Great Han Empire

Chapter 787 The heroic chapter in troubled times is on the line

Chapter 787
In October, the right general Zhang Yan arrived in Linzi City, Qingzhou.

Zang Ba and Wu Dun set out to meet them for thirty miles.

Facing the famous Yellow Turban Army commander in the past, Zang Ba, Wu Dun and others had complicated emotions, including depression and hatred after failure, nervousness and excitement when they first met Zhang Yan, and love for Zhang Yan. awe.This feeling of awe suddenly became stronger when Zhang Yan's tall and thin figure appeared in front of their eyes.

Over the past ten years, Zhang Yan has fought in the north and the south, and made great achievements. What is especially admirable is that he has not abandoned the Yellow Turban Army and the millions of refugees who followed the Yellow Turban Army since he was desperate and surrendered to the imperial court.After going through ups and downs, Zhang Yan tried her best to keep millions of refugees alive, and gradually let them live the peaceful life they dreamed of.In the Battle of Yanmen Pass, it was Xu Rong and Zhang Yan who led 20 Yellow Turban soldiers to defeat the invading [-] Xianbei cavalry.

That thrilling battle has since become the pride of the Yellow Turban Army.It was the Yellow Turban Army who defeated the Xianbei people. The Yellow Turban Army is invincible in the world. The Yellow Turban Army should overthrow the Han Dynasty who was on the verge of defeat. The Battle of Yanmen Pass verified the prediction of the great sage and mentor, "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand", this world The Yellow Turban Army will rule the world, and the world of peace will be created by the Yellow Turban Army.

Sun Guan, Wu Dun and others still clearly remember that seven years ago, when the commander-in-chief Sima Ju started an uprising on Mount Tai, he used the miracle created by the Yellow Turban Army at Yanmen Pass to encourage the soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army to fight the enemy bravely.Sima Ju and many generals of the Yellow Turban Army hated Zhang Yan for betraying the Taiping Dao and the great virtuous teacher, but in their hearts, Zhang Yan was a hero, and they hoped that they could continue the work of the Yellow Turban Army like Zhang Yan. Brilliant, laying down a big territory to realize the dream in my heart.

Zang Ba resolutely left the Yellow Turban Army because he could not see the hope of realizing his dream.

However, neither Tao Qian nor Liu Bei gave him hope of realizing his dream.He struggled hard, he longed for a miracle, and he dreamed that one day he could, like Zhang Yan, create a little hope of survival for the refugees who were trapped in a desperate situation.

After fleeing to Qingzhou, Zang Ba saw an opportunity to create a miracle, but the news that Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others successfully retreated to the Central Plains shattered his dream, and he had to fight for his own survival.At this time, he thought of Zhang Yan.You can also try the road that Zhang Yan has walked.Maybe, General Li Hong can help him get out of the predicament and realize his dream.


Under the introduction of Sun Guan, Zhang Yan exchanged greetings with Zang Ba and Wu Dun.

"You run very fast." Zhang Yan shook Zang Ba's hand and said with a smile, "If you leave one night later, things will change completely."

Then Zhang Yan briefly talked about the ending of the battle in Jizhou, "Tian Kai is dead, do you know that?"

Zang Ba nodded, "Cao Cao's people have already come."

Zhang Yan smiled disdainfully, "What else does this butcher do besides killing people? Now that Yanzhou and Xuzhou have been beaten to pieces by Yuan Shu, he needs time to defeat Yuan Shu, so he will send someone to bribe you, otherwise, his army Now the soldiers are approaching the city."

"Back then he attacked Xuzhou twice and killed Yingye. The Sishui River was filled with the corpses of innocent people, and the river was cut off. Liu Bei didn't want to avenge this revenge. It is understandable that he is not from Xuzhou after all, but what about you? I heard that Lord Tao Qian is so kind to you, you don't want to take revenge for this revenge?"

Zang Ba showed a murderous look in his eyes, "Xun Yu is still in Linzi City. If your lord wants his head, I will send it to you right away."

Zhang Yan shook his hand, "It's not necessary. The main purpose of my visit this time is to meet you and Guan Cheng, listen to your requests, help you gain a foothold in Qingzhou quickly, and prevent Cao Cao and Liu Bei from occupying Qingzhou and expanding their strength." He reached out and patted Zang. Ba's back, smiled slightly, "If you kill Xun Yu, you will completely break with Cao Cao and Liu Bei. Once Yuan Shu is defeated in the Central Plains, Cao Cao and Liu Bei will immediately have their hands free to deal with you, so not only can you not kill him , but also sincerely form an alliance with Cao Cao and Liu Bei."

