Great Han Empire

Chapter 794 The heroic chapter in troubled times is on the line

Chapter 794
In July, Yangzhou, Danyang County.

When Zhang Zhao returned to Danyang, he explained Zhou Yu's proposal in detail.

Sun Ce smiled wryly and was speechless, but was extremely angry in his heart.Attacking Jingzhou to avenge his father was his greatest wish, but today he couldn't realize it because of Zhou Yu's bosom.Thinking of the scenes of his relationship with Zhou Yu, Sun Ce was quite emotional.

When my father set off from Changsha to go north to ask for Dong, he deliberately sent his family to Lujiang County, considering that the journey would be difficult and dangerous, and he might never return.At that time, my uncle Wu Jing was in Lujiang County.Father and uncle followed Zhu Jun to conquer the Yellow Turban Army.Because of his meritorious service, his uncle was worshiped as the captain of Lujiang, and later he was promoted to the captain of Yangzhou cavalry.It was at that time that I met Zhou Yu, and it has been eight years since then.

Zhou Yu was a month younger than me, he was proficient in everything from literary to martial arts, and was full of talent. At that time, I admired him very much and fell in love with him.Like his father, he has a strong temper and more tyrannical methods of acting.Back then, the elders of the mother were unwilling to marry the mother to the father because they thought the father was cunning.Zhou Yu also didn't like this about himself. In the few years when he had the closest relationship, he kept a distance from himself.

After Yuan Shu arrived in Yangzhou, he appointed his uncle Wu Jing as Danyang prefect.Immediately, my uncle led an army to attack Jiangdong, drove away Zhou Xin, the former prefect, and occupied Danyang County.In the autumn of that year, my uncle sent people to take my whole family to live in Danyang.After being in close contact with Zhou Yu for four years, he and Zhou Yu parted ways.

The good times didn't last long, and Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou appointed by the Chang'an court, came to Jiangdong. He, together with Ze Rong, Xue Li, Xu Gong and others, defeated his uncle.As a last resort, my uncle took his family and army back to Jiangbei to join Yuan Shu.Soon, Yuan Shu sent troops to attack Lu Kang, the prefect of Lujiang County, and accompanied him.This time, although he didn't see Zhou Yu, he accidentally snatched Zhou Yu's wife into his hands.

Yuan Shu took Lujiang County, and then he and his uncle Wu Jing, uncle Sun Jing, cousin Sun Ben and others led the army to attack Jiangdong.He himself lost the first battle, and his father's old subordinate, Gongsun Cheng, also died.I knew that Zhou Yu was good at military strategy, so I wrote to him.Zhou Yu came without hesitation, and under his plan, the army entered Jiangdong unimpeded.Zhou Yu's amazing talent can't help but amazed himself, and made his uncle, uncle and father's old subordinates feel threatened.If this continues, his prestige and status in the army will be seriously challenged.

Therefore, after occupying Wu County, the army made a decision to let Zhou Yu leave and let him assist Zhu Zhi to sit in Danyang.This decision hurt Zhou Yu's self-esteem. At that time, he was so angry that he was about to return to Jiangbei with the trilogy.Zhou Yu's violent reaction was completely beyond his expectations.Just when things were hard to save, Liu Yao launched a counterattack from Yuzhang to Danyang, which gave herself an excellent excuse to keep Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu seemed immeasurable if he left at this time.He went to Danyang with the part, and the friendship between the two appeared a big rift.

During a period of time in Danyang, Zhou Yu couldn't figure it out, which caused Zhu Zhi to be in trouble many times.I wrote to Zhou Yu, asking him to help Zhu Zhi take the opportunity to wipe out the enemy, but Zhou Yu defended the city on the grounds that it was not suitable for two-front combat, and refused to obey his order to attack actively.

At this time, the prefect of Danyang was Zhou Shang, and the food and grass were controlled by Zhou Shang. Even if Zhu Zhi wanted to attack, he suffered from the lack of food and grass, so he could do nothing.I think that the unfavorable situation in the Danyang battlefield is entirely caused by Zhou Yu's selfishness, and he wants to avenge his personal revenge.Because of this, I resented Zhou Yu quite a lot, and the enmity between the two deepened.

Soon Zhou Shang fell ill, and he wrote a letter to Yuan Shu for this reason, asking Yuan Shu to transfer Zhou Shang away from Danyang.Yuan Shu sent Yuan Yin to replace him.Zhou Yu was very witty, escorted his uncle home, and left with his hands.

