the problem now is that if Yuan Shao escapes immediately, his main force will be held back by the rebels in the Sanshangting area, thus losing the best opportunity to pursue Yuan Shao.

"My lord, Master Zhang Liao's army has crossed the Huan (Huan) River, and he requested to rush to Citing to join the battle." Wu Ye's voice suddenly reached Zhang Yan's ears.

Zhang Yan looked stern and thought for a while, then he looked up at the sky and ordered decisively, "Order Zhao Yun, Zhang He, and Zhang Liao to encircle and wipe out the rebels in Sanshangting, and start attacking immediately."

"My lord..." Wu Ye was stunned for a moment, "My lord, Lord Wang Dang's army hasn't arrived yet, are we..." He originally wanted to say that if we ate the bait, would Yuan Shao still take the bait?But seeing Zhang Yan's resolute expression, he swallowed the sentence back.

"Tell them to attack overnight, and the battle must end tomorrow morning." Zhang Yan pointed ahead, "Tomorrow morning, all armies will start chasing from the two wings of Citing in the direction of Fanyang. Yuan Shao must be trapped to prevent him from escaping. Opportunity."

Wu Ye agreed, and galloped away on his horse.

"Tell Master Yu Du to beat me hard." Zhang Yan waved vigorously at the messengers beside him, "Order Ku Chief to take the initiative to launch an attack before dusk and drive the rebels back ten miles."

Citing's crazy fight here may give Yuan Shao an illusion that the rebels trapped in the Sanshang Pavilion area are already in sight, which may hold Yuan Shao back.


On September, Wei County, Fanyang City.

Yuan Shao and Tian Feng fled back to Fanyang City without any danger.

Seeing Yuan Shao returning safely, Guo Tu couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, "My lord, there is absolutely no need for you to go to Weicheng in person. This time it is a close call."

Yuan Shao smiled wryly, "If you should give up, you have to give up, but I'm too stingy, I can't let go of this, and I can't let go of that, and I almost missed a big deal."

"My lord, retreat." Tian Feng persuaded, "After the northern army surrounded Cao Cao, they can still recruit tens of thousands of troops to pursue southward. It is better for us to withdraw to Hanoi as soon as possible."

Yuan Shao did not hesitate at all this time, and immediately sent an order to Yuan Wei, asking him to persist until the dark night, and then quietly retreat in the direction of Neihuang.Han Qiong was ordered to turn around immediately and withdraw from Dangyin.As for Pan Feng and Yang Chou who were trapped in the Sanshang Pavilion, they had no choice but to give up.


In September, Weijun, sixty miles southwest of Weicheng, Sanshang Pavilion.

Under the command of Zhao Yun, the Northern Xinjiang Army assembled an army of [-] cavalry to besiege the rebels.

In the afternoon, Zhang Ying, Zhang Liao, Chen Jian, and Chang Gong led an army of [-] infantry to besiege the rebel camp from three directions, and launched a fierce attack on the rebel army.

The two sides fought fiercely until dusk. The northern army led by Chen Jian and Chang Gong took the lead in breaking through the defense of the rebels and tore open the enemy's camp.Li Su and Gongsun Xu immediately led the army of iron cavalry, and followed the fierce soldiers of the northern army into the enemy camp.

The fire burned the Sanshang Pavilion, and the blood stained the darkness red.

Pan Feng was shot and killed by dense long arrows in the fierce battle.Yang Chou wanted to escape in the dark, but unfortunately he met Zhang Xiu and was killed by Zhang Xiu.The war lasted until the early morning, and the entire army of [-] rebels was wiped out.

Ever since Yan Liang issued the killing order during the Dongguang War, the Northern Xinjiang Army has never taken any prisoners, and this order has continued to this day.I don't know whether Zhao Yun forgot or deliberately indulged. When Zhang Yan received the victory report, he was surprised to find that no prisoners were captured in this battle.Considering that the army will start going south to pursue and outflank tomorrow morning, Zhang Yan ignored this matter.


In September, in the east county of Yanzhou, forty miles south of Guanting, Gulong gathered.

Cao Cao, Liu Biao, and Liu Bei withdrew to Gulongju.

They did not wait for Cao Ren's rear army, and the scouts reported that Cao Ren's army was surrounded by the Northern Xinjiang Army at Baishan Pavilion.Cao Cao gave up the rescue, and reluctantly ordered the army to withdraw to Yangping and Dongwuyang, a hundred miles away, overnight, preparing to cross the Yellow River south and retreat to the Central Plains.

During the retreat, Cao Cao lost nearly 2 people. He, Liu Biao, and Liu Bei took the remaining 3 remnants and fled in panic.

Xia Houyuan stayed in Gulongju with an army of [-]. While he was in a hurry to report Le Jin in Gancheng and retreated immediately, he waited anxiously for the news of Cao Ren and Cao Hong.If he did not see the two brothers after daybreak, he would also withdraw.


