Chapter 5

"Just now I accidentally fell asleep while waiting for my father to come back. I had a terrible dream. In the dream, a girl whose face could not be seen clearly pinched my neck and scolded me over and over again. I don't know why she scolded me. , Trying to break free, but she picked up a gun and shot me in the heart, saying that my father is hers, and everything I have now belongs to her, she smiled very ferociously and terrifyingly, I The child was awakened, and then just happened to be back, Dad."

Mo Qinghuan's face changed, and she glared at Mo Ziting angrily, "She opened her mouth and called her father, and she also called my sister..."

The meaning of the unfinished words couldn't be clearer. She regarded Mo Ziting as the girl who snatched her father from her in a dream and even shot her dead. It was obvious that she hadn't escaped from the emotion in the dream.

It turned out to be a misunderstanding, Mo Shengfan smiled, "It's okay, it's okay, just talk about it, Qing Huan, it's my father who made you wait for a long time."

What do you mean it's okay, didn't you see that Mo Ziting's face was swollen?Zhao Yuya was so angry that her heart ached, but Mrs. Mo and Mr. Mo were still beside her, so she couldn't say anything, she was so angry!
Mo Ziting covered her face and leaned against Zhao Yuya's arms, feeling angry and hated in her heart, she must pay back ten times and a hundred times this hatred!

"Then who are they? Didn't they come to snatch Dad from me?" Mo Qinghuan asked pretending not to know, staring at Mo Ziting and Zhao Yuya suspiciously, it was really cool to see them deflated.

Mo Shengfan's face froze. If he didn't answer this question well, there would inevitably be another dispute. Just as he was thinking about how to answer so that Mo Qinghuan could accept it, Mo Ziting yelled timidly, "Sister... ..."

Mo Shengfan had never felt that Mo Ziting's voice was so piercing like at this moment!Didn't she add fuel to the fire when she shouted?Fortunately, I thought she was smart and smart before, so why did she become so stupid all of a sudden!
Mo Qinghuan knew what Mo Shengfan was thinking just by looking at Mo Shengfan's expression. Mo Ziting may have used the wrong strategy this time. Being weak is not suitable for every occasion. If there is no "speech" before her, she might be Success, just now, I'm afraid it will only increase resentment.

I thought Mo Qinghuan would make a big fuss, but she was surprisingly quiet, she just looked at Mo Shengfan quietly, as if waiting for his explanation, her face was flushed sickly, obviously sad, delicate little girl However, his face was stubbornly tense, which made Mo Shengfan feel more guilty and self-blaming. It seemed that he hadn't cared about his daughter for too long.

The little girl who used to be petite and willful seems to have grown up, and it is because she has grown up and become more sensible that she becomes more and more sad.

"I'm sorry, Qing Huan..." Mo Shengfan held his daughter's shoulder guiltily, and said in a low voice, "Father shouldn't hide it from you. In fact, Dad has remarried. This is your Aunt Zhao and her daughter Zhao Ziting."

Mo Qinghuan's body swayed, and tears immediately fell down, "It turns out that the dream is real."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Mo Shengfan's explanation, he turned and ran upstairs, and appeared at the top of the stairs a few seconds later, as if swearing loudly, "Mother's master bedroom, none of you are allowed to enter!" Then turned and ran into the master bedroom, locked the door Close it hard.

(End of this chapter)

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