Zang Ba, Sun Guan, and Wu Dun's expressions all changed, and they looked at Zhang Yan very puzzled.

Zhang Yan then made some speculations about the changes in the world situation and the situation in the Central Plains after the Jizhou War, "The reason why the general decided to abandon Qingzhou and concentrate his forces on Hanoi was to prevent Yuan Shao from intervening in the Central Plains, so that Cao Cao and Liu Bei would not be able to intervene in the Central Plains." Fighting Yuan Shu under the circumstances of worrying about the future. Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Yuan Shu and others are busy with the war, and they will definitely not be able to concentrate on restoring their strength in the short term, which is what Hebei needs. The longer the Central Plains War lasts, the more important it will be for Hebei more favorable."

Zang Ba and the three immediately understood.

During this period of time, they commanded the army to sweep across the three counties of North Qingzhou, and they knew nothing about things outside Qingzhou.Although Xun Yu had been here for several days, the news he brought had made Zang Ba and others restless, always worried that Cao Cao and Liu Bei would come in.Looking at it now, nine of the ten sentences Xun Yu said were false.

"But..." Zang Ba asked after hesitating for a long time, "Will the general agree to our request?"

"I'm already standing in front of you." Zhang Yan said with a smile, "I used to be the commander of the Yellow Turban Army. My story should make you believe in the promise of the general."

"But...but..." Zang Ba found it hard to believe that there is such a good thing in the world.With the help of Hebei, after my strength has greatly increased, isn't the general afraid that I will turn against me?

Seeing Zhang Yan standing opposite, the Yellow Turban Marshal who once claimed to have an army of one million, thought of the leader of the Black Mountain Yellow Turban Army who was killed by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's army, and finally had to defect to Li Hong. Chieftain, Zang Ba felt that his thoughts were naive.Why haven't Zhang Yan and Yang Feng betrayed so far?Why did Yu Du and Kuyi finally choose the general when they were desperate?The reason is simple, because the generals are powerful, and because the generals can help them realize their dream of a peaceful world.

Actually, what should the General have to worry about?As long as Hebei achieves its goal, as long as the heroes of the Central Plains continue to conquer, and hundreds of thousands of northern border troops pour down, who can stop it?Back then the great general could lead an army to conquer the desert, so why can't he conquer the Central Plains now?Even if he turned against him, how much damage could he cause to the general?
Compared with the general's generosity and trust in himself, Cao Cao and Liu Bei seem despicable.Give yourself the official position of a general, the title of a county marquis, and a few carts of rewards, and you will take it for granted that you should be grateful to Dade, and you should lie on the ground and cry bitterly to thank them for their gifts.

The more Zang Ba thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help cursing a few words inwardly.Now you are begging me, I am not begging you, but you are shamelessly putting on airs, arrogantly gesticulating, what is it?
Although the general didn't give me an official system, a title, or rewards, he gave me food, trust and dignity.Dignity is earned by oneself, not by rewards or charity from others.

"The general has only one request." Zhang Yan knew what Zang Ba wanted to say, he waved at Zang Ba, and said indifferently, "Govern Qingzhou well, let the people of Qingzhou have food, and stop fleeing to Jizhou That's enough. As for Qingzhou's army, we won't interfere. The general hopes that your army will be as large as possible, and the more elite the better. If you don't have enough ordnance, you can send someone to Hebei to ask for it, and we will try our best to meet your request."

Zang Ba, Sun Guan, and Wu Dun were stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

After everyone escaped the Yellow River, they were worried that the northern Xinjiang army would kill them, and they were worried all day long. Although Linzi was successfully captured later, they still thought about fleeing to Mount Tai.After Xun Yu came to Linzi, everyone was worried that Cao Cao and Liu Bei would come in, making life even more difficult.

Originally, no one expected that Hebei would agree to their conditions.After all, he has no strength, unless he voluntarily surrenders and gives up Qingzhou, otherwise Hebei will not pay attention.But who knew things would turn upside down. Not only did Hebei agree to all the conditions, but also let Zhang Yan rush to Qingzhou in person, and now he even offered to provide arms.

The three of them looked at each other in blank amazement.If the general is not an idiot, then he must be an idiot.How can there be such a good thing in the world?


"Isn't the general afraid that we will turn against you?" Zang Ba finally couldn't bear it, and asked blurted out.

