Chapter 147

Su Qiao smiled and did not deny it, and said to her boyfriend: "See how you dote on her."

The boy raised his eyebrows with high spirits, "I like it."

Su Qiao smiled, and Mo Qinghuan didn't explain either. She knew they had a good relationship with Su Qiao, and she was just joking, but she was sensitive when explaining seriously, and they left the coffee shop together under the gaze of five pairs of eyes.

"Aren't you unhappy?" Su Qiao asked nervously when she got outside.

Mo Qinghuan shook her head, "Your friends are all good-natured and know how to measure. I understand that they are joking."

While Su Qiao was relieved, she was also a little bit disappointed. If she minded, she would definitely make it clear. The reason why she didn't mind was because she didn't take it seriously, and her frankness was a bit hurtful.

Taking the elevator to the top of the shopping mall, Christmas trees and Christmas decorations can be seen everywhere, which is much more lively than usual. I went to the counters with Su Qiao and found no suitable gifts.

"What gift did you give your mother last year and was rejected?" Mo Qinghuan asked casually.

"Scarves." Su Qiao said: "My mother likes small accessories such as silk scarves and brooches, but she has too many silk scarves. She picked it."

Mo Qing laughed and said, "Is it because there is no surprise feeling? It's like I have a box of apples, and if you give me another apple, you will feel that you are just perfunctory and don't pay attention to it at all."

"That makes sense." Su Qiao nodded, and then felt a little distressed, "But I really don't know what she would like to give." Because his mother has everything, and she would be disgusted and dishonest if she gave her anything.

"Think about what she likes to do the most? Or what she often whispers in your ear, what she often whispers must be what she likes." Mo Qinghuan suggested.

Su Qiao frowned when she heard this. His mother often whispered in his ears, besides missing him, let him go back to City B earlier, and let him spend more time with Qi Wen. Fortunately, didn't the latter send himself out?The relationship with Qi Wen has not been explained to Mo Qinghuan, how can the misunderstanding be further deepened?

Seeing his embarrassment, Mo Qinghuan knew it wouldn't work, so he changed the direction and suggested, "Why don't you make a gift with your own hands, no matter how good you buy it, it can't be as good as making it with your own hands."

Now Su Qiao is even more difficult, "I have given it away, she has collected a large box, and she has not cared about the things I made by myself for a long time."

"..." Mo Qinghuan looked at him speechlessly. Judging from her mother's current situation, she was almost invulnerable and nothing could enter her eyes. Mo Qinghuan suddenly thought that her mother was so gentle, a bouquet of flowers The cake can be happy for a long time, so satisfying.

"Let's watch and think about it." Su Qiao said apologetically.

Mo Qinghuan nodded, and no longer suggested blindly. After all, she didn't know Su Qiao's mother well. Su Qiao's carefully selected gifts could be disliked. As an outsider, it was even more difficult for her to guess what other people liked. Anyway, she I'm also here to be a staff officer, not responsible for picking gifts.

"Why don't you tell me about the impressive gifts you received, so I can refer to them?" Su Qiao said while walking.

"Forgot." Mo Qinghuan said simply.

"Forgot?" Su Qiao was surprised, can this also be forgotten?

"It's been too long, I've forgotten it long ago." The gifts that used to make her happy were all from Chu Min, and those from others were put aside. It's just that after so many years, and now that they have faded out of each other's lives, she has long since I don't remember any gift he gave her that impressed her. He never put his heart into it, so how can there be a special gift?
Su Qiao couldn't understand her words, she didn't know if she didn't care about other people's gifts, or the gift giver didn't care, that's why she didn't remember.

(End of this chapter)

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