Chapter 67

When Su Qiao brought Mo Qinghuan to the amusement park, Mo Qinghuan couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, the only place most teenage boys could think of was the amusement park.

Although not high-end, Mo Qinghuan was happy from the bottom of her heart, because this was her first visit to the amusement park in two lifetimes.

No one brought her here when she was a child, but when she grew up, she didn't want to come after that age. Does this make up for a regret in her heart?

"Which one do you want to play first?" Su Qiao asked. He didn't know what Mo Qinghuan was thinking, because he thought that girls should like to play these games. Although there was nothing new, girls would never hate them. Besides, Mo Qinghuan seemed to be quite happy, so he thought that his decision was not wrong.

"I want to play each of them, so let's play along one by one?" Mo Qinghuan excitedly pulled Su Qiao to line up.

She is like a child who came to an amusement park for the first time, full of curiosity about everything, Su Qiao accompanied her to play one ride after another, as if she couldn't get enough of it, she would play again if she thought it was fun, Su Qiao He followed her without complaint, and he was also very happy to see her having fun.

The sky darkened quickly, and the amusement park at night was very beautiful, with colorful lights shining in all colors, more beautiful than the stars in the sky.

"The last one!" Mo Qinghuan and Su Qiao stood under the Ferris wheel. She looked up at the huge Ferris wheel. The small boxes that rose slowly were like rising stars, small and insignificant. , but dotted the whole sky.

No matter how small it is, it is an indispensable part, because this beautiful world is made up of one after another, without them, where would we come from?

At this moment, Mo Qinghuan suddenly wanted to understand something, and the depression in his heart disappeared instantly.

It doesn't matter if she is weak now, she can rise slowly like a star to the top of the sky, they want to drive her out of the starry sky, and she just wants to become the most indispensable and shining star in that sky.

"Did you know? Two people who are in love cross the highest point of the Ferris wheel together, and they will never break up again!"

"Really? When I have a boyfriend, I must ride the Ferris wheel with him!"

When queuing up, the two girls in front of them accidentally overheard their conversation. Mo Qing laughed and asked Su Qiao, "Do you believe it?"

Su Qiao was stunned for a moment, why did she ask him this question?

He has always just smiled and would not believe this kind of legend, but many girls are willing to believe it. Rather than believing in the content of the rumor, it is better to believe in the good wish. If you love each other, you will never be separated. Which girl would refuse this kind of blessing? ?
But Mo Qinghuan's narrow smile showed that she didn't believe it at all, which made him have no chance to make her happy.

Su Qiao was taken aback by his own thought. They were clearly not a couple, so why did he feel a sense of loss?

He was silent for a while, and then said: "You need to use a Ferris wheel to maintain a relationship, which shows that love itself is not strong."

The two girls in front glared back at him, but when they saw his face, they immediately blushed and turned their heads away shyly.

Mo Qinghuan covered her mouth and snickered, this Su Qiao was too sincere, even if she thought so in her heart, she shouldn't say it out, isn't this a slap in the face of a girl!
Su Qiao glanced at her angrily and amusedly, she was the one who asked first, anyway, telling the truth and telling lies won't please her, so it's better to tell the truth, could he not answer, wouldn't that be too disrespectful to her Save face?
When it was their turn soon, Mo Qinghuan's cell phone rang suddenly, she took it out to check the number, and took a moment to pick it up, "Hello?"

(End of this chapter)

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