Chapter 273

Philip Sanders understood what Joe Dumars meant, and after thinking for a while, he said: "With the current momentum of the Cavaliers and Heat, how could they both become the top three in the Eastern Conference.

So in the playoffs, no matter whether we are in the upper half or the lower half, we will definitely meet one of the teams. "

Joe Dumars nodded.

"I don't want to meet the Heat early in the playoffs."

Having said that, Philip Sanders finally understood why Joe Dumars called him over to talk alone.

The Pistons want to treat the Cavaliers as their imaginary enemy, and they want to step over their dead bodies to meet the Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals in the playoffs.

After all, the Heat have O'Neal who has won three consecutive championships, and he has extremely rich experience in the playoffs.

No team in the East is willing to run into them early.

What's more, now the Heat's Wade has gradually become the top scorer in the league, and it will be a killer in the playoffs.

Anyone who encounters them will be frightened.

But the key is that the Cavaliers are also in the limelight this season!

Therefore, Dumars is very worried that after the playoffs, the Pistons will be hacked by the Cavaliers.

"Take it easy, Joe.

I will think of a solution to the Cavaliers!

Even though James already has a certain shooting ability, their lineup depth is not strong! "

Zhao Hao, who continued to follow the Cavaliers on the road, suddenly received a text message from Aden.

It turned out that General Motors had already confirmed the shooting time of the advertisement, which was set on December 12th.

That's the night before the Christmas fight.

Considering that Zhao Hao will have a Christmas game against the Lakers on the next day, GM also decided to shoot the advertisement in Los Angeles in a very humane way!
At the same time, Zhao Hao also received a gift from Li Ning.

A total of 50 pairs of newly-made player exclusive boots, the name has also been chosen, Zhao Haozhi Dao Generation.

Hearing this name, Zhao Hao was almost speechless.

I am afraid that the person who took this name is the one who designed the sneakers for Sau Wei, otherwise why are the names so similar.

Fortunately, Zhao Hao bought a mansion now, and there are plenty of empty spaces, otherwise he would not know where to put so many shoes.

Of course, Li Ning also made a request to Zhao Hao at the same time.

That was the first appearance of the new sneakers, which had to be the night of the Christmas game.

They also extremely hope that Zhao Hao can lead the team to victory that night, adding more exposure to the sneakers.

After the game against the Raptors, Magic and Jazz, Zhao Hao also hurried to the scene of the commercial shooting without stopping.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, he saw rows of uniform big Hummers, and countless staff members were nervously arranging the shooting location.

"Hey, it's just an advertisement, it needs such a big battle?"

Just when Zhao Hao was curious, Aden, who had arrived early, saw him, and hurried over and pulled him outside a separate room.

"Let me tell you, the person in the room is the person who is cooperating with you to shoot the commercial this time, a proper big star, don't be timid later!"

Stage fright?

The more Zhao Hao listened, the more curious he became.

This is just shooting an advertisement, how old a star should I be?

The point is that I'm a fucking star too!

Just not famous enough.
Besides, to shoot an advertisement for a manly car like the Hummer, at most, the person invited is an American-standard muscular man.

Schwarzenegger?Dwayne Johnson?Or Stallone?
It's just a muscular man, it's just a man plus a man, have I seen it?

With such questions in mind, Zhao Hao strode in directly.

There is a girl sitting in the room with her back to the door doing makeup.

Zhao Hao let out a startled sound.

Anne Hathaway turned her head and glanced at Zhao Hao.

"You are Zhao Hao from the Cavaliers?

Well, this body is quite strong for playing in the NBA. "

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Hao almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Are crooked nuts so straightforward? What does it mean to evaluate a strong body face to face?

However, when Zhao Hao found out that Anne Hathaway was cooperating with him in shooting commercials, let alone he was a little excited.

After all, Zhao Hao in his previous life had watched almost all of Anne Hathaway's movies.

What Brokeback Mountain, Love and Elixirs
Tsk tsk, it's really beautiful.

Especially Hathaway's big eyes are simply attractive.

It's just that after seeing the real person with his own eyes, Zhao Hao really wanted to say that the movies are all lies.

She is much more beautiful than she looks on TV!
Seeing Zhao Hao staring at her tightly without turning his eyes, Hathaway couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Have you never seen a woman or what?"

Zhao Hao quickly looked away, and said honestly, "I've never seen such a cute girl."

At this time, the planner who designed the advertisement also walked in.

In order not to delay the time of the two of them, he explained the content of the commercial shooting in a simple and clear manner.

Hummer, a sub-brand of GM, has been working on the design concept of large space and slowing vibration.

So the purpose of shooting the advertisement this time is also to show these advantages as much as possible.

That is to say, the picture taken must present the two together.

The large space, of course, can hold two people in it without getting in the way.

Slow down the vibration, naturally how it shakes and shakes, it looks so quiet outside!
It is not necessary to meet such requirements.
After listening to the explanation, Zhao Hao looked at the wretched designer with a shocked look on his face.

The content of the ad he designed is actually that!
It is to let Zhao Hao and Hathaway move around in the car.

"I suspect you're driving."

The designer quickly shook his head and said negatively, "You're not right, I'm selling cars."

At this moment, Hathaway glanced at the two of them speechlessly, and said, "Okay, he sells cars, you drive.

I have two more parties tonight, so let's hurry up without delay. "

After speaking, Hathaway immediately changed into the costumes for shooting.

It's still Victoria's Secret!
And Zhao Hao also glanced at the clothes prepared for himself.

There is a woolen dress, which is basically a pair of flat pants!

"This nima is definitely not a car for kindergarten!"

The whole shooting process also went very fast.

And the picture is a neat row of Hummers forming a triangle and going straight forward.

Zhao Hao drove the lead car and brought Hathaway, who was smiling sweetly in the car, to the beach.

Then, you gently blow the sea breeze, gently shake the waves
"I heard you're going to compete in Los Angeles tomorrow?" Hathaway was still in that attire, and then generously handed the clothes to Zhao Hao.

After all, Zhao Hao has also seen a man with 30G, so he took it naturally at this time, and then quickly put it on.

"That's right, you should go home and be with your family on Christmas Eve."

Hathaway shook her head.

"I'm so busy at work that it's hard to be with my family.

But I will have time tomorrow night, maybe I will watch your game then. "

Zhao Hao understands this very well.

After all, with Anne Hathaway's reputation, the daily schedule must be full.

It must be difficult to have time to watch his games.

At this time, Hathaway was also preparing to leave with the help of her assistant.

It's just that at the moment of departure, she suddenly stopped and took a look at Zhao Hao.

"You didn't behave naturally just now, shy boy."

What the hell!

Zhao Hao was speechless, this was simply saying that he couldn't do it.

"Don't you still want real guns and live ammunition!"

 Thanks to the big guy acritao who loves to read books, Xuexu, who even has a nickname, Xuhui Puzhengya, Xinghe, light sky, Quzhi,,,, 661209, 隠ゝ投, Fengjuan@走yong, snapping fingers like smoke Guy's monthly pass.

  Thanks for the votes guys.


(End of this chapter)

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