This time, when I was faced with the choice of life and death, I thought of Zhou Yu again.Regardless of previous suspicions, Zhou Yu once again led his army to help him capture the two counties in Jiangbei.However, when he led his army to withdraw from Jiangbei, he once again put Zhou Yu aside.
I didn't want to do this at first, but during this period of time, Zhou Yu was extremely disgusted with the appointment of Sun's clan as officials in various counties and counties in Yangzhou, and repeatedly advised him.Zhou Yu not only offended himself, but also offended many people in Jiangdong.

Jiangdong is mine now, so of course I will use my family to guard Jiangdong county.Yuan Shu's betrayal led to the defeat of the Northern Expeditionary Army, and my betrayal of Yuan Shu led to Yuan Shu's defeat.Under such circumstances, can I still trust other people, give my life to others, and put myself in danger of dying without burial at any time?As for saying that I broke the law, it is even more ridiculous.What time is it now?Who else takes the emperor seriously?Who else knows Dahan Law?Li Hong killed the emperor, Yuan Shao conspired to usurp the throne, Cao Cao and Yuan Shu established their own imperial lineage, and the Son of Heaven and the Law of the Great Han were like dung in their eyes.Compared with their shameless behavior, I am also called a violation of the law?Now whoever's fist is hard is the law. To say that I violate the law is farting, and it is ulterior motives.

Zhou Yu really had ulterior motives.Taking advantage of his attack on Taishi Ci, he quickly captured Yuzhang County, and his strength increased instantly.

What should I do now?Zhou Yu was extremely intelligent and overturned the situation in Jiangdong in a blink of an eye.I want to defeat him to dominate Jiangdong, it is too difficult.

Sun Ce, Zhang Zhao, Lu Fan and others discussed for a long time, but were at a loss for what to do.

At this time, Zhang Hong (hong) returned from transporting grain and grass from Wu Jundu.Hearing this, he hastily congratulated Sun Ce.

Sun Ce was puzzled.Zhou Yu is now standing with him in Jiangdong, why is he happy?
"Congratulations, my lord, who won Yuzhang County without spending a single soldier, and added [-] land and water troops to Jiangdong. From now on, your lord will dominate Jiangdong."

Sun Ce didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Sir, Gong Jin is no longer my brother."

"Your Excellency is wrong." Zhang Hong said with a smile on his face, "Zhou Lang has always regarded you as killing his brother. Your Excellency hit Jiangdong, and after a letter, little Zhou Lang led an army and fought bloody battles with you. Last year, When the lord was facing a critical moment of life and death, it was another letter, and little Zhou Lang sent his army across the river to help without hesitation. Such a person is not the brother of the lord, so what kind of person can be regarded as the brother of the lord?"

Sun Ce was ashamed and speechless for a moment.At this moment, seeing Zhou Yu's strong army and horses, seeing Zhou Yu suddenly occupying half of Jiangdong, I really regretted it.Zhou Yu never owed himself anything, on the contrary, he owed Zhou Yu too much.Zhang Hong is scolding me for being heartless and ungrateful.

"What is a brother? Only those who are willing to give their lives to the other party are called brothers. Zhou Lang stepped forward to help the adults twice, regardless of his own safety, especially when the adults attacked Yuan Shu last year, Zhou Lang risked all clans to kill him." In this world, where can you find a brother like Xiao Zhou Lang who is so loyal and loyal to you?" Zhang Hong said earnestly, "My lord, Xiao Zhou Lang is your real brother."

Zhang Zhao also understood at this time.Sun Ce is a wild and unrestrained warrior, while Zhou Yu is a heroic scholar. It is impossible for the two to become brothers, let alone get together, but both of them are in Jiangdong and have the same ambition. Mutual benefit, division means both lose. Therefore, as long as one of them makes a slight concession and lowers his noble head, Jiangdong's affairs will be handled easily.

"During Peng Ze's time, Xiao Zhou Lang always called you elder brother, without any disrespect." Zhang Zhao advised in a timely manner, "At this time, if you brothers reconcile, then Jiang Dongxing, and your brothers will fight (xi) the wall. , then Jiangdong will perish. My lord should think twice, don’t fall into the trap of others and give Jiangdong’s foundation to others.”

After thinking about it, Sun Ce said decisively: "I will go to Pengze immediately."


In mid-July, Sun Ce rushed to Pengze and went boating with Zhou Yu on Pengli Lake.

Sun Ce opened up his heart, revealing his suspicion of Zhou Yu for the past two years and his plan to use Jiangdong as the foundation to go north to the Central Plains to fight for world hegemony.

"I have done a lot of wrong things to my brother in the past, please forgive me." Sun Ce said sincerely, "Today, I swear here that if I, Sun Ce, do something wrong to my brother again, I will die with an arrow piercing my heart."

