Chapter 181

Mo Qinghuan returned home, brushed her hair after taking a shower, took out her mobile phone and called Mr. Fu who was far away in City B.

"How is your investigation?" Mo Qinghuan asked. In fact, Mr. Fu still has the ability, but his investigation speed is too slow. She is going to discuss with Ji Zhuo, or let the two of them major Check it out together, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

"Zhao Yuya didn't leave many clues, and someone eliminated a lot of traces for her. The people behind her are quite powerful, and if they continue to investigate, they will find out." Mr. Fu said.

"It's He Yongping?"

Mr. Fu was taken aback, "You know him?"

"Why don't you go back to City C first. There is someone here who wants to introduce you. He is very good at looking up things." Mo Zaizai said.

Mr. Fu's professional field was threatened, and he was a little unconvinced, and said: "I may not be able to investigate the front, but I can start from the side. I just got an insider information that you don't know. Are you sure you want me to give up now?" ?”

Mo Qinghuan smiled, "Mr. Fu, I now understand what you are best at."

Mr. Fu was a little proud and asked, "What?"


Mr. Fu: "..." He suddenly wanted to cancel the cooperation!Is there such a thing as demolition?

"Just kidding, Mr. Fu has helped me so much, can a little gossip reporter compare?"

"Don't talk about it..." Mr. Fu rubbed his forehead, and the more he talked, the more angry he said, "He Yongping has vague relationships with many women, the latest one is a college student, and she has a best friend named Zhou Na. "

"Zhou Na?" Mo Qinghuan was startled, "Which Zhou Na are you talking about?"

"It's for your tutor Zhou Na."

Why is this world so small, this can happen!
Mo Qinghuan rubbed her forehead and switched hands to listen to the phone, "Do you think Zhou Na knows about that girl?"

"No, she probably doesn't know." Mr. Fu said, "That girl is very low-key, a little smart, and never reveals her and He Yongping's affairs to the outside world. Having a boyfriend, I don’t know if it refers to He Yongping, there are some things she can’t tell others, but she might tell Zhou Na, after all Zhou Na is not in City B, and she won’t notice anything if she mentions it.”

Mo Qinghuan immediately understood, "I see, thank you, Mr. Fu, I will go to Zhou Na's side to test it out, and we will contact you later." Just as she was about to hang up, she said again: "By the way, tell that boy for me Let’s see, we have all the evidence about him, and we can sue Mo Ziting at any time, but I want you to help me convince him, and see if we can wait, I want to wait for a good time.”

"No problem, leave it to me." Mr. Fu agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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