Chapter 49

Mo Qinghuan regretted it very much when she learned the reason of the incident. She had already found someone to check it out. She shouldn't have kept Ye Yun from it, and she shouldn't have involved him in it. What she got for a moment of weakness was this Such a result, this is the punishment given to her by God.

In the future, she will handle and bear her own affairs by herself. A person who is alone is not afraid of anything.

"Mr. Fu, please help me contact Brother Hu, I want to see him." Mo Qinghuan's voice was cold, without sadness or anger, and all the emotions at this moment were not as deep as her hatred.

"Okay." Mr. Fu, who knew what she wanted to do, agreed after a moment of silence. Even if he didn't agree, she would find someone else, and she would still do what she wanted to do even if someone stopped her.

Back at the door of the ward again, Mo Qinghuan no longer felt sad. She silently looked at Ye Yun inside, with an expressionless indifference on her face, as if she had decided on something resolutely.

Both Shen Yu and Su Qiao noticed her change, and they were afraid that she would get into trouble, but Shen Yu was not a person who could comfort others, all he could do was stand by her side and give her silent support.

Su Qiao thinks that all consolation is pale. The most useful consolation is Ye Yun waking up out of danger. He does not have this ability. He used to think that he is a top student, and any problem can be easily solved by him. Now he knows that he is So small, there are too many things that he can't do anything about.

Mo Qinghuan didn't know that her change at this moment not only changed her, but also changed the fate of many people.

"Su Qiao, you go back first." Mo Qinghuan turned to him and said, "Thank you for staying with me all night, I have figured it out now, until my brother is out of danger, I will not fall down, nor will I Give up, I will stay here all the time. I can't go to school these two days, can I trouble you to ask for a leave of absence from school?"

Su Qiao saw that her expression was very calm, she was not trying to be brave, and she also knew that she could not help here, so she nodded, "You can stay here with your brother at ease, you don't have to worry about the school, you can find him if you need anything. I, I will help if I can."

Mo Qinghuan nodded gratefully.

After Su Qiao left, only Mo Qinghuan and Shen Yu were left outside the ward. Even though Shen Yu hadn't rested all night, he still stood there with a straight posture. He was telling Mo Qinghuan with actions that there was no need to drive him away. won't go.

Mo Qinghuan didn't intend to let him go. The experts in the United States depended on him to contact them. How could he be missing?The two stood silently outside the ward, and the atmosphere was surprisingly harmonious.

Xu Wen, who left not long ago, came back with a briefcase in one hand and breakfast packed from the hotel in the other, one for Shen Yu and one for Mo Qinghuan.

Mo Qinghuan did not refuse, she thanked her, sat on the chair and ate naturally, as if she often ate like this.

Xu Wen gave her a strange look. I heard that she is a very picky young lady, and the atmosphere of the dishes is not satisfactory. Is it really the young lady he heard about?
It was Shen Yu's first meal in this situation, and he was very unaccustomed to it. After a few bites, he stopped eating, but Mo Qinghuan ate it all silently. This time, not only Xu Wen was surprised, but even Shen Yu looked at her in disbelief. glance.

After dinner, Shen Yu began to read the documents brought by Xu Wen. Even in this situation, he did not delay his work, which shows that his success is not just luck.

Mo Qinghuan silently contacted Mr. Fu by text message, and Mr. Fu was also very responsible. In addition to helping her contact Brother Hu, he also contacted a friend to find a bodyguard so as not to get hurt at that time. Mo Qinghuan was very grateful to him.

(End of this chapter)

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