Tears welled up in Zhou Yu's eyes, and he knelt down to swear that he would work together with Sun Ce to protect Jiangdong, conquer the Central Plains, and revitalize the country.

The brothers reconciled as before, and Sun Ce raised the matter of attacking Jingzhou again.

Zhou Yu still objected.Liu Zhang of Yizhou was fighting fiercely with Liu Biao in Nanjun.For the safety of Jingzhou, Liu Biao must garrison heavily in Jiangxia to prevent himself from being attacked by Jiangdong Sun Ce and being attacked by the enemy.If we attack Jingzhou at this moment, it will be difficult for us to do anything.More importantly, instead of attacking Yuan Shu with Cao Cao and Liu Bei to fight against the rebels, we would instead attack Liu Biao, who is a minister in the same palace, regardless of righteousness, and may lose the hearts of Jiangdong.

Although we now occupy the four counties in Jiangdong, we have not yet gained a firm foothold in Jiangdong. The remnants of Liu Yao, Wang Lang, Xu Gong, Hua Xin, Ruo Rong and others pose a great threat to our consolidation of Jiangdong.Before we have settled in Jiangdong, it is still the best policy for us to hold on to Jiangdong and avoid fighting.

Sun Ce considered for a long time, and gave in.Fight Yuan Shu first, and help Cao Cao and Liu Bei stabilize the Central Plains to contain and weaken Yuan Shao.Then gather troops to attack Liu Biao in Jingzhou.

Zhou Yu had no choice but to agree.

At the end of July, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu assembled naval forces in Pengze and Chaisang, and led their respective armies to attack Jiujiang County from Liyang and Shucheng.

At the beginning of August, Yuan Shu couldn't take care of both ends, so he had to give up Xiapi City.Cao Cao immediately occupied most of Peiguo, and Liu Bei recovered most of Xiapi County.

In mid-August, Cao Jun continued to go south, and held a stalemate with Yuan Shu's army in Qi (qi) City in Peiguo (now south of Suzhou, Anhui).Liu Bei's army was stationed at Xiaqiu in Xiapi County.Cao Cao and Liu Bei temporarily stopped attacking.Xuzhou's grain and grass were mainly transported to the battlefield in Langya County. Guan Yu and Guan Cheng were fighting fiercely in the city of Ju (ju) in Langya County at this time.

At the end of the eighth month, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu secretly returned and commanded the army to go upstream to attack Huang Zu in Jiangxia in the name of revenge.


After Yuan Shu's defeat on the Xiapi battlefield, Yuan Shao immediately postponed his strategy of attacking Hanoi, and instead concentrated on helping Yuan Shu defend the Jianghuai line, so as to consume the strength of Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao and Liu Bei were in a stalemate.

In September, Liu Biao in Jingzhou was attacked on both sides and had to ask Yuan Shao for help.

Just when Yuan Shao was hesitating whether to send troops to help Liu Biao, an exciting news came from Hebei. The rebellion in Liaodong became more and more serious. He fought with the Xianbei King Kirby Bear.It is said that the scale of this battle was very large, and both sides used tens of thousands of cavalry.

The chaos in northern Xinjiang will greatly slow down the pace of the northern army going south to the Central Plains. This news will greatly stimulate all parties in the Central Plains.

Then, news came from Guanzhong that Ma Chao went deep into the Qiang land, borrowed iron horses from the Qiang people, and started killing in Longxi, occupying Longxi County.Han Sui let Yan Xing sit in Fufeng County, and he led the main cavalry to kill Longxi.Chaos in Western Xinjiang.

The threats to Guan and Luo in Northern Xinjiang and Western Xinjiang are temporarily lifted.

Yuan Shao's spirit was lifted, and he made a decisive decision, gave up attacking Hanoi, and instead concentrated on plotting the Central Plains.He sent Yuan Xi to lead the army into Jingzhou to help, and at the same time he wrote to Cao Cao, asking him to retreat to the Central Plains and let him handle Yuan Shu's affairs.

Cao Cao finally hit the gate of Yangzhou, how could he give up?
At this time, news came from Qingzhou that Guan Yu successfully ambushed in Zhengrong Valley, annihilating [-] Yellow Turbans and killing Wu Ba, the leader of the Yellow Turbans.After the two battles, Guan Yu captured about [-] Yellow Turban soldiers and reorganized them all. The strength of the Xuzhou Army suddenly skyrocketed.Under the leadership of Guan Hai, the remnants of the Yellow Turban Army fled back to Qingzhou in embarrassment.All the counties and counties lost in Langya County were recovered.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei's backs stiffened immediately.The two completely ignored Yuan Shao's interference, and the warlord attacked again.

