Great Han Empire

Chapter 796 The heroic chapter in troubled times is on the line

Chapter 796
Sima Fugan of the General's Mansion explained the situation of suppressing the Liaodong rebellion.

Mr. Xianyu faithfully carried out the court's will, successfully recruited the Karasuma people, and used the Karasuma people's iron cavalry to defeat the rebellion of the Hu tribes such as the Xianbei people and the Fuyu people. He stabilized Liaodong at the shortest cost and saved a lot of manpower for the court. Material resources, so that the imperial court's attack on the Central Plains within the predetermined time became a reality.

In the past year, the conquests among various forces in the Central Plains have been one after another, far more intense and complicated than the court originally expected, especially the sudden rise of four new forces in Yizhou Liu Zhang, Jiangdong Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Xijiang Ma Chao. It made it very difficult for the court to pacify the world as soon as possible.In view of the unpredictable and complicated situation in the world, the imperial court decided that next year's Central Plains War will not only start as scheduled, but also win but never lose.The slower the pace of the court's pacification of the world, the longer it takes, the greater the power of rebellion in various places, which is very detrimental to the great cause of the great Han Zhongxing.

Judging from the situation we have so far, Yuan Shao, the rebel who hindered ZTE's great cause the most, quickly resolved the chaos in Guanzhong this year because of Ma Chao's disaster in Western Xinjiang. He had to quickly shift his attention to Jianghuai, so he didn't fight a battle this year, and his strength recovered quickly.

Many new policies implemented by Yuan Shao in the Guan, Luo, and Henan areas have begun to take effect in recent years.Guan, Luo, and Yu areas are full of high-ranking families and scholars, and many of Yuan Shao's policies are deeply supported by the elites, which gives him enough strength to implement and promote the New Deal.Yuan Shao's recovery speed was very fast, exceeding our original expectations.It is said that this year he has recruited a large number of troops to supplement the army, and the amount of food collection and ordnance production is also very large. The Luoyang arsenal and grain depot are already full of various materials.

In addition, according to the latest news we have received, Yuan Shao has decided to target the Central Plains for next year after he learned that the Hu tribes in northern Xinjiang rebelled, the main force of the northern Xinjiang army went northward and the threat to the north of Guanluo was greatly reduced. .

According to Yuan Shao's goal, he is very likely to abandon Yuan Shu in the near future, drive Yuan Shu to a dead end, and then force Yuan Shu to launch a crazy counterattack, fighting Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce to the death.Yuan Shu was defeated and Cao Cao and Liu Bei lost their troops. At this time, Yuan Shao could take the opportunity to attack the Central Plains and suppress Cao Cao and Liu Bei to the front line of Jianghuai and Xu, thus occupying an absolute advantage in strength and becoming the overlord of all forces again.

We believe that Yuan Shao's strategy can be completely successful.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei have been fighting Yuan Shu this year in order to regain the Central Plains and Xiapi County in Xuzhou. During this period, the Yellow Turban Year of Qingzhou also took the initiative to attack Xuzhou twice, forcing Xuzhou to fight on two fronts.Since the Yizhou War, the strength of Cao Cao and Liu Bei has not been restored.Although Cao Cao was also recruiting soldiers, even in order to control the loss of soldiers, he also imitated Hebei's recruit system and implemented the "Scholar Family System", changing some of the soldiers in the fields into generations of military households.Liu Bei also got supplementary troops because of Guan Yu's victory over the Yellow Turban Army in Zhengrong Valley.However, the recovery of troops does not represent the recovery of their own strength.

Cao Cao and Liu Bei also encountered the shortage of wealth in their respective states and counties.Yanzhou was depressed due to the drought last year and Yuan Shu's plunder, and it seemed reluctant to protect itself.Because Xuzhou provided food and grass for the expeditionary armies of Yan and Xu for two consecutive years, and was attacked by Yuan Shu again, Xuzhou's wealth was seriously overdrawn.In order to support it, Liu Bei had to order an increase in taxes and borrow on credit from the rich and powerful in Xuzhou, and the contradictions between Xuzhou and the upper and lower became very intense.

When Yuan Shu wanted to fight back frantically and Yuan Shao wanted to seize the Central Plains, for their own survival, Cao Cao and Liu Bei might take advantage of the conflicts between the Yuan brothers to stop the competition for Jianghuai, negotiate a peace with Yuan Shu in private, and turn to fight Yuan Shao together.

Like Yuan Shao, we don't want the war between Jianghuai and Huaihe to stop, so we will take the initiative to attack Yuan Shao in the next year, firmly restrain Yuan Shao's troops, and let the Jianghuai war continue.

The battlefield to attack Yuan Shao is in Hanoi.

The battlefield in Hanoi must be fought hard and fiercely, and Yuan Shao's main force must be attracted to defend Luoyang, so that he is temporarily unable to take care of Jiang Zhun. In this way, Cao Cao and Liu Bei must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and muster their last strength to defeat Yuan Shu. Seize Jiang Zhun to completely solve their worries.