Zhang Yan smiled confidently, "If with the help of Hebei, your strength can be compared with the 10,000+ rebels who just returned from a big defeat, then you can give it a try. If you think you don't have such strength, then you It is best to choose Hebei."

"My lord, although we have not publicly expressed our support to Hebei, due to the rapid growth of our strength, Cao Cao and Liu Bei will definitely notice that Hebei's strategy may not be successful." Wu Dun said worriedly.

"If your strength cannot grow rapidly, you will definitely be defeated by Cao Cao and Liu Bei. This is why I came to Qingzhou to meet you in person." Zhang Yan said, "When you have strength, Cao Cao and Liu Bei dare not annex you , our strategy can be successful. Of course, if Cao Cao and Liu Bei think that you have secretly taken refuge in Hebei, and use this as an excuse to attack you, then they will be right. Cao Cao and Liu Bei sent troops to attack you, not only their own strength Yuan Shu in the south will not be idle. This will help Hebei sweep the Central Plains even more."

Zang Ba's heart moved, and he immediately said: "If the grain and ordnance from Hebei can be sent to Qingzhou quickly, we can take the initiative to attack Cao Cao and Liu Bei."

"I hope you will take the initiative to attack." Zhang Yan said with a smile, "Replacing defense with offense is the best defense strategy. The more you attack Qingzhou, the more stable it will be."

"Yuan Shu's strength is not strong, and Yuan Shao is restrained by us in Hanoi, so it will be a matter of time before Yuan Shu withdraws from the Central Plains. Once Yuan Shu loses, Cao Cao and Liu Bei may take advantage of the situation and kill Yuan Shu completely. Yuan Shu's defeat, Cao Cao, Liu Bei You can concentrate your forces to deal with Qingzhou. Therefore, if you are willing to take the initiative to launch an attack, it is best to choose when Yuan Shu is defeated and left the Central Plains."

"After you contain the forces of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, Yuan Shu will be able to retain a certain amount of strength. In this way, the situation in the Central Plains will be very chaotic. If Cao Cao and Liu Bei attack Qingzhou, Yuan Shu in Yangzhou will attack. If Cao Cao and Liu Bei attack Yangzhou, You will attack from Qingzhou. If Cao Cao and Liu Bei want to make peace with you, you should attack one of Cao Cao and Liu Bei, destroy the peace talks, and start a new war."

"In a word, the war in the Central Plains cannot be stopped."

Zang Ba and the three nodded repeatedly.

"Only by fighting out can you occupy more land and make the Central Plains rage. Of course, if you handle it properly, you can also take the opportunity to blackmail them and get more benefits."

Sun Guan and Wu Dun looked excited, with sinister smiles on their faces.But Zang Ba thought of a problem, "If Yuan Shu doesn't contain Cao Cao and Liu Bei from the south, we will bear their attack alone, I'm afraid..."

"Before the battle of Jizhou, Yuan Shu sent his son Yuan Yao, Xun Zheng and Liu Ye to Hebei." Zhang Yan smiled easily, "Now, the three of them are returning to Yangzhou on the ship."

Zang Ba immediately understood.

The root cause of the failure of the Jizhou War was Yuan Shu's betrayal.It is unbelievable that Yuan Shu had a secret relationship with Li Hong from Hebei.Looking at it now, Hebei must have promised Yuan Shu at the beginning, agreed to help him hold back the rebels, let Yuan Shu capture the Central Plains, and then used Yuan Shu's capture of the Central Plains to cut off the rebels' food and grass to defeat the rebels.

Now Yuan Shu has failed, but Yuan Shu's strength is still there.On the contrary, Cao Cao and Liu Bei were scarred and wounded. Under the front and rear attacks of themselves and Yuan Shu, it was almost impossible for the two of them to get time to recover their strength.At present, as long as Hebei takes a little breather, it can immediately go south to the Central Plains to fight.Under the three-way siege of the Northern Border Army in Hebei, Yuan Shu in Yangzhou, and himself, Cao Cao and Liu Bei would be defeated in a blink of an eye.It is only a matter of time before Hebei occupies the Central Plains.

Obviously, when they sent people to Hebei for help, Li Hong and Zhang Yan immediately saw the chance of winning and quickly arranged the battle in the Central Plains.

Hebei has won the Central Plains, and the day of pacifying the world is very close.

At this time, what reason do I have to betray Hebei?What power is there to contend with Hebei?In fact, Li Hong and Zhang Yan never thought about their betrayal from the beginning to the end.