The two sides continued to fight in Qi (qi) city.


In September, General Li Hong arrived at Gaoguli City in Xuantu County.

Xian Yufu, Xian Yuyin, Li Su, Yu Peng and others went out of the city to meet them.

Li Hong briefly talked about what happened in the desert.In the end, Kirby Bear was forced by the situation and had to allocate [-] households from the two Xianbei tribes in the middle and east to Fuluo Han.

"The general finally saw Kirby bear?" Xian Yufu asked.

"No." Li Hong shook his head, with a look of worry flashing across his brows, "Although I helped Fu Luohan up, this man is greedy and cunning, hard to become a master, and he is no match for Kirby Bear at all."

"Why didn't the general assign these [-] Xianbei households to the Wuye tribe?" Li Su asked puzzledly from the side, "King Shemoci of Southern Xianbei, his sons Sheyingtong and Shehu are all desert warriors. , enough to deal with Kirby Bear."

Li Hong glanced at him, and said in a low voice: "In the past few years, the strength of the Wuye tribe has grown too fast. If we give him more people, I am afraid that it will not be Kirby Bear who will cause trouble in the desert in the future, but our good friends. "

Several people chatted for a while, and then the topic turned to Liaodong.

Fuyu's iron cavalry withdrew quickly before the army reached Xuantu County.Fuyu Wang Wei Qiutai was worried about being attacked by the Han army, so he sent people several times to plead guilty and surrender, hoping to be pardoned by the emperor of Han.The Gaoguli people originally lived in Xuantu County, and they only had a few thousand cavalry. After learning that the Xianbei people were defeated by the Han army, they fled to Fuyu country.

"Brother Yuxing, you haven't dealt with these matters yet?" Li Hong asked with a smile, "You have the final say on the affairs of Youzhou now, and you can make up your own mind and report to the imperial court. The main reason for my visit to Liaodong this time is For Gongsundu. After meeting Gongsundu, I will go to Jizhou."

"You're not going back to Jinyang?" Xian Yufu asked in surprise.

"Go to Jizhou first." Li Hong explained, "The imperial court has spread the news of the chaos in northern Xinjiang. It can make the war in the Central Plains more intense, and we may launch an attack in advance. After arriving in Jizhou, I will meet with the commander of the Seventh Battalion to make specific arrangements for the attack on the Central Plains, and then I plan to have a good talk with Zang Ba."

"Attack the Central Plains so soon?" Li Su exclaimed excitedly, "General, when will our Youzhou cavalry go south?"

"What are you in a hurry for?" Li Hong said with a smile, "After the matter in Liaodong is over, you will lead the infantry army from Youzhou to dig two canals in Zhuojun and Guangyang."

"Dig the canal?" Li Su asked incredulously, "General, you want me to take the soldiers to dig the canal?"

"Yes." Li Hong pointed to Dong Zhao beside him and said, "When Mr. Dong was in the desert, he discussed with me about quelling the rebellion in Liaodong. The most difficult thing to put down the rebellion in Liaodong was the transportation of food, grass and supplies. From Zhuojun It is more than 500 miles to Liaodong, and the road is difficult and difficult, which is very inconvenient. For this reason, Master Dong suggested transporting grain by sea."

"When transporting grain from the sea, it is also necessary to transport grain from Zhuojun to the sea. In order to save manpower and material resources, Mr. Dong proposed to dig two channels to connect Zhuojun with Juma River and Gushui River. The grain is transported to the seaside by the river, and then the grain is transported to Liaodong by sea boats."

Li Hong looked at the bewildered Li Su and said with a smile, "If you want to go to the Central Plains to fight, you should repair these two canals as soon as possible."

"General, the Liaodong matter is over." Li Su smiled wryly.

"It's not over." Li Hong waved his horsewhip, and sneered, "This time, in order to pacify the Central Plains, the big man endured humiliation. Those who should be killed were not killed, and those who should be exterminated did not exterminate the country. These wolves did not eat meat or drink blood." How can you give up? The battle in Liaodong will continue to be fought sooner or later, so these two canals must be repaired as soon as possible."

Xian Yufu looked at Dong Zhao attentively, with a look of admiration on his face, "With these two canals, Zhuojun's grain can be transported to Liaodong at the fastest speed with the least loss. This is very beneficial to the stability of Liaodong. Mr. Dong has made great achievements."

Dong Zhao hastily said a few words of modesty.

"What's going on with Gongsun Du?" Li Hong turned his gaze to Yu Peng, "Does he have any explanation?"


(End of this chapter)

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