When the Jianghuai War entered the most intense stage, we took advantage of the time when Cao Cao and Liu Bei were scarred, and when Yuan Shao was entangled in Hanoi, we assembled an army of 20 and vented down, divided into three groups, and rushed to the Central Plains at the same time. Strive to win the Central Plains in the shortest time and at the lowest cost before the forces of all parties form an alliance to fight against Hebei.


"A 20 army?" Wang Dang stared wide-eyed and asked in surprise, "General, the troops from the Five Battalions in Hedong will also be transferred to Yizhou to attack the Central Plains with us?"

"The troops of the Five Battalions in Hedong cannot be moved." Fu Gan said with a wave of his hand, "The troops of Hedong are the most important force to contain the troops during the Central Plains War, and they will also be the main force for attacking Guanzhong and Kanxi in the future. They were recruited to the Central Plains battlefield. In addition, there is no possibility of secrecy in such a large-scale troop deployment for thousands of miles, which will expose our intention to attack the Central Plains prematurely, which is very detrimental to the upcoming Central Plains war.”

"Where did the 20 troops come from?" Gao Shun looked at Wei Yan who was sitting opposite, and asked suspiciously.

When this prisoner from the Yizhou battlefield suddenly appeared in front of the generals as the head of the general's mansion, the commanders of the seven battalions in Yizhou were all surprised.When Wei Yan just surrendered, he was depressed, and Gao Shun often comforted him, which made Wei Yan always grateful.During this meeting, Wei Yan thanked Gao Shun very much, and the two seemed very close because of this.

"Even if Zang Ba in Qingzhou is willing to follow us to attack the Central Plains, due to Guan Cheng and Wu Ba's defeat in Zhengrong Valley not long ago, Qingzhou lost troops and lost generals. This time he can send [-] troops, which is very good." Thinking of what the general said just now Going to Qingzhou to meet Zang Ba, Gao Lan immediately thought of the purpose of the general's trip.Maybe the general wants to persuade Zang Ba to attack the Central Plains with the northern Xinjiang army.

"The seven battalions in Yizhou have [-] troops, and the southern and northern armies have [-] troops." Wei Yan said to the generals with a smile, "The other [-] troops are the cavalry outside the Great Wall in northern Xinjiang. The general will go north to the desert this year to patrol the frontier fortress. The main purpose is to recruit troops from the Hu tribes to go south to participate in the Central Plains War."

The generals were taken aback, and everyone stared at the general Li Hong in dumbfounded.

"Seventy thousand?" Xu Huang hurriedly asked, "Ten thousand of the seventy thousand troops are our own cavalry outside the Great Wall?"

"After the iron cavalry of the various tribes of the Hu tribe go south, the defensive force in the desert can be reduced, so out of the [-] troops, [-] are our own iron cavalry." Wei Yanjie said.

"Forty thousand horses going south to the Central Plains?"

The generals were very shocked.

"General, in the past 400 years of the Han Dynasty, there has never been an iron cavalry of the Hu tribe set foot in the Central Plains." Zhang Liao said worriedly, "General, you must be careful about this matter and think twice."

"Whether it is ordinary people, county officials, or even northern army officers and soldiers, it is very difficult to accept the Hu tribe's iron cavalry stepping into the Central Plains." Zhang He also said worriedly, "The same is true for the Hu people. They may be out of hatred and fear. , low self-esteem, or other reasons, and the people of the big Han, and our army officers and soldiers. Conscripting the Hu cavalry to go south to join the war, the consequences are really worrying."

Wang Dang and others expressed their own opinions and opposed the matter.

In order to win the Great War in the Central Plains, we need iron cavalry, but the general was worried that after the iron cavalry outside the Great Wall went south, the troops stationed in the desert would be seriously insufficient. Stability, this approach is wrong.

Hu people are Hu people, they are not big Han people.


Li Hong shook his head and did not speak.

Shi Jiaxu, the chief of the General's Mansion, stood up and pointed out all the political consequences of the court's deprivation of the Hu tribe's vassal status and the fact that the Hu tribe submitted their household registrations to the court, as well as the many impacts arising from it. And in the future, it has made a detailed and thorough explanation of the significance of ZTE's great cause.

The generals understood, but they were still brooding about the fact that the Hu tribe's iron cavalry went south to join the war.The internal affairs of the Han people should be resolved by the Han people themselves. Why must the Hu people be involved?Even if you win, you won't win with force and with disgrace.Could it be that the imperial court said that Hu people who entered the Han Dynasty are all Han people, and that the big Han people can accept Hu people?Can a barbarian obey a big man?Can the hatred between the two that lasted for hundreds of years be wiped out?Crap.

"This matter is a matter for the emperor and the court." Li Hong didn't want to get too entangled in this matter, "The decisions made by the emperor and the court are all for the great cause of the great Han Zhongxing. It doesn't matter if you don't understand some things. Good war, just kill the rebels and put down the world. If you can understand the affairs of the court, then why do you need ministers like Sangong Jiuqing?"

