Chapter 24

Xu Wen's teeth were a little gritty, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him and said, "Usually we have lawyers to deal with things like compensation."

It means that she is not qualified to speak to Mr. Shen directly!
These people are really tired of living, can't they just speak directly, in a roundabout way!
Xu Wen was stimulated by Mo Qinghuan's sympathetic eyes before he left, and couldn't help complaining to Mr. Shen: "Why is she so annoying, I don't know whether to call her stupid, or to say that the ignorant are fearless!"

"You were influenced by her." Mr. Shen stood up and left, ignoring Xu Wen whose expression changed drastically.

Two days later, Mo Qinghuan got the results of the private investigator's investigation. She guessed correctly. That tattoo was the logo of a small local gang. It can be considered that she has accumulated some influence, but the gangster who kidnapped her may belong to a relatively low-level idler, and there is nothing to be found there.

"As long as it's their people, it's impossible not to find them. I'm afraid we don't give you any benefits." Mo Qinghuan said to the person on the phone, "You can check again to see if they have any other breakthroughs. It really doesn't work. , I'll think of another way."

The investigation here went fairly smoothly, and Mr. Shen's lawyer also met with him over there, and he paid off the follow-up expenses at one time, and they were considered settled.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Qinghuan ushered in the exam.

Taking the exam for the first time after being reborn, Mo Qinghuan was a little nervous. Thinking of the failure of the college entrance examination that year, it was like falling into a strange circle.

"Don't be nervous, with my teacher here, you will definitely pass the exam. Come on!" Su Qiao's text message came in, Mo Qinghuan turned her head, and saw a boy with a clean smile not far from the corridor, and felt inexplicably at ease.

That's right, she is guided by the number one student in the school, and she will have no problem with the so-called famous teacher who produces excellent apprentices!

Taking a deep breath, Mo Qinghuan gradually calmed down and walked into the examination room firmly.

A week later, the results came out. No. 1 was still Chu Min without any surprises. Mo Qinghuan achieved her goal and took the No. 40 five. Mo Ziting ranked a little ahead, 32.

Mo Shengfan was very happy when he came home in the evening, and he praised Mo Qinghuan for his good performance in the exam, but Mo Ziting, who ranked higher, could only keep up his efforts.

Even Mr. Mo and Mrs. Mo, who usually don't like Mo Qinghuan very much, didn't sarcastically ridicule her, because their attention had already shifted from Mo Qinghuan to Zhao Yuya's stomach, and holding their grandson was what they cared more about. thing.

Mo Ziting was so angry that her stomach hurt, and she vowed to humiliate Mo Qinghuan severely in the piano competition!
"By the way," Mo Shengfan took advantage of everyone's joy and announced, "At the company's anniversary celebration this weekend, I'm going to officially announce my relationship with Yuya. Our family hasn't been this happy for a long time, and we're going to have a big celebration. .”

Mo Ziting finally heard the good news, and looked at Mo Qinghuan happily, but found that the smile on Mo Qinghuan's mouth did not change, as if this matter had nothing to do with her. Strange, why is she so calm?

The calmer Mo Qinghuan's smile became, the more Mo Ziting suspected that she had a ghost. She must be planning to do something secretly, right?

(End of this chapter)

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