Chapter 15

Oh, what a breath!
Mo Qinghuan immediately made a decision, "Okay, come home with me after school tomorrow."

She just likes someone who is so confident!

Saying goodbye to Su Qiao, Mo Qinghuan waved her hand to stop a taxi, but before the car stopped, a hand was stretched out from behind to cover her mouth, dragged her into a van, closed the door, and left quickly.

Mo Qinghuan struggled in horror, trying to see who kidnapped her, but was blindfolded, and then tied her hands and feet.

Mo Qing couldn't help sinking her heart, startled and anxious, who are they, and who is the person who kidnapped her?The bad thing is, no one knows that she was kidnapped, even if she was killed, no one would know!

calm!Don't panic!Mo Qinghuan kept building up her heart. The more dangerous the situation, the more she should not panic. Every detail could be a clue to her rescue. Before the most desperate moment, she must stay calm!

After driving for about half an hour, they arrived at an abandoned factory surrounded by demolition ruins. Almost no one came here. Mo Qinghuan was taken into a small room and locked up.

Along the way, Mo Qinghuan tried to talk to them, but no one paid attention to her. Until she was locked up, no one said a word. Until now, Mo Qinghuan didn't know how many people were in the other party, whether they were male or female, whether they were It's a local, how old, and has no useful information. She only knows that there is at least one man, the one who dragged her into the car.

Time passed by, and Mo Qinghuan seemed to be forgotten. No one came to see her, and no one came to communicate with her, and she ignored her.

What was their purpose in arresting her?
"Bang!" The door was kicked open suddenly, and a group of people rushed in, seeming to be holding weapons. Mo Qinghuan heard the sound of sticks being dragged on the ground.

"Hit!" A short female voice sounded.

Mo Qinghuan was shocked, girl!Could it be Mo Ziting?No, the voice doesn't sound like it. Mo Ziting's voice is softer than this even if it is harsh. If it's not Mo Ziting, who could it be? Who else hates her so much that she wants to be kidnapped?
The sound of the stick mopping the floor was getting closer, and Mo Qinghuan felt that the other party was approaching him, and his heart suddenly arose.


A scream came from outside the door, followed by another howl, and then there were screams and fighting sounds, one after another.

Mo Qinghuan was tied up and couldn't move his hands and feet, his mouth was sealed, his eyes were blindfolded, and he didn't know what was going on. He could only hear more and more screams and confusion, as if he was in a group fight.Is there internal strife, at this time?
"Go, this way." In the confusion, Mo Qinghuan heard a deep male voice, which was as unfamiliar as the female voice just now.

Soon, the chaos gradually subsided, and a group of people seemed to be running about the same. Mo Qinghuan leaned against the wall, and her heart became strangely quiet. She knew that someone was coming to save her.

A person walked up to her, knelt down and untied the rope on his hand, and as soon as his hand was free, Mo Qinghuan tore off the tape on his mouth, lifted the cloth over his eyes, and saw the boy with blood hanging from the corner of his mouth bowing his head to help her. She untied the rope from her feet.

"Su Qiao."

Su Qiao threw away the rope, raised her head and smiled at her, "I saw you kidnapped into the car from the glass window at the corner, so I quietly followed."

Mo Qinghuan looked at him, there were many scratches on his face, and he didn't know if there were other injuries on his body, "Are you alone?"

"I called the police." Su Qiao stretched out her hand and asked, "Can you stand up?"

Mo Qinghuan took his hand, but she didn't have any strength in her feet. Only then did she remember that she had only drank a cup of coffee from noon until now, and she was so hungry that she had no energy.

"Forget it, I'll sit down for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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