If I don't get help from Hebei, I will be defeated sooner or later, and the Central Plains will be in Hebei's pocket sooner or later. If I get help from Hebei and accept Hebei's arrangements, the Central Plains will be calmed down quickly, the world will be stabilized soon, and the people will be happy. Will live well soon.No matter whether I have dreams or not, and whether I am full of selfish desires or not, I have no reason to reject Hebei now, and I will have no reason to betray Hebei in the future.


"If there is no accident, next month, we can send an army to attack Langya County in Xuzhou." Zang Ba finally gave up all the messy thoughts in his heart and made up his mind, "I have stayed in Langya County for many years. The big officials are almost all my people. I can take it down in a very short time."

Zhang Yan smiled gratifiedly, and took out a document from her pocket and handed it to Zang Ba, "After the Jizhou War ended, we seized a large amount of food and ordnance. This is part of it, and it is currently being transported to Pingyuan City. You You can send people to Pingyuan City to contact Mr. Gao Shun, and quickly transport this batch of food and weapons to Qingzhou."

Zang Ba received it in surprise and thanked him repeatedly.

"I've said everything I need to say." Zhang Yan said with a smile, "How to do it is up to your heart. Based on your contribution to capturing Qingzhou and helping the court to pacify the Central Plains, you must be a famous minister of the Han Dynasty, and you will be famous in history in the future. "

"My lord is leaving now?" Zang Ba asked in surprise.

"I'll go to Beihai to meet Guan Cheng." Zhang Yan said, "In a few days, Guan Cheng and I will go to Linzi together, and we will talk in detail then."


Xun Yu got Zang Ba's promise and left contentedly.

Before leaving, Zang Ba vowed to Xun You that if the Prime Minister lacked troops, I would immediately send troops to support him. If the Prime Minister lacked food, I would dig three feet of land in Qingzhou and send all the food there.Regardless of whether this sentence is true or not, it made Xun Yu very happy and at ease.He originally wanted some food, but he thought that Tian Kai would collect heavy taxes in Qingzhou, and the people's life would be very difficult, so he didn't open his mouth in the end.

A few days later, Zhang Yan and Guan Cheng arrived in Linzi.After the three discussed everything properly, Zhang Yan left immediately and hurried back to Hebei.


In October, Luoyang.

Bad news spread to Luoyang one after another.Yuan Shao was very worried and frowning.

The battle in Hanoi was a complete defeat.

The army was defeated three times in three battles within ten days, and retreated three hundred miles in a row.In addition to the defeat of Jizhou, which led to the lack of morale of the army, the strong and sharp attack power of the Northern Xinjiang Army was the main reason for the defeat.

Under the leadership of Yan Liang, the Northern Xinjiang Army first conquered Chaoge City.Then Zhang Liao's iron cavalry ambushed a part of Hanoi's army on Luchang Mountain, and its [-] soldiers were wiped out, and a large amount of food, grass and luggage were lost.

Han Hao and Han Qiong then led their troops to retreat to Jicheng and hold on.Sima Yi of the Northern Frontier Army somehow bribed the Zhang family in the city to act as internal support, and quietly led his army to climb the city wall in the middle of the night and seized the east gate.Jicheng is lost.

Han Hao, Han Qiong, Zhu Ling and others retreated hastily.Zhang Liao led the northern Xinjiang cavalry to chase and kill them all the way.Tao Sheng blocked the front line of Qingshui River, and Zhang Liao killed all 3000 troops.Tao Sheng finally fled to Huaicheng with only more than 20 personal guards.

Guanzhong Ma Chao fled.

Yuan Tan was ordered to kill Ma Chao.He repeatedly invited Ma Chao to Chang'an, but Ma Chao refused with various excuses.

Before Han Sui left, he repeatedly told him that if Ma Teng didn't come back, you must not leave Huaili City.Ma Chaoyan obeyed.

Yuan Tan was helpless, so he devised another plan and asked Ma Chao to come out to hunt.This time Ma Chao agreed.The hunting location is very close to Huaili City, only more than 60 miles away. Ma Chao thinks nothing will happen.

Ma Chao fell for the trick and was surrounded by Yuan Tan's cavalry.Ma Chao fought hard with fifty personal guards, and finally broke through the encirclement single-handedly.At this time, Yuan Tan's army had surrounded Huaili City.In desperation, Ma Chao rushed to Chencang overnight, gathered three thousand main cavalry, and fled to Xiliang.


(End of this chapter)

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