On September, Wei County, Guantao City.

A huge map was spread on the ground, and Yan Zhi was standing on it, reporting the latest battle situation to Qu Yi and Tian Chou.

The rebel army in Weicheng and the rebel army in the direction of Daliuxu suddenly retreated south when we were about to complete the encirclement, which caused us great passiveness.The general's plan to encircle the rebels on the Guantao and Weicheng lines and gather heavy troops to encircle Yuan Shao on the Neihuang and Fanyang lines failed immediately, and the armies from all walks of life had to launch pursuit.According to the order of the adults, at this time, the main goal of the various armies is to kill and injure the enemy in large numbers and wipe out as many rebel forces as possible.

On the battlefields of Weicheng and Fanyang, Master Zhao Yun's iron cavalry severely damaged the rebels fleeing south in Hongting, which bought time for Master Zhang Yan to adjust his troops in time, thus successfully blocking the rebels fleeing south and surrounding them At the Three Merchant Pavilion.Yesterday, the four masters Zhang Yan, Zhao Yun, Zhang He, and Zhang Liao assembled an army of [-] to wipe out this rebel army.

However, Yuan Shao's actions were also very fast. When we surrounded and wiped out the rebels, he led Yuan Wei and Gao Gan's soldiers and horses to quickly retreat to Neihuang. Now he has joined Han Qiong's army and is fleeing towards Dangyin City, Hanoi .

Zhang Yan, Zhao Yun, Zhang He, Zhang Liao, and Wang Dang are leading their troops in pursuit.

"Where's Lu Bu's army?" Qu Yi asked.

"Because the rebel army divided up and retreated to the south, Lord Lu Bu failed to occupy the two cities of Neihuang and Fanyang before the rebel army, so he had to lead his army to attack Changshoujin and Puyangjin. After Lord Lu Bu's attack target changed, the army went south As far as the bank of the Yellow River, his whereabouts are uncertain, so we have not been able to get in touch with him." Yan Zhi explained, "Lord Lu Bu attacked Changshoujin and Puyangjin, cutting off the way for the rebels to retreat to the south, leaving the rebels only This is probably the main reason why Yuan Shao gave up on rescuing the rebels who were besieged at Sanshangting and led his army to flee overnight."

"In the early hours of this morning, Master Lu Bu's messenger got in touch with Master Zhang Yan. After Lord Lu Bu attacked Changshoujin and Puyangjin, he quietly rushed to Xiaoyangju, preparing to ambush the retreating rebels, but he suddenly got the news that Xu You and Yuan Zhong led his army across Hebei and stationed in Liyang. Xu You obviously followed Yuan Shao's order to go north to meet the retreat of the rebels, so Lord Lu Bu immediately led his army south to Liyang to attack Xu You and prevent the rebels from going north."

"Where is Jiang Wu's army now? Have they rushed to Dangyin City?" Tian Chou asked.

"Master Jiang Wu's iron cavalry has arrived in Dangyin City, but he only has 5000 men, and he cannot stop Yuan Shao's 3-strong army retreating west." Yan Zhi hesitated for a moment, then continued, "If he can fight in Dangyin and the inner Bravely interspersing between Huangcheng, maybe we can cooperate with Lord Zhang Yan's pursuit army to wipe out some rebels again."


On the front line of Guanting, because Xu Huang, Liu Ming, Zhang Zhen, Qin Yi and other adults were able to stop them, the rebel army retreated slowly, which allowed the troops of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Wei Jun and other adults to rush to the front line of Guanting Gained time.

However, due to the great loss of Xu Huang's army blocking the Guanting direction, in order to reduce the loss, we ordered Master Xu Huang to lead the army to withdraw from Guanting and rush to Gulongju to join the troops of Wen Chou, Wei Jun, and Liu Ming again. To block the rebels, but unexpectedly, Cao Cao had been prepared and let Xia Houyuan capture Gulongju first, but the block failed, and Cao Cao was able to escape the siege.

Although the rebels rushed out of the siege, we hit Cao Cao hard and let Liu Biao and Liu Bei go.

Yan Liang, Gao Lan, Gao Shun, Zhang Zhen, Qin Yi, and Lou Lu first wiped out [-] Qingzhou troops in Fengting, and then Wen Chou, Wei Jun, Xu Huang, and Liu Ming surrounded and wiped out [-] Yanzhou troops in Baishanting. Army, Cao Cao's strength was hit hard.

Now, Yan Liang is commanding an army of more than 5 people to pursue the rebels, and it is estimated that they will soon reach the bank of the Yellow River.

Yan Zhi looked up at Qu Yi and Tian Chou, and said excitedly, "We have won this battle."


The fourth and fifth volumes of "The Wind and Cloud of the Great Han Empire" will be released on May [-]th, but this time due to special reasons, it will be published by China Drama Publishing House.Please support me a lot, I am very grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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