The generals laughed.That's right, my group of warriors don't have the ability to govern the country, as long as we fight well and win the battle, it's useless to think too much.The general himself doesn't stay in Jinyang, let alone us.

"Don't worry too much." Li Hong said with a smile, "After the Hu tribe's cavalry army is assembled, I will personally lead it southward, and there will be no problems."

Then he pointed to Zhang Liao and said, "When and how the battle in Hanoi will start is directly related to the beginning of the war in the Central Plains. Before I return to Jinyang, you give me the plan for the battle in Hanoi, and I will take it to Jinyang." .”

Zhang Liao bowed to his orders.

Next, Li Hong, Jia Xu and others explained in detail about the assembly and deployment of troops, the accumulation of food, grass and military equipment, etc., and asked the generals to do a good job in the early preparations for the Central Plains War.


In mid-November, accompanied by Guo Ce, Gao Lan, Gao Shun and others, Li Hong arrived in Ganling City in Ganling County.

Xu Hun, Minister of Ganling, Weizheng, Minister of Hejian, Song Wen, Prefect of Bohai County, and Mi Heng, Prefect of Pingyuan County, came to pay their respects.

Since Zang Ba handed over the counties and counties of Pingyuan County located in the south of the Yellow River to Hebei, the imperial court appointed a prefect.Li Hong knew Mi Heng when he was in Jinyang. At that time, he was Yilang in the court. He was very talented.This person is proud of his talent, has a sharp tongue, often speaks surprisingly, and has repeatedly remonstrated in the court.Because his mouth is so powerful, the people in the court are very indifferent to him, on the contrary, the students in Jinyang University like him very much.

The eldest princess thought that he was too arrogant to be reused, and even Kong Rong who recommended him suffered a disaster, so he could only give in in Lantai.Prime Minister Cai Yong admired Mi Heng very much, and this time he got the opportunity, he strongly recommended Mi Heng as the prefect of Pingyuan County.The eldest princess said that Mi Heng is from Pingyuan County, and according to the laws of the Han Dynasty, he cannot hold office in Pingyuan County.Later, Xun You, the supervisor of Zhongshu, came forward to speak out, saying that Ni Heng had a thorough understanding of the new policy, and he was especially in favor of the policy of land cuts and tax rents and shady households. He mentioned this policy more than once during the debate in the Jinyang University Hall The benefits to Dahan Zhongxing.Xun You said that this person can not only be used, but also reused. With his means, this policy can be promoted and implemented in Pingyuan County.Reluctantly, the eldest princess approved Mi Heng's appointment.

After Li Hong exchanged pleasantries with the other officials, he asked in detail about the implementation of the imperial court's new policy, the collection of wealth and the living conditions of the people in the past year.

Several high officials looked excited, thinking that the New Deal had gradually revealed its strong vitality.

Three years after the implementation of the dictation land system and its supporting new tax system, the results have been remarkable. The taxes in all counties and counties have greatly increased, and the lives of the people have also been greatly improved.In particular, several big officials praised that the salaries of officials were not only guaranteed due to the implementation of the New Deal, but also increased by a large margin, which greatly improved the administration of officials in Hebei.

After the great victory in Yizhou, the people saw the hope of a better life, the collection of wealth and corvee were very active, and the situation in all aspects of Jizhou was very stable.

Li Hong then asked about the implementation of the policy of land cuts and renting shaded households.This is a policy strongly promoted by the eldest princess. It is an improvement and supplement to the new land system and the new taxation system. If it can be implemented smoothly, it can ensure the stability of Dahan for a long period of time.

Several high officials all set their sights on Mi Heng.

"This policy has dealt a severe blow to the rich and powerful in various counties and counties. Although the prestige of the emperor and the court has greatly increased after the victory in Jizhou, this method of directly robbing the rich and powerful has met with great resistance and resistance in various places. "Guo Ce pointed at Mi Heng, and said with a wry smile, "Except for our talented Master Mi, the other masters are a little helpless."

Li Hong looked at Mi Heng in surprise, "What's your master plan?"

"The eldest princess specially formulated a new law in order to implement the new policy smoothly." You Heng sneered, "Whoever dares to hide in the shade, the imperial court will deprive him of his civil status within the nine clans. It is up to them whether they want money or officials." choice."

"Deprivation of scholar status." Li Hong said in surprise, "You did it?"

"This kind of people are rebels who destroy the country. They should be sentenced to exile for three thousand miles and sent to the desert to herd sheep." Mi Heng said loudly, "The eldest princess is too kind. Back then, Emperor Xiaowu opened up borders to stabilize the frontier. Tu, once promulgated the Min (min) order to crack down on greedy merchants. In a short period of time, the merchants disappeared and the treasury was filled. Today, in order to revitalize the Han Dynasty, the imperial court should severely punish and punish these merchants. The big man who doesn't care is moth. Kill them, the big man will revive faster, and the society will be more stable."

Li Hong and everyone were dumbfounded.


(End of this chapter)

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