Chapter 166

Su Qiao paused and froze there.

Mo Qinghuan woke up after a good night's sleep, and packed up her things in good spirits. Yesterday, a few people at Shen Yu's house were talking, and suddenly they decided to go climbing to watch the fireworks together today. There is a mountain in the suburbs next to City C. The newly developed tourist attraction in the past two years held a Christmas fireworks show there this year. A few people were fine anyway, so they went to join in the fun.

After finishing halfway, Ye Yun came to knock on the door.

"Qing Huan, are you ready?" He poked his head in and asked.

"It's coming, it's coming." Stuffing the blanket into the bag, Mo Qinghuan turned around to look for her scarf and gloves.

Several people felt that staying there for one night, Ye Yun had even asked for a day off for Mo Qinghuan in advance, there were many people yesterday, and most people would go to work or school on Monday tomorrow, so tonight is the best time to enjoy the fireworks.

When Mo Qinghuan was packing her things, her cell phone on the bed kept blinking. Ye Yun walked over to see that the Mo family hadn't given up on asking Mo Qinghuan to intercede.

"The Mo family is calling, do you want me to answer it for you?" Ye Yun asked the busy Mo Qinghuan while holding the phone.

"No answer." It's rare to go out to play once, so as not to be disturbed by them, "Just turn off the phone for me, I won't bring my phone today."

Ye Yun was about to turn off the phone when he hung up over there, but at this moment he suddenly jumped in and sent a text message, and he opened it casually, "Your grandma is sick, come to the hospital to see her?"

With a sneer, Ye Yun deleted it directly, and then quickly shut down the phone. The Mo family has so many tricks, and they even started to pretend to be sick to show sympathy. They really think they are stupid.

It happened that Mo Qinghuan had also packed up, "Let's go."

Ye Yun picked up her bag, lifted it, and asked, "What's so heavy?"

"Want to know?" She turned around and smiled, "I won't tell you."

Ye Yun stretched out his finger and tapped her forehead, "You are so proud."

After talking to Mr. Ye, the two went downstairs. Shen Yu and Ji Zhuo were already waiting for them downstairs. Today they didn't take anyone with them, so the four of them drove there.

But on the matter of who should drive, several people had disagreements. Sitting in the back seat, Mo Qinghuan watched them arguing over who should drive first, as if he saw several company bosses arguing at the conference table over the project , couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Let's draw lots." Mo Qinghuan got out of the car and walked to them, with three balls of paper lying in his hands, "Each person will take one, and whoever draws the circle will open it."

The three took one each, and Mo Qinghuan pointed to Ye Yun and said, "Brother, open it first."

Ye Yun opened it, and the paper was blank, he smiled, "Accept."

Mo Qinghuan looked at Shen Yu again, "What about yours, open it and have a look."

According to Shen Yu's words, he unfolded the ball of paper and saw that it was blank.

"Everyone expects it!" Mo Qinghuan took back the ball of paper in their hands, smiled and looked at Ji Zhuo, "Please!"

The corners of Ji Zhuo's eyes twitched, how could he be so unlucky!

(End of